Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1457544-My-Harry-Potter-Fan-Fiction-Story
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1457544
A short Harry Potter Fan Fiction Story
Harry Potter and the Globe of Destruction
By: Jed Jacobi

The Dursleys were glad to return to their cozy little house on number four, Privet Drive, just before sunset. After the week long vacation they had enjoyed (or rather Uncle Vernon and Petunia had enjoyed) visiting Aunt Marge, it was good to be back. But for Harry who remained inside his room dreadfully awaiting their arrival, however, it meant the end of a 7-day, Dursley-free week, and the beginning of another month of his horrible summer.
         The Dursleys had taken Harry over to Mrs. Figgs house before they had left. Uncle Vernon seemed to think that Harry would have the least amount of fun spending a week with his unwanted babysitter. But since the incident last summer with the dementors, Harry had found out that Mrs. Figg was a witch, a squib. He had expected though to learn more about her and to get up to date with everything happening in the wizarding world. But during that week he had actually learned very little. Mrs. Figg would not tell him much of what was going on. Although she did let him read the Daily Prophet whenever it came.
         The week passed by very quickly and before no time Mrs. Figg had taken him home the night the Dursleys were supposed to return.
         “Now Harry, please, please be careful,” Mrs. Figg said, “I know the Dursleys can be harsh, but hang in there, you’ll be leaving sooner than you think.” She had a smile on her face that told him she was hiding something.
         “Well, Goodbye Harry, and be careful!” she added.
         “Goodbye, then.” said Harry, as Mrs. Figg headed back home.
         He walked up the drive, towards the front door and reached up above the windowsill and retrieved the house key. He entered the house and went straight upstairs to his room.
         Harry shut his door behind him and started pacing the room. Why had Mrs. Figg acted so strange? Every time he would mention Dumbledore or anything regarding to the Wizarding World, she would merely say that she knew just as much as he did. She also said that Dumbledore told her to keep an eye out on him. It was beginning to turn out just like last summer. Harry knew it. Except Ron and Hermione were actually sending him letters this summer.
         But none of this could compare to the grief of losing his godfather Sirius. During his last days at Hogwarts the previous year Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, and Luna Lovegood had fought several Death Eaters inside the Department of Mysteries located in the Ministry of Magic headquarters. Harry could remember as if it were yesterday. Ron being attacked by the brain, Neville’s broken nose, fear that Hermione was dead, and worst of all, what seemed to never leave his mind . . . the image of his godfather floating away beyond the veil. All those times he and Sirius had talked about living together and seeing him locked up inside Grimmauld Place, Harry could hardly believe that he was gone.
         Harry could distinctly hear the car doors being slammed shut as the Dursleys pulled into the driveway. Dudley was complaining about missing his weekly television shows.
         “I’m sorry Diddy, why don’t you go in the living room and watch TV,” said Aunt Petunia, as they walked through the door.
         Uncle Vernon had on his finest clothes, which were sopping wet due to the pouring rain outside.
         “Ruddy weatherman, doesn’t know the difference between a tornado and an earthquake!” He shouted, removing his jacket onto the coat rack.
         Harry heard footsteps as someone approached his room. Then his uncle started banging on his door.
         “Hey, boy get downstairs!” yelled Uncle Vernon, “I told you never to be late for supper!”
         “I’m coming, I’m coming”
         Harry followed his uncle downstairs into the kitchen and took his usual seat at the table.
         After supper, Harry withdrew back into his room. He sat on his bed wondering why he hadn’t received his O.W.L. scores yet and why Hedwig hadn’t returned. He had sent her out last week to deliver a letter to Lupin. He was curious about the progress of the Order of the Phoenix in tracking down Voldemort.
         Something was tapping his window.
         “Hedwig!” Harry shouted, “About time!”
         He rustled over towards the window, threw it open as Hedwig flew in immediately. It had been a long journey.
         Harry untied the letter from Hedwig’s leg and ripped it open:

Dear Harry,
                   Hope you are well. Yes things at the Order are a bit frustrating right now with the return of Voldemort. There is no need for you to worry Harry, Dumbledore has everything under control. If Voldemort was to come back tonight, we would be prepared.
                   How are things with your aunt and uncle? I think we gave them quite a scare at the station. If anything happens Harry, just let us know. Moody is eager to have another visit with your uncle, as he keeps telling me.
                   Harry, Tonks has arranged for us to come and pick you up this Saturday morning. That wouldn’t be a problem for you, or your aunt and uncle should I say, would it? We should be there around 10 a.m. so have all your things ready to leave.
                   Well, watch yourself Harry, who knows what could happen between now and this weekend.
         P.S.  We sent a letter to your aunt and uncle, they should be expecting us.
                   See you soon,

Harry’s spirits rose. He was leaving the Dursleys in a week. But then his heart sank. Sirius would no longer be at the Order, he was forever stuck behind the waving veil below the Ministry. But Harry could never come to the truth that he would never see his godfather again. He kept telling himself Sirius would find a way out, and come marching into the Dursleys house, get Harry and they would both go off and find some nice place to live. Harry was sure of it.
When the muggle mail came that week, among all the envelopes and newspapers was the letter Lupin had sent. Harry was sitting down for breakfast, watching for Uncle Vernon’s reaction. But none came. He simply opened the letter, and read it as if it were ordinary muggle mail. In fact, Uncle Vernon seemed quite pleased of the fact that Harry was leaving again.

Harry woke Saturday morning with the sun shining on his face. In three hours he would be leaving the Dursleys with Lupin, Tonks, and he was sure other members of the Order would have to come as well.
Harry had remembered last summer when several members of the Order came to get him. He couldn’t have felt any better; he was leaving the Dursleys early in the summer yet again.
Harry got out of bed and decided to make sure he had packed everything the night before.
At fifteen minutes till ten, Harry carried his trunk and Hedwig’s cage downstairs and sat them down near the front door. He walked into the living room and sat on the coach, hoping Lupin would come a little early so he could leave this pathetic house.
As if reading Harry’s mind, someone knocked on the door.
“I’ll get it!” Harry half-shouted, practically sprinting towards the door.
Sure enough, as Harry opened the door, a tall feeble-looking man in shabby robes was standing in the doorway smiling at him.
“’Lo Harry,” Lupin said, still smiling, “Having a nice summer?”
Lupin extended his hand and Harry shook it.
“Professor Lupin!” Harry said, grinning up at him, “Not exactly, but I think it just might have gotten a little better.”
“May we come in?”
“Yeah, Sure”
Harry had just noticed the others that stood just behind Lupin as they all entered the house. Lupin, Tonks, and a few others Harry didn’t recognize, all greeted him and were asking about his summer.
Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia had just caught sight of them as they entered the living room. Dudley was standing over by the television, glancing over at them every other minute.
“Ah, Yes, Harry’s uncle,” Lupin said as they approached, “Vernon, isn’t it?”
Uncle Vernon showed no sign of recognition, and merely stood staring at him.
“Yes, well, the train leaves in an hour, so we need to get going Harry.”
Harry picked up Hedwig’s cage as Tonks reached to carry his trunk. They all turned and walked out of the house as Uncle Vernon slammed the door. Harry could faintly hear him mumbling and complaining to Aunt Petunia.
“Well, that turned out a little better than I expected,” Lupin said, as they got into a small red car parked near the curb.
As Harry entered the car his jawed dropped. What normally would have been the small back seat of an automobile now consisted of two large couches that were facing each other and a small coffee table in between.
It was no surprise to Harry when he saw Mr. Weasley behind the steering wheel.
“Harry!” Mr. Weasley greeted him, “Good to see you! How do you like my latest invention? Not sure what to name her, but she’s a beauty eh? And she’s created strictly for the use of the Order.”
“It’s er . . . big.” Said Harry, marveling the interior of the car.
“Precisely why it was built!” added Mr. Weasley, "To carry as many people as necessary.”
“Does Mrs. Weasley know about it?” Harry asked.
“Well, uh, no, not yet, I’m sure she’ll find out sooner or later though.” Mr. Weasley said, as if wondering what his wife might say if she knew about him meddling around with muggle objects again.
“Well, if everyone’s ready . . . We’re off!”
Harry was slammed into the backseat as the car suddenly lurched forward and went swerving allover the road. They were picking up speed, and just as they dodged a mailbox, Mr. Weasley turned around and shouted.
“Fasten your seatbelts! We’re going up!” Harry could barely hear him above the loud hum coming from underneath the car.
The ride reminded Harry a lot like that of the Knight Bus, on which he had ridden on only two occasions. Except that everything that was in front of the Knight Bus would jump to the side to allow it to pass.
Mr. Weasley, however, was still swerving allover the road and as the car lifted off the ground, he was still swerving, trying to dodge buildings and houses.
“Mr. Weasley, how do you know we won’t be seen?” Harry asked.
“Invisibility switch, Harry,” Mr. Weasley replied, pointing to the red button just to the left of the steering wheel, “just like the one on the Ford Angela.”
“It’s a long flight Harry, you might want to get some rest,” Mr. Weasley added.
As the car zoomed through the air, dipping in and out of the clouds, Harry dozed off.
He was lying on the floor of the Ministry. Bellatrix Lestrange was standing over him laughing hard. She muttered something hateful about Sirius, and Harry wanted to jump up and strangle her. But he couldn’t move. It felt like his arms and legs were glued to the floor.
After she had calmed down a bit, she turned her attention to him.
“Well, if it isn’t my sweet little cousins friend, Harry Potter,” She mocked, in a high pitched voice.
She laughed again.
“So, you’ve managed to escape from the Dark Lord again.”
“Do you not think, that in a matter of time, that the Dark Lord will hunt you down and take pleasure in killing you?”
“Harry tried to speak, but his lips wouldn’t move.
“What’s wrong dear?”
“Cat got your tongue?”
She started to laugh again, but stopped. She turned around. There, a few feet behind her stood a tall hooded figure.
No, Impossible, Harry thought. He can’t be here . . .
As the cloaked figure pulled back its hood, Harry’s scar seared with pain. Everything went white.
Someone was shouting.
Harry slowly opened his eyes to see a worried looking face staring down at him.
“Harry, are you all right?” Lupin asked.
“Yeah, I think so.”
“You gave us quite a scare there,” he said, “What happened?”
“Oh . . ,” Harry just remembered what he had seen, “It was nothing, just a bad dream.”
Lupin looked at him, and was just about to speak when Mr. Weasley shouted.
“We’ve made it!”
Harry looked out the window and seen the two story house and the other small home standing right where Grimmauld place would appear as he and the others approached it.
“Harry, since we’re in broad daylight we’re going to have to go in through the back,” Lupin said.
“There’s a back way in?” Harry asked, curious.
“Yes, but only the members of the Order know of it, and now you of course.”
“C’mon Harry,” Mr. Weasley said, practically pulling him from the car.
“We’ll walk up this street a ways, then sneak behind that house over there,” Lupin said, pointing to an old white house, “then we’ll keep walking until we’ve reached the back entrance.”
As they all started walking up the street, Harry wondered what Uncle Vernon would say if he saw six or seven wizards walking up Privet Drive. Harry smiled as he imagined what his uncle’s expression would look like.
Just as they had rounded the old house, Lupin motioned for everyone to stop.
“Thought I heard something”
“Not much further now, c’mon.”
The backyards of all the houses were covered in large trees, Harry could understand why they had chose to enter through the back. It would be hard for someone to spot them through all the trees and the shade that hid their movements.
When they had reached the back side of the two houses they had seen earlier, Lupin crouched down and motioned for everyone to keep still. He slowly crawled up to a bush just between the two houses, pulled out his wand and tapped something inside it.
Just as Lupin backed away from the bush, it started to crumble, finally collapsing to the ground, revealing a large dark hole big enough for a man to crawl in.
Lupin signaled the others to join him.
“Follow my lead,” he said, right as he slid feet first into the hole.
One by one, they all took their turn sliding into the opening.
Harry slowly slipped his feet into the dark hole and scooted up to the edge.
“C’mon Harry,” Tonks whispered, “its fun!”
Harry then threw himself down and glided along the slimy floor of the tunnel. Just as he heard voices, he shot out of the tunnel and landed on a large pile of dirt.
“That was the most exciting thing I’ve done all summer!” Harry said, as he picked himself up off the ground.
Lupin and Tonks both chuckled and started heading towards the other side of the room.
“This way Harry.” Tonks gestured.
Harry had just realized that they were in some sort of dug out room. There were tree roots winding allover the place, going in and out of the walls.
“Tonks, where are we?” Harry asked.
“One of the basements of Grimmauld Place,” she replied, looking up, “We should be somewhere underneath the kitchen.”
They all walked through a rotten wooden door revealing a long hallway, which had a door at the end and another door in the middle of the hall on their left.
         “Well, here we are,” Lupin said, opening the middle door.
Harry could distinctly remember the vast entrance and the large wooden door to his godfather’s home as he walked out of the small hallway.
Mrs. Weasley ran up to him and gave him huge hug and kissed him on the cheek.
         “Its so good to see you,’ she said, finally letting him go.
         “Its good to see you too Mrs. Weasley,” Harry replied.
         “Ron, Ginny, and Hermione are upstairs if , , ,”
But she was cut short as Harry heard a door burst open up above him. Ron, Ginny, and Hermione were all leaping down the stairs.
         “Harry!” Hermione shouted, as the three skidded to a halt in front of him.
         “Hi Hermione, Ron, Ginny.”
         “Hello Harry.”
         “’Lo mate, I would have came and gotten you myself but mum said I couldn’t leave the house,” Ron said with a grin.
         “That’s alright,” Harry said, “I was surprised you came and got me this early Lupin.”
         “Well, Harry, We couldn’t let the Dursleys ruin another summer for you!” Lupin replied.
         “Lunch will be ready shortly so I suggest you go upstairs and put away your things Harry,” Mrs. Weasley said, “You should know your way around this house by now.”
Realizing what she had just said, Mrs. Weasley broke down into tears.
         “I’m so sorry Harry, about Sirius . . . I’m really sorry . . ,” and with that she left the room.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione all went upstairs into the familiar bedroom in which Harry and Ron had shared last summer. They entered the room and Ron plopped himself on his bed. Hermione came over to Harry and started whispering to him.
         “Ron’s been acting kind of weird lately,” She said, “He’s too nice. . . or I don’t know . . . just not Ron.”
         “Has he been like that all summer?”
         “Well . . . no, only a couple of weeks.”
         “Harry can I borrow your broom-cleaning kit,” Ron asked, “I need to polish my broom a little more.”
Ron was carefully inspecting his new broom he had been given the previous year. Mrs. Weasley was so proud Ron being named Prefect that she went out and bought him a new broom, the newest Cleansweep to be exact.
Hermione rolled her eyes.
         “And not to mention he has been obsessed with his broomstick, he practically cleans it every day, and he hasn’t even used it this whole summer.” Hermione added.
         “What is it?” Ron said, seeing the two of them standing there staring at him.
         “Nothing,” Harry replied, “just glad to see you two.”
         “The Dursleys practically kept me locked in my room the whole summer, which was fine by me. Except that now I’m clueless to what’s happening around here. How’s everything with your dad and the ministry?”
         “Well, lately dad’s been gone every minute of the day, and when he comes in it’s usually either really late or very early in the morning. He says things at the ministry are way out of hand. With everyone saying You Know Who’s back, people are running around starting to hide and many workers at the ministry have come up missing. But there’s no real word out that You Know Who has attacked anyone, well, yet anyways…”
“Harry, Ron, Hermione!” Mrs. Weasley shouted up the stairs, “You three come down here, it’s time for dinner.”
“Great! I’m starving,” Ron said, jumping off the bed and heading for the door.
         Harry and Hermione followed Ron out of the room and downstairs into the kitchen. There were several people sitting around the table, Lupin (looking very pale and skinny in his shabby robes), Mad-eye Moody, Tonks, and of course the entire Weasley family.
         “Hey Harry,” Fred and George were both whispering and turned to greet him.
         “How’s your summer?” Fred asked.
         “How’s Dudley” added George with a small wink.
         “Fine thanks, and Dudley could use a few more sweets,” Harry replied, smiling.
         “How’s business,” Harry asked.
         “Busy, loads of people asking for our latest invention.”
Fred pulled out a small purple looking stone.
“Sort of like jelly beans” Fred informed them.
“Except these, you don’t eat.” George corrected.
“Take one, press and stick it onto something, and poof, a cloud of smoke erupts, and when the smoke clears, a hologram of yourself is standing right on top of where you placed it. By pressing on it you leave your fingerprint on the surface; through the fingerprint it is able to produce an identical hologram of the person.”
         “We call them hologhosts,” George said.
         “Mighty useful for getting yourself out of tight spots,” added Fred.
         “And they’re small enough to fit in your pocket.”
         “That’s brilliant,” Ron whispered, “Can I have one? Could use those in Potions, eh Harry? Poof! A quick diversion, and we’re outta there!”
         Ron was staring ahead, as if contemplating the whole thing.
         “Sorry, but you’ll have to come to London if you want one, a galleon each.” Fred said, sadly answering Ron’s question.
         “A whole galleon?” Ron half-shouted, shocked at the price.
         “Well, they weren’t exactly a simple recipe Ronny, the ingredients are hard to come by and are quite expensive.”
         “But they serve their purpose right George?”
         “Unlike any other.”

After dinner, the Weasley family, with the help of Harry and Hermione, went through half the house, searching for rooms that needed more cleaning. Mrs. Weasley had been able to clean most of the house by herself while they were at Hogwarts, but there still remained quite a bit of cleaning to do.
         “Well, we’ll tackle the last bedroom tomorrow, I reckon its time for supper already,” Mrs. Weasley said, slowly getting on her feet after cleaning out from under a large oversized bed.
         “And I thought cleaning at the Burrow was bad,” Ron whined, as he sprawled out onto the floor after cleaning all of the rooms window curtains.
         Harry and Hermione laughed as Ron got up, and together they made their way back to the kitchen for another wonderful meal.

         A week before their return to Hogwarts, their O.W.L. results came.
         “Why so late though?” Hermione asked, as they each opened their own letters.
         “I dunno, maybe all the teachers are busy.” Ron replied, ripping his letter into.
         “Yeah, I bet they all have duties for the Order.” Harry added.
         There was a loud crack and Hermione jumped dropping her letter.
         Fred and George apparated right in front of them, “How’re the O.W.L.’s coming?” Fred asked, smirking at the three of them.
         “We haven’t had time to read them, they’ve only just came in,” Ron retorted.
         “Don’t get mad Ronnie-poo, wouldn’t want mum getting all excited again.” Fred replied.
         “And we can’t have her buying you another broom again can we? I mean, what are we, distant relatives?”
         Ron was looking down at Hermione’s O.W.L scores she had dropped on the floor. He reached down and picked up the unfolded parchment that lay inside the letter. Ron stood, gaping at the letter. Hermione was arguing with Fred and George about S.P.E.W. for the hundredth time this summer.
         “Well house elves should still receive proper housing and pay, they should be able to live their own lives not serve others.” Hermione snapped back at Fred.
         “Hermione,” Ron interrupted, “how did you manage to get all Outstanding O.W.L.’s?”
         Hermione snatched the parchment out of his hands and looked at her scores.
“I…I can’t believe it,” Hermione looked rather pleased with herself. She walked upstairs and went into her room, still gazing at her scores.
         “What’s gotten into her?” Ron looked upstairs.
         “I dunno, that’s Hermione though…”
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