Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1456775-Immortal
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1456775
My veiw on Immortality. The first six 'episodes' are here with more to come.
Episode One
“My Immortal”

Clouds had covered the sky above Ortega City for most of the day and only just began to rain as people were heading home after a long, hot day’s work. Sally Lucas was one of those people. She was eighteen years old and worked day shifts at a diner in downtown Ortega.
“Stupid, stupid rain.” She held her jacket over her head to keep from getting wet. The side-walk had become a stand still with all the people waiting to cross the amazingly busy roads. Sally ducked in to a back alley to avoid the congestion.

“Hey beautiful!” a drunk was moving in on Sally. Her pace became faster. “Awww, come on honey how bout a kiss?” he matched her speed and got closer and closer. Sally’s heart was pounding, like it would jump out of her chest. She made the transition from a power-walk to run and the drunk stumbled behind her. She hid around a corner hoping her predator didn’t see her dash around.

Sally breathed deeply. But she screamed when a hand touched her shoulder. “Found ya!” Sally attempted to get to her feet but the drunk added some force to his grip on her shoulder and kept her down. She was squirming, screaming for help and then as if she had a guardian angel hearing her screams.

A naked teenager appeared his hands already around the attacker’s neck. The drunk let go of Sally’s shoulder and the teenager threw him against the wall. The drunk stopped moving.

“Oh my god. Did you just kill him?”
“I applied the necessary force.” He reached out his hand to help Sally up.
“Thank you.”
“Do you have clothes at your home?”
“Oh, right, you’re naked. Sure come with me.”
The boy followed Sally out of the alley way but then she stopped.
“Here,” she picked up a newspaper, “cover up.”
“Thank you.”

Sally was happy to be at home. Now no one else could stare at her for having a naked teenager following her. She directed him to the bathroom and gave him a towel. “Have a shower. I’ll get you some clothes.”

“Here you go.” Sally handed the mysterious kid an old t-shirt and a pair of jeans with the only pair of male underwear she had.
“Thank you. Sally.” His head poked out the bathroom door and he took the pile of clothes with one hand.
“Hey wait a second. I never told you my name… How do you know that?”

“Your name is Sally…” He paused, “Lucas; you were born on June 22nd, 1990, in Perth, Australia.” The boy emerged from the bathroom fully clothed and continued, “You moved to Seattle, America on February 18th, 1994 with your family and you ran away from home and came to Ortega City on your 16th birthday after some one was murdered at your sweet sixteenth party. Oh, sorry. You don’t like talking about that.”

Sally was shocked, how could some one she has never met before know so much about her?
“Just who are you?”
“I am no one anymore. But I used to be Nathan Travato.”
“What do you mean used to be?”
“I died in 2005.”

“What? You’re dead? Oh my god!” the colour flushed away from Sally’s face.
“I have been brought back to life… as an Immortal.”
“You can’t die?”
“That’s correct.”
“That doesn’t explain how you know so much about my history, we have never met before.”
The boy sighed, “When you die, the whole world’s past, present and future is shown to you. It is flashed before you in the blink of an eye. But you remember everything. Now for some reason I’ve been brought back still with that memory.”
“And you can’t die.”
“And I can’t die.” He repeated.

“I don’t exactly believe you.”
“What is the time and date?” he asked, “I’ll prove it to you.”
“Oh it’s, five-past eleven. On Tuesday the 3rd of November.”
“Couldn’t have picked a better day this is a perfect example.”
Sally said nothing, she just gave the boy a confused look.
“Remember this time because in two minutes the President of the United States of America is going to be assassinated.”
“What? We have to do something.”
“There is only one minute left and there is nothing we can do. And I don’t think messing with the Earth’s history is the smartest thing for me to do.”

Sure enough, at ten-past eleven on the 3rd of November, 2008. The television reported breaking news of the assassination of the President of the United States of America. He was shot getting out of a black SUV at a meeting where he was to wish the candidates the best of luck with the next day’s election.

“Ok, that is just too weird. How could you have known that?”
The boy stared at Sally.
“Right, past, present and future, and all that.”
He just smiled and looked back at the TV. Sally did the same, still confused.

“So, can I call you Nathan?”
“I’m not Nathan Travato any more.”
“Ok so what can I call you?”
He sat there staring in to the space, completely mesmerised.
“Fine, sorry for asking.”

~ ~

“Hey, kid. How was your walk?” Sally asked after hearing the door open and the close.
“It was, uneventful.”
“Have you ever seen this movie before?” Sally picked up the case of the DVD she was watching.
“Highlander. Released, March 7, 1986.  Directed by Russell Mulcahy. Starring Christopher Lambert, Sean Connery, Clancy Brown and Roxanne Hart.”
“I don’t want to know the info. I want to know if you have seen it?”
“I have.”
“He’s immortal, just like you.”
“Then call me Connor.”
Sally stood up and held out a hand to shake. “Conner, my very own, personal immortal.” She then pulled him close to her body and hugged him.

Connor hugged her back but then pushed her away. Once again he stared in to space. This time his eyes portrayed fear and shock.
“What’s going on?”
“Get some things together, food, clothes, any personal items. We must get out of here.”
“Why? What’s wrong Conner?”
“Just do it.”

Connor ran to the kitchen and frantically opened drawers. He pulled out knives when he found them and stowed them in to any pockets he had in his shirt and pants. He then went outside to the old garden shed which Sally had never used and found a scythe. “Good enough.” He said, disappointed.

“Conner?” he heard Sally’s voice from inside and rushed to her, she screamed, then calmed down enough to say, “Oh, Con, you scared me.” Conner looked up and realised he was holding the scythe. “Right, sorry. Are you packed?”
“Yes and yes, I am ok thanks for asking.”
“Did I say something wrong?” Sally just walked past Conner and to the front door.
“We take the back door and we go over the back fences. Make sure there are no lights on and that the front door is locked.”

“Ok, but what are we running away from?”
“I’m changing the history of the Earth.”
“But I thought...”
“To save you.”

Episode Two
“Load Up On Guns”

“Me?” Sally looked at Conner, bewildered. “Save me?”
“You’re in great danger, Sally… Shepard.”
“You know?” Sally sneered.
“Of course I know. I also know what really happened at your sweet sixteen.”
“Say it and I will find a way to kill you.”
“Alright, I won’t but… for now I am going to save your life.”

Sally ran back upstairs and came down with three pistols. “Here.” She gave him two of them. He took them silently and placed them in his side pockets, along with the knives. In a split second Sally raised the gun she kept, aimed it right at Conner’s heart, pulled the trigger and shot him.

Conner’s body was flung back by the sheer power of the bullet. His body lay, motionless on the ground. The blood oozed out of the cavity the bullet left behind. Sally lowered the pistol. She was clam, almost as if she had done it before. But as the seconds of aftermath became minutes, Sally worried. Was he lying about being immortal? Did he only know about the president’s shooting because he was in on it? Had he been stalking her and was that how he knew so much about her?

Five minutes had past and Sally was beginning to freak. She had just shot the person who was trying to protect her to test his ‘immortality’. Sally heard voices at the door, “Ok, we ready?… Go!” the door burst open and three men stood at the doorway. Sally couldn’t see the door from where she was in the house, therefore the men could not see her either. She raised the gun once more and put it to her chin.

One of the men came into Sally’s sight. “Oh shit. Sally Lucas?”
Sally sobbed, “You’ve come to kill me haven’t you?”
“Quite the opposite, just put the gun down kid.”
Sally saw, out of the corner of her eye, Conner’s lifeless body fidget. He coughed and took a deep breath. His eyes sprung open, he sat up and started panting. “You shot me.” Conner announced surprised.
“I had to check.” Sally defended.

“Who are you?” the man asked.
“Oh, sorry, I’m Conner…” Conner stopped abruptly and looked at Sally.
The man signalled him to continue.
“I’m Connor MacLeod.”
“Right, Conner MacLeod, and what do you mean ‘you shot me’?”
Conner pointed to his blood-stained shirt which had a hole in it around his chest.
“But there is no wound. Your skin is intact.”
“Run Sally, Run!” Conner yelled. The other two men heard the yelling and rushed to their colleague’s side. Sally turned and ran for the back door, her life suddenly shifted into slow-motion. She reached it and turned around. Her gun pointed at the man who confronted her. She pulled the trigger and silently the bullet left the barrel of the pistol and seemed to take minutes to reach its target.

Conner grabbed the other two guns, which had fallen out of his pockets when Sally shot him, and dealt with the other two men. He headed for the door and for Sally. She stared at him, dazed and confused. He was yelling something at her. She could tell his mouth was slowly moving, but she heard no sound. He grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door. Time began to speed up, her hearing came back, she knew because she heard a deep, man-like scream from inside. The man she shot had stumbled to his feet. Holding his shoulder where she shot him he pointed a gun at Sally.

Her eyes widened as she looked down the inside of the barrel then they snapped shut when she heard two gunshots. She thought the same feeling of slowed time came back because she didn’t feel anything. Sally opened one eye and saw the man on the ground. She opened the other and saw Conner with a gun aimed at the man’s body.
“Come on, we need to get out of here.” Conner grabbed her hand again and the both ran to the back fence. “Climb.” He said and he climbed the fence using only his feet. “How did you do that?” Sally asked stunned.
“I learnt a lot from ‘the Flash’.”
“‘The Flash’?”
“The past, present and future thing.”
“Oh, right.”

They made it to the street on the other side of the block, hoping that if those three men had back up they wouldn’t find them around here. “We still need to move quickly.” Conner stated, “Shit, I forgot my scythe.”
“Forget the bloody scythe.” Sally hissed. “We got guns; I think that’s all we’ll need.”
“I got knives too.”
“You stole my knives?”
“Believe me your not going to need them.”

“What exactly are you preventing from happening?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“Why not?”
“Shut up!” Conner snapped. Sally froze, almost too shocked to move or speak. “Now stop asking questions and move.”
She frowned as they ran across the street, trying to be as stealthy as possible.

Episode Three
“Horror with Eyeballs”

It was a very dark night, the clouds covered the moon and it only peered out every hour or so, the perfect night for fugitives. Conner and Sally travelled along the side of a long and windy road. They found a small clearing and Conner knocked down some trees and built a small hut.
“We’ll rest here for the night.” Conner spoke for the first time in the many hours since the escape from Sally’s house.
“You sure? It just doesn’t look safe, we can still see the road.”
“Nowhere is safe. Just rest Sally. I’ll keep a lookout.”
Sally did as Conner insisted and dozed off to sleep within moments.

She woke to a rising sun and Conner’s bleak face, both somehow, made her smile.
“Morning, Sleepy-head,” she looked again and noticed Conner was smiling. “Did you sleep well?”
“Uhh, yeah, I did, thanks for asking.”
“Good because I’m going to teach you some ways to protect yourself.”
“What like Tae Kwon Do?”
“Kind of like Tae Kwon Do.” Conner smiled and placed a huge leaf with steaming hot food in front of her.

“What is it?”
“It’s chicken and eggs.”
“Where did you get them from?”
“It was a wild one. It nested just down that slope.” He gestured with his head, tilting it in the direction he found the chicken.

Sally ate very quickly, she was so hungry and she hadn’t eaten since the morning before. Conner reminded her that if she ate too quickly she was likely to swallow a bone. Sure enough a few seconds after she almost choked on one, she coughed it back up with reasonable haste.
“I told you.” Conner laughed.

Sally finished her well cooked meal and lay down again. “That was amazing.”
“Are you ready to learn some of the most advance martial arts the world will ever see?”
“What do you mean ‘will ever see’?”
“I mean, that this art will not be developed for another three hundred years.”

Sally and Conner spent all day practicing the skills of shourai fuu. Sally had learned to create fire out of the heat of the air and summon and control the moisture in the air.  She was making great progress and Conner was impressed that she was a born natural at it. She practiced well into the night.

Conner set up a small pile of wood. “We need a campfire, can you do it?” Sally nodded and raised her arm, closed her eyes and clenched her fist. Sparks flickered around the wood, “Concentrate, Sal.”
Her eyes closed tighter she re-clenched her fist, the sparks were bigger and one struck a small piece of timber and the whole pile of wood lit at once. “Very good, see? You’re doing really well.”
“Thanks Con, for teaching me.”
“It was my pleasure, now get some rest. We will move on tomorrow.” Sally fell asleep next to the fire.

The next morning, when it was still dark Sally woke up abruptly from a bad dream. Panting, she looked around for Conner, no luck, he had disappeared. “Con? Where are you?” the worry that filled her made her voice shaky. The was no answer, she called again, and again, and again. She crawled into the little shelter Conner made. She put her hand out to push her self into an upright position and moved it away in fright.

Sally closed her eyes and clenched one fist and created a small flame that floated just above the palm of her hand. To her shock she found Conner’s body, his eyes covered in blood and his mouth half open with blood trickling down his cheek. Something had brutally, and silently, attacked him and left him for dead.

“Oh my god, Conner.” Her words were muffled by her other hand that was covering her mouth. Conner’s lifeless body suddenly sprang to life, he let out a loud yell as he took his first breath. “Conner, are you ok?” Sally put out the fire and reached over to hold him.

“I can’t see Sally.” He panicked. Sally looked closer at his eyes and realised that there were no eyes, whatever attacked him had taken them also.
“Your eyes are gone Conner.”
“They’re what?”
“Something attacked you, I think, and they took your eyes.”
”This isn’t good Sally. Everything I have seen has been stored in my memory but… my eyes have seen it. My eyes have a carbon copy of the flash and now someone has that copy. I must find them.”
“You can’t go out there. You can’t see and no offence you look terrible.”

Conner closed his eyes and opened them not long after and behind his eyelids were eyeballs. He had regrown them.
“Did that hurt?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe.” He chuckled.

Episode Four
“Luke, I Am Your Son.”

Conner closed his eyes and opened them not long after and behind his eyelids were eyeballs. He had regrown them.
“Did that hurt?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe.” He chuckled. “Care to practice your water control skills?”
“Umm, ok.” Sally raised one finger and swirled it around and a small orb of water slowly grew just above her finger. She then held up both hands and gently guided it over to Conner’s face where it splashed him and rinsed all of the blood off.
“Thank-you, you’re beginning to get real good.”

Conner had healed completely after the mysterious attack and began to cook a breakfast of another chicken he found in the same place as the other one. He chuckled, “This must be its friend” as he dangled it by one of its legs, it was still alive and squirming. Sally looked away in disgust.

Soon after, the chicken was cooked and the smell overpowered her and she could not help but sit down next to the fire and eat. She had wizened up and didn’t eat too fast, she didn’t want to choke again.

Conner sat opposite her, his meal was a lot larger than Sally’s but he finished it before she did. “We really need to get moving. Those guys from your house had friends, they drove past last night. And I also have to find my eye thief.” Sally became unsettled, “Great, now we have two problems.”
“The more the merrier.” He grinned.

Sally leaned against a tree, her bag on one shoulder, while Conner dismantled the small hut he had made.
“So, where are we heading?” Sally asked, breaking the silence.
“We are going to keep heading west.” He said as he threw the last log deep into the forest. “There we go. Next stop Fawkland Bay.”

Conner picked up a bag and began west towards a small bay-side town.
“How far is that?” Sally complained.
“Few hours down the road. That way.” He pointed in the direction of his destination.
“Is it dangerous?”
“Everywhere is dangerous, but I know someone there. He should be able to help me find my eyes.”

~ ~

As it got closer to night, the pair had finally reached their destination. “You said a few hours.” Sally complained again.
“So I lied a little.”
“A little?” she whispered under her breath.

Conner knocked on the door of the huge mansion, a man who looked to be in his late forties answered.
“Luke Travato?”
“Yes” the man answered, his face was confused.
“Hello father.”
“Nathan? Nathan is that you?”
“But you… how?”
“Long story… Sanctuary?”
Sally butted in, “He wants to come in.”
“Oh yes, of course.” He stood back and let the two inside.

“Sorry dad, we are only here for the night.” Conner stated.
“Well then, you will have time to tell me your long story.”
“Guess so.” He smiled and sat down. He was glad to see his father.
“Can I get either of you something to eat? Or drink?”
“Oh anything would be nice.” Sally replied as she sat down in a huff.
“In the mean time, you could use a shower, my dear. It’s up-stairs, third door on your right.”
“Thank-you.” Sally slung her bag over her shoulder and almost ran upstairs.

Conner followed his father into the kitchen.
“Do you want anything Nathan?”
“Actually. It’s Conner now… Conner MacLeod.”
“The Highlander?”
Conner just smiled.

Sally joined Conner and his father in the kitchen. They all sat down at the kitchen table and the travellers ate something foreign and delicious. In between mouthfuls, Conner told his father, whom he hadn’t seen since the day he died, the tale of his life after death.

His father was of course gobsmaked. He, like any normal person, found stories about ‘the flash’ and immortality to be too farfetched to be believable. The three sat in silence for quite a while. Then Conner broke the silence, “So, Dad. How’s Mum?”

Episode Five
“My baby shot me down”

Sally and Conner sat across the kitchen table across from Conner’s father. The Three sat in silence for quite a while. Then, Conner broke the silence, “So, Dad. How’s Mum?”

“To tell the truth son, I don’t know. She left not long after your funeral and never came back.”
Conner sat stiff, his eyes transfixed on something far off in the distance. Sally and Luke left the table and went in to the lounge to talk. Conner remained staring into space.

“So you’ve only know Nathan, er, Conner for a few days, right?”
“Yeah, it feels like so much longer though.”
“He left out how he met you. Do you mind filling in the gaps?”
Sally fell silent. She was embarrassed about the strange conditions under which they met. “Well, uhh, the details are a little vague,” she lied, “but I remember that he saved my life. He fought off a drunk who tried to make a move on me.”

“My son?”
Sally nodded, “He’s my hero.” She added. “Why? Is that not like him?”
“To put it plainly, no. Nathan was very selfish.” Luke explained.
“Well Conner is perfect. He’s giving and very unselfish.” Sally retorted.
“I guess he changed after he died. Maybe he is a better person now.”
“He’s a sweet kid. It’s a shame he’ll be fifteen forever.”

~ ~

Conner snapped out of his daze, a few hours later. He appeared in the lounge where Sally and his father sat chatting.
“We’re leaving.”
“Where to now?”
“South to Mare Pars, but first, Dad? Where does Tom Lincoln live now?”
“Oh uh, I think he still lives in his east street house… uh, number forty-two I think.”
“It’s forty-three, Dad. But thank you.”
The pair said their goodbyes and set off towards Nathan’s friend’s house.

~ ~

Sally and Conner sat on the porch of Tom Lincoln’s house. Conner, every now and then, would get up to ring the door bell.
“We’ve been here for hours. Con. I’m falling asleep. He’s not home.”
“He’s supposed to be. I remember it.”
“That reminds me. What sort of nerve do you have to ask your Dad about your mother? He was really shook up you know.”
“She comes back tomorrow.”

“My mum she goes back to dad tomorrow and he takes her back.” Conner smiled.
“Con, why didn’t we stay?”
“Because you’re not very good with mothers, everywhere you go you hate seeing mothers and their daughters. It reminds you of…”
“Stop. I get it.” Sally interrupted.

Conner got up to ring the door bell once more and the sound of seven locks unlocking, one after another. The door opened…
“Tom Lincoln?”
“Nathan Travato.” Tom smiled, “I knew you weren’t dead.” He shook his hand. “You haven’t grown buddy.”
“Haven’t aged either… Never will.” Conner replied, Tom looked at him confused and then, he glanced up at Sally.
“Hello gorgeous. I am Thomas Anthony Lincoln III at your service.” He bowed, looked up and smiled.
Sally blushed and giggled as she said, “My names Sally. Sally Luc…”
“Sally Shepard.” Conner interrupted.
“Pleased to meet you, Sally Shepard,” He moved out of the way and gestured to the pair to move inside, “Please, both of you come inside.”

Sally, Conner, and Tom sat in a grand lounge room, Tom, like Nathan used to, lived in the upper class area of Fawlkand Bay. People who lived there attend private school and sleep in huge, expensive mansions.

”Tell me the story of the great Nathan Travato, the boy who cannot die.” Tom threw his arms in the air as he spoke.
Sally laughed, “Yeah, go on Conner, tell him.”
Tom paused, dropped his hands and looked at Sally. “Conner?”
“Conner MacLeod, actually, I did die, I just came back.” Conner said. “Ok, I’ll start from the beginning.” He then told the story of his death, the flash, Sally and how he ended up here, in Tom’s house.”

“Wait… You were naked?” Tom cracked up laughing. “Nice work bro. The ladies will really dig you.” He looked at Sally and winked. She went a deep red. “Sally, you should go to sleep you look really tired. We’ll leave you alone. Nathan… er… Conner, come with me.”
Conner stood up and followed Tom into another room as Sally curled up on the couch and drifted off to sleep.

“So, you know everything about her huh?”
“I know everything about everybody.” Conner sighed. “She doesn’t like me knowing.”
“What did you say about mothers? Sorry I couldn’t help but listen before I opened the door.”
“She killed her mother.” Conner froze, both hands locked over his mouth. “I can’t believe I said that.”
“Now that you’ve started, you may as well finish.”
“Fine but you can’t tell her you know, promise?”
“Promise.” He agreed.

“It all started on the night of her sixteenth birthday party. It was the best night of her life. And then, everything went horribly wrong. Wait, backtrack for a moment. I’ll just add that her parents were a happily married couple but she always cared about her father more.

“Ok, Fast forward, the night of her sweet sixteenth. Her party was in the back yard of her suburban Seattle home. Her mother had excused herself from the party, just for a few minutes, it was a real family affair, the families of all Sally’s friends were there. It was more a neighbourhood party than anything else.

“’Sally, go find your mother, it’s time to cut your cake.’ Her father said to her. She agreed and went inside the house. “Mum?” she called quite a number of times in different rooms of the house. Then, she came to her parents’ bedroom. She opened the door to find her mother in bed with another man. ‘How could you do this to dad? And me on my birthday.’ She opened the top drawer of her father’s dresser where she knew he kept a small pistol.

“Sally grabbed the pistol and aimed it at her mother. ‘I can’t believe you.’ A single shot was all she fired and it was all she needed to kill her own mother. Her mother’s lover, covered in her blood, escaped out the window. He was caught and charged with her murder. And Sally ran away from home.”

Tom sat silent. The story was overwhelming. “Wow, how could such a perfect girl have so many skeletons in her closet?” He looked in on Sally, and sighed as he saw her sleeping peacefully. “She’s beautiful.”
“She’s not yours… And she never will be. We’ll be leaving soon anyway. But I do need some help with my eye hunt.”
“Right, the ‘eye thief’, you think it’s the same group who attacked Sally’s house?”
“Positive. Just don’t tell Sally that because she thinks they are after her.”
“You don’t need to know that.”

Episode Six
“Gonna Be a Blackout Tonight”

Tom sat silent. The story was overwhelming. “Wow, how could such a perfect girl have so many skeletons in her closet?” He looked in on Sally, and sighed as he saw her sleeping peacefully. “She’s beautiful.”
“She’s not yours… And she never will be. We’ll be leaving soon anyway. But I do need some help with my eye hunt.”
“Right, the ‘eye thief’, you think it’s the same group who attacked Sally’s house?”
“Positive. Just don’t tell Sally that because she thinks they are after her.”
“You don’t need to know that.”

“If you want me to help you find your bad guys, I need to know these things.”
“Truth is, Sally would never have come with me if they were only after me.”
“Oh,” Tom chuckled, “there he is. I knew Nathan Travato was in there somewhere.”
“It’s not that. When I found out I was going to live forever I could tell I would be lonely. I didn’t want that and when I saw that drunk hitting on Sally, I went for it. I mean she lived a lonely life too, she didn’t have family or many close friends. No one would miss her.”
Tom sighed and stood up, “Ok… well then let’s find these guys.”

Conner and Tom stared at a computer for hours, the bright screen lit up the dark room with an eerie blue.
“It all keeps ending here,” Tom pointed at the screen, “with this guy, Edward Livingston. The CEO of a weapons company called Livingston Industries.”
“Think it’s him?”
“Could well be. Worth a shot finding out right?”
“Give me the address and I’m there.”
“You mean we’re there.” Sally interrupted.

After a dead silent drive from Tom’s house, except for Tom trying and failing to make conversation. Sally, Conner, and Tom arrived outside the Livingston Industries building in Ortega City.

“So, how do we get in?” Sally asked while looking up at the top floor, “I guess he’s up the right?”
“We wait.” Conner instructed, “Until nine o’clock. Then we walk through the front door.”
“Are you sure we can do that?” asked Tom.
“Everyone else does.”
Sally looked at her watch, “One-and-a-half hours to go.”
Sure enough, one and a half hours past and the staff began entering the building.

Conner, Tom and Sally followed soon after and casually strolled to the elevators. Once inside, Sally noticed a key hole next to the button for level forty-one, the top floor. “Damn it.”
“Ok, we’ll go to level forty. Then, we’ll find a way up.”
DING. The lift stopped when it reached level forty and the doors opened.
“Right… That was unexpected.”

Three, heavily-armoured men with rifles stood in front of the lift.
“I believe you were looking for me.” A voice came from around the corner.
Conner scowled.
Sally gulped.
Tom whispered, “That’s Edward Livingston.” As a tall, lean man came into view. His skin hugged his skull, his eyes sat deep inside his head. He looked as if he hadn’t just seen a ghost, but was one.

“Conner MacLeod, Sally Shepard, or Lucas as you now prefer to be known as and Tom Lincoln, Welcome all of you. I am, as you know Edward Livingston.”
“Mr. Livingston I believe you have something that belongs to me.” Conner announced.
“Now how can I have something of yours if we have never met before?”
“How can you know our names, if we have never met before?” Conner smirked.
“Touché, Conner.” Edward looked down and prompted Conner to look down also. Edward’s clenched hand opened revealing two eyeballs. “Are these what you’re looking for?” he grinned.

Conner reached for them cautiously. “Go ahead. I have no use for them anymore. I have the flash footage recorded.” He turned, nodded to one of the men and quickly flicked back to staring at Conner. “I don’t have a use for you anymore either.”

The man Edward nodded to lifted his gun and shot Conner. The sheer force of the bullet threw his body back in to the mirror that lined the back of the lift. Shards of glass fell and pierced Conner’s body in many places. Sally panicked and lunged forward to hit a button. The doors closed and the lift dropped to the bottom floor.
“Oh shit! What do we do?” yelled Tom.
“Relax. We just need to get him to the car. He’ll recover soon. He can’t die, remember?”
The doors opened and Sally and Tom dragged Conner’s corpse out of the lift. People in the lobby looked on in horror as a fourteen year old boy, bleeding profusely was being dragged out by Tom and Sally, who were sixteen and eighteen years old respectively.

They got to the car but Conner still hadn’t revived.
“Help me get the glass out of him.” Sally ordered. Tom nodded and plucked the glass out of his right arm.
“Come on Con.” Sally pulled shard from his left arm and stroked his head. “Come back, please.”
© Copyright 2008 Nicholas Linde (kiteflyer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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