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Rated: E · Short Story · Dark · #1459338
a doctor uncovers a deadly truth which changes his life

"It is a once in a lifetime opportunity,i can change the way i have lived so far"thought the doctor on reading the advertisement in the newspaper.
Any one who can treat the old lady to a good health will be awarded 2 crores.
He noted down the address and went out for the mansion on his scooter.He was new to the town,it was really a small one where each corner recognizes the other.Why people in a small town poke into other's private life,may be just a time pass but exactly can't figure it out.

The doctor had lesser means to lead a life than many and he was really struggling to collect them.He always wanted to be different
from his father who never succeded since his own sickness came in his way more often than not,the doctor shuddered on the thought of his childhood.Father a failure,mother brought him and he knew it was really hard to study medical with such limited means.But those cicumstances never instilled good qualities in him ,although he developed a greed for success,but his slothfulness
always came in his way.
Nevertheless he arrived his destination with mixed thoughts of excitement and nervousness.He saw a strong man coming out of the house.Hoping to gain some insight into the case he went to him for communication.
doc:excuse me is it your's(pointing to the house)
strong man:no, but who are you
doc:i am a doctor and want to check the lady up.
strong:oh,welcome to our town
wavering a bit he asked directly
doc:was a doctor already seeing her?
strong:yes,but under him her health devolved,so i adviced to call another one
doc:so i must thank you
strong :only when you solve it
The mansion was encircled by a large garden,it gave it a grand look.He entered the grand hall and the servant who was not looking to be much into the proceedings took him  to the lady.Her room was directly besides the stairway which lead to the roof.
He checked her up and prescribed some medicines and gavfe the list to the servant who was obviously diappointed to do the work.

The strong man had told him the address of the previous doctor,and the doctor directly went there.It was a small house and gave an
impression of his financial condition .He rang the bell and on the third ring the old doctor himself opened the door.It seemed to a duplex of sort from inside he introduced himself and entered the dining room.After some formal discussion he came to the point rather abruptly .
doc:what is wrong with the lady?
old doc:nothing much but she only follows an exorcist,for whom she is a jackpot.
doc:and where are her children?i didn't saw any in the mansion.
old doc:well she had 2 sons ,one of them died at just 25,and the other went outside for education.
The coversation lasted the evening.Realising the time,doctor went for his home.Since there was a forest behind the other side of the town ,the place was full rumours regarding the forest,none ever set a journey into it,making it largely unexplored.The temperature was falling down rapidly and the wind struck his face every now and then.He reached his house but was shocked to see a goat's head
hanging on top of his door,it made him feel sick,since there was no servant at night,he somehow removed it by himself,being a doctor sometimes help.
He spent his night somehow and set out for the mansion.He knew that the servant wouldn't had brought the medicine so he did it by himself.He asked the lady about the exorcist and went there.He lived next to a graveyard.The doctor saw him throwing some bones
in the ground.He quickly went to him and punched him in his stomach,before the exorcist could realise anything another one on his mouth.
doc:tell me why you put that organ on my door??
exorcist was shocked to know that instead of being afraid he figured it out.
exo: i don't want you to be here,you must go.you don't know what you are dealing with,just go or else your life will.......
doc:don't try and act smart ,i am smarter.
getting rid of the doctor's grip he said:you will suffer
doc:we will see ,this time i am letting you off with just a warning,don't come near that house or mine.

"A month has passed without any trouble.The lady is improving,the old doctor left the city,somehow increasing my income,the exorcist never interfered .I always wonder remembering that day
how i collected so much strength ."thought the doctor.His prize was at a touching distance.He then went for a regular check up of the lady.But when he reached the mansion ,he saw a crowd,before he could know anything one among them spotted him,and all of them ran towards him.He quickly realised that they were after him,he turned his scooter and speeded up towards his home.But the shock multiplied when he saw his house foundered and his servant lying outside.He was beaten but by whom the doctor thought.He went to him
servant:the old lady had died ,bringing an old curse to this city,his son had returned,you are blamed and they will kill you ,i know a place where you can hide.
He then told him about a desolated temple on the other side nearby the forest.
The servant went away giving the doctor the shock of his life.He can't believe his ears nor trusted his eyes,impossible had happened.
But he must hurry towards the temple.He was really afraid,never in his life he was so much.Should he run away?But there was no point in doing so,he must find the truth behind the death.Filled with rage and fear he slept in that not so comfortable behind of temple.
HE woke the next noon,he must have slept for a complete 12 hours but still was feeling tired ,he never encoutered a situation like this,whenever your mind is tired your feels it.He thought.

"What to do next?"he thought."I can't trust anyone,i had to prove my innocence on my own.Now the only way is the to the mansion."thinking this he went towards the mansion on the other side,it was risky but also compulsory.He reached the mansion,everybody had returned from the funeral.Some people were inside the mansion,he crossed the garden without being noticed.He covered his face with his palms,cloth and any how avoided any kind of activity which would draw attention and entered the hall.As expected there were many people.Among them there were two lawyers who were taken to the first floorvby the servant.
He was looking unusually interested.He smell something fishy and followed them silently.They were taken to a room and servant closed the door.He inched closer to the door and tried to listen them.They were discussing about some animal roaming in the city,killing people.The son rejected the theory and changed the topic.He asked them to transfer the property to his name.After some discussion they agreed and left the room.In the mean time the doctor shifted his position.When they went the servant talked about some kind of part ,the son asked him to be patient.It took no time for the doctor to understand everything.His work was done and now he proceeded for the temple.But as he just left the mansion ,he was spotted by some people.They started running towards him .He ran away from them.They followed him to the temple,so he had no option but to run into the jungle.Although he knew the forest was said to be cursed,but he had no other option left.He went there and as expected nobody followed.

"This animal had came back because of that doctor.He killed that lady bringing the curse into effect."a man said looking on another dead body teared apart brutally."5 days had gone by after that doctor went to the forest,the animal must have killed him by now"another one said."6 deaths in as many days,really a bad time for the town"said the strong man thinking about the doctor.He was his only ray of hope.Only he can do his work,but it was really difficult to survive in there."We had no option other than the exorcist,now he is our only ray of hope."one man said.Listening this every one approached the exorcist's house.The strong man thought that  the doctor may return to the temple for one more time but it was really a wild guess.He thought nonetheless it was a good place to start with,he will not assume the doctor to be dead until he finds his body.
There at the mansion, the son and the servant were talking to each other.
servant:now i want more.
son:why?you already have demanded a healthy amount.
ser:you know; i know about your childhood rather explicitly.
The son got strained up even more but agreed finally.
He asked the servant to meet him  at the desolated temple late in the evening.
ser:and one more thing,don't try to act smart,i am smarter.
The doctor was listening all this and was a little perplexed by the childhood matter,he decided to go to the temple again.

All the people had gathered at the exorcist's residence.He was standing in front of them,with a feeling of jubiliation on his face.The animal may have wreaked havoc on the city but it instilled a feeling of belief in the locals for the exorcist.Now he was there messiah or may be sort of."Please tell us the truth,what started this all?What the curse is all about?"the leader of the crowd asked."It is a story dating back 400 yrs."he continued"Then this place was a small village.The old lady's ancesstors were the richest.All were living happily until one day.It was a rainy day,someone knocked the door.One of the family members opened the door,there stood a man standing in the rain with a tense look on his face.He asked for protection from a warlock who wanted to sacrifice him and was in search of him right then.THEY helped him and kept him  in their house,soon after that the warlock arrived and asked them for himBut they declined to help.Warlock forced them but nome agreed,he told that the man they are protecting is not a man but a demon who he mistakenly called and he ran away.After listening this they brought the man down,he then apologised for lying to them but told that actually he was the warlock and had to run away saving his life,but this none trusted him and all of them killed him.Tragically he was telling the truth and while dying down he cursed the family that this demon will be trapped in one of their bodies and will give birth to another one till their 7th generation die their natural death,everytime anyone dying unnaturally will bring the demon out of  the trap who will leave the world after 50 killings at sequential nights"
"but how do you know that?"asked the leader."The lady herself told this to me"
leader:What to do now?
exo:the demon sleeps in the day.We must gather the courage and find and kill him.
lea:but how will you find him?
exo:i have noticed some footsteps near the forest.It can lead us to him.
They all agreed and followed him.

The doctor felt that someone was hiding behind the bushes,he went there and find the strong man sitting there .It was a pleasant surprise for the doctor,at last some help possibly he thought.The strong man was also happy and said that he expected him to be there.The doctor told him about the conversation he overheard.They decided to wait before concluding anything.After about half an hour some people came and also hide nearby the temple area.Both doctor and strong man understood what was going to happen.After sometime the servant arrived and those hooligans attacked him and beat him up until he seemed to be dead.Both of them went to him after the bullies went.Luckily the servent was still alive.He said he knew the son would do this so he concealed those materials to some secret place.When the strong man asked what he knew ,the servent told the truth"The son and the old doctor conspirated and killed the old lady for her property but one that the old doctor himself never knew was that the story regarding the curse was a false one ,to protect his son.""what was the problem?"asked the strong man.The doctor clearly noticed the fire burning inside the man thru his eyes.He was flummoxed by this reaction."the son was suffering from some mental disorder ,at nights his body became rock hard and he turned into some deadly creature,it was he who killed his brother.He was then sent to a mental assylum for treatment......not to some university"he told this and died.

doc:I can sense some kind of rage inside you.
strong man:My sister and his brother loved each other.He had told her about the son's sickness.Every thing was going fine.
strong man:but when he killed his brother she commited suicide and left me all alone.
doc:I can understand.This is a rare sickness,my father also suffered from this but not so severely.Sometimes human body behave abnormally ,showing great powers,like camouflaging ,extreme hunger,extreme power etc.I know how he can be treated.
strong man :then we should hurry,those materials will help you prove ur innocence.Bring those people to the mansion,until then i will keep him busy.
doctor nodded and went away.
It took him no time to find them.They were camping to a place very near to his place of hiding ,but now it doesn't mattered .Everyone was surprised to see him alive,except the exorcist.He detested him.But he was in power ,he can easily take revenge.
doc:without wasting anyone's time i want to show all of you the proof of my innocence.
leader(furiosly):what is it?
doc:you have to come with me and don't worry about the animal ,the son is the animal.lea:how dare you say that?doc:i can proove it.
after thinking for sometime leader:ok but don't expect us to be patient ,the god may have forgiven but we have not.
There at the mansion the son shocked the strong man.
son:i am not a fool,i knew the servant would conceal the proofs somewhere ,so i send my men behind him,after destroying the materials they killed him.The strong man had not even recovered from the shock that he heard people shouting against the doctor ,he went outside and saw people running before the doctor who was running really fast.
In no time the doctor entered the mansion's great hall where strong man and the son were standing.For that moment nothing could have stopped him no guards ,no weapon.He pounced upon the son and started beating him.The son freed himself and ran upstairs towards the roof,the doctor followed.The strong man ran before him followed by the crowd .The exorcist arrived soon after.Both doctor and the son reached the roof,doctor closed the door.Every one collected on the other side.Some people tried to force the door open.The strong man said:you fools have led to another death.
leader:what you want to say?
strong :that the son is the animal.The story was cooked up by the old lady to protect her son .It was he who killed his brother,it was he who arrived here and the death trail started.He was sent to be treated not to get education.And now you have gave him another victim.
Everyone felt ashamed.Then a loud cry was heard.They successfully forced the door open, but saw something really scary.An animal tearing apart a body.The pieces of the body laid there at the roof.And a human like figure sat there laughing.The crowd went to kill the animal but were taken aback when they saw IT WAS THE DOCTOR.The strong man freezed.He just saw as the crowd burnt him alive,he roared like an animal but for the last time.
It all began when everyone foundered his house,behind the temple he felt tired because he didn't slept that night,he could easily walk past the crowd in the mansion after the funeral because of camouflage,footprints turned up when he went hiding into the forest,he inherited the disease from his father.
The strong man recalled everything(obviously associated with him)and watched an animal burn.

© Copyright 2008 kajasinis (kajasinis at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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