Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1459453-Alone
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Emotional · #1459453
loneliness can be terrible but someone's reaching out

I watch you wander down the road
        Head bent, back bowed
I watch you drift upon the lake
        No sail, no wake

I see the sparkle in your eyes
        Buried beneath the pain
I hear the words of carefree youth
        Covering up the strain
I hear the sweet tones in your voice
        Tremble with confusion
I feel the touch of fingertips
        Lightening quick illusion
I know the passion of your soul
        Mired in despair
I watch you drifting and alone
        Waiting without care

I only need a line
        To catch and anchor thee
I only need a hand
        To guide and succor thee

I wait and wonder do you see
        And try to catch your eye
I stand alone in silent tears
        Hands useless by my side
I know there must be some way
        To bring you to my arms
I wonder how to reach you
        And keep you from all harm

You speak throughout the day and night
        Yet never share your heart
You touch me with your hands and lips
        Yet keep your self-apart
You let me walk along with you
        Yet never take my hand
You hide behind a mighty wall
        Within a dreary land

I cannot walk on water
        And have no map to share
So patiently I wait for you
        To give a sign you care
Then I may help you build a bridge
        Or help you find a path
To bring us to each other’s side
        To help us close the gap
I want to share my love with you
        I need to know you care
I want to make your pain my own
        I need to know you’re there

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1459453-Alone