Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1460168-DarkHeart
by robert
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fanfiction · #1460168
this story is about a war for for a powerful power source between earth and darkheart

Telling of the five planets

20,000 light years away from earth lays a galaxy made of five different planets called DarkHeart.One of these plants is near the sun called Flamedra,it’s  a red planet with little water and little vegetation but its’ covered with volcanoes, and  lakes of lave. Some of the creatures that live here are dragon, firedogs, and giant lizards. The people that live here eat nothing but lava rocks, and lava. Because of this they can control the fire and lava that surrounds them. Another one of these planets is near Earth called Eartrix. It’s covered with plants, trees and forest. Some of the animals that live here are lions, tigers and gorillas. Eartrix is also were most of the food for all the planets comes from. The other three planets in DarkHeart are Icetern,Airaton,and the only planet in DarkHeart to be surrounded in pour darkness is Darkaron. Icetren is near Pluto it’s the coldest planet in DarkHeart it covered in ice and from fear a way it looks like a bright crystal . it has glaciers and many bodies of water bigger then the Atlantic Ocean. The environment allows the aquatic animals that live in DarkHeart to live freely here. Airaton is near Saturn. Its atmosphere is nitrogen not oxygen. But weirdly the people that live there don’t die. Because of a yellow stone with gold markings on it that fell to Airaton 1,000 years ago the ones that are born on Airaton can fly. Because the creatures that can fly in DarkHeart can survive in any interment they live freely in Airaton. Darkaron is surrounded by pour darkness because it’s close to a black hole and it’s fear away from all the other  planets in DarkHeart. It has black and red hill all around the planets serfs. The water in Darkaron is as black as night. For the one that are born on Darkaron their eye’s allows them to see in the light as will as the dark.

This story takes place on Icetren 400 years after the great and horrible war. The power source that keeps DarkHeart a live is so bright it can light the inter United States in one glow .  Strong enough to destroy a country in one powerful blast. The power source is called Darkest Matter. Its blue,yellow,green,and red it shines black and white light. The humans from earth wanted our power source so every country sent half of their army’s to get it thankfully none of them got it. But when I was walking in the halls of the DarkHeart castle I saw the general of the u.s. army and the president of the u.s. talking to the leader of DarkHeart Dierem and his sidekick BoomBoom. I hared the president say we will give u what ever you want for your powerful power source . So I open the door a little bit and hard Dierem say if you give me and my partner money and some power on earth when DarkHeart is dieing then we will have a deal Then I saw them shake hands and I ran when I saw the people from earth leaving and on their way out I hard the general ask the president if they where really going to stay with the deal and the president said we will let them give us the power source then we might give them something. I ran back to my house as soon as I could and told my parents but they didn’t believe me and on my way to tell my friends I saw my dad on the phone and I knew he was talking to the police . When I got to my friends I told them and their mom and they believed me but before I could tell them any more there was a knock on the door. Their mom answered the door and the police came in. They took me to the cold cell where every one that dose bad things goes and that’s how this story begins.

      Chapter 1 the Escape
My name is Aqua and I’m the one that got thrown in to the cold cell because of my parents. My Dad has brown hair blue eyes he was born in Eartrix, my Mom has red hair and blue eyes, and my sister Neara has blond hair and big blue eyes but I think they did it to teach me a lesson, or because they love me they or because they thought I was joking but I don‘t really now. Will any ways lets get back to the story ok. I’m Aqua I have blue eyes and black hair with blue tips. I was born in Icetren so I can breath under water as will as control water. Thanks to my parents telling all their friends that I lied about our leader every one now calls me liar. So before me and my friends can save our beautiful home I have to get out of this cold cell. “evil people why dose every one believe our back stabbing leader and not me” I said in a mad tone. Then I hard a voice coming from the end of the hall way of the cold dark prison but getting closer and closer “because your just a 16 year old kid and he’s greater then you”  answered a voice I have sadly hard before. “what the hell are you going here BoomBoom” I said with a mad face he answered back saying “I’m the new guard” he laughed after he said it “your a loser going around like a dog working for our back stabbing leader and did you now I hard the humans talking before they left they said when they get the power source they might give you something “ I responded to what he said. “you’re a liar and how dear you insult our great leader! I should kill you know no one will care you’re a liar so no one will care if your dead” his response sounded very angry. “come over here and do it you loser” I shouted. He got to my cold cell and said “come here boy” I want over to where he stood. He tried grabbing my arm but I pulled away just in time. I grabbed his arm and pulled him in to the bars of the cold cell. The bars shattered, I hit him again as I escaped. I ran hiding behind anything I could find. I walked around in the alleys by my house and I found a group of homeless people in ripped close holed by a fire. They made the fire in a trash can with wood and a mash a person named Nile found in the dumpster a few days ago.  They offered me some food and some rain water it wasn’t much but I thanked them  for their generosity. The site of seeing all the nice people on the streets made tears roll down my face like an avalanche. I want up to a girl sitting by a boy holed by the fire. They where both wearing ripped closes the girl was wearing a greenish gold necklace. She had green eyes and blonde hair. The boy had yellow eyes like cats eyes but cooler and red hair. When I started to talk to them their parents came over. I ask them why all these nice people are here on the streets and he answered “ because of Dierem” he posed for a moment and continued “dierem wanted something from every one here in this alley but they wouldn’t give  it to him so he kick us out of our house and  took it by force he left us on the streets with nothing but the cloths on our backs” when he finished talking a  tear rolled down his check. I talked to some of the other people that got mistreated  by our so called nice leader. They all said all the things they lost were past down from generation to generation and that what they lost mint a lost to  them. I want back to the boy and the girl I talked to earlier which I now their names now the boys name is spick and the girl’s name was Jessica. Jessica said that the necklace she was warring was the last peace of the Eartrix power stone that was left after the war and that when the stone was all to gather it give the people that were born there super strength and that her and her friend has the last of the once powerful stone. After a few hours of asking questions  spick’s and Jessica’s dad came over and told them it’s time to go to sleep. He asked me what my name was and I told him my name was Aqua. He smiled and said “so you’re the one every ones looking for you broke out of the cold cell” “so I’m guessing  you know my nick name and why I was put in to the cold cell right” I replied  “ yes I now your nick name but why dose everyone call you lire” he said “it’s because I saw Dierem talking to some people from earth about giving them the power source if they give them money and power on earth when DarkHeart was dieing  and no one believed me” I answered “ I believe you  I now Dierem would do something like that so if you need our help to graining him down we’re here to help” he said “thank you I will need all the help I can get” I answered gratefully “ you are more then welcome to sleep here if you like” he offered “thank you but I founded a place that’s close to my house so I can go in and get some stuff” I replied  “ very will then take these pillow ,and blanket” he said handing me a pillow and a blanket  “thank you for your help” I said as I  walked away. I want to a place close to my house and fell a sleep. When  I woke up the next morning. I went back to the place were all the homeless people were and give spike, and Jessica’s dad back the stuff he let me borrow. They were all a sleep so I just put them down by him and left a note with a peace of paper and pencil I found. Saying thank you for your help but I must be leaving know your friend Aqua. It was a cloudy, and only a little bit of light from the sun shined through. At first I was just walking home but when I saw the signs saying wanted Aqua waterfall  reward 100,000 planet orbs I started to run faster. People started to notice me, they begin to ran after me I ran as fast as I could. I lost them when I turned the corner and hid in a doomster. I got out of the doomster and tripped  and fell in mud. I got up I saw a ripped blanket and ripped some of it off and used it to wipe some the mud off me. I walked a cross the street to my house there was no cars or lights on so I went in got some new close and felled a big bag with some stuff I thought I might need. Like two pairs of cloths, a sleeping bag ,four cans of mouton dew code red, some chips, breed and some ham. I found some paper and a pen  so I let a note for my family. Dear family, as you may all ready now I broke out of the coldland prison. I came back here to get supplies. I will not tell you where I’m going but I am safe. Love your son and brother Aqua. P.s. I now yell called the police and told them what I told you, that’s how I got in the coldland prison in the first place but I forgive you. I put the note on the counter on my way out I saw a blue crystal coming toured me I started to ran fast because it was my families crystal (crystals are like cars, its how we all get from planet to planet or to other places).I hide behind a bush I saw my Dad open the door and then my Mom and Neara want in to the house. My Mom was the first one to see the note. My Mom started to cry she showed it to my sister, my sister then started to shout at my Dad my guess was my Mom and Neara didn’t want to call the police but my Dad said it might help me so they want a long with it. Want my Dad read it he through it down and ran out side. I was afraid he would see me so I ran to the forest by our house. He shouted as loud as he could hoping I would hear him “I’m sorry I did it please come back “ I stared to cry a little bit but I keep on going I ran to my friends house. On my way there I saw police cars every were I looked but none of them saw me. When I got to my friends house I knocked on the door their mom answered the door  their mom’s name is misty. She’s a nice women with black hair and her eyes are light brown. “Aqua your out it’s about time you got out of that coldland prison” she said as she welcomed me in “ yea it is but they didn’t let me out I broke out” I replied “will I’m glad your out no matter how you did it” she answered back to me “the boys are upstairs she said  I thanked her and want upstairs.. In the hall way to the stairs there are photos of misty and her three boys. When I opened the door to the boys room I was jumped Wolfy ,Skyler ,and Birdrem. Wolfy has black hair and green eyes he was born in Eartrix. Skyler has white hair and gray eyes he was born in Airaton. Birdrem has blue hair with white tips and hazel eyes. When Birdrem, me, and three other kids where born our parents used the power source to keep us safe. But it might have kept us safe in changed us in a way our hair changed and so did the color of our eyes.  Misty tried to use the power sources power on Wolfy and Skyler to but it only had the affect of keeping them safe. Around their room were books and other things Birdrem kept all his stuff in order but Wolfy and Skyler didn’t. “What’s up man we haven’t seen you for like a year or two”  the word seamed to burst out of wolf’s mouth “yea I know I’ve been I there for two years  it was so very boring the food was disgusting” I replied. “so what’s the plane how we stopping g the humans from getting the power source”  Birdrem asked sounding very impeachment “ will the first thing is we got to get a lot of people on our side but first things first we got to find Fireheart, Springy,Aromra  the there three like us” I replied “ ok lets get to it” said Skyler. We want down stairs to tell misty if any one comes here looking for us we want to the store and that she doesn’t know were I am .we started to go to Fireheart house when we saw police cars coming after us so we ran in to the alleys. We hid in the shadows in tell we lost them. As we were walking throw the alleys we seen a kid with black hair with fire red tips his eyes were red and black. The black eye allowed him to see just like the people that were born on darkaron could. The red eye allowed him to control fire like people on Flamedra.
© Copyright 2008 robert (kiki777 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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