Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1456349-Global-Warning-on-Education
by Ned
Rated: · Editorial · Educational · #1456349
This is an attempt to underscore the value of education, self-taught or otherwise.
Global Warning: on Education

I watched Dolly with interest.  It tracked just north of the Rio Grande Border between the U.S. and Mexico, before coming ashore from its Gulf track and heading west finally downgrading from hurricane strength and crossing into Mexico, eventually turning north toward New Mexico.  It then entered New Mexico and caused a large area of massive flooding in Eastern New Mexico.

It is Monday, July 28, 2008; 6:35 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, and yet this older lady, now just a low or depression remains a lower area of pressure than any on the U.S. continent, according to current surface analysis maps from NOAA  (National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration).  Dolly's remains are by no means insignificant, and the next few days people may again be saying, "Hello Dolly."

The interesting observation being; there are so many lows and highs on the U.S. continent.  I have never seen this before, but can only use my empirical observations of earlier times when I would be scanning weather charts and maps with interest before challenging the skies in very small planes.  I don't know if my recall is accurate, but imagine if you walked by a river or stream daily, and you saw certain swirls in the currents as they flowed past rocks and such in the stream or riverbed.  Then, years later you looked at the same stream or riverbed, and the pattern was markedly different, from your recall.  It looked more agitated, swirlier, unusual from past memories.  This is what I see, whether it's significant I have no basis for knowing. 
I see an attempt of circulation in the Gulf near the southern borders of Mississippi, and Alabama, but it's early, and should it drift overland in the near future will lose its energy before becoming a problem.  It doesn't show up on the surface analysis charts, but observation of the visible satellite image does show and attempt at circulation. The reality now seems to suggest every new swirl under these summer conditions, has potential for adversely affecting mans environment.

Our weather is definitely different now.  We have pushed nature to a limit that man had not contemplated so early in the awakening of our fears of global warming.  I'm not sure we have the ability to slow ourselves fast enough based on the continued attempt to cut back on mass transit, while tooling around in 4 door, king cab, multi-wheeled, perhaps duelly addicted, one occupant, empty-bedded pick up trucks; but this living planet no doubt will.  The next few days I will watch the weather with interest, to see how Mother Nature once again strikes back, if indeed she does. 
The Arctic is an ocean.  It cannot increase the water depth if it melts completely, just as the depth of a glass of water remains constant if an ice cube melts in it.  Yet, the now obvious melting ice of the Arctic Ocean does mean that the average temperature is rising, and that will affects lows and highs.  However, the Antarctic is a land mass covered with huge amounts of snow and ice, the permafrost.  Should this melt significantly, the melting ice would increase the depth of the oceans, and places like Florida might actually disappear. 

Probably any kid who studied math enough to figure volumes could find out, perhaps online, how much permafrost there really is, and how much ice and snow would have to melt to increase the depth of the ocean even six feet.  Using Greenland as a model, might simplify the problem.  Kids can listen to parents worry about test scores, school budgets; teachers, and school administrator's salaries.  They could instead start getting an education from these self same people, parents included, perhaps before it's a moot point.

There is one simple bottom line.  The large ball we live on, has more available than we can bring to the surface, without simply crowding ourselves out ......of existence.

Unlike Robert L. Scott, "God is My Copilot", my observation is "God is the pilot."  When man wants to become a god, whether we like it not, the storm we have to weather is real, and perhaps as Ernest K Gann wrote, "Fate is the Hunter"
© Copyright 2008 Ned (bodwin at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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