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Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Educational · #1460134
Today you dealt me a blow that rocked me to the core.
A Mother’s Love

To Whom It May Concern,

Today you dealt me a blow that rocked me to the core. At least that is how it felt when I first heard the words that spewed from you mouth, "Your son will never be employable.  He does not possess the attributes of the type of the students we teach. He asks too many questions and challenges authority.”

Who gives anyone the right to decide what my son can and can not do. I have been blessed to have been given a child who has Autism. Aspergers actually. He is brilliant, funny, inquisitive and yes a challenge. God for some reason decided that I was the best qualified to raise this amazing child. I have watched him grow, learn and develop into a great young man. A man who has morals, values and ethics.  I take great pride in raising a man who puts others before himself. It is a rare quality in today’s world.

I have seen people react to this 6 foot 5 ball of fire. Sometimes they see him as a teacher. Sometimes, as the student. But one thing is always clear. He puts his heart into everything he does. He has volunteered for Habitat for Humanity putting roofs on houses for those in need of a home. He has volunteered for Food for Families unloading semi-trucks full of food for the needy. He has collected food for God's Food Pantry when no one else would because the neighborhood is too violent. He has stopped in the middle of a thunder storm to change a flat tire for a woman who was stuck on the side of the road with her 3 small children for 4 hours when no one else would help.

I have asked him why he feels the need to do all of these things. You know what his answer is. Because, it is the right thing to do mom. God put me on this earth to serve,  and serve him I shall.

So I ask the following:

What gives you the right to judge him? God had given him the ability to reason, the physical attributes of a giant. And the character of a teacher, friend and mentor.

You say he will never hold a full time job. I say he will own the company some day.

You say he can not communicate with people. You said he asks too many questions. I say he will teach those who have a passion for life and a passion for their craft.

You say he will fail. I say he has already won, because God has given him and unending positive attitude, and a will to continue on in the face of adversity.

I say you need to walk in his footsteps for one day before you judge what you do not understand.

I am at peace with the knowledge of my son’s gifts. And I thank God for giving him to me. For he has taught me more than I have ever taught him. My only regret is that you have failed to learn because of the square hole you feel everyone should fit into. You are living in a stagnant  world of unenthusiastic bliss.  Enjoying the status quo.

I say it is you who will never succeed. The reason is simple you have failed to reach your full potential. You are happy with where you are and you don’t even see it.

From A Mother, Teacher and Student of Life
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