Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1462318-Take-a-Step-Back-Chapter-4
by Bunny
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Family · #1462318
A girl who suffers from an eating disorder.
Rachel stared at the scale. Seventy four pounds. She was back to normal; she was feeling a little better. Not eating those chocolate during Christmas really did help. Rachel left the bathroom to her bedroom. She sat and wrote inside her journal. 'I'm back on track' she wrote in big letters. She noticed her cellphones flashing on the desk. She set down her journal and went to pick it up. She noticed that she had a text message.

This is Ragen. I got your number from a close friend. There is a party tonight at one at Jody Lane's house. There are hot guys. See ya there

Rachel's heart jumped a beat. She was so ecstatic. Ragen invited her too attend a party; Rachel felt her self confidence go up. She was pretty enough to go to a party. She thought to herself; she would get dress up, sneak out and go to the party. Stay for a little while and come home. No one would even suspect she is gone. In pure excitement, she got up and went to her closet. She digged behind a pile of clothes. She pulled out a mini skirt. She hadn't tried this on in awhile. She had it given to her a long time ago and it was way too small. Rachel closed her eyes as she attempted to put it on. Disappointment was clearly across her face. She took it off and through it back into the closet. She settled with a bigger sized skirt. She found it and a tank top. She found a mini jacket that she would wear over her tank top and some high heel boots.

Rachel hid all her stuff under her bed until later. She headed down the hall to the kitchen to do her daily chores. She struggled just to do simple dishes. She really didn't want to spend her day doing dishes. She finished them before heading into the living room. She took a couple diet pills, sat down and watched some television.

At midnight she went into her bedroom to pretend she was sleeping. At twelve thirty she noticed her cell phone flash again. She looked at it was yet another text message from Ragen.

Are you going to come. Text back.

Yes, I'm coming. Trying to get out of my house.

Rachel through her cellphone on the bed. She changed into her outfit. She looked in the mirror. She looked in disgust. She still looked fat but she couldn't do anything about it tonight. She glanced into the hallway to see no one is sight. She took a deep breath and went towards Natalie bedroom. She wasn't in there, a big relief. Rachel tugged on her window, opening it. This was the only window that she could get through. She carefully held on the ledge. Closed the window and careful let her feet hit the ground. She knew that Jody's house was about a twenty minute walk from here. Rachel quickly made her way to there. As she was walking a car stopped and looked at Rachel.

"You need a ride somewhere?" a man asked

"No," Rachel said, smiled and kept walking. She felt really good. Her hard work was really paying off. A guy noticed her but she was more interested in what Ragen thought of her. Getting her approval meant the world. Being part of that group made all the difference. Rachel stopped her line of thought when she reached the house. She saw Ragen, and a group of guys just standing around. Rachel was already freezing from the cold and was hoping that they weren't planning on staying out here.

"Hey, Rachel," Ragen said. Rachel noticed that she looked stunning. She was wearing a silk mini dress with high heels. She looked a lot better then Rachel did.

"Hi," Rachel said with confidence. Rachel had decided to wear blue jeans instead of the mini skirt so she was feeling a lack of true confidence.

"Lets go," Ragen said, "There is nothing else out here.

Rachel followed Ragen and the group into the house. Rachel reluctantly passed many people that were already passed out from booze. Rachel just stood there.

"Rachel do you want a drink?" Jody asked out of nowhere

"Sure," Rachel said, accepting the shot of rum. She took it the best she could. She thought it tasted awful. She was offered another one. She reluctantly accepted. She faked smiled as she took it. She took it and drank it

"Rachel, we are going to play a game," Ragen said,

"Okay," Rachel said

"We are going to see who can take the most shots in a one minute period. Who ever drinks the most can choose one thing the losers have to do,"

"Okay," Rachel said,

Rachel managed to take seven shots before the time ran out. She didn't win, a girl named Lacey won. The six or seven of us had to run up to the next car the passed that had guys in them and try to hit on. After about four cars a group of teenage boys were passing. Rachel followed them towards the car.

"Hey ladies," one of them said,

"Why don't you come join us and get dirty," Ragen said.

"Yes, hottie," Jody said

Rachel who felt a little left out approached posing at the side.

"Hey, Huns," the guy in the back seat was looking straight at Rachel. Rachel smiled and shifted a little. After a few minutes we were back in the house. Rachel looked at the clock and noticed it was around three. She was feeling a little buzzed right now and she knew that she had to get home soon before her parents woke up.

"Rachel another drink," Ragen smiled handing her another glass. Rachel reluctantly agreed taking another shot. After about three she was starting to feel really sick to her stomach. She noticed it was nearing four. She thought that it was best that she tried and forget all about it and try to have a good time.

Soon the party came to halt. Their was a knock on the door. The music stopped, and everyone stared at the door. Panic was going through Rachel's veins. Jody answered the door noticing the cops were here

"Hey officers," Jody said with smile, slurring her words

"What is going on here?" The one officer asked

"We got a noise complaint,"

"From whom?" she asked

"Get out of here Pigs," some drunk guy said throwing a banana at one of the officer.

"Okay, this party is over," he said, "Everyone is being brought in,"

Rachel heart stopped. She was busted; there was no way out. If she ran she would for sure be in worst trouble. She took a deep breath and decided the best thing to do was cooperate.

"For what," Jody said, "You can't kick my guests out of my house,"

"There is underage drinking," he said, "So everyone is being brought in,"

The officers called for back up and one by one they were escorted out. Rachel found her self in the back of a police cruiser. She was nearly passed out. The next thing she knew she was at the police station. She wanted so bad to just start crying.

In the other room the officer was dialing the number to Rachel's house. After a few rings her mother Megan answered the phone.

"Do you know what time it is?" Was the first thing that came out of her mouth

"I'm sorry Mrs. Patuski to call you so late," the officer said, "But we are calling on the behalf of your daughter Rachel,"

"What about her? She is at home sleeping,"

"I'm sorry but she is not at home. She is here at the police station,"

"What?" she said, "You must be mistaken,"

"I'm sorry but she identified herself," he said, "She has been under the influence of alcohol,"

"Can I talk to her?"

"I'm sorry but we have our phone lines booked up. We must ask you if you are going to come get her or will she stay the night,"

"I will come get her," she said,

"Okay, we will see you soon,"

Megan got up and headed down the hallway to check in her daughters bedroom and sure enough she wasn't there. She headed back into her own bedroom to wake up her husband.

"Kevin," she cried,

"What," he said grumpy, "Do you know what time it is,"

"How do you think I feel," she yelled, "I get woken up by the phone to the news that our daughter has been drinking and is a the police station,"

"What did Natalie do?" he asked, "She asked to go out to her friends house and lied to us,"

"It isn't Natalie. Rachel is at the police station. She must have sneaked out,"

"Well what did you say to the officer,"

"That I would be right over to get her," Megan said, "We will talk about this when I get back,"

"I'm going," Kevin yelled, "I knew that we should have grounded her longer,"

"You are obviously too upset," she said grabbing the car keys running out of the room outside.

Megan got into the car and headed for the police station. She entered the building.

"Can I help you?" the secretary asked

"I'm here to pick up my daughter,"

"Who is she?"

"Rachel Patuski," Megan replied.

"Just one second ma'am," she said, half a minute later an officer was bringing out Rachel to her.

"Let's go," was the only thing that Megan said to her daughter. Megan let Rachel into the back seat of the car. She put on the child locks before getting into her own seat.

When Rachel got into the house the lecture began. She didn't really pay much attention since she was too out of it to even realize. She nodded yes a couple times up tot he point her father said it.

"You are grounded for two months young lady," he said sternly

"What," Rachel said, "That ain't fair," she cried

"What I say goes,"
© Copyright 2008 Bunny (tikipoo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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