Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1461156-A-Parents-Love
Rated: E · Essay · Family · #1461156
This essay is about a parents love. One night I couldn't sleep and I wrote this.
We teenagers, we like to think we know everything. When our parents give us advice we immediatley like to write it off as we already know what they're talking about when, in truth, we have absolutly no clue. We don't care cause in our minds we know everything.

Then there is those moments where the world turns gray and the clouds come rollin' in, blocking out the sun. Those are the days that we realize that we don't know a thousandth of anything and that you are lost.

And you sit and you cry knowing to some degree what you have to do, what you need to do.... weather that may be stoping a bad habit, letting go of someone that you swore in the beginning that you would never let go of, or lettting go of your ugly past. We all need help and we just have to ask.

When times like those come along we know that there is no easy way out and that we are not going to get out of hurting ourselves, the kind of pain that you feel like someones wrapped barbed wire around your heart and keeps pulling until it breaks.

Whatever the case maybe, no matter what, even though you feel like you might not make it through, that your hearts gonna break, that that habit is going to be stronger than you... there are always those bright stars shineing on that moonless night and there is always a flashlight when those stars arn't there. Those stars and that flashlight... are your parents, the people who love you with all their heart and WILL NEVER stop, guarenteed, your stuck.

These are the people that we ran to with tears in ours eyes looking up at them with tears in our eyes pleading for them to help us when the boogy man was under the bed, when there was a thunder storm and when we fell and skinned our knees riding our first bike. They were always there to wipe away the tears, kiss it better, put a bandaide on it, and to let us know that everything will be alright.

Now here we are all big and bad teenagers. In our minds we ARE grownups, we dream about what we are going to do when we reach 18. How we are going to prove our parents wrong. We turn 18 and we're flyin out the door like the boogy man was real and was livin in our parents house. We think we know everything and we try and prove it with all our might. Which in the end, is a futile effort because in the end we end up hurting ourselves and we soon learn that our parents were right all along. That we should have listened to them when they warned us about this bully called the world and when they said "Slow Down! You're just a kid enjoy it while it lasts." but we're teenagers remember, not only do we choose to learn the hard way but it seems like we have to learn the hard way, it's a right of passage.

We learn and we learn hard. We learn that all those plans we made that we thought were going to be perfect, weren't. We learn that those boys and girls we fell head over heels for, leave, what it really means to love and lose, what bills REALLY are, how much those snacks we really like actually cost, and what responsability really is. We learn what our parents actually gave us out of love and what they tried so hard to keep us from, because they know what it means to hurt and in there minds it's there job to keep us from harm.

We end up falling flat on our faces, gracefully, of course, and we come crawling back beatten, limping, black-eyed and scared. Only thinking that if we can just get back to the people who helped us before we will be okay but will they still love us?

We crawl up to the house and they come running out with open arms, ready to envelope you, to hug you and hold you until you feel like you can take on the world again, until that wound heals up a bit. They're still there with a makeshift bandaide and a hug ,a kiss, and some good advice when we ask for it.

A parents love is pure, unselfish, undyingly true to the last and should never be taken for granted.

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