Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1460900-The-Gifted
by Roxie
Rated: 13+ · Prose · Action/Adventure · #1460900
As I walk down the streets of New York, I sensed someone following me.It was a man in a black trench coat and a black hat. My heart started racing as I picked up my pace, coming closer and closer to the metro. He started running after me with two devilish looking knives and before I had time to think someone grabs me and pushes me through the doors of the metro as they closed..
It was a boy maybe 18 or 19,his height was about 5'11 or so, he was wearing a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and jeans.He had brown spiked hair with a tint of blonde near the tips, His face was beautiful, it was carved perfectly and his skin looked so soft and silky..
I stood up with a disgusted look on my face. He looked at me smiling and said,
" Are you ok?"

I still had a disgusted look on my face as I turned away ignoring that he even said anything..

"I see we got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning"

I just stared at him with a stupid look on my face, then said,
"I am just fine, and I don’t need any help from you. Or any one else for that matter!!" in an angry voice..
As i turned away, I could feel him staring a hole through my back..

"Oh miss independent, are we?? Well I'm sorry your highness, but was it just me or was that guy about to kill you??" he said in an angry sarcastic tone..

"So what if he was. It is none of your concern!" I snapped back at him..
"Ok fine I'll just leave then"
"Finally”, I yelled out with relief
"So you really want me to leave??" He said, very disappointedly.

"Oh my gosh, this guy is a nut head!" I thought to my self.
"Does it really look like I want you to stay?" I said, smirking at him..

"Well if I understand girls correctly, then they all act like this when they like a guy!"

"Wow Congratulations think you just won first prize on being an Idiotic Looser!"

"Ok listen why don’t you just go jump off a cliff then maybe just maybe I will consider talking to you!" I said, Sarcastically..

"Are you serious, because I know where one is??"

"Dude are you blind or something! I don’t want to talk to you, I don’t even want to have anything to do with you, But if you really are stupid enough to go jump off a cliff and think you'll survive to actually come back and talk to me. Then by all means do!" I said in a very angry tone..

As I stared out the window, he just stood there mouth wide open and a dumb look on his face..

"Why are you still standing there?" I said trying not to laugh at how stupid he looked..
"well if you haven’t noticed we are on a moving metro"

"Right! So that means you just stand there with some dumb look on your face and you mouth wide open staring at me?? I really don’t think my day could get any worse" I said, as I watched the metro slow down and come to a stop..
I pushed him out of the way and darted out the doors of the metro heading straight for the stairs that lead to the street I lived on.
I walked up to a big apartment building and as I started to open the door, and i seen him charging at me. I quickly ran inside and up 3 flights of stairs to room 210C.I opened the door and slammed it behind me. I had my back up against the door leaning on it, I slid down the door an hit the floor.
I heard a voice in the hallway, it was him. I sighed and locked the door.
"Won’t that boy just go away" I thought to my self as I went into my room and sat down at the computer.
I heard a knock on the door and closed my eyes while banging my head against the key board. I walked into the other room to the door and said,
"What the world do you want now?"
"I'm sorry for everything that happened in the metro, and I was hoping that you could find someway to forgive me?"
I sighed and rolled my eyes as I unlocked the door. I opened it and there he stood leaning up against the frame of the door with his head down and his hand running through his hair. Then he looked up and just stared at me..

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to come in?" I said, trying to stay calm...
He walked in and looked around at what happened to be my living room then looked back at me and said,
"Nice place you have, How do you afford it if its just you?"
"You sure are nosy aren’t you?? But thanks and lets just say I’m rich, ok?? You can have a seat on the couch if you want!” I said, as pleasantly as I possibly could..
he just stared at me and then he shook his head quickly to get out of the daze he was in and then said,
As he walked over to the couch to sit down I walked into the kitchen mumbling jibberish to myself as I opened the fridge.

"Want a coke" I hollered out, trying not to growl.
"Yeah sure" He said, hesitantly.

I slammed the fridge shut and walked out of the kitchen into the living room with a Coke and a Strawberry Daiquiri. he had a weird look on his face when I handed him the coke and sat down across from him in a mushroom chair.

"What in the world is that?"
"It’s a Strawberry Daiquiri!! Haven't you ever seen one before?" I said, surprised.
"Yeah, but you have to be 21 to get those and you sure don’t look 21"
"Its a non-alcoholic one you ditto!" I said, as I turned away to look out the window.
"Oh.. Well, how old are you then?"
"Why does it matter?" I said smugly.
"I don’t know, I was just wondering. I mean sheesh!"
"Ok fine, I’m 19.Are you happy now??"
"Yeah, I guess so. I’m 19 too!"
"Oh good for you!" I said, sarcastically..
"Are you always this rude?" He said as he watched as I smirked at him..
"Ummm, only to nerds that trample me in a metro and won’t leave me alone!"

He just sat there staring at the floor and sipping his coke.
Why he was doing that I got lost in thought..
"Why is this boy following me? why couldn't he just leave me well enough alone?" I grumbled solftly hoping that he couldn't hear me..
"What is your name?” he said softly

"No ,no, no, now he's gone too far. What am i going to do?? I cant tell him my name!! It will put us both in danger!! What do I say?? Think Evain, think!! I need a name!! Aha, Katie, no no Katie, not that its a bad name it just doesn’t suit me! Oh I know Area Hornella!! I thought to my self trying to hide the expressions on my face..

"My name is Area Hornella, and you are??" I said, trying to sound calm..
"Oh, uh, nice to meet you! I’m uh, Tristan, Tristan Fawn!"
"Well Tristan fawn, Why in the world do you keep following me??"
"That’s non of your business"
"None of my business!!" I hollered out horrified..
"Of course its my business! You nearly kill me knocking me onto the floor of a metro and you annoying me to death and following me everywhere, And its non of my Freaking' business??" I screamed at him standing half way over him..
"You are absolutely unbelievable, You know what I don’t want to know why!! Just get you big ugly face out of my house!! I screamed out at him on the top of my lungs..

I practally dragged him to the door and through him in the hallway slamming the door behind me locking all the dead bolts one by one..
I fell to my knees and started to have a melt down. I just sat there for hours till finally I shook my head and said,
"Evain, pull you idiotic self together right this minute" as I stood up to my feet, I just kept right on mumbling to my self as I walked to my room and sat down at the computer once more.
Then I heard my cell phone ring, I quickly scrambled to my feet and ran to my bed and picked it up saying,
"Evain, meet me at the park in a half hour, we have some work to discuss."
"Sure thing" I responded quickly
"Oh and Evain, make sure no one follows you."
"Ok Kami, I will keep a look out! cya soon"

All I heard after that was a click.. Then this annoying dinging noise came from the computer saying "You Got Mail". I walked over to the computer and sat down and opened the email.
It’s from my boss Mr. Davis.
It says,
"Evain Vignali,
The mission on which we are sending you, will be a little different this time, you will have a partner. Kami will have him with her when you go to see her.. Good luck to you and be careful!

Mr. Davis

Richard Davis Head of GFG"

"A partner, your kidding me!! I cant believe this is happening to me. I've worked 3 years as an agent and without a partner and all a sudden out of the blue they give me a partner. This is just great!" I rambled to myself while getting up from the chair..
"Oh well, I guess I need to get ready now" I thought to myself

So I put on some black tight pants and a dark royal red spaghetti strapped shirt and brushed my short black and red highlighted laired hair. I grabbed my purse and put on some high heel boots and grabbed my black leather jacket and ran out the door. Before I knew it I was in the parking lot running to my Saleen Supercharged Mustang. I started the car up and spun out of the parking lot leaving marks on the pavement. As I sped up the road turning this way and that avoiding the cars that was in my way, I felt the cool breeze as I cruised with my windows down..
I aproached the park slowly and decided to park across the street at Star Bucks, I went inside to see if I seen any unusual activity going on then walked to the counter and got a White Chocolate Mocha and a Frappachino for Kami, cause they are her favorite..
As I walked outside I seen A very mysterious looking guy in a silver mustang across the street, I quickly turned to walk the opposite direction and seen Kami in her Red Saleen S7,she motioned for me trying not to cause any unwanted attention..
I walked slowly toward her keeping a very even pace, and as I approached an alley I felt someone grab me and we both fell to the ground and the coffee's went flying in the air landing in the road. I heard Kami running after me, She came up beside me and kicked who ever was on top of me off, then picked me up and ran back to her car throwing me into the back seat.
And as she started the car and sped up the road I blacked out only hearing two voices fading in the background..

© Copyright 2008 Roxie (crazy_chick at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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