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just some poems that I've written. check it out if you wish. |
Just some poems I've written. Nothing mind blowing. Kind of ranting, really. Read if you like. -- Taking Only Life A sigh is a simple thing. Breath released in a puff. Then how can something so simple show such power? All to find is a serpent, powerful enough to rip apart Blood itself. Pulsating blood pouring out of every pore On the Skin. Or slithering under the skin Striking every muscle Every bone Every bleeding nerve until nothing but poisoned life is left. Leaving only Death Death of Spirit Death of Soul and Taking only Life. -- Trapped Trapped in this world by gravity Trapped in this town by force Trapped in this house by walls and prison bars over windows Trapped in this family by blood Trapped in my skin by flesh Trapped to be the same by my heart pounding hard around my love Sceince made gravity, science can solve it. People made this town, and who is permenant? These walls can be burned and prison bars broken Blood spills Flesh can be torn And then my heart will be free. -- Cause and Effect When blue becomes red, The ocean bleeds. When the sun hides behind the moon They fight in the rings above the earth. When cats eyes capture the night The clock strikes to signal the darkest hour. When a person lets a sigh escape them The wind blows round until a tornado disrupts the earth. When the cows come home, The pigs will rule the skies. -- The Moon and The Tide the moon calls out calling to the tide the tide will come swaying side to side inseperable indispensible irresistable inescapable the moon and the tide the tide pulls in pulling against the moon the moon will wane but pulls the tide back soon inseperable indispensible irresistable inescapable the tide and the moon push pull tug shove the moon and the tide can't keep up to each other jumping ride to ride push pull shove tug the tide and the moon up the tide goes down goes the moon seperated dispensed resisted escaped the tide and the moon the tide may die the moon may cry the sun may scream the water may steam but tide will crawl on hand on broken knee back to the moon and there they'll be inseperable indispensible irresistable inescapable the moon and the tide -- Making It Up Making it up as I go running down an empty lane screaming all the way Have I gone completely insane? I can't keep you away you're always there by me In my mind In my heart Under my skin, please just let me be. I tell you this- you just won't go away Even if I ask you to You refuse and here you'll stay. Can't go an hour, a minute, a second without you invading jumbling all my thoughts up as go I making Why won't you leave me alone and go back where you came slowly plodding your way away And let me be the same. I tell you this- You just won't go away Even if I ask you to You refuse and here you'll stay. I ask you this- please don't go away I'll pleade, I'll cry, I'll beg for you I'll keep and here you'll stay. -- Yep. Tell me what you think, I suppose. Perhaps your favourite?? Thanks for reading, Jadedwolf |