Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1461503-Tristen-Two
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1461503
The sequel to Tristen.
When she woke up, Allie just laid in bed, not making an effort to move. Thoughts were jumbled in her head, the most prominent one, "Was she a vampire now?" She was dead scared, though she loved Vampires in stories, she never wished to join them. She put her hand on her neck were she'd been bitten, everytime expecting there to be blood and a bite mark, but felt nothing.

A knock on her door, and then her father came in with a place with two slices of pepperoni pizza and a coke. "It's almost six. I brought you dinner."

Allie turned and looked at him, glad this time he was taking care of her instead of the other way around. "Pm? Thanks dad." She smiled as he handed her the plate of food and soda. The sat up and dug in, her stomach grumbled.

"Yeah, have you been awake this whole time or did you just wake up?" He asked, concerned.

"I've been up since around three." She mumbled, pizza in her mouth.

He sighed, "Okay, anything you wanna talk about?"

She shook her head and took another bite of her pizza. He nodded and left her room. She took a gargle of her soda to put all the pizza down her small throat. She wiped her mouth, and fell back down on her bed. She just wanted to sleep, and she turned on her side and pulled open the drawer to her bedside table. She pulled out a bottle containing a sleeping pill. Opening the container she poured about five into her hand on accident.

Her eyes widened, actually thinking about swallowing all the pills in her hand. Common sence took over, and she poured four of them back into the bottle. Am I that desperate I'm trying to kill myself? She put the pill in her mouth and took a sip of the coke. Her head slammed onto the pillow. Maybe I should die! My best friend is in Oklahoma forever, my father is an alchoholic, and my boyfriend took a bit of my neck and probably turned me into the undead! She pushed the palms of her hands into her eyes, not letting the tears come out. A few minutes later she turned onto her side and fell back asleep.


By the next morning, she was awake. She felt the need to stretch. Longing for a hot bath she stumbled to the bathroom.

When she was dressed into long pants and a hoodie, she walked into the living room. It was unusually quiet. She dragged herself to the kitchen for a snack, all this sleeping was making her unbearably hungry. There wasn't much except but another Lunchable, crackers and ham.

Pulling out the crackers and ham, she sat at the table. She ate as quick as possible then walked into the living room. Once again she found her father, passed out on the couch with a beer in hand. She groaned, and went up to him and took the can from his hand. She noticed he was as cold as Tristen had been. Her heart skipped a beat. Her hand trembled as she put it to his chest. He had no heartbeat.

She stared at him, seeing him in a whole new way. He was gone, tears poured from her eyes. She threw the can on the ground, and ran back to her room. She threw herself on her bed, and slammed her fists onto her mattress, she looked as if she was having a temper tantrum. Tears fell from her face like rain would from the sky. Her mind was black. All she could think was that her father was gone. Her fists banged on the mattress harder and harder, until she missed and hit the floor. She heard a crack, but she didn't care, she kept throwing her fists around.

A few hours later, once the tears had stopped and the anger dimmed, she knew she had to call her mom. Allie didn't feel right saying it out loud, for it would make it official, so instead she just told her mom to hurry to Austin and that it was important.

The sun had gone down by the time her mother and sister arived. There was a blanket covering the body of her deceased father. Allie felt she was in a movie where they took away the sound, for her own thoughts clouded everything. She couldn't watch the tears streaming down her mother's and sister's faces. She just put her hands on her chin and thought about what would happen next.


Allie showed up at Jordan's house the next day, with a huge bag with some overnight things.

"Allie? What happened? Why are you crying?" Jordan asked, as she stood at his doorstep. She just threw her bag down and put her arms around him. He did the same, holding the back of her head as she cried on his shoulder. She blubbered something, though Jordan couldn't understand. "Shh shh it's okay." He comforted. He held her until she stopped crying. He whiped away her tears, "Now what happened dear?"

"My da-dad di-died," More tears beginning to fall.

Jordan was speechless, all he did was hug Allie tight. He could feel her tears dampen his shirt, but he didn't care. She couldn't think straight, all she needed was this hug from her friend. He ran his hands through her hair, "It's going to be alright Allie. I promise."

Though she just was backstabbed from trusting someone, she still couldn't help but trust Jordan. He was always there for her, and besides Andrew, he was her closest friend. She dug her face deeper into his shoulder. When she finally let go, he wiped her eyes again, picked up her bag, put his arm around her and led her into his house. "Do you need a place to stay?" He asked quietly. She nodded. He led her into the guest room and put her stuff down, showing her everything she needed like where the bathroom was and that she could hang up her clothes in the closet. Then he took her into the living room, setting her on the couch. She looked terrified, and this made Jordan uneasy. It killed him inside seeing her hurt like this, it made him want to cry himself. He stroked her cheek. "Allie, it's going to be okay, I promise."

She looked him in the eyes, "You promise?"

"Yes, I promise. I'm going to take care of you okay?" He gave a little smile, knowing he would just be near her. She nodded, then laid down on him, falling asleep. He smiled, petting her head. A little while later, he picked her up and took her to the guest room, laying her under the covers.

"I'll take care of you." He whispered, and kissed her forehead. In her sleep, she smiled.


She woke up, screaming. Sweat rolled down her face, hair flying everywhere. Before she could comprehend what just happened, Jordan rushed into her room.

"What? What just happened? Are you okay?" Jordan spazzed.

"I'm fine...Just a nightmare..." She sighed and pulled the covers over her head.

Jordan, relieved, went back to his own room and fell asleep. Allie, on the other hand, was up for many more hours. She wished she had her sleeping pills with her. The nightmare she just had kept replaying in her head. Tristen was attached to her neck, the blood being drained from her body. Just the thought made her light-headed.

Once in the morning, when Jordan brought her breakfast, she hadn't slept since the nightmare woke her up. He put a hand to her forehead. "Allie, your burning up!" He exclaimed.

"Hadn't noticed, thanks for breakfast," She said with a monotone voice, scarfing the eggs and bacon. Orange juice poured down her raw throat, stinging then softening it. She looked up at Jordan, he looked concerned. "I'm fine Jordan," She reassured him, even letting out a smile.

He blinked a second then his eyebrows raised. He was in shock. "Allie? Why do you have fangs?"

Allie's heart dropped. Her fears were true. The smile flew from her face. "I don't know what your talking about Jordan."

He looked confused, but didn't ask questions. Allie stood up and took her dishes to the sink. The began to load the dishwasher, Jordan had followed her and was sitting at the bar.

"Al, you don't gotta do that." He said, reffering to the dishes.

"But I want to. And by the way, where are your parents?" She questioned.

"They are still in Corpus Christie. They are gunna be there a while," He sighed.

Allie looked up from the dishes, "Why, is that a bad thing?" She asked, most kids who were home alone would be throwing a party, not moping about it.

"Well no, just my mom is pregnant and I'm scared she's going to go into labor and I won't be there." He stared out the window.

She took his hand, "Don't sweat it hun, it'll be fine. She'll be back before she goes into labor, I promise," She smiled.

His spirits brightened. She took her hand back and continued the dishes, Jordan just sitting there, watching her.


Allie sat on her bed, not able to get to sleep. She wasn't tired anymore, and she hadn't slept for about three days. Her mind was always racing, though she was sure that wasn't why she hadn't the need to sleep.

She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror, her face was much paler than before, and her hair was getting darker. She opened her mouth and she saw her teeth sparkled white, and were much tougher. Her black nails grew and were tougher too. She was surprised her eyes were still a boring brown color.

"How come I get all these changes but my boring eyes stay boring brown?" Allie complained, leaving her bedroom and going to the kitchen. She'd been extremely hungry all the time, guessing from all the sleep loss.

She pulled out some Ritz crackers and plopped onto the couch. Just as she grabbed the remote, it shocked her throughout her arm. She let out a scream and dropped the remote to the ground. She cradled her arm, and she saw black marks on her fingers where she touched the remote.

"What the hell?!" Jordan rushed out of his room, wearing only his boxers. Her attention was switched from her burning fingers to his nicely shaped abs. She lost her train of thought as she looked at him in a new light.

"Uh..Oh the remote shocked me.." She showed him the black marks on her fingers. Her arm was shaking, and when he came over and held her arm, she got goosebumps.

He ran his finger tips on hers, and she cringed. He quickly pulled away, and looked up into her eyes. "Do you want to go to the hospital?" She shook her head. He nodded and looked into her eyes.

She couldn't speak, a lump filled up her throat. Her mind fought with her heart. I can't like him he is my friend! I just can't! That's not how it's supposed to be! She tried her hardest to keep emotion from her face, but she failed.

"Are you okay?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah...It's okay I don't need to go to the hospital. A bag of ice and I'll be fine." She said trembling.

"You're sure?" He asked, still trying to look into her eyes, but she was staring at her burnt fingers.

"Yes," She refrained from barking.

He stood up and walked to the kitchen. Allie took a deep breath, still unsure as to what to do with her feelings, since they continued to ruin her life. Every time I really like a boy something goes wrong! Andrew moved away forever, Tristen turned me into a flipping vampire! What if something goes wrong with Jordan and we screw up our friendship? She held back tears as Jordan came back with an ice bad and a small towel.

"Thanks..." She said, then rushed off to her room to think, not even another look at Jordan.


Allie still couldn't sleep. She thought it was because of the vampireness in her veins. She tossed and turned, only wishing she would fall asleep to get away from all her thoughts. She mostly thought about what would happen to her when she began craving blood. Can I still have human friends? What if someone finds out? Should I tell Jordan? What if I kill someone? She wanted to scream.

There was a knock on her window, and she froze. Slowly she got up and walked to the window. She saw Tristen's face staring at her, but not in rage as she expected. She saw guilt written in his eyes.

She opened the window a crack, "What do you want?" She spat, trying to control her anger.

"I wanted to apologize. I lost control. It's all my fault."

She looked down. "Well that still doesn't change the fact you passed your bloody curse to me," trying to avoid eye contact.

"I know...But I just wanted you to know I didn't mean for all this to happen. Before I met you I was just a blood thirsty beast and I didn't care for humans."

Allie looked up into his eyes, wanting to know if what he said was the truth. He looked very sincere in what he said. She had an urge to trust him again, maybe give their relationship another try, but now that she had developed confusing feelings for Jordan and how he had ruined her life, she wished never to see his face again.

"I love you Allie." He stated.

Allie's stomach sank, and her heart pounded. Her brain froze on all thoughts from complete shock. She closed her eyes, trying to figure out what she should say, but once she opened them again, he was gone.

She sighed. Tears slowly fell from her eyes. Slumming back to her bed, she felt completely numb and she curled up under the covers. Though she tried her hardest to mellow her sorrow, nothing helped.

She finally left her room and knocked on Jordan's door. She let herself in, to find him sleeping. She sighed, and just went and sat on his windowsill. Sitting there she thought to herself, mostly questioning if she wanted Tristen or Jordan.

Tristen...He is amazing. Beautiful, graceful, peaceful. He could help me with being a vampire and all...But it was his fault in the first place. He has anger problems. He left me and didn't come back until long after I'd cared. And Jordan has always been there for me. He is sweet, caring, an amazing person. But he is my best friend, and I'm scared to ruin that. Damnit what do I do?

Morning came, and woke up Jordan with it.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, yawning.

"Couldn't sleep, but you already were so I didn't wake you." Allie shortened, that wasn't the only reason she came in his room.

"Oh," He said, pulling off the covers. Again, he was wearing only boxers. She stared at him for a moment amazed by his perfect body, then quickly looked away. He didn't seem to notice, good for her.

"Well I guess I'll let you get dressed," She stood up and was about to leave but he stopped her with his words.

"Nah you've seen me dress before you can stay," He said, grinning at her.

She put on a fake smile, "Okay." And she sat back down, only wishing he let her leave. More time to realize how much I like him. Greeeeeeat.

He turned around and started flipping through his drawers for something to wear. Her eyes slipped down, and once she realized what she was looking at her cheeks burned red and she looked at the back of his head. He put on a red shirt and some blue jeans, then came and stood in front of Allie.

"Whatcha think?" He asked, making a full circle.

"Good," She smiled. Way more than good She thought, and wanted to say so badly.

He smiled for a moment, then it left his face. He looked like he was thinking hard, and at the same time starring into Allie's eyes. She became very nervous, and wished she was far from here.

"Allie, I think I need to tell you something." He confessed, sitting down next to her. He took her hand and put a stray hair behind her ear. "Allie, I think I like you more than a friend."

She looked at him, seeing how vulnerable he was. Seeing her best friend who was completely amazing in every single way, and butterflies sputtered in her stomach. She quickly pushed her head forward connecting her lips with his. For a few seconds their lips moved with great ease, feeling utterly comfortable and more butterflies bounded against the walls of her stomach.

She eventually pulled back, looking at him for approval of what she had just done. He was in shock, but in a good way. He smiled, then put his hands on her cheeks and pulled her back to him.

A few minutes later they pulled apart and Allie smiled without even thinking about it, but it was smacked from her face as she saw a glimpse in the corner of the street out of the window. She cocked her head and saw a boy standing there. Black hair, eyes glowing red with rage.

Allie about screamed. She took Jordan's wrist and pulled him away. He kept asking her questions, but she kept repeating herself.

"We have to get out of here," She would continually say. She grabbed his keys and threw him into the passenger seat. Putting the car into ignition, she backed out and sped down the street, looking all over for a sight of Tristen.

"What the hell Allie?" Jordan asked. He held her hand, and she squeezed it tight.

"Uh...I can't really explain now..." She let out through her hyperventilating. Jordan was baffled, though he didn't question anymore.

After about a few hours of mindless wandering, Allie finally decided she should just go back to Jordan's house. If he wanted to kill us he would have definitely found us by now.

"I'm sorry Jordan..." She said.

"It's alright I trust your judgement," He crookedly smiled.

They arrived to Jordan's house, a green explorer sitting outside. Allie had some paranoid thought's but hoped they were false. She saw a tall woman standing at the door. She pulled in the driveway, trying to make out who the woman was, praying that it wasn't who she thought.

Just as she parked the car, the woman was at her window. Allie froze, from her paranoia came true. She stared in the face of her mother, who was angry and on the verge of strangling her. Her mother opened the door and pulled Allie out of the car.

"Why are you here?! You said you would be at your aunts! And at a boy's house!" She screamed. Allie looked down, not able to answer the questions thrown at her. "Well?!"

"I don't know..." Allie whispered.

"Your coming home right now!" She pushed her and Allie stumbled. "Go get your things, NOW!" She stood up and scuttled to Jordan's front door, opening it with the spare key he gave her.

The tears welled up in her eyes as she began to pack her things. Like I said, things always go wrong once I start to like somebody...

She walked out of her room, and there stood Jordan. She looked at his sweet face, and all the tears that built up, poured out. She ran and hugged him tight. He held her as if he was scared to let her go. She looked up at him, and he kissed her one last time.
© Copyright 2008 A Friend. (goodbyefornow at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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