Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1457035-A-Once-In-A-Life-Time-Experience
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Emotional · #1457035
This is a true story of a girl and one of her experiences in life :( Rape.
A Once In A Life Time Experience

I ran as far as my legs could take me, not stopping, not turning back. My legs felt weak underneath me, they felt so weak i wanted to just drop on the rough, concrete floor and rest there until i had strength again. I couldn't stop, not just yet. I could hear the mans footsteps coming closer and closer. Then suddenly my legs collapsed on me, i couldn't move, i started rubbing the sweat of my brow as i looked round. Nobody was there, no sound of the heavy footsteps that i heard was chasing after me anymore. I tried to pull myself up, i just couldn't do it, i was in too much pain, my sides were throbbing madly with stitches, i caressed my legs for a while. I looked down the dark, narrow, deserted road, i could not see anything. I was scared, too scared to cry. I crawled over slowly to the bench beside me and carefully pulled myself up. The bench was still wet from the rain that was coming down so wildly earlier that same day.
I hesitated taking deep breathes, i looked up at the starry, night sky, hoping for an answer. I lay down on the bench curled up into a little ball, i closed my eyes tightly shut. I opened up my eyes to the sound of heavy footsteps, the same footsteps i heard before. I sat up slowly, listening out for where the movement was coming from. I sat still on the bench, listening carefully until........
Darkness was all i could see, as an old, smelly bag had been put over my head. I couldn't breathe, i squirmed around a little, the loud, horrible, dull laughter of a man had invaded the atmosphere. I started to slowly stop moving and my eyes were slowly shutting. I thought i was going to die.
I woke up, i didn't know where i was, all i knew was that i was in a warm and colourful room. I scanned the room for about 10 minutes, there were teddy bears all over the bed, a bright, orange, bedside lamp was turned on making the room seem brighter than it already was. Beside the lamp was a Bible. I looked from left to right, i then stood up, i walked towards the oval shaped window beside the chest of drawers that the lamp and Bible sat on. I was hoping to look out the window and recognise where i was, but i didn't. All i could see was land, trees and a lake that ran far, far out into the distance. I turned round, i walked slowly towards the closed door. I reached out slowly for the handle, my heart pumping rapidly in my chest, i turned the handle but the door was locked. I sat back down on the bed wondering what i did wrong for somebody to catch and abduct an innocent, young girl like me.
I laid my head back down on the pillow as small tear drops ran down my smooth cheeks, i closed my eyes imagining myself, in my own comfortable house, surrounded by each member of my family. I wondered what they were doing right now, are they out looking for me, or do they even care, just carrying on with their lives without me, the thought of this made me whimper a little. I just hoped this was all a dream and when i wake back up i will be back in my own bed, in my own house.
About an hour later i woke up, to the sound of chirpsing birds. This was not a dream, i had actually been captured. I walked over towards the window and glimpsed at the sunlight, i looked down and there was a muscular man, dark haired, tall, about 30 years of age, with only a white pair of shorts on. I stared at the man not realising that i was doing so, he glanced back up at me with a big, dirty, evil smirk on his face. I didn't smile back, i just stared. The man blew a kiss to me, i looked at him in disgrace then sat back down onto the bed. I heard the front door shut and footsteps of the man, meaning he had finished his work outside and was now inside. I cuddled up in a huddle on the corner of the bed against the colourful wall, trying not to imagine what was going to happen. He knocked at my door a few times "my precious" he'd say as he laughed. I'd just sit there hoping that he would go away. The door unlocked and the man came strolling in he locked the door back behind him. This was it, the time i wished he had just killed me.
I felt his dark brown eyes watching me, i didn't dare look up at him, i was too scared. The man sat on the bed beside me, using the same evil grin he used when he was outside. I kept my head down, with my arms wrapped round my legs, not making a single movement. He rubbed his rough, dirty hands up and down my arm kissing my shoulder blade, each time i shrugged my shoulder to keep him from kissing me. All this man did was giggle a little. He stood up and pulled something out of his pocket and threw into my lap, i just looked at it, what was this man going to do to me.
"Put it on me baby" he'd say with his deep, seducing voice. I just sat there not moving a single muscle. "I said put it on me" he repeated, this time too calmly for my liking. I still didn't move, but i was very worried and afraid of what was going to happen. "I said put the condom on me" the man shouted furiously, at this point i picked it up, and started tearing off the wrapper, as the smell of the strawberry scented condom floated up into the air.
I slowly dragged myself onto the floor to where the man was standing and kneeled down to where his erected penis was. I carefully pulled down his shorts, trying not to look at the mans penis that was basically stood up in my face. I tried to put the condom on but my hands were shaking too much with fright. "I can't" i said to him. He snatched the condom out of my hands and struck me across my face, the right side of my face, which he had hit, was hurting, there was a burning sensation that i couldn't control. The man put on the condom and told me to take all my clothes off. I didn't refuse, no matter how much i wanted to, i didn't, due to the fact that he could hit me again. He watched me closely as i took my last item of clothing off which was my underwear. "Lay down on the bed for me sexy" he asked me, smiling, showing all of his shiny white teeth. I layed down on the bed, i wanted to burst out in tears, how could this man do such a thing, how can any man do such a thing. He threw my clothes onto the floor and laid on the bed beside me, i didn't look at him, i just kept facing the opposite direction, which meant facing the wall.
I felt the mans cold, filthy hands touch my stomach, i shivered a little, he moved his hands slowly upwards, towards my breasts. I whimpered a little as he caressed each and every part of my breasts, he started kissing my neck, then the kissing stopped. The man turned my head to face his and he smiled, kissed my warm, wet lips and moved his head down, he started kissing my chest. I shook my head wanting him to stop, but he carried on. Suddenly i made a loud but short sound as he bit his teeth into my breasts, then started sucking, fitting as much of my breast that he could into his watering, hot mouth. Crying out loud at this moment in time was very tempting, but i held it in. The sucking stopped and he kissed my lips again. "Your so sexy, i want to have more of you" the man seducingly said to me. I shook my head to him but he ignored me and moved his hands downwards, before i could say anything, i felt his large hands massaging my wet clitirus, louder noises were starting to form, i wanted him to stop, i wasn't enjoying none of this at all.
A finger slid into my vagina, he was playing around with me, i wanted to just hit him, but i was too afraid, he slid it back out, two fingers went in this time, it hurt even more, i started to move around, trying to fight the pain i was in, he succeeded in forcing three fingers in, this made me scream out for mercy, he giggled, he was enjoying the pain he was putting me through so much. I just wanted to seriously die. He took all his fingers out and rubbed them onto my stomach to dry his fingers of a little then got up of the bed, i thought he had finished, i was wrong. He knelt down on the floor and tugged on my legs. I told him no, he stood up again and struck me on the other side of my face, tears started to form, this time hurt more than the last, he ragged on my hair and told me to do what i was told.
I was hating myself so much right now but i did what i was told, i turned my lower body towards him. His head was in between my legs now. I felt his digusting, large, wet tongue all over my clitirus, i felt so ashamed of what was happening, i felt dirty and slutish, i wanted my mummy and daddy, but most of all i wanted to be in my grave. After he had finished he turned me back onto the bed, i knew he hadn't finished, i knew exactly what was going to happen next, no matter how much i didn't want to believe it.
The man laid on top of me, laying his large, muscular body onto me, i was finding it really hard to breathe, i tried to push him off he was too heavy to even move an inch. I screamed in pain as the man forced his erected penis inside me, in, out, in, out, the pain was too much. I screamed while i wrestled him to get off me, his weight was too heavy, tears formed in my eyes and started streaming down my cheeks. I screamed for help and struck him on his face. He stopped the intercourse but didn't pull out. "I should not have done that, you bitch" he whispered in my ear. He grabbed both my wrists and squeezed them as he continued moving in and out of me. Tears were still rolling down my face, i couldn't move my arms and i was still in extreme pain, he had cum inside me but still carried on. The pain was too much for me to handle, my eyes were shutting and opening slowly, then i had blackened out from all the pain that the man was putting me through.
I woke up once again, but this time to my friend and a policeman looking straight at me. I was lying down in a hospital bed. Cut up and bruised. I didn't care how i looked, as long as i was free from that mans grasp i was ok.
Today i still look back and think to myself, who was that man, what is happening to him, is he locked up or is he out searching for his next prey, or maybe even trying to look for me again. I also think to myself, why was i the chosen one, to be put through all that pain, but i also am glad i went through it and not anybody else, especially ones i cared about, because to experience something in life as terrible as this is a once in a life time experience. Well.... thats if your not careful.

By Anina Sutherland 2008

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