Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1455563-Turning-You-Part-2-A-Lover
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1455563
A love, a chase, a pack, the past... Twilight-inspired.
(I do not own Naruto or Twilight, and that's just that)


         I was running, running as fast as I could, when I suddenly stopped at the old cottage I was so familiar with - the place that resembled the home of my birth. This cottage was fairly old - it was constructed in 1887. I would check in periodically, to keep the house tidy.I walked in, sighing, remembering my life before I had gone away to college. Junko, my mother, Orochimaru, my father, Lemon, my twin, and Sakura, my sister.
         As you can tell, my life was never easy.
         Both my parents - Junko and Orochimaru were what I like to call hybrids. Other people use the more rude term, "halfies"...I can't stand it... One day, when Orochimaru was thirsty - and I will never forget the scream that pierced that December night in 1676 - my mother was killed, by my father. I remembered the flames, I remembered her pained cries...but I forced myself to shake away the memories. Lemon was my twin sister, and Sakura was just a pain. And I was condemned to live with the lot of them, to call them "kin", in this strange place we call Earth...at least, for these years. Soon, I'd have to switch - change places, change lives. As some people may notice, I have never aged a day above twenty-two and a half. Maybe you've noticed, although I highly doubt it...
         My mother's ghost appeared to me as I sat down in a chair. She smiled at me, and examined my features. "What's wrong?" She asked, touching my face with her ghastly hands. Of course, I would not feel the unusual cold when coming in contact with a ghost - I was much too much - well, what I am. A vampire.
         I sighed, "You would be disappointed in me."
         "I can't be disappointed in you, Kiwi...I love you, you're my daughter..." The gaze in her  dark green eyes reminded me of your compassionate gaze. I closed my eyes, shaking my head, as if the memory would be flung out of my brain if I did so.
         "I..." I sighed, "I turned Kasumi."
         "You..." her voice tapered off, seeing my eyes, obviously severed by her repeating my dark deed. "Why?" She asked, "What did Kasumi ever do to you?"
         "Nothing," I replied. Of course, she'd heard the stories I told her about vampirism being eternal damnation, and of the thirst, and of instinct. I had to tell her - she was my mother, after all.
         "Then why?"
         "Instinct," I replied. Instinct was one thing I couldn't control yet.
         Mother sighed. "Well...you can always make amends..."
         "I don't know if I can do that," I cut in, "She was crying with Lucillia...in her dorm...and I know...what Lucillia's out to do..." I sighed. I already knew what she was - one of the Uchiha Clan werewolves - but I knew that she didn't know what I was.
         The Uchiha Clan's werewolves call me the Ancient one - usually. Other times - most times, I am referred to as "that halfie", or "half-breed", "bloodsucker", "leech"...I wonder what would happen if you knew any of this. Would you stand up for me? I pulled my thoughts away from you. It would be better if I made a clean break - out of everyone's lives. Now, it seemed impossible...but there were ways...
         My mother saw my concentrated glare. "My daughter," she said in a voice like music, "What are you thinking about?"
         "Gaara," I choked your name out of my lungs...and then, my Third Eye opened. I was gifted with it, when I reached the pinnacle of mental training - mentally, I am strongest in Konoha, able to flick away boulders with only my mind - that is, if my chakra coincides.
          I could hear them conversing - talking, laughing, in loud voices. Yet, their - the Uchiha Clan Werewolves' - conversation was nothing to be laughing about so merrily. They were talking about you - how they'd hurt you to get to me.
         I wouldn't - I couldn't - let this happen. Aside from Kasumi, and sometimes Lucillia, you are my only reason to live, the only thing keeping me alive for these two-thousand years.

         "Mother," I said, after my vision ended and my Third Eye closed, "I should go...Gaara...he'll be in trouble..."
         "Fare well," she said, worry scribbled across her face.
         "I promise," I replied, before darting out of the door.
         I took off, as fast as I could. I felt like a missle, running at ten-thousand miles per hour - my top speed - as I darted off into the woods. I dodged tree, after tree, until I came to the expanse. I sniffed. They had been here, I could smell their sickening scent waft into my nose as I skimmed by for that fraction of a second. I tried to pinpoint them. I could hear their brooding, as I whispered their location out loud:
         "South-west-south...moving at one hundred miles per hour...six-hundred-seven degrees longitude, eight-hundred-fifty degrees latitude..."
         I kept running, running for campus, running to protect you...I looked up in the sky, for a brief moment. It was a peaceful, dark shade of midnight-blue. I inhaled the soft cold breeze that was toying with my dark-green hair, and I had saw the full moon, its crater-filled smile curled into a lie. I checked my skin - it was glittering, softly. The way the moon hung - romantically, passionately - reminded me of you. I shuddered at your memory, and kept running. I suddenly wondered how you fared - especially against the four Uchihas - Tobi, Sasuke, Itachi, and Lucillia...
         ...Because I could smell them. Coming closer. Their hideous scent - ugh - inflitrated my nose. I had to warn you. And fast.
         The dormitory came into view. I slowed down, going at only one hundred miles per hour - still slow, but faster than any human. After I saw campus broaden, I slowed down to a normal human run, running quickly into the boys' section. I saw your room number - 142 - and knocked, banged on the door.
         You answered - but it was too late. I heard her, running in this direction.
         "DUCK!!" I cried out, pushing you to the floor.
         "Kiwi, what the - "
         A dark blue werewolf - Lucillia - crashed into the window, followed by a white one - Itachi, then a dark red one - Tobi, then a black one - Sasuke.
         The Uchiha Clan Werewolves were here.
         "I told you I smelled her," Lucillia said gruffly, "She smells horrible, sickeningly sweet..."
         "Good, Lucillia," Itachi commended. He was leader, an Alpha Male of sorts - and it was evident, in his position, in the way that he carried himself - not meagerly like the others, but rather, strong and proud, "Now...let's get this over with. Ancient one - or should I say, Kiwi Amaryllis Haruno," Itachi smirked.
         I looked at Lucillia. She smirked with the same expression, evilly, laughing under her breath, and I - what and who I was - was the joke.
         "Surrender now," Itachi said, "Give your life in atonement...or we will take it..."
         "Let's go outside," I said, "I wouldn't want to endanger Gaara..."
         "So let it be," Itachi said, then nodded towards the window.
         "May I just have a final request?"
         "What?" Itachi asked in a hard, impatient tone. He was as ready to get it over with as I was.
         "May I spend my last moments with Gaara?"
         Itachi nodded. "Fine. You heard the bloodsucker. We'll be watching, so don't try anything sly, or we'll destroy the both of you."
         He climbed out the window, followed by his pack.
         "Kiwi...why would you do this?" You asked, looking into my eyes, your warm hands handling my cool, stone face.
         "I'm sorry," I apologized, "Tell Kasumi that I shouldn't have done what I'd done...and I know, that she will never, never forgive me, but just tell her that for me..."
         "No, Kiwi...don't leave us...you're needed..."
         "I'm sorry..." I said, "I love you."
         I planted one final kiss on your lips, inhaling your sweet, sweet scent. I resisted to instinct, which hissed angrily in my ear at my resistance.
         You stood motionless, eying me with limp, sad, tearful eyes.
         "I'm sorry, Gaara." I left, jumping out of the window.
         "All right. The halfie's here. Surround her."
         The werewolves surrounded me on all four sides. To my right, stood a growling Lucillia. To my left, Sasuke was growling at me, also. I turned around, seeing Tobi, baring his fangs - and shaking off the memory of your hair, your red hair... And in front of me, stood Itachi, baring his fangs, ready to make the kill.
         "Advance," he commanded, also closing in on me. When he stopped - a good twenty paces from me - the others also stopped.
         They eyed me, seeming conversing to themselves with telepathy. I could read their thoughts - but I didn't want to.
         "Get it over with," I hissed, "You wouldn't want Kasumi to cry, now would you?"
         This provoked Sasuke, just what I wanted in this moment of brooding.
         "You half-breed, bloodsucking leech!" He yelled, "Don't let that name escape your lips again!"
         I wanted this. It'd make it all the more quicker. "Kasumi," I taunted, "Kasumi." With every repitition, he grew angrier, "Kasumi." He was seething with anger by this time, "Kasumi, Kasumi, Kasu -"
         "SHUT UP!! WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!"
         "Ka. Su. Mi." I smirked.
         Growling darkly, he charged at me. I closed my eyes, waiting for the pain to come. Maybe I had died instantly, and I had fallen into a black void. After all, I hardly deserved Heaven. Maybe after I'd fallen, I would end up in a scorching fire.
         I opened my eyes. Gaara stood protectively in front of me, seething with anger at Sasuke. Sasuke skidded to a halt.
         "Gaara..." I choked out.
         You were mortal. Merely mortal. How could you protect me? I should be the one protecting you, even though you shouldn't be in this - this is my fate, and mine alone.
         "What are you doing, Kiwi?!" You yelled.
         "What are you doing?!" I retorted.
         Sasuke skidded to a halt, and turned to Itachi. "What should I do with the mortal?"
         Itachi's dark glare turned into an evil smirk.
         "Kill him," Itachi said gruffly, "Kill them both..."
         "Lucillia and I will get the halfie. Tobi, you get the mortal."
         Tobi nodded, advancing on us. So did Lucillia and Sasuke.
         I had only one chance. One escape was formed. Itachi didn't advance with the rest of them...
         So I picked you up, and started running.
         "HEY!!" I heard Lucillia scream, "Get back here, halfie!!"
         "No," I heard Itachi order, stopping her. The rest of his commands were like whispers.

         But, I had made a mistake.
         We were running through the night. And I was alone. Thirsty, with instinct constantly whispering in my ears. With you. And you started to smell - delectable. I tried to ignore the instinct, barking in my ears...
         But it was useless.
         I stopped, and you stared into my eyes, which had turned black from thirst. I looked at you, smelling you, listening to instinct bark in my ears.
         "Do it..." it slithered.
         I could no longer resist. Thirst had overcome me.
         And I bit into you.
         You winced, but stared into my eyes still. "Whatever you are...I want to become..."
         I let go, staring at you. You winced. "It burns..." he complained.
         "I'm sorry..." I sniffled.
         "Don't cry..." you replied, stroking my face, "Whatever you are, I want to become..."
         You kissed me. My eyes widened, letting you into my mouth. You kissed me with more intensity and passion - more that I could handle at the time. I ended the kiss, breathing heavily.
                "Ga-chan..." I called you by your nickname, "That's enough..."
                You smiled.
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