Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1458758-Up-to-No-Good-part-2
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1458758
Kids get lost in desert.
                                        Chapter 21

    My name's David. I'm fourteen and I had four friends. Now, it's down to three. My best friend, and maybe even more than that, has just died. These past few weeks have been the worst in my entire life. That long, deathly wait at that land of death, and then the wait here for Jessica that had come to an end, but not the end I expected. Life has changed completely since Danny. Now Danny was behind bars along with my older brother Kyle. Nothing would never, could never be the same. Right now, my whole body is numb and the sorrow and anger I knew should be there just seemed to be lost. It seemed that all of this was just a dream or a joke or something. Jessica could not be dead. Life without Jessica would be like life without food. Everyone's voices seemed like they were so far away. Alice's sobs began to blend in with the background like a song on the radio that has been playing over and over again.
    Now, David found himself in the town's funeral parlor a few days later staring into a coffin where Jessica lay, her face pale and her eyes closed. Alex, Nick, and Shawn were around him shifting uneasily. Alex pulled David away so the people behind them could see. After an hour, they all gathered in a different place full of chairs where a Preacher stood in the front of the room waiting to give a speech.
    "Hello everyone. We gather here in remembrance of the life of Jessica Nickols, a great friend and daughter. When we think of Jessica, we should remember the good times and not the bad..."
    David's mind slipped away. David was hit with an emotion that he was not prepared for. He was expecting sorrow at the loss of Jessica. He even expected anger at Danny. What he got was not expected. David was hit with fear. Fear for the future. Fear of what was to come and the many sad, lonely days that i knew were waiting for him.
    Tears filled his eyes and then spilled out. David looked away from the front of the room where everyone was staring, some crying silently, other nodding at the Preacher's words.
    The sight of the desert filled his eyes as he tried to push it away.
    The funeral ended an hour later. Alice tried to speak a few words about her daughter, but she just broke down crying. About ten people went to comfort her. Everyone cried at the burial ceremony. Alice held a dinner at her house for anyone who wanted to come and talk. David and Jen went, but Alex, Nick, and Shawn went home.
    Alice stayed in the kitchen mostly the whole time. Jen went in to talk to her with a bored look on her face that she attempted to turn sympathetic.
    "Hey, Alice. How are you holding up?" Jen asked.
    "Not so good Jen. I can't keep myself together. My son's in Jail and my daughter's dead. I don't have either one of my kids with me anymore."
    "You can have mine," Jen offered.
    "That's not funny."
    "You're gonna be ok, Alice. You just need to get over it."
    "I can't Jen."
    "I don't understand why not."
    "Leave me alone Jen. I want to be alone." Jen left Alice's house in a frustrated fashion. To her, her friend was being very unreasonable and showing too much weakness.
    David walked into the kitchen a little apprehensively.
    "Hi, Mrs. Nickols."
    "Hey David. How are you doing?"
    "I'm not so sure."
    "You're holding it together better than me. That's a good sign."
    "I don't know."
    "How's it going at home?"
    "Fine. You're not looking so good."
    "I know. You're not looking too good yourself. Have you slept lately?"
    "Not really. It's hard."
    "I know. Trust me I know. You're going to be ok though. I know it." Alice had a flashback of when she visited Jess in the hospital and told her almost the same thing. She turned away from David and he took the hint and left.

                                      Chapter 22

    David was nto looking forward to his return to school. He knew he had so much work to make up after missing about a month,. He forced himself to get up the next morning and drag himselt out to the bus. People stopped David in the halls every chance they could.
    "Hey David," a kid who he had met but not really talked to stopped him on his way to math. "I heard what happened, but the papers weren't really descriptive. I'm really sorry. We've all missed you here. It's been kind of quiet. I'm glad to have you back."
    "Yeah, um, I'm not really all that happy about being here really. I had to come though. A month is kind of over the limit of the amout of days we're aloud to miss."
    "I'll talk to you later. You don't wanna be late on your first day back."
    David met up with Alex at lunch. They both sat in silence for a while and then Alex looked David in the face and said quietly,"How are you holding up?"
    "Huh? Oh, fine I guess. Kind of tired," David replied.
    "I mean about Jessie."
    "Oh, well, I-um-I don't really know."
    "Have people been questioning you because they've been questioning me?"
    "Yeah, me too."
    "I'll see you later. I've been spending every free period I can to get caught up on my work," Alex said and waved before running off.
    "Hey David," one of the smiley girls who was on the same softball team as Jessica came over and sat with him. "I'm really glad you're back."
    "Yeah, ok," David said, trying not to look straight at her so she wouldn't start throwing questions at him.
    "I'm really sorry about what happened. It must have been pretty scary," she said and still kept smiling.
    "Yeah, me too." He just wanted her to go away.
    "Um, I was wondering if you were going to the football game on Friday since you haven't really been to any school things in a while," she said, looking him straight in the face and seeming not to blink.
    "I wasn't really planning on it," David said surprised. This was the last thing he thought one of Jessica's friends would ask him.
    "Will you though? I've been wanting to ask you for a long time, but Jessica really liked you and now since she's-"
    "You're saying that you're glad Jessica's out of the way so now you can make your move?!" David yelled suddenly and got a lot of disgusted looks from nearby tables.
    "No, no, I wasn't saying that. I just meant that now I can ask you without having people mad at me," she said looking really taken aback.
    "No, I'm not going. I'm especially not going with you." Anger had risen in David and he knew he hurt the girl's feelings but he didn't care.
    David walked out of the cafeteria really mad. His anger turned into sorrow the further away he got. He didn't know where he was going so he just kept walking. The route was one he took on a normal school day, and he didn't realize he took it until he found himself in front of Jessica's locker. It had been as much his as hers since they shared it and most of his stuff was in here.
    He spun the combination so familiar. The school hadn't gotten around to cleaning it out so it still looked the same as it had when Jessie was still here. Her softball picture was on the inside of the door along with a whole bunch of other pictures. One of the pictures was of him and her. He could remember the day she took that.
    It was on her birhtday. She came up behind him and laid her head on his shoulder. "Say happy birthday," she said smiling and then clicked the button. Jessica was a picture fanatic and every picture she took went up in her locker.
    David pulled his english book out and a note fell out with it with his name on the front. It was folded in one of those weird ways girls fold notes. He stared at it for a few seconds and then opened it with his fingers trembling.
              Hey so wats up?? Nuthin really here... I actually wanted
              to ask you something... It's been on my mind for a really
              long time now and i felt kind of nervous, I guess, to ask
              you... I know I already asked if we coud go to the dance
              as friends, but I'd really like to go as more than that.....
              I really like you David... I have for a really long time...
              My friends kept telling me to ask you cuz my crush was
              starting to annoy them... But I know that it's a lot more
              than a crush... What do you say??
                                                        Luv ya,
    David stared at it for a long time. Jessica always repeated end marks in her notes. Tears filled David's eyes and Jessica's face came swimming into his mind. "I really like you David.... I have for a really long time...."

                                      Chapter 23
    Alice stayed at home that day. She was having trouble keeping from crying. She knew that she would never be able to go back to normal. Jen kept telling her that she needed to forget Jessica in order to feel better. She thought that it was mean of her to think that. She decided to take on piece of Jen's advice and go through her daughter's room. There would be a lot of things that she knew she'd keep, but there were also some things that she could get rid of.
    Alice pushed open the door and walked into Jessica's room. It was a mess. Jessica never liked to clean and she had so much stuff that there wasn't enough room for it all. She sat a few different boxes out. One was for David, one of the stuff that she wasn't going to keep, and one for the stuff that was other people's but Jessica borrowed it.
    Jessica had boxes and boxes of pictures under her bed that Alice kept most of but gave some to David. She went through a box of pictures of when Jess was really little and the tears came. She was so tired of crying, but she just couldn't stop. She layed herself down in Jessica's bed, cuddled up with her pillow, and cried softly.
    After a while, where Alice cried on and off, she picked up the box for David and put it into her car. She drove over to David's house and knew at once that he was the only one here. Most of the time, there would be yelling coming from inside. Alice had never left Jessica come over here for that reason. She knocked on the door and it was opened almost immediately. David looked surprised to see her but excited at the same time.
    "David, I brought over some of Jessica's stuff that you can have," Alice said shakily.
    "Thanks," David said grateful.
    "I might have more later. I haven't went through it all."
    "You really don't have to."
    "I know. I know. I better get going. There's still a lot to do."
    "Ok, see you later, and thanks again."
    Alice nodded and walked down the driveway. David took the box into the house and up to his room. He opened it up and peered inside. Most of it was all pictures, including a picture of him, her, Alex, Nick, and Shawn when there were in fourth grade. He smiled to himself about how different they all looked. He also found one of her old softballs, a few drawings, and-
    "-Jessica's black hair tie," David said out loud.

                                              Chapter 24

    Alice called to talk to Jen a half hour after she knew she was home.
    "Alice? Hi, um, why are you calling?" Jen sounded surprised.
    "Actually, I was calling about David," Alice said apprehensively. She knew suggesting something about David always made Jen angry unless it was military school she was suggesting.
    "What did he do now?" Jen's voice became really angry.
    "No, no, Jen. He didn't do anything." Alice became even more scared.
    "What is it then? You better not be calling me to give me a lecture or tell me how great a son I have!" Jen was even more angry.
    "I was thinking that maybe you should send David to a psychologist," Alice said all these words very fast and held her breath while she waited for Jen's reply.
    "For what?" Jen sounded surprised as if this was the very last thing she thought Alice would say.
    "For Jessie's death." Alice was confused as to whey Jen didn't understand why.
    "That's you who needs one. Not David," Jen said amused.
    "You haven't talked to him Jen. He does need one," Alice said, beginning to get agitated.
    "I don't hear him going around the house crying all the time!" Jen said angrily.
    "He holds it inside. Please consider it Jen. If he has a mental breakdown, just think, you'll be the one in town who has a nutcase for a son," Alice said, knowing Jen's weakness.
    "Ok, I'll call someone. Do you have anyone on your mind?" Jen said.
    "Yes, actually I heard about this guy. Peter Burknoff, he's really good. I have his number here. Do you have a pen and paper?"
    "Yeah, ok, go ahead Alice."
    "Ok, Alice, I'll call him. This better not cost me too much money."
    "Make sure you take him."
    Jen hung up with Alice, called Dr. Burknoff, and scheduled an appointment. He had an opening today for five. She knew David would flip, but Alice could be the biggest pain ever.
    "David, get ready," Jen yelled up the stairs.
    "Where are we going?" David asked suspiciously.
    "Dr. Burknoff," Jen replied.
    "A doctor! Mom, I'm not sick!" David was scared his mom was actually going to send him away.
    "It's a psychologist," Jen said and acted like saying that word was the worst thing that had ever passed through her lips.
    "I'm not crazy!" David said, his eyes wide.
    "You're going, and you're gonna make every penny I pay this guy worth it."
    David followed his mother out to the car annoyed at the fact that the only thing she would spend her on him for was a psychologist.
    "Why are you taking me here?" David asked.
    "Alice thinks you're due for a mental breakdown, and you need a psychologist to prevent it," Jen replied agitatedly.
    David sat for the rest of the ride in silence. Alice had forced Jen to bring him here when she was the one who needed it. Before David knew it, he was sitting in the waiting room of a very colorless building. The blinding white all around them was the only color that could be seen.
    "David Benson?" a woman in all white asked. She was holding a clipboard and staring around the room.
    "I'll wait for you here, but if you don't see me when you come ouit it's because something's come up and just call Alice to pick you up," Jen whispered.
    David walked with the nurse who smiled at him the entire way. She led him to an office that had Dr., Burknoff written across the top in gold plated letters.
    "Ah, hello David. Comd in and have a seat," Dr. Burknoff nodded to a chair across from him. He had round glasses perched on his nose that he folded up and stuck in his breast pocket. The front part of his head was balding and the stringy hair on the back of his head was a light brown. He was at least six foot with a very round stomach.
    "My name is Dr. Burknoff. Why don't we start by you telling me a little bit about yourself?" he said and a calm smile stretched across his face.
    "Well, I guess you know my name and why I'm here," David started. He wanted to get through this as quick as possible.
    "The name yes, the reason, no," he replied.
    "My best friend just died," David said with a tone that suggested he was holding back the urge to say 'duh'.
    "Were you close?"
    "Yeah, like I said, she was my best friend."
    "Why don't you tell me a little bit about her?"
    "She was on the softball team, and-" David told Dr. Burknoff all about Jessica. Actually, he only told him the stuff he didn't mind someone else knowing.
    "How did she die?"
    "We were all taken to this desert by her older brother. He-"
    The image of the desert filled David's vision as Dr. Burknoff's office swam out of it. Jessica smiling as she wrote down their quiz results. Nick seeing a mirage. Shawn flipping out on him.
    The office swam back into view. Dr. Burknoff was peering at him curiously.
    "Where'd you go right now David?"
    "No where. I stayed right here."
    "I mean in your mind. Where'd your mind take you?"
    "No where. I just remembered something," David knew he was lying, but he didn't want the psychologist making something funny up out of his flashback.
    "Ok, David. You can continue."
    "Can I go now? There's something I've gotta do," David said, suddenly urgent.
    "We have time left, but that's fine. Have your mom call and schedule another session." David nodded and walked out. Jen was not waiting for him in the waiting room, so he decided to walk home instead of calling Alice. He was mad at her after all. In truth, his flashbacks scared him. He knew he should have told Dr. Burknoff, but he was actually scared of what the result was. Maybe he was going crazy.
    He walked until he came to the cemetary. He didn't know what brought him here, but he pushed open the gates and walked to the headstone marked Jessica Nickols.
    "Hey Jessie. We all miss you. You're mom talked my mom into forcing me to go to a psychologist. How insane is that? Well, I found that note in your locker. The one you never gave me?  The truth is, I feel the same way. I just didn't want to tell you since Alex liked you and it would create this whole messed up love thing. I can't believe you're gone Jessie. I miss you so, so much., Sometimes I can hear you saying to me, 'David it's bad enough I had to put up with you when I was alive, don't make me watch you cry now.' Then, you'd laugh. I can't help it Jess. I miss you more than you could ever know."

                                          Chapter 25

    The next day David woke up thinking it was all just a dream and that Danny was still planning his revenge. He knew it wasn't true when he turned his tv on, flicked to the News, and saw Jessica's face pop up with a captio saying "Murder in the First Degree or Not?"
    David sighed. He knew what he was going to do today. It was a Saturday meaning no school. He got ready and ran downstairs.
    "Mom, can you give me a ride to Wal-Mart? It's kind of a long walk and I don't know if I can make it."
    "I guess so if you can get a ride back."
    "Ok," David said excited. David was not interested in Wal-mart. What he wanted was the building next to it.
    "Here you go," Jen said. David walked along the sidewalk and through the hedges to the giant gray building. A cement wall enclosed the back. David alked up to one of the Cops sitting behind the front desk.
    "I'm here to see Danny Nickols," David stated confidently.
    "This way," a guard said and led him to a chair where he said to sit down and wait.
    David sat there looking on either side of him. He had never visited someone in Jail before. They brought Danny out and he looked like he belonged here. He gave an evil grin when he caught sight of David. David took the phone off the hook beside him and Danny did the same.
    "Hey, David man. You're lookin' pale. Somethin' buggin' you?" Danny said, continuing to smile.
    "You look righ tat home Danny," David said, glaring at him and putting on his own evil grin.
    "Oh yeah. It turns out I committed the worst crime of everyone in my cell. They couldn't believe I included my own sister." Danny kept on a grin.
    "Jessie's dead do you know?" David stopped smiling back.
    "Yeah I know. I got a few Hearings coming up for murder. That why you're so pale? She did love you. Talked about you all the time. You're too stupid to know that though." Danny's head was to the side.
    "How could you kill your own sister?" David asked.
    "I didn't kill her." Danny kept on smiling.
    "Yes, you did. Jessie's dead because of you." David was shaking with anger.
    "I didn't intend on killing anyone." He looked like he thought he knew everything.
    "I hope you rot away here," David said, going to put down the receiver.
    ""Hey David," Danny said and he was no longer smiling. "It isn't over. This is just the beginning. My gang's still out there. I'd watch my back if I were you."
    David didn't say anything back. He slammed down the receiver and stormed out of the building. He took the bus to the edge of town and walked to Alex's house. He hadn't really talked to Alex since the first day being stuck in that desert. He knocked three times and was pleased to see tha tAlex was the only one home.
    "What are you doing here?" Alex asked surprised.
    "I need to talk to you. Can I come in?" David said, staring at Alex's surprised face.
    "Oh, sure come in. What's up?"
    "I went to see Danny today."
    "Danny!" Alex exclaimed. "Why would you do that?"
    "I just needed to ask him some stuff." David shrugged.
    "What did you find out?"
    "He seems happy."
    "Ok, we've always known something was wrong with him. Tell me what else you found out." Alex was growing impatient. He hated it when David made him wait.
    "He said it's not over."
    "What does that mean?"
    "I don't know, but the Police found all of Danny's plans in that notebook. They'd know if he was planning something else."
    "Unless he didn't write it down."
    "Danny's too stupid to not write one part of his plan down because it's more dangerous than the other part."
    "He is stupid enough to forget to write it down."
    "It would give him joy to see it in words."
    "I don't know." Alex stared out the window beside him.

                                        Chapter 26

    Nick was at his baseball game. This was his first one since he got back. He was so excited for things to be close to normal again.
    "Hey Nick! You're back!" A curly haired, freckle faced boy came running toward him.
    "Yeah Charlie. I'm back," Nick said back grinning.
    "How's it going?" Charlie rubbed a hand through his thick red hair.
    "Fine, I guess. A lot better than before yet worse. I don't know. I'm kind of confused actually." Nick gazed at the rest of the team behind Charlie.
    "Hey Nick," about twelve other voices said happily.
    "Hey everybody. I missed this. I can tell you that." Nick smiled at all of the faces gazing at him.
    "Are you ready?"
    You bet! Let's go!"
    They all ran back into the dugout to  listen to their coach's pregame pep talk. Nick wanted so desperately to get things back to normal. He knew that it would never be entirely normal again without Jessica, but he wanted it to be as close as possible. The coach's voice seemed to life Nick's spirits instead of boring him to death. Nick couldn't stop smiling for the whole game.
    Alex sat in his room writing in one of his notebooks. He was trying to get out of the depression mode he seemed to be stuck in. He knew he was nowhere close to as bad as David was right now. David wouldn't admit how messed up he was, but he was really messed up. Writing was something that helped take his mind off of something. Alex knew that David would never be able to return back to normal again.
    "He'll get better," Alex said aloud to reassure himself. "After awhile, he'll turn back into David. It just takes time. Right?" He looked around as if hoping one of the walls would answer him. Right now, David actually scared him
    "David will turn more into David. I'll make sure of it. He has to. He's the strongest one out of all of us." Alex sighed to himself and continued to write.
    Alex dropped his pencil and looked up. He hated things being this way, but he knew he couldn't do anything about it. David was pulling away from the world. It was a very abnormal thing for him to do.
    Shawn sat on the railing of his front porch wobbling the unsteady seat back and forth. He stared unblinkingly straight ahead of him.
    "So much has changed," he though to himself. "Not one of us is the same. Nothing at all is the same. Jessie's gone. Danny and Kyle are in Jail. David's head is screwed up. None of us have really talked together since-"
    The railing finally gave away and Shawn fell on the porch. He just layed in the same position he fell in and stared up at the sky.
    "You really screwed up our lives Danny," Shawn spoke to the sky. "Your plan went completely wrong. Jessie wasn't supposed to die. You weren't supposed to be locked away in Jail. You screwed it all up Danny, and sometime it'll come back to get you."

    David walked toward the treehouse. He had called Alex, Nick, and Shawn and scheduled a meeting. He knew they'd be full of questions about why he kept himself away from all of them. He actually didn't know why. It just seemed like being alone was the better thing to do.
    He came into the clearing where the treehouse stodd waiting for him as if it was expecting him for a very long time. David climbed the ladder and saw threww pairs of eyes turn to face him.
    "Hey everybody," David said wondering why he felt so shy around the friends he'd known for years.
    "Hey David," Alex said promptly.
    "Hey, what's up?" Shawn said smiling.
    "Glad to see you David," Nick said giving a kind of half smile.
    "I know you guys probably have plenty you want to talk about, but I called this meeting about something in particular. Alex, you already heard most of this. I went to see Danny the other day." Everyone was watching him as if he were the President giving a speech. "I told him a few things and asked a few things. He told me that it's not over."
    Shawn and Nick both raised their eyebrows as if expecting more.
    "What?" David asked looking from one to the other.
    "Well, we just kind of already suspected that Danny's gang would come after us after Danny was put in Jail," Shawn replied sounding like a kid who was trying to sound innocent.
    "Yeah David, so can I ask you a question now?" Nick asked. "Why are you secluding yourself away from us?"
    "I'm not," David lied.
    "You are," Alex said to him.
    "You miss Jessie?" Shawn asked.
    "Of course I do. We all do," David said defensively.
    "A little more than the rest of us, David?" Shawn asked, his eyebrows raised.
    "What are you talking about?" David asked, his temper raising.
    "David, we've been friends for a long time. Even Nick noticed," Shawn said, his innocent voice back on. David turned to face Nick and he nodded.
    "Ok, maybe," David mumbled.
    "David, you know better than to pick friends without common sense. You've taught us well. Now, mayube we can go from grasshoppers to whatever bug comes after that," Shawn said with one of stupid grins.
    "Shawn, stop it. Shut up," David said back to him.
    "We've got something for you tomorrow," Shawn said, ignoring David and still grinning.
    "What do you mean?" David asked puzzled.
    "You'll see."

                                                  Chapter 27

    The next day David found himself being dragged by the arm by Shawn.
    "I don't wanna go Shawn. Leggo of me," David said, trying to pull away and then bumping into Alex.
    "David, come on. You'll have fun," Shawn said smiling and pulling him.
    "I already told someone I wasn't going to the game." David was trying to stop moving, but failed from a push behind him by Alex.
    "Well, you lied," Shawn replied.
    "What can be so bad about a football game?" Nick asked, walking beside David.
    "I just don't wanna go," David said.
    "Just do this for us. Please, David," Alex said behind him.
    "Oh, fine," David said, giving up and walking along.
    "Great. You'll have a good time David," Shawn said, letting go of his arm.
    They arrived and took a seat up in the bleachers. David sat in between Alex and Shawn and looked out over all the heads in front of him.
    "Who'd you tell you weren't coming?" Shawn asked looking at David.
    "I don't know her name," David said, not realling caring.
    "Her? David, someone asked you out?" Shawn said, smiling.
    "She was someone from Jess's softball team," David said, not bothering to answer his question.
    "Why'd you say no?" Alex asked.
    "I don't know ok. Just drop it," David said, beginning to get agitated.
    "Didn't like her? That's ok, man, we'll find someone for you," Shawn said.
    "How bout Becca?" Nick asked.
    David shook his head.
    "Madison?" Shawn asked.
    David shook his head again.
    "Katie?" Alex asked.
    David shook his head again. "Don't you get it?" David rounded on all of them. "I don't want anybody."
    "Have you been brainwashed?" Shawn asked, looking at him incredulously.
    "Scratch that," David said looking directly at Shawn. "I want Jessie. I want her back. That doesn't seem to matter because what I want doesn't seem to happen. It never does."
    "Follow me guys," Shawn said.
    "Where are we going?" David demanded.
    "You'll see," Shawn said.
    "Last time you said that I ended up here," David was trying hard not to yell.
    Shawn lead them over to a group of girls.
    "Is this all you care about?" David whispered furiously to Shawn.
    "Just watch," Shawn whispered back. "Hey Becca," he said, smiling a one of the girls.
    "Hey, Shawn," Becca replied.
    "Why don't you introduce us to you friends?" Shawn asked her.
    "Ok, Amber, Ashley, Nicole, and Jenna," she said pointing to each one in turn. "This is Shawn, Alex, Nick, and David." She nodded to each one smiling.
    "Did you know Jessica Nickols?" David demanded of them.
    "Everyone did," Amber said.
    "We all miss her," Ashley said.
    "Were you two-" Jenna began.
    "No, no, David's single. He has been for awhile," Shawn said before David got a chance.
    "How long is that gonna last? We were all told you were off limits," Nicole said smiling.
    "Unless you brin Jessie back, I'm gonna stay single," David said and walked away.
    "Excuse me," Shawn said and ran after hiim.
    "I don't want to hear anything you've got to say," David said when Shawn caught up to him.
    "You probably don't, but you have to," Shawn said.
    "Then, can I leave?" David asked.
    "Make it quick."
    "You'll feel so much better if you just forget about Jessie. You need to. There's still so much in life you haven't done."
    "No, I won't. I don't care what you say. I won't forget. I refuse to. Don't talk to me."
    "You have to eventually if you want your life back," Shawn called after him.

                                          Chapter 28

    "So, David, how has it been going for you?" Dr. Burknoff asked, peering at him over the notebook he was taking notes in.
    David was in his second psychology session.
    "Fine," David lied.
    "What have you been doing lately?" the doctor asked, not believing David's lie.
    "I went to a school football game last weekend." David tried hard to get through this as quickly as possible.
    "Why don't you tell me a little bit ore about Jessica? I didn't hear much last time when you were here adn I'd like to know more. Anything you want to tell me can help out a lot." Dr. Burknoff smiled at David.
    "What exactly do you want to know?" David was not going to give anything away he didn't have to.
    "Anything. Maybe you can tell me about your favorite thing you two did together."
    "We did a lot together. Nothing really sticks out as the best."
    "Ok, how about you tell me about her family. You mentioned a brother."
    "Yes, Danny. It's his fault she's dead."
    "Why would you say that?"
    "He put us in that place. He left us there. He didn't give us anything to help us survive. He went too far when he tried to get us back for-" David stopped. He knew he'd said too much. Now the doctor was leaning forward, peering at him curiously.
    "What was he trying to get back at you for?"
    "Nothing. He's just a maniac."
    "Ok, David. What was it like in the desert?"
    "I tried to keep us all together. I tried to keep us all alive. I failed."
    "You put a lot on your shoulders David."
    "It's my fault too."
    "Why is it your fault, David?"
    "I could have done something more. I didn't try hard enough."
    "David, none of it is your fault. You said it yourself, Danny is a madman. He's in a gang. Jessica's death is not your fault."
    David toned out the doctor and the desert came back to him.
    "Does he hurt you?" Jessica asked, her eyes wide.
    She was so close right there in front of him. I can see her so clearly, David thought. I can reach out and touch her.
    "Nothing I can't handle," David replied back.
    "David," Dr. Burknoff's voice broke through.
    No, I don't want to leave, David thought. I won't leave.
    "Come back, David," Dr. Burknoff said gently.
    "No, no, no, no, no!" David saw the office clearly and Dr.Burknoff sitting in front of him.
    "I want to go back!" David realized he was shaking, but right then he didn't care. "She was right there! I want to see her! Please, please send me back!"
    "David, I can't do that and I think we better stop for today. I'll see you later."
    David left. He walked straight for Alex's house. He needed to talk to someone except for that stupid psychologist who thought he was better than everyone else because he was helping people instead of getting the help.
    David walked up to the front door and knocked furiously. The door was opened by Alex's mother who looked extremely annoyed.
    "What in the world is it David?" She asked.
    "Is Alex home? I need to talk to him," David said, speaking very fast.
    "He's up in his room," she replied, stepping aside as David ran in.
    Alex jumped when David threw open his door.
    "Hey, David. What-"
    "I think I'm going crazy," David interrupted.
    "Crazy people don't admit they're crazy," Alex replied.
    "I'm having flashbacks, Alex."
    "What kind?"
    "I keep going back to the desert."
    "Thata's fine, David, as long as you don't start hurting people."
    "I'm not."
    "Good. Have they gotten worse?"
    "No, they've been pretty much the same."
    "See, that's good."
    "My mom thinks I'm crazy."
    "Your mom needs help herself."
    "She sent me to a psychologist."
    "Maybe he'll actually help."

                                        Chapter 29
    The Chanel Ten News was on in David's living room. He sat on the couch watching it and eating a bag of chips. It had been a week since his last session with Dr. Burknoff. He had tried to put his life normal again. He went to school, hung out with his friends, and actually laughed every once and awhile. He still was not caught up on all of his schoolwork and feared being sent to summer school. The teachers kept him after school, and he stayed up late, but e could only do so much. He was not as far behind as Nick and Shawn, but he was still farther behind than Alex. School was probably the hardest thing to face since Jessie's death. A lot of people came up to him and asked him about it. He didn't really know what to say so he just told them he'd rather not talk about it.  The other members of the softball team especially took it in turns to come to him and ask about Jessie. The flashbacks had cut back into just invading his dreams. He seemed to notice more now how much he had depended on Jessie now that she wasn't here.
    The name of the Jail brought David's attention to the tv screen in front of him. There was a cop standing in front of the Jail talking to the reporter.
    "I am standing outside the county jail where just hours before nineteen-year old Danny Nickols was murdered.
    "What?" David's full attention was on the tv screen now.
    "We believe this to be a paid assassination by Danny himself. There is evidence suggesting that Danny paid someone a large amount of money to strangle him."
    David was staring at the screen, his eyes wide on and his mouth open. Then, his awe turned to anger. Danny had commited murder. Instaed of spending his sentence in Jail, he took the easy way out. Jessie's murderer and brother was dead by paying someone to kill him.
    Shawn stared at his tv screen not comprehending. He heard what was said, he just didn't believe it. Danny wasn't the kind of person to give up that easily. He took revenge on anyone he possibly could. Most of the time, he didn't need a reason to attack. Danny must be more messed up than he thought.
    "That's just great," he said out loud. "The gang's crazy leader is dead and they'll probably take revenge. Just great."
    Alex tilted his head to the side, taking in what he just heard. He tried to understand people and usually could, but Danny was one person he could never get. Kyle was brought up in a really bad environment. He was bound to turn out bad. A lot of people thought David would follow the path of his brother, but it never happened. Danny was brought up in a really good home. His mother was caring even though his father wasn't there.
    Nick sat on hsi couch watching a rerun of an old cartoon. He was relaxing after baseball practice. The phone rang and he reached behind the couch on the table and picked it up.
    "Hello?" David's voice came from the other end.
    "Hey, David. What's up?" Nick asked.
    "Haven't you seen the News?" David sounded surprised.
    "No, I don't watch the News. You should know that by now," Nick said amused.
    "Danny's dead."
    "What?" Nick said incredulously.
    "We're all meeting in the treehouse."
    "Ok, I'll see you there."
    They all met in the treehouse. Nick was the last to arrive because he stayed behind to try and catch some of the News to understand what David was talking about.
    "Ok, everybody's here," David said, looking at each person, "We never expected Danny to die. We need to try to figure out why. How does this fit in with what Danny had dont already?"
    "He's insane," Alex offered.
    "We already knew that," David replied.
    "Alright, David. Back up to full on leadership," Shawn laughed at his own joke.
    "Does anyone else have any ideas?" David asked, completely ignoring Shawn.
    "Maybe he just couldn't take it anymore," Nick offered. "Maybe he actually felt guilt."
    "Yeah, and maybe I spend my Saturdays crying over movies on Lifetime," Shawn snapped.
    "I find the probability of Danny feeling guilt highly unlikely," Alex agreed.
    "He probably couldn't take Jail anymore," Shawn said.
    "That could be a possibility, but Danny should feel right at home there," David said.
    "What do you think he had planned?" NIck asked.
    "Knowing Dany, probably more death," David said bitterly.
    "He said it was meant for you, David," Alex said.
    "He'd probably come up with something extreme like the whole desert thing," Shawn said.
    "That sounds like our man Danny," David said nodding.
    "But why die?" Nick asked, shaking his head.
    "That is one of the many problems Danny has that we will never get," Alex replied.
    "It has to be something really messed up," Shawn said, staring at the floor and trying to think.
    "Well, yeah, it's Danny," Alex said.
    "It couldn't be part of his plan," Nick said.
    "I guess we'll never know," David said.

                                                  Chapter 30

    Michael waited impatiently on one of the street corners where Danny's gang usually met. Danny dead and Kyle in Jeail was a big problem for them. If ever Danny were to die, Kyle was supposed to become leader. They never counted on both Danny and Kyle thrown in Jail, and then Danny dying.
    Finally, the rest of the gang showed up. They consisted of Chase, Marcus, Christopher, and Jeff.
    "What took all of you so long?" Michael demanded.
    "Stopped off to buy some food," Marcus replied, stuffing his face.
    "Ok, we need to follow up on the rest of Danny's plan," Michael began.
    "And a new leader," Christopher said. Everyone turned to look at him. "Well, with Danny gone and Kyle behind bars, we kinda need someone to lead Danny's plan."
    "Yeah, but how do we choose?" Chase asked.
    "Have us all have to do something and whoever does it first or better can be leader," Jeff suggested.
    "We'll each rob a different store and whoever gets the most cash is leader," Michael said.
    "I've got Arby's," Marcus said at once.
    "I'll take the Uni-Mart," Christopher said.
    "Fine, I've got Sheetz," Michael replied.
    "I'll go with the Dollar Store," Chase said.
    "I guess I'll take that movie rental place," Jeff said.
    "Ok, we'll meet bck here afterwards," Christopher said. "Let's go."
    Three hours later they all finally returned to the corner where they each leaned against the wall, counting the money.
    "Two fifty," Jeff said his face hot because people rarely rented movies here, making it hard to get a lot.
    "Four hundred," Chase said, topping Jeff.
    "Six hundred," Marcus said smiling. "I knew Arby's would have plenty."
    "Nine hundred ninety-five," Michael said, wiping the smile off of Marcus's face. "I robbed the customers too."
    "Ok, well there's our leader," Jeff said.
    "First thing, don't discuss the plan in public," Marcus said looking at each of them. "We do it tonight. Try to take him quick. Jeff, Chase, and Marcus, I want to go into the house and take him. We bring him to that shack in the middle of the woods where Christopher and I will be waiting. Tie him up. Then, we do as we please until we eventually decide to kill him."
    "How about we do it around midnight?" Christopher asked.
    "Fine, midnight then," MIchael said.
    Nick had his ear up againsts his brother's bedroom door, listening to his phone conversation. He heard the beep of the phone as his brother turned it off. Nick dashed away and into his own room when Michael walked up to the door. Nick was breathing heavy, leaning against the back of his door, trying to absorb what all he had heard. It was not going to end now that Danny was dead. The rest of his gang were still going along with Danny's plan.
    Nick went running out the door on his way to David's house. He ran right into Alex on his way.
    "Alex," Nick said, gasping for breath. "You'll never guess what I heard."
    "What?" Alex asked angrily.
    "Danny's gang is still going along with the plan. They have a new leader, my brother!"
    "What's the plan?" Alex asked impatiently.
    "Let's get everyone else first," Nick said, taking off again. Nick and Alex split up and went to go get David and Shawn. They all met up again and walked together toward the treehouse.
    "What's the plan, Nick?" David asked.
    "They're going to kidnap you, David, and then probably kill you," Nick said quietly.
    "Kidnap me? Ok, sure Nick. Are you sure you didn't hear the wrong thing?" David asked amused.
    "I'm sure, David," Nick said with wide eyes.
    "Maybe you should take this seriously," Alex said.
    "Maybe you should have backup," Shawn said.
    "Backup? That's going a bit far," David replied.
    "We'd rather go too far and keep you alive than not do anything and lose you too," Alex said.
    "I don't want any of you coming anywhere near my house. I will be fine," David said, raising his voice a bit.
    "Don't you love it when he acts all macho like that?" Shawn asked.
    "Seriously guys. I don't need help. I'm fine. They probably won't even go through with it anyway. All you heard, Nick, was the plan. You didn't hear when it was or even if they're gonna do it," David said.
    "No, but you should still be careful," David said.
    "You know they've killed before and they wouldn't show any mercy towards killing you, David," Alex said.
    "Don't worry about it, ok? Jus forget Nick ever said anything about this at all," David said, trying to control his temper.
    "I can't forget about it, David," Alex said.
    "Well, then I uess you can't," David said, "but I don't want any of you to make a big deal out of it. Keep yourselves out of it."
    The others decided it wouldn't make a difference if they kept arguing with David, so they all just nodded.
David layed on his back, trying hard to fall asleep. What Nick had said actually had bothered him. He knew this very well might be his last night in his own bed. He turned over and over, trying desperately to sleep. He didn't want his friends around for fear that they might get hurt from the remainder of Danny's gang. He'd rather it just be him that gets hurt than one of his friends. He wouldn't be able to keep on living if another one of his friends died.

                                      Chapter 31

    David stopped breathing when he heard a footfall outside hsi bedroom door. Both of his parents were out at some bar and wouldn't be home for at least another three hours. He stiffened and strained his ears to try to hear anything that seemed out of the ordinary. He heard a few muffled voices but couldn't be sure if he actually heard it or not.
    The door burst open, revealing Jeff, Chase, and Marcus. David sat straight up and had no time to defend himself before all three of them dashed across the room and grabbed him. There was a lot of chaos until one of them managed to smack David in the back of the head and knocked him out.
    "Well, that was easy," Jeff said, falling down on David's bed.
    "We're not finished yet," Marcus said, glaring at Jeff and helping Chase shove David into a sack.
    "Well, let's go," Chase said, throwing hte sack over his shoulder and leading them out to the stolen vehicle they drove over here.
    "Put him in the trunk," Marcus said, opening the trunk. Chaase hoisted David in and slammed down the trunk.
    "Let's get out of here before we attract attention to ourselves," Jeff said, getting ready to sit in the driver's seat, but then slipping and laying on the horn.
    "Yeah before we attract attention to ourselves," Marcus said after they all jumped in and took off down the road. They drove on for the next half hour in silence.
    Alex sat on the bench on his porch. He couldn't sleep because he was too worried about David. He then saw th eheadlights through the trees off a vehicle cautiously making its way. Alex heard the carry of shouts coming from it that he recognized instantly as Marcus's. Alex knew right away that Danny's gang had carried on with their plan, which meant that David was in trouble.
    Alex jumped up and looked frantically around, trying hard to think of a plan to help him. Then, his eyes fell on his dad's car. He looked behind him at the door and then back at the car.
    Alex climbed into the driver's seat of the vehicle and opened the glove box, he nodded, nad then closed it again. He put the car in reverse and, peering over his shoulder, began to pull out of his driveway, every body part shaking.
    Jeff pulled the vehicle off the road and turned off the engine.
    "Ok, let's get going," Marcus said, pushing the button to pop the trunk. Chase threw the unconscious body of David over his shoulder, ut now the sack was making faint movements.
    "He's beginning to come around," Chase said.
    "Ok, let's take him to Michael," Marcus said. They walked through the woods a few yards until they came to a path. Then, they followed the path through the woods until it opened up into a clearing.
    "Here we are," Jeff said, looking at the shack positioned in the middle of the clearing. They walked up to the door and knocked. The door was answered by Michal, shose mouth twisted up into a leering grin.
    "Finally, I'll take him now." Marcus threw the sack casually over his shoulder onto the floor behind him when Chase handed it over. "Now leave. All three of you leave. Only me and Christopher will stay here. I want the rest of you gone."
    Michael slammed the door on the stunned faces of Jeff, Chase, and Marcus. He flipped the sack upside down roughly and threw the still form of David onto the chair he had sitting in the middle of the room. He sat there and waited patiently for David to wake up after he had himi tied up securely.
    David came around not too long after that. He jumped in surprise when he saw Michael sitting there patiently.
    "Hi, David," Michael said with a malicious grin.
    "Michael, hey, um, what's up?" David asked, also attempting to smile.
    "Danny'd dead, David," Michael replied, standing up.
    "Y-yeah, I know," David stammered.
    "This isn't good, David. It's your fault. You know that David? You started this whole thing."
    "What's this all about?"
    "You know, David, you know."
    "N-no I don't."
    Michael walked up to David and punched him in the face.
    "Yes, you do know!" Michael yelled. "You got our leader killed! You got your brother locked behind bars!"
    "That wasn't my fault," David said, losing all fear in his voice.
    Michael punched him in the face again and David felt warm blood come gushing out of his nose.
    "It's all your fault, David." Michael went back to his dangerously calm voice again. "Your gonna pay for everything."
    Michael disappeared from the room. David looked frantically around, trying ot find something to help him.
    Alex went about two yards before panicking and putting on the brake. He drove two miles like this. Two yards, stop, two yards, stop, two yards, stop. Then, he finally began getting used to the way the car worked and the drive became smoother. He caught sight of the vehicle parked alongside the road and he pulled up behind it. He got out and looked around until he finally looked down at the footprints in the mud. Alex walked to the car and took the object from the glovebox, which he dropped in his jacket pocket.
    David pulled at his bindings until hsi wrists bled. He finally got his hands free and began untying th ebindings around his ankles. He stood up and shakily walked toward the door. He yanked open the door and broke out into a run. He never felt so free than he did right then to have outsmarted Michael. Then, he felt something catch his foot and he fell righ ton his face.
    "I told you he'd escape," Michael's leering voice said somewhere above David.
    "You were right, boss," Christopher replied.
    "Now, we must finish Danny's job," Michael said, his voice the tone of a madman. He grabbed the top of David's head and yenked up on his hair.
    "Now, David, it is time for the end," Michael said, giggling maniacally.
    "Wait!" Christopher said.
    "What?" Michael asked furiously.
    "You didn't give him the mark," Christopher said. "Danny's mark."
    "Oh, yeah. Right," Michael said, giggling again.
    Michael took the knife out of his back pocket and sliced the back of David's shirt, cutting it right in half. Then he cut a D into David's right shoulder blade. David brought in a sharp intake of breath.
    "Danny's mark," Christopher said quietly. "The one he put on all of his victims.
    Then Michael leaned in really close to David's ear and whispered, "You were the one who was supposed to die in that desert, not poor, sweet, innocent Jessie. It's your fault she's dead, too." Then, Michael put the knife up to David's throat.
    "Put it down Michael!"
    "What?" Michael looked around, confused.
    "I said put it down," Alex repeated.
    "Are you gonna shoot me, Alex?" Michael asked, looking aat the gun Alex had pointed at him.
    "I will if you don't let David go."
    "You wouldn't. You don't have the guts," Michael said mockingly.
    Alex shot right above Michael's head. Michael jumped and let go of David, who scrambled up and went over to Alex.
    "It's over, Michael," Alex said. "We're even now."
    "All right. All fight," Michael said with his hands in the air for mercy. "We're leaving now."
    He nodded toward Christopher and they both walked away. Alex kept the gun pointed at the until they were well out of sight.
    "Thanks man," David said, smiling at Alex.
    "Don't thank me until after you've been to the hospital."

                                        Chapter 32

    Alex drove David to the hospital. It wasn't a very peaceful trip since David kept panicking over Alex speeding up a little or whenever he took a turn.
    "Alex, do you think you can drive a little slower?" David asked.
    "I don't want to be pulled over for driving too slow, since, you know, I kinda don't have a license to show them," Alex snapped back.
    "I'm starting to feel a little light-headed," Dvid said, leaning his head against the window.
    "Probably loss of blood, which is an even bigger reason to speed up," Alex said back. "Try to stay awake."
    "Do you think it's really over, Alex?" Daid asked.
    "I don't know, David. I hope so, but I can't guarantee anything," Alex replied. Alex looked over at David and saw his sides heaving. He turned back to the road, letting him sleep.
    "We're almost there, David," Alex said as they pulled into the ER parking lot. "David, are you awake? Wake up. David?" Alex pulled the car up to the ER doors. He opened up David's door and grabbed David quick before he fell out. There was blood all over the back of the seat.
    "Ok, I'm gonna need some help," Alex said to himself. He ran into the ER and asked the first doctor he found to come out and help him. They took David in and already began wrapping bandages around him. Alex filled out one of those papers as best as he could, gave it to the lady, and walked out the door. He didn't want to go home, but he knew he had to. He had to get the car back before hsi dad noticed and flipped out. He clilmbed into the car adn drove home. He felt guilty about leaving David there, but he knew that he would just be in the same condition if he stayed there anyway.
    Alex gathered up Nick and Shawn the next day after narrowly avoiding a severe grounding the night before. He tok the bus with Nick and Shawn to the hospital this time.
    "You didn't even call us for backup?" Shawn grumbled.
    "Sorry, I wasn't thinking straight," Alex relied.
    "It's gotta be over now, right?" NIck asked.
    "I'm hoping," Alex replied.
    "Me too," Shawn agreed.
    "How badly cut up is David?" Nick asked.
    "He was pretty bad last night, but he should be ok now that the doctors have taken care of him," Alex said.
    "I don' think I've ever seen David all beat up," Shawn said as they unloaded from the bus.
    "He should be ok now," Alex repeated.
    "I hope so," Nick said. They walked into the hospital and asked the lady at the front desk where David was. She gave them the room and floor numbers and they went there.
    "Hey," David said, turning his head to look at them as they walked in.
    "Hey, how are you doin?" Alex asked.
    "Better," David answered, nodding his head.
    "You look better," Alex commented.
    "You look like crap," Shawn said.
    "Thanks, Shawn. It's nice to see you too," David said.
    "What all happened?" Nick asked.
    "Alex didn't tell you?" David asked. Nick and Shawn both shook their heads.
    "Well, Nick, you were right. They did want me dead. They tried." David went through the whole story, explaining everything that happened. Nick and Shawn listened with their eyes wide and mouths open.
    "He did that?" Nick asked, staring at David. "My brother did all that to you?"
    "Yeah, Nick, he did," David answered.
    "I didn't think he was that psychotic," Nick said quietly.
    "You're still in danger," Alex said. "As long as they're alive, you're still in danger."
    "I know, Alex, but I think we left our mark. We're not gonna lay low while we're all killed off one by one," David said.
    "Yeah, David, but you already underestimated them once. Don't do it again," Nick said.
    "Yeah, but now we are more aware of what they're willing to do," David said.
    "They might have something worse planned," Alex snapped at David.
    "Yeah, but now we're better prepared," David argued.
    "David, you did this last time and look waht happened," Shawn spoke up.
    "Yeah, but-" David began.
    "David drop it," Aled said and went quiet.
    "Ok, let's just come up with a plan then," David said angrily. "Is that ok with everyone?"
    "Yeah that sounds better," Nick said.
    "But since we don't know what they're planning, we don't really know what to plan," Shawn said.
    "Well, we won't give them the chance to attack first," David said. "We'll get them first instead."
    "Or maybe we should wait until they attack but be ready for them," Alex said quietly.
    "There's no way to be ready, Alex," David said, raising his voice a little. "Then, what if we're not ready? Wait for him to kill you, Nick, or Shawn?"
    "Or you," Alex said quietly.
    "Yeah, or me," David said.
    "What's your plan to be ready?" Shawn asked.
    "I don't really have one actually," David said, lowering his voice. "I was hoping one of you guys might have something." Nick shook his head.
    "There's no way at all to be sure what they'll do, and, therefore, no way to be ready with a plan," Shawn said, making sense on one of the few occasions he does.
    "I have and idea," Alex said just a little bit above a whisper. "But you're not gonna like it."
    "Go ahead, Alex," David said.

                                Chapter 33

    "Ok, they probably think they outsmarted us," Michael raged at the rest of the gang. "But they didn't. We're not through. We hospitalized the kid, so we can do damage. We can't let Danny's death just go by like that. Now, Jeff and Chase should be back with Kyle soon."
    "How do you know they made it out with him?" Marcus asked. "How do you know they weren't chucked behind bars themselves?"
    "I don't. That's why I sent those two idiots," Michael replied grinning. "If they get Kyle back to us, I gotta hand the gang over to him cuz that's how Danny wanted it, Kyle in charge." Jeff and Chase pulled up in the car, opening the back door for Kyle.
    "Hey, man, gld to have you back," Michael called.
    "What's this I hear about you gettin my brother in the hospital?" Kyle asked, smiling at Michael.
    "Yeah, well, you know, nothing special," Michael said smiling back and looking embarrassed.
    "Good job, but he shouldn't be in the hospital, should he? No, he should be in a hole in the ground!" Kyle yelled at the rest of the gang.
    "We tried, but that Thompson kid showed up," Michael said, trying to defend himself.
    "Kill him. Two birds, one stone," Kyle replied.
    "He had a gun," Christopher said.
    "Five of you and one of him," Kyle replied simply. "Now, we are not gonna argue about this any farther. He will die along with anyone who gets in the way."
    "But we need something better than a knife," Marcus said, staring at Kyle along with everyone else.
    "Danny always killed with a knife," Kyle said. "We will too. It was his idea of overpowering the victim."
    "We're sticking with the knife then?" Jeff asked.
    "We're sticking with the knife," Kyle answered.
    David was already released from the hospital with no visit at all from his mother. The cut on the back of his right shoulder blade would be a permanent whit scar. Alex had explained his plan, horrified with the entire thing. They knew what they had to do. In order for them to live, Danny's gng had to die.
    "David, maybe we should try to think of something else," Alex said uncertainly.
    "No, Alex, as bad as it might sesem we have to go through with this. We stay in the treehouse tonight. You bring your dad's handgun, and I'll get my dad's. I promise we won't attack until they attack first," David said
    "I'm not feeling too great about this," Nick said.
    "None of us are," David said.
    "Then whey are we doing this?" Nick asked.
    "Because it's the only way," David replied.
    "There's always another way," Shawn said.
    "Not this time," David said. "We will al meet in the treehouse. Don't forget."
    They all met int he treehouse that night. They weren't exactly sure if Danny's gang would show up, but they wanted to be prepared.
    "Ok, I know we're all probably nervous," David said, trying to calm himself down.
    "Oh, no, of course not. We're not nervous at all. We're just gonna go up against one of the most deadliest gangs in the whole world with smiles on our faces," Shawn said sarcastically.
    "I'm glad you're in a good mood," Nick said.
    "Ok, how are we all feeling?" David asked.
    "Sick," Alex answered truthfully.
    "You look as bad as i feel," Shawn said to Alex.
    "Back at ya," Alex replied.
    "Do we have a backup plan?" Nick asked.
    "No, we haven't prepared that much," David said. "We will just have to hopse this plan works."
    "It will," Shawn said. "Alex came up with it and he's smart."
    "Thanks," Alex said quietly. "I think."
    "Ok, are we prepared?" David asked.
    "We never will be," Shawn grumbled.
    "Can you quit turning everythign I say into something bad?" David asked Shawn.
    "There are six of them and only four of us," Shawn said.
    "Plus two guns," Nick added quietly.
    "They'll use knives, so we have the advantage," David said again trying to lighten the mood.
    "Yeah, guns against knives. We should blow them off their feet," Shawn said.
    "Ok, tonight's the night," Kyle said.
    "Michael said that last time," Christopher grumbled.
    "Yeah, but last time you didn't have me," Kyle said.
    "I heard Nick talking to David about staying in the treehouse," Michael said.
    "Then, that's where we'll attack. We wanna take them down quick," Kyle said.
    "And enjoy every moment," Michael added.

                    Chapter 34

David's heart was beating very fast when he heard a twig break outside. He tensed up and strained his hearing to hear anymore footsteps. He let Alex, Nick, and Shawn go to sleep and promised e'd wake them up when the gange showed up. He heard a few leaved crush and he shook Alex awake.
    "Are they here?" Alex asked fearfully.
    "I think so. Wake those two up," David ordered.
    "They can't be hear already," Nick said, hie eyes wide.
    "Let's get out of here," David said, picking up the gun.
    "They'll be able to ambush us if we stay in this closed space. Alex, give the other gun to Shawn. Let's go." They all climbed out of the treehouse, shaking and sweating.
    "Shhhh.. Did you hear that? They're in the woods, over there!"
    "Cover all sides," David ordered. "We're probably surrounded, and they're hoping for a surprise attack." David had spoken the truth. As they stood in the clearing, members of the gang came out from all sides. David, Alex, Nick, and Shawn all tensed up, and David and Shawn put their fingers on the triggers and pointed them straight ahead.
    "Are you gonna shoot us with them little bro?" Kyle asked, taunting David.
    "Only if you give me a reason to," David answered, trying to sound calmer than he felt.
    "Oh, I don't think you will, David," Kyle said, still taunting him.
    "What makes you so sure?" David asked.
    "I know you wouldn't. It would be against everything you stand for," Kyle answered.
    "I'd do anything to protect my friends," David said.
    "Yeah, you did a whole lot to protect Jessie. Didn't you?" Kyle said, trying to anger David.
    "That wasn't his fault," Alex yelled suddenly. "Jessie's gone because of what your old insane leader, not David."
    "Oh, look at that. He's lost it. It's all gone to his head. He believes the gil's death was Danny's fault," Kyle said, rounding on Alex and making the rest of his gang laugh.
    "Alex is right," Shawn spoke up. "It's Danny's fault, not David's."
    "Well, no matter whose fault it is, today is the last day you'll have to argue about David's innosence, cuz today you die," Kyle said.
    "What makes you so sure about that?" David asked. "We still have the guns."
    "Yeah, but like I said, You won't use them, or you already would have by now," Kyle said.
    "Why start randomly shooting without a reason?" Alex asked.
    "Anyway, moving on," Kyle raised his voice like he was beginning a speech. "Who goes first? David, w hy don't you choose? Who goes first?"
    "If I have to choose, then I choose me," David answered.
    "Oh, no, no, no. We're saving you for last. Whey don't we take the kid who ruined our plans last time?" Kyle said, pulling a pocket knife out of his back pocket and popping it open.
    "Move toward any of us, and I'll shoot," David threatened.
    "Maybe we s hould test that," Kyle said, walking closer to Alex. David held his gun pointed at his brother. Kyle continued to walk closer to Alex until he was close enough to grab him. He reached out and grabbed the top of Alex's head. Then, he was shot, but it was not Davyd who shot him. It was Shawn who pulled the trigger.
    "What have you done?" Michael yelled, pulling out his knife and running toward Shawn. He only got about two feet until he was shot, but this time by David. The rest of the gang took off, realizing that they were serious.
    "Now, it's over," David said with tears running down his cheeks.
    "David, we did what we had to do," Shawn said walking over to David and putting his hand on his shoulder. David turned around and began walking away with Alex, Nick, and Shawn right behind him.
    "Are you sure they won't just elect a new leader?" Nick asked.
    "No, the three people who were their leader died. They're scared of us now," Alex said.
    "We're the bad guys now," Shawn said.
    "No, that was a one time thing. It won't happen again." David said.
    "We can now live a quiet life," Nick said.

    David, Alex, Nick, and Shawn grew apart. The treehouse was never visited again after their faceoff with Danny's gang. It stayed there, and after the Police found Kyle and Michael's bodies, kids of all ages believed it to be haunted.
    David grew up and went through college, never forgetting Jessie or the other things Danny and his gnag did to him. He went into Law as a Lawyer after graduating college and eventually married in his early twenties. He now lives in Denver, Colorado with his wife and four kids, one of which he named Jessica after his long lost friend who was always with him in his memories.
    Alex went through College, as everyone knew he would, to be a doctor. He spent his free time travelling hte world, and eventually meeting a woman in Europe who he fell in love with immediately. He lives in Florida with his wife and only son. He ran into David one day in an airport and recognized him immediately. That was the last time he heard of or talked to David.
    Shawn dropped out of school halfway through the eleventh grade. He married at age seventeen but divorced after three years. Shawn with his loud mouth began yelling an insulting a guy in line in front of him who was taking a long time. It turns out, the guy was planning a robbery and turned around and shot Shawn, killing him instantly.
    Nick grew up and became one of the most well known baseball players ever. He married twice and had three kids. He kept to himself most of the time and never saw or spoke to any of his old friends again.
    Danny's gang never reformed again. They actually became nice people after that day. Each of them married and a few of them had kids. Christopher and Chase went to College.
    Alice remarried three years after Jessica's death. She had another daughter who she named Sarah. She still grieves over jessica, but she doesn't let that get in the way of her new life.
    Jen divorced her husband. She also had a daughter who she gave up for adoption. She died not too long afterward from a drug overdose.
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