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by B.C.
Rated: · Editorial · Political · #1461616
Politics is behind the gas prices.
Have you noticed gas prices going down lately? You know why don’t you? Of course you do. You shouldn’t be allowed to vote if you don’t. They’re going down because it’s an election year.

How much you want to bet that they start to rise again right after the election? Go ahead, how much? How many politicians have you heard talking about the high gas prices? I haven’t heard any talk about it. Obama hasn’t said anything about it. McCain hasn’t said anything about it. George Bush certainly hasn’t said anything about it and why should he. He’s an oil man. Saudi Arabia has ol’ Bush in their back pocket.

If you turn on C-SPAN you won’t hear any politician talking about high gas prices. They’re too busy voting on little things like what to call a certain city and where to put a monument and which sports figures are taking steroids. And this is why we voted for them?

Is a monument going to help you at the gas pump? Is a steroid taking athlete going to help you pay the bills? No, they’re not. And the politician you voted for aren’t going to help you either. They’re only going to help themselves.

You see, here’s the dirty little secret. They know that they can say anything you want to hear to get elected even if they don’t mean it when they say it. They’re just saying it to get elected. Then, once they’re in office, they can do whatever they like because they know that once you vote for them you’re going to go back to your job (or jobs if you have more than one) and forget about them, leaving them to do whatever they want with your money, even vote themselves a raise in a time when the country is almost bankrupt - if they want to.

You’re probably working two jobs to make ends meet and don’t have time to look after their sorry a**. And why are you working two jobs? Because of the bad choices the sorry a** politicians are making.

Here’s what I propose to anyone who reads this article. I propose we get a website that lists every politician from every state; every representative of the house, every senator every congressman, list them by state and list every thing that they vote for or against, every time they show up to vote and how much money their campaign took from which lobbyist to vote that way. Then, we the people who voted for these sorry a** politicians can go to this website and with one click see if they’re sticking to their campaign promises. With one click we can see if they’re on our side or the lobbyist side

And if they’re not, we vote them out of office. If we don’t vote them out, then it’s our fault.

I don’t have the know-how or the money to put up a website like this, but it will be a great idea and the start of an enema of Washington if we could get it up and running. It would be the start of a revolution. The only ones who would be against it would be the sorry a** politicians, because for once we could see just what the hell they’re doing and it wouldn’t be pretty.

If we had a site like this, Senator Ted Kennedy and Byrd of West Virginia and that screwy little moron from Alaska would have been out of office long ago.

Think about it the next time your at the gas pump putting $4 a gallon gas in your tank; gas that’s going to rise to about $5 or more after November.

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