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Rated: 13+ · Other · Contest Entry · #1458591
for august 3 prompt
PROMPT: Today, I’m giving you a challenge. If you can use each of the following words in your story while SHOWING the sensory and develop a character or two – well, then you’re a real writer!
P.S. Everyone who attempts this prompt will not only receive a review from me (even though I don’t judge tomorrow,) but also a 100 gps. Good luck!
Sentient (conscious, alert)
Sapient (wise or learned)
Panoply (ceremonial attire)
Please bold each word in your story by placing { b} the word { /b} between those symbols, without the space, of course.

992 words

I stood in front of the counter and watched Tara as she cleaned the windows. My fingers tingled. I ducked so she couldn't see my reflection as I crept up behind her. She jumped as I put my fingers on the back of her neck. I love the way cute girls jump.

“JEEZ” she said.

“Clammy! I've got clammy hands!” I laughed.

“Cut it out, Seth. Go bother someone else.” she said.

“I like bothering you.” I said. “Besides, who else am I going to bother? Megan and John left out the back already.” Tara sprayed the next panel of windows and started wiping. “So, you all are going to I-Hop? Right?”

“Um, not sure.” she said. I knew I'd have to coax it out of her.

“Well, that's what I heard Becky and Logan say to you when they came out of their movie. Yep. Going to the old I-hop after you get off your shift at the theater.” I said.

“Okay, so we're going to I-Hop.” she said.

“That's cool. I guess I'll go too. I can get this place locked down tight fast. Unless you wanna stay and help?” I said.

“No.” she said.

“What's wrong, afraid of CLAMMY HANDS??” I said as I raised my hands toward her neck again.

“Stop it. Serious. Just quit it. You're a manager. Don't you have something you can do?” she said.

“Baby, I don't close movie theaters, they close themselves.” I said. I grinned real big so that she would get that it was a joke. She was wearing Keds. Red ones. “You know, those shoes aren't dress code.”

“You're telling me this NOW? I've only been wearing them for the last eight hours.” she said.

“It's okay. I like em. I love Keds. Especially the way you wear them” I said. I smiled big again. I felt my confidence swell after saying that. King stud. “You missed a spot.”

“I'm going to file a complaint against you to George.” she said.

“Fine. I see where I'm not wanted.” I said. “If you need anything, I'll be right over HERE.” I took a huge step and then turned back to her and smiled.

Her cellphone rang. “Looks like SOMEONE forgot the cellphone rule.” I said.
“Hello.” she said into the phone. I put my thumb and pinky out like I was talking on a cell. I leaned up to her and made funny talking faces. I had no idea why tears started rolling down her cheeks, so I laughed. It just seemed out of place and funny.

“I have to go.” she said as she dropped the spray bottle onto the floor.

“Umm, in case you didn't notice, there's still more windows left, and they're that-a-way.” I said as I struck a pose and pointed with both hands at the rest of the windows.

“My mom's at the emergency room. I HAVE TO GO. NOW!” she said. Her voice quaked and she started crying more.

“Ok. I guess I can let you go, but it'll come out of your pay.” I said with a big smile.

“You're an asshole. You're nothing but an asshole. Unlock the door now or I'm calling George.” she said.

“Sorry, just kidding.” I said. I unlocked the door and watched as she ran to her car. I couldn't stop thinking about those red Keds and how good she looked in them.

I went back to the counter and rested my elbows on the yellow linoleum. The yellow looked like my teeth. I cradled the sides of my head in my fingers and exhaled a little moan. The brute had arrived.

I always imagined it dressed like a dread Roman soldier in full panoply. My mind warrior of secret things.

The Keds and the way they fit Tara. Keds on her feet. Feet led to ankles, ankles to shins, shins to knees, knees to thighs, thighs to...other things. Whenever the brute arrived he took over everything. The brute showed me pleasures I'd never had. Tara with her uniform. Tara without her uniform. And she wore nothing but bright red Keds. The brightest red.

I realized I was still at the counter. I didn't know how long it had been since I had taken a breath. I looked out at the parking lot to where Tara had disappeared into the night. I'd feel better out there.

Mist sprayed down from the darkness. The gentle caress of wetness upon my hot head felt good. The brute whispered more. My sapient friend always knew what I liked best.

The mist blanketed my windshield as I sat behind the wheel of my car in the parking lot. My insides rose and I felt giddy. I stared into the wet sheet and saw Tara fluttering through the air, her clothes falling off as if by magic. The brute laughed. I saw her with another guy; one of the cool ones. I could be cool, too. Someday. I saw my yellow teeth and big head and then Tara's beautiful body. I pressed the wiper button and looked ahead at the side of the movie theater. My car felt sentient. It knew me. All I had to do was one little thing and my good friend would take care of the rest. My back and head molded into the seat as my car accelerated. My foot was an immovable object on the pedal. The wall came up fast.

My body felt like one huge sore when I opened my eyes. Bright lights screamed at my sensitive eyes and people in scrubs hustled around me. I was being pushed in some kind of bed. I saw Tara in a room as I passed by. “Funny seeing you here.” I said. I tried to smile big. I didn't think she heard me because something was strapped over my mouth. I poked around with my tongue. I didn't feel any teeth.

© Copyright 2008 Ronnie_dobbs (ronnie_dobbs at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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