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My first vampire book. sorry my chapters are short. I write by hand then copy..plz review! |
A Tango at Midnight By: Rebekah Grayson Chapter 1 The Dream "Hello? Is anybody there? Hello?" I screamed, banging on the huge wooden door. Thinking inside my head the whole time, 'I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die....I'm dead meat!' "Yes?" A man in a black suit answered the door. "Oh, thank God! I need help. I'm being chased!" "Come in. What's your name?" "Carina Grayson. Why?" 'Gah!' I thought, 'paranoid much Carina?' "Who's chasing you?" he said, ignoring my question. "Some guy, I don't know him." "Just stay here. You'll be safe. Follow me please." "Okay," I was tired of running, and this guy must be the butler. No need to be more paranoid. He was leading me down a dark hall. We stopped in front of a tall door. He knocked. "Come in!" answered the person inside. "A Miss Carina Grayson, sir. She said she's in a bit of a pickle." "Alright thank you Louis, you may go now. Show the young lady in."I entered the room. It was a huge library. I couldn't see anyone in the room though. Then the chair behind the desk turned. The man was surprisingly young. I was only 17, a senior at my high school. He appeared to be about the same age."Miss Grayson wasn't it? Well, what seems to be the problem?" "I'm being chased. I don't know who it is, or why he's chasing me. I was running through the woods and your house was the first I saw. So I knocked and now I'm here." 'Good job. Just tell him your whole life story while you're at it. Of course it isn't possible that he's some sadistic killer or anything, I sarcastically thought to myself.' "Okay. How old are you?" "I'm 17, 18 in October." 'Again...gah I just need to keep my big mouth shut.' "Really? What school do you go to?" "Calgary private school. Why?" 'Yes. Go me. Ask him a question. Turn this whole thing around.' "I'm going there when school starts." "So you're the new student my father was talking about. Nice to meet you, but may I ask, where are your parents?" 'Phew. Okay. I trust him a teeny bit more now. ' "Dead. They died in an accident," pain flashed across his features at this. "Oh, I'm sorry. May I ask your name?" "Oh! My appologies! My names Damien Grant." "Nice to meet you, Damien," I was becoming aware of a growing heat in his eyes. "You too," he said smiling. I kept thinking, 'Is it normal to feel this drawn to someone you just met. I want to comfort him for his loss, but I also want to rip his clothes off. He was so cute. But I can't be stupid. Don't be stupid...don't...be...stu...' We were only a few feet apart. I was becoming flushed at his stare. His eyes were such a deep blue color, black around the edges. He was tall, probably close to 6'5", a full foot taller than me at 5'5. He was pale too. With dark hair that shined with a bluish tone in the firelight. He was just downright sexy. We started easing towards each other. I was overly aware of myself under his stare. My breathing increased. My heartrate beating faster. He reached for me, smiling, showing all of his teeth, including two sharp canines. "A vampire," I said, passing out. |