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Rated: 13+ · Other · Sci-fi · #1455779
This is the synopsis and outline for the entire Eden Series look for issue 2 soon
1. Synopsis
1.1 Base Synopsis

2060 A.D.
Eden stands as the pinnacle of civilization where Toronto once was. In 2011 after what is now known to be several years of planning; terrorist finally succeeded in bringing western civilization to a grinding halt. The details are sketchy at best but what is known for sure is that terrorists had been putting Sleeper Cells into cities all over the world waiting for the day that they would receive their “signal”. Each sleeper cell knew only of the existence of other cells but nothing further than that. On September 11th 2011 on the tenth anniversary of the attacks on the twin towers each cell received their signal.

                                       With three prototype nuclear weapons procured from the North Korean government and funded by the Saudi Bin Laden group the terrorists were able to detonate the weapons in the lower troposphere over different locations in the world. Each missile had a two hundred kiloton yield and as one was detonated over Europe, one over the southern US and one over Hong Kong, it caused a worldwide EMP wave that disabled every electronic device that was turned on at the time of the flash. With that sign in place the sleeper cells began to spread dissent and chaos to the cities; rioting, looting, the cells began car bombing and kidnapping then executing government officials. Within a week the world itself had reverted to a stone age mentality of whoever has the gold makes the rules. Martial Law of a sort reigned and the majority of people were genuinely terrified that the world in fact had come to and end and that the rapture was upon them.

One man Jason Lamy a 22 year old CEO of a small software company called Synersys in Toronto decided to try and capitalize on the world and form a new type of government. With the Canadian government totally out of commission and the people scared to even leave their homes there was not much left of the once great city of Toronto.

He founded Eden which began as a small community of people who had once been employees of Synersys. The idea was that the community was governed as a corporation where the governing council was the board of directors and the people living in the community were its shareholders. Government Divisions were ran as separate divisions of the company and functioned as one to build revenue and keep the company out of debt. With the few electronic devices left that were still working and a little word of mouth advertising people started showing up at the downtown headquarters of Eden, which took over the building that had once been First Canadian Place. 

Anyone who wanted to partake in the Eden project was subsequently charged money to buy shares in the corporation. Within 2 years Eden became the city government and owned all of the real estate in what was once downtown Toronto. Small groups of people decide that they did not want to be governed and moved to outlying areas of the city.  Eventually the word spread far and wide and people in other cities began doing the same thing it seemed the world was coming back into its own once again. Plants began production again of vehicles and computers, though the technology was a little different the items remained relatively the same.

Eventually Eden began buying all of the other Corporations, the companies defense division was contracted as the police force and soon law and order was coming back to every place in North America. At 49 years old Jason Lamy accomplished what no other person in human history had ever been able to do. With the last corporate entity being bought on August 19th 2038 Eden became a one world order with offices in every major city center with very few dissidents on the outlying areas. Earth was renamed Eden and the people prospered. Where it was once thought that Capitalism was finished,  now it was the basis by which every life in the world lived by.

Jason Lamy had succeeded where no other could but when you have absolute power the thought of losing that power will make a person do rash things that they would not generally do. In 2055 that fear was realized for Jason Lamy. And that is where the story of Eden truly begins.

1.2 Character Descriptions
Character List

Lee Ash:
Central character for the story. Lee is a computer hacker living by the ideal that information is free to all those who seek it. It is this ideal that gets him caught trying to download copyrighted source code for a new satellite networking program from Cloud 9 industries a satellite communications company posed for a hostile takeover of the Eden Corporation. Lee gets caught and his talent is realized by the companies CEO Cameron Macintosh, and he is recruited to be the head of network security for the company.

Cameron Warren:
C.E.O. of Cloud 9 industries, and a public advocate for a new world order governed by the people for the people.  Son of an underworld boss who made it big by robbing the worlds gold stores as civilization fell. Cameron’s Father died leaving him in charge of the “Family Business”. Cameron Left the “Family” to pursue legitimate business and left the underworld organization to his younger brother David.

Chloe Davenport:
Cloud 9 Industries VP of Human Resources. Becomes involved with Lee Ashe. Chloe is a redheaded bombshell, but do not let her looks fool you she is a very intelligent business woman.

Jason Lamy:
C.E.O Of the Eden Corporation and the corporations founding member. Lamy is also the majority stockholder but after Eden became the New World Government he became worried that his control of the company and the world is in a precarious predicament amidst the rumors of an impending hostile takeover.

Mr. E
Jason Lamy’s bodyguard and personal henchmen keeps lamy’s hands relatively unstained and handles all of Jason’s for lack of a better term dirty work. Everything from extortion and blackmail to eliminating competition any way possible.

William Welles:
Son of a former US Secretary Of Defense. Bent on controlling the world on his own using military means, contracts Lee to hack world government databases to find the locations of all of the worlds major nuclear weapon stores hoping that in doing so it will give him the power to overthrow the government with threats of using the worlds weapons of mass destruction.

Chandra is William Welles’ right hand and personal assassin, not much is known about her other than she will sell her services to the highest bidder and is ruthless when it comes to eliminating anyone she is paid to kill. 

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