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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Teen · #1459767
high school graduate dealing with everyday life things
          Her earrings bang against the soft flesh behind her ears, the longer ones slap against the side of her neck, pulled by the wind tunnel created when the car windows are open on the highway. The feather tied in her long brown hair turns over and over again, catching in the wind, making a mess of the hair it’s tied in. what hair isn’t tied back flies about her head like angry serpents. She turns up the volume on the radio so she can hear her favorite c.d.
         'Yeah, I’m a bit our of date, listening to a c.d. in the car instead of my mp3 player, but sometimes I don’t want to have to worry about switching through songs, trying to find one I actually want to listen to. It’s nice to pop in a c.d. and just let it go.’
         The bass line thumps, sending vibrations through the car, causing a low laugh to bubble up from her throat. Music is one of her few weaknesses, as evidence of the killer stereo system in the piece of shit car. She saved up through her sophomore and junior years of high school to buy the damned thing. Worked as much as possible at her job and babysitting, and almost every day during the summers, between the car and the stereo she had almost no spending money, but then again, her crappy retail job doesn’t pay much anyway.
         The phone rings, and with one hand still on the wheel, she uses the other hand to grope around in her purse until she finds it. Glancing at the display she sees it’s Andrea, her closest friend at the moment, and one of her only friends now. She answers, not bothering to turn her music down since they both talk loud anyway.
         “Hey Andy. What’s up?” she asks
         “I was wondering if you wanted to get something to eat?”
         She is about to decline the offer, but a hideous grumble from her stomach stops her, she reconsiders, “Yeah, absolutely, where?”          
         “How about we meet at the Wendys near the mall? Since I’m already here.” she suggests.
         “Alright. I’m only about five minutes from there anyway.” she signals and moves into the right lane, getting off at the exit.
         “See you soon.” Andy hangs up.
         A few minutes later she pulls into the surprisingly full parking lot, “You idiot,” she says to herself “It’s August. People not on vacation don’t have anywhere better to go.” she steps out of the car, slightly fixing her wind-styled hair and adjusting her bandana tube top and low rise jeans.
         ‘Yes, it’s August. Yes, it’s hot. Yes, I’m wearing jeans. I get some of the funniest looks for wearing jeans in the summer, but the heat has never bothered me.’
         And this particular combination helps draw attention to her new tattoo. A patchwork heart on her back, near her left hip. Around it is a line from Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven”. Quoth the raven “Nevermore”.
         Once in the fast food place she spots Andrea’s blue hair right away. Andrea jumps up, enveloping her in a hug. “Tina! I haven’t seen you in like, two months. How are you?”
         “I’m getting by.” Tina says as they order their food, “Josh was cheating on me. So this time I left him for good.”
         “Oh, I’m so sorry. How long had it been going on?”
         They grab their food and walk back to the table, “Pretty much on and off the whole time we had been dating. I knew, and I was stupid enough to think he’d stop on his own. Shows how much I know, I left him. A few weeks later he came back, practically begging me to take him back. Still having not learned, I did. This happened three or four more times before I finally got to fed up and left him for good. I finally realized he was never going to change despite that he promised.”
         “Damn. But hey, you’re better off without him. Trust me, those types never change.”
         “I know, that’s why I got my tattoo,” she turns and shows Andy the heart, “to remind myself to never fall for someone like that, and if I do, not to put up with anyone’s shit.”
         “Oh, ok, now I get the Nevermore part. So, have you talked to anyone since graduation?”
         “No, not really. Anthony keeps trying to hang out with me, get back on my friends lists. He just won’t take the hints. He’s just so creepy.”
         “He’s still trying to be friends? Well, he’s going half way across the country for school, so if you don’t want any contact with him, you don’t have to have any.”
         “I know, but it’s still so annoying. It’s amazing how he went from someone I wanted to date to someone I want nothing to do with. And in just a few months too.”
         “That’s the way life works unfortunately. Are you having problems with anyone else?” Andy asks, taking a bite of her burger.
         “No, not really. I just haven’t talked to anyone. Why?”
         “I was going to have a party soon, and I wanted to know who not to invite. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, you being my best friend and all.”
         “Don’t worry about it. If Anthony shows up, I’ll just ignore him. It’s what I do best now.” Tina takes a big bite of her burger as her stomach yells at her again.
         They finish eating mostly in silence, each of them making the occasional odd comment.
         “So what are you up to tonight?” Andy asks after throwing her trash out.
         “I have a concert in Providence tonight.” Tina responds.
         “Oh, awesome. Who is it?”
         “It’s a local band. Forever More.”
         “Cool, are they any good?”
         “Yeah. And I’m dating the drummer.” she adds quickly.
         “What? You’re kidding me!” Andy practically yells, “How long after you broke up with Josh did you start dating him?”
         “A few months, but hey, he’s really, really hot.” she glances at her watch, “Shit, I’ve got to go. I promised Dustin I would be there early to wish him luck.”
         They hug goodbye. Tina grabs her purse and runs out to her car. As soon as she starts the car music pounds out of the speakers. She arrives at the venue a few minutes before a crowd of people swamp the door. Once inside, she nods to the manager and makes her way backstage. Dustin and the rest of Forever More are sitting on the couches. She calmly walks over and sits herself down on Dustin’s lap. He kisses her neck and wraps his arms around her waist.
         “It should be a good show tonight.” Dustin says, “Even better now, since you’re here.”
         Tina’s smile grows, “I should let you guys finish whatever you need to. And I have to go fight my way to the best spot in front of the stage.”
         Dustin gives her one more kiss before she departs. The venue is packed full of people. She fights through a crowd of excited girls, each chatting about who is her favorite, finally ending up right at the front of the stage.
         Let the show begin.
© Copyright 2008 K. Hosford (ladyjade722 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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