Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1455868-The-Bully
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1455868
This is about a boy who stands up for himself towards a school bully.
The Bully

"Everybody Bruno's coming" screamed a short, dark haired boy with glasses on. Children from every direction ran to and fro to these words.
Bruno was the school bully. He was 5ft 3, plump and very mean. Bruno and his gang of five came strolling into the school yard looking at all their cowering victims around them.
DING DONG rang the school bell many times, everybody walked quickly to their classes, not even glimpsing in the bully's direction.
After lesson it was time for a break. Happy, smiling faces were everywhere until "your king is entering the playground" shouted a short, squeaky voiced, blonde haired boy from the school entrance doors. Everybody stopped what they were doing and looked in the direction of the voice. Everybody stood still waiting for Bruno the bully to step outside any minute now as the voice that spoke was from one of the boys from Bruno's gang.
Bruno stepped outside into the play field and scanned it slowly. All he could see was one little boy sat alone under the tree that stood next to the school gate, everybody else in the school yard was cowering once again in each corner of the playground.
"oi you, why you sat under my tree reading aint you got anything better to do" said Bruno as his gang laughed hardly behind him. Bruno snatched the book out of the boys hands.
The boy stood up and looked at the book in Bruno's hand. "can i have my book back please, i am new here and don't want to be kicked out of this school too, just because your acting all hard with me" the little boy calmly said to Bruno looking straight into his face.
"oooo" giggled Bruno's gang. Bruno didn't like the way he had been spoken back to and swung for the boys face 8 times, but everytime he swung the boy blocked his punches. Everybody in the playground gathered round to watch what was happening, even Bruno's gang backed away into the crowd.
Bruno pulled away his hand from the boys grip and swung for the last time, the boy grabbed onto Bruno's fist before it connected with his face and swung back which connected with Bruno's face. Bruno stumbled backwards into the crowd and fell at his gangs feet. The boy stepped over Bruno and held onto Bruno's shirt and raised his fist while Bruno whimpered "please, please don't"
"Bruno i am going to let you go, but if you ever bully or even think about bullying anybody again i will not hesitate to hit you" the boy said quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear. Bruno nodded at the boys words, turned over, crawled away and ran back into the school while everybody watched open mouthed at the site of what had just happened.
"Yay, hurray" everybody cheered for the boy as he stood still staring in the direction that Bruno had run in. The boy then turned and looked at Bruno's gang "as you can see i would of hit and finished your leader, but if i did it would of made me a bully too" explained the boy. The gang looked at each other and then ran after Bruno who had already disappeared.
"Yay, hurray" everyone cheered again and then turned away and back to do what they had started doing before Bruno had stepped out.
Now all the children in the playground had no need to be afraid of Bruno and his gang coming back to make the rest of their life a misery again.

By Anina Sutherland
© Copyright 2008 Anina_baby (anina_baby at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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