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A play for a describing the major point in American History |
Hi everyone, thanks for reading! More is coming, so return! Your comments are greatly appreciated ![]() Peace, Strawberry Fields Act I Scene I Stars and Stripes Forever by John Philip Sousa is heard throught the theatre. Our narrators, John and Liberty come on stage. The music turns lower as they begin to speak. John: Hello everyone. We welcome you all to our production tonight. Liberty: We are going to take you on a special time traveling trip, to the proud history of our country and home, The United States. John: We will visit the American Revolution, the Civil War, World War II, and so much more so you can see how America changed and became the great country it is today. Liberty: So, let’s get started on our trip. Come on, everyone! End of scene Act I scene II REVOLUITONARY WAR TIMES. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, John Handcock, John Adams, Patrick Henry and other delegates are sitting around a table discussing the Declaration of independence, King George III is sitting on his throne away from the group The lights are off and My Country Tis of Thee is playing (instrumental version) Lights on (While music is still playing) Jefferson: reading We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. (music stops) Adams: Very well said, Jefferson. Washingotn: Yes, I like it very much Thomas. So, are we all ready to sign this and send it to His Majesty? Franklin: Yes, let’s get to it The Men get up from their chairs and form a line. John Hancock is first in line. The declaration is on the table as well as a large quill so the audience can clearly see that they are writing something Hancock: signing There we are! Jefferson: holding up the paper My word, John Hancock, why did you sign so big? Hancock: So King George can see it without his spectacles! Why else? The others take turns signing the decleration Enter John John: What you all have seen, folks, is a very important moment in our country’s history, the signing of the Declaration of Independence. This was the first step tword the country’s independence from Great Britian King George: But not really! They are still under my command! Patrick Henry: stands up and shouts GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH!!! Adams: Not yet, Patick. King George: Tax those rebels again! We will send them so far into the ground that they will want to come back to Europe! Franklin: We refuse, your highness! Taxation without repersentation is not fair! King George: Do you think the KING has to be fair? Jefferson: Read our Declaration of Independence. We don’t want to be part of England any more. Henry: stands up and shouts GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH! Washington: sternly Not yet Mr. Henry. Sit down. Paul revere places himself in the back of the theatre John: At this point, war was imminent. Soon, the British invaded Lexington and Concord, and started the American Revolution Rivere: running down the aisle THE FRENCH ARE COMING! THE FRENCH ARE COMING! Washington: Paul, isn’t there something else you’re supposed to say besides that? Rivere: Oh! Right! Runs back to his original place and does it again THE BRITSH ARE COMING! THE BRITISH ARE COMING! Enter British and American soldiers, each on opposite sides of the stage and they freeze in a fighting stance John: This, my friends is what you all know as the war for Independence. Lots of fighting and blood lost on each side: but this was the most important war we have ever fought. Because we won against the British, we are now the land of the free, the home of the Brave: America End of scene Act I Scene III CIVIL WAR: GETTYSBURG The Battle of Gettysburg. Union and Condfederate soldiers are fighting. Abe Lincoln is giving his address. Battle Hymn of the Republic is playing. Music softens as Lincoln begins to speak Lincoln: Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle- field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that this nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. Enter Southern ladies (Mary, Nellie, Lucy, Aunt Belle and her maid, Lilly) They are carrying water, blankets, bandages and herbs to aid the wounded soldiers Lucy: My, my look at all these wounded men. We better get to work, ladies! Nellie: Aunt Belle, I see President Lincoln! Aunt Belle: Child, he isn’t our president anymore. It’s Jefferson Davis now. We don’t want to have anything to do with those Yankees. In fact, Lilly, go get my package from George out of the carriage. Lilly: Yes Maim (she exits stage left and brings back a white chamber pot) Aunt Belle: George brought it back from Richmond. Take a look inside. Mary: No! I don’t want to look at what you did in there! Disgusting! Lucy: (looks inside) Why, it’s General Grant! How clever. Aunt Belle: Now we can give that hot blooded Yankee what he deserves! Enter Liberty Liberty: Hello there everyone! Looks like we are in Gettysburg, in the turning point of the Civil War. Lincoln: Of course my dear. Liberty: Oh hi Mr. President. You’re making your famous address here, aren’t you? Lincoln: That’s right. But, later I’m going to back to Washington to watch a play at Ford’s theatre Liberty: Oh no! You’re going to get shot over there! Lincoln: chuckles Teenagers and their silly ideas. I’m sure I’ll be fine, dear. Liberty: Whatever you say. End of scene Act I Scene IV TURN OF THE CENTURY Thomas Edison and Mark Twain are sitting down having tea. Edison’s phonograph is playing John Philip Sousa’s Semper Fidelis. Mark Twain is reading a book. Twain: That’s a very fine tune, Edison. Edison: Yes, it is. It’s by this fellow named John Philip Sousa, he’s quite good isn’t he? Twain: Indeed. He’s very….how shall I put this? American. And this machine you’ve made, which plays music, what do you call it again? Edison: A phonograph. Twain: Very goood. Edison: What are you reading, Mr. Twain? Twain: Not reading, my dear Edison, I’m reviewing the manuscript for my latest work, The Adventures of Hukleberry Finn. Enter John John: Hello folks! We’re now in the turn of the century, around the late 1800’s. Here we see Mr. Mark Twain, who is considered one of the best American writers in history, and his friend Thomas Edison, the inventor of the phonograph and the electric light bulb. In fact, if it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t be able to see me right now! Edison: Right, my dear boy. And who are these fellows out there? Did they come in on Robert Fulton’s new steamboat? John: No. They are with me. We’re just visiting. Twain: Well, you folks better keep an eye out. I think President Roosevelt is going to come on over. He’s a little crazy, in case you didn’t know. Edison: Just as crazy as that Susan B. Anthony and her ideas of ladies being able to vote. Twain: scoffs Women. Enter Teddy Roosevelt Roosevelt: Evening, gents! Are you all having a bully day? Edison: irritated We’re just fine, Mr. President. Roosevelt: Well, that’s just bully! You know what I always say… Twain: interuppts Speak softly and carry a big stick. we know. Roosevelt: Have you gents heard about those brothers in North Carolina? They invented a flying machine! And, that Alexander Ghram Bell fellow made something….what was it called? Oh bully, I can’t remember the name! Edison: the telephone Roosvelt: Bully! That’s it. And Mr. Howe with his sewing machine…there is just so many new things these days! Well, that’s positively, absolutely… Twain: Mr. President, can you PLEASE say something other than BULLY!! Roosevelt: Well, thank you Mr. Twain, but I was going to say that it is positviely, absolutely American. Just like the National Park I’m about to establish. Mark Twain puts his hands over his face and shakes his head. Edison puts on the phonogrpah again and Semper Fidelis plays. End of scene. |