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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1454275
kids get lost in desert.
                                        Chapter 11

    The sun came up yet again. It rose high above five sleeping fourteen-year olds. The silence stretched far across the sandy death trap. This place, chose specially by Danny, was supposed to be the revenge on the five teenagers for what they did to Danny.
    David sat upright. He slept restlessly all night. The heat was really getting to him. Breathing was becoming a difficult task in the thick, humid air. He was also worried about Jessica. Was she actually cold? She had shook and trembled all night long. When Danny has revenge, he really takes it seriously.
    Alex layed there with his eyes closed even though he felt awake. The sun shined bright above them. He was so happy that David let them sleep in. He didn't know why they walked nonstop. Yes, they needed water like David said, but they were all wasting their energy.
    Shawn woke up to find that only Jessica was still sleeping. Her blonde hair fell over a ghose-like pale face with hpink patches on her cheeks. Her muscles were contracting and expanding as she shook. Her breath came in short, ragged gasps. Sweat came out of every pore on her body, and it wasn't the normal kind of sweat you get from working out. It was the kind of sweat you get from a real high fever.
    "Um, guys? Jess doesn't look too good," Shawn said, looking horrified.
    "Hey, Jess. Jessie?" David slowly shook her. David's voice got higher until he was pretty close to yelling. "Come on Jessica."
    She stirred and slowlyu pulled herself upright. David helped her up the rest of the way.
    "You ok?" David asked.
    "I'm, um, yeah," Jessica shook her head slowly as if she desperately wanted to shake away the sleep but it hurt too much.
    "Here, have some water," Alex said, holding the bottle out to her.
    "There's not a whole lot left," Jessica replied.
    "I know. We'll just have to do our best with it," Alex said, urging her.
    "Come on. Since we're up, let's go," Shawn said, walking a couple steps.
    "You ok to walk Jess?" David asked worried.
    "Yeah. What am I five? Geez David," Jessica stretched a smile across her face. They got up to walk another day across the desert.
    "Feel better since you all didn't get woken up this morning?" David asked everyone.
    "I got woken up," Jessica grumbled.
    "Sorry, Jess. You scared us. We didn't know what was wrong," David apologized.
    "It's been four days. Danny has to confess soon. He can't want us to die," Nick said.
    "We are not gonna die," David assured them all.
    "How do you know that? How does anyone know that?" Nick said close to hysteria.
    "Nick, you have to calm down," David demanded.
    "Yeah Nick. If you think like that, it will happen," Alex agreed.
    "Uh-oh," Jessica said.
    "What's wrong Jess?" David asked, worried again. Jessica grabbed her stomach and doubled over. Then, she heaved nonstop for about twenty seconds. David put his hand on her back, and she straightened up and wiped across her mouth with the back of her hand.
    "Maybe we should take a break," David suggested.
    "No, I'm fine. Let's go," Jessica said.
    "Why do you have to be so stubborn?" Shawn demanded.
    "Shut up Shawn!" Jessica yelled at him. So, they walked on. The sun was in a position that Alex recognized as being noon. It seemed so much later.
    "How much longer, David?" Nick whined.
    "Till what Nick?" David asked exasperated.
    "Till we stop. Till we go home. Till we have actual food in our stomachs. Till we are all back to normal and are fighting and teasing and threatening each other like normal teenagers?" Nick said.
    "I don't know Nick," David said simply.
    "That's not good enough David! We are all wasting away out here, and nobody knows for how long!" Nick was shouting now.
    "Nick, sto yelling," David demanded.
    "No, David, no!" I won't because we are all going to go crazy! Can't you see that? We are all going to end up with Shawn's dad!" Nick yelled, panting heavily.
    "That's enough Nick!" Shawn yelled, taking a step toward him.
    "Stop it! Just stop it! Can you see what's happening to us?" Jessica shrieked.
    "Jessie, what?" Nick asked, surprised.
    "We are fightin each other when the one person who is the enemy is Danny! I hate him right now! We are all going to die out here and he doesn't care! He just doesn't care! Woah," Jessica finished speaking and fell on the ground.
    "Ok, we all just need to calm down. I know this really sucks, but we have to deal with it. We need to get along. We are not going to die out here. We don't deserve to. What we did to Danny was bad, but not bad enough to make us deserve death. Danny is not going to have the pleasure of getting to us," David said.
    "You're right David, but what do we do?" Alex asked.
    "We keep going," David replied. He waited for them to leave, then he bent down until he was eye level with Jessica. "I'll carry you on my back."
    "No, just give me a minute and I'll be fine," Jessica said, small trembles going through her body.
    "No, I don't think you will. You're sick and I don't want you getting worse," David said, not wavering.
    "Oh, you're a doctor now?" Jessica said sarcastically.
    "Come on Jessie, please?" David plead with her.
    "No, I'll be taking energy away from you, and you'll need it to survive this," Jessica said, being stubborn like she was.
    "Jessica," David said and forced her on his back, "was that so hard?"
    Jessica bent close to David's ear and whispered, "What's gonna happen to us David?"
    "We're all going to be ok. I promise. Nothing bad will happen," David said, walking forward.
    "How can you promise that?" Jessica asked skeptically.
    "I just can. You can sleep. I know you're tired," David said. They continued to walk. Jessica slept on David's shoulder, and he switched Shawn so he could give his back a break. She wasn't that heavy. She was really a stick to begin with, but she's even worse now since they had four days with no good meals and little water.
    Shawn ran into Nick really hard and his glasses fell on the sand. When he bent to pick them up, David fell over him and Jessica flew onto the sand and woke up startled.
    "Where's my glasses?" Shawn felt around.
    "Shawn, I'm so sorry," David pulled Shawn's glasses out from underneath him. Both lenses were popped out and the frames were crunched up.
    "Why'd you stop Nick?" Shawn demanded.
    "Alex asked me a question and I didn't hear him, so I stopped," Nick said defensively.
    "Yeah, blame it on me," Alex said. David pulled Jessica to her feet.
    "Yeah, David, worry about her. I can't see without my glasses," Shawn complained.
    "You are so selfish. I'm glad your glasses broke," Nick said.
    "You look better without them," Jessica said quietly.
    "Aww thanks Jess. Look David, your girlfriend's flirting with me," Shawn teased.
    "How good can you see?" David asked, ignoring his comment.
    "You all look like blobs," Shawn said, squinting his eyes.
    "So, you can tell if you're gonna run into someone then?" David asked.
    "Yeah, I guess so," Shawn said unhappily.
    "That's good enough for me. Let's keep going," David said.
    "I can walk on my own now," Jessica said, taking a few wobbily steps forward.
    "You sure? You don't look so hot," David said following her close behind.
    "I'm fine," Jessica said, pushing forward.

                                        Chapter 12

    Alice sat watching out the window of her house while Amy Thompson and Rachel Sanders argued behind her. They started when the Police Officer asked if any of their children acted different for the past couple of weeks. Amy said that Alex was a smart boy who lived for school and had not chnged. Then, Rachel said tha tAmy thought her son was perfect and never did anything wrong so it must be her kid. Jen came over and sat on the window sill with Alice.
    "Arguing is not going to help find our kids," Alice said, not turning to Jen.
    "Why are you so worried about finding them? They'll turn up. I promise Jessica will come back," Jen said.
    "How can you promise that?" Alice said, her cheeks tear streaked.
    "Cuz David won't let anything happen to her," Jen said smiling.
    "You still think David is behind this?" Alice asked.
    "It wouldn't be the first time he did something incredibly stupid," Jen replied.
    "You need to have more faith in your son," Alice said, looking at Jen.
    "I lost faith in my children after Kyle had his week of suspension and a $250.00 fine," Jen replied.
    "That has nothing to do with David. Kyle's your bad son and David is so sweet," Alice said, giving her a smile.
    "You sound like a lovesick teenager," Jen scoffed. Alice took her gaze from Jen to looking back out the window.
    She kept staring out there as she said, "Do you really think they're ok?"
    "Yeah, they're probably in some amusement park or something doing stuff that we did at that age. Can you remember those days?" Jen said consolingly.
    "I try my best my best not to. I don't want to think my daughter's out there
    "Wouldn't you rather believe that your daughter's happy doing what she wants instead of being forced to do something? Geez I want a daughter," Jen interrupted.
    "So, she'll be ok. Right?" Alice asked.
    "I think she's more than ok."
    Molly Rider walked over to Alice and asked if she could talk to her alone.
    "What's this about?" Alice demanded.
    "I heard that Rachel Snader's kid asked where Danny is. Is Danny your son?" Molly asked.
    "Yes, why?" Alice asked suspiciously.
    "I went to talk to my husband the other day. Hes in a mental hospital, you know. He was a soldier in the war. Well, anyway, I was talking to him and he told me to see Danny or something like that. I believe my husband knew something about Danny. It might not even be your son, but I thought I'd tell you," Molly explained.
    "Thank you. Thank you very much. I'll check in on that. He went out about a half hour ago," Alice said.
    Alice walked up the stairs to Danny's room. She didn't exactly know exactly why she was following something said by a mentally ill man. She more or less was acting on impulse. It just seemed as if searching Danny's room was the right thing to do right now.
    "Great," she said to herself, "all this stress is starting to make my mind go a little crazy. Next thing I'll be locked in a rubber room." Still, she walked into his room and began looking around.
    "What am I even looking for?" she said out loud. Then, her eyes fell on a notebook that said REVENGE across the front of it. Alice walked over and picked it up. She rubbed her hands across the cover before opening it.
                            The desitnation needed to get back at my
                            sister and her friends needs to be somewhere
                            that they can't escape. I need to give them
                            shots to make them sleep. They will suffer!
                            I will get them back for what they did to me!
    Alice snapped the notebook closed and put her hand over her open mouth. Her other hand began to shake, moving the notebook with it. Danny did it, and he was happy about it. It excites him.
    Alice ran down the stairs, ignoring the shocked voice of Jen and headed straight for the nearest Police Officer. He read the first page of the notebook and shut it just like Alice had.
    "Where is Danny?" he asked slowly.
    "He went out with Mrs. Sanders's boy," Alice replied frantic.
    "Hunt down Danny and Kyle," the Officer demanded.
    "Kyle should be at home," Jen's confused voice flitted into the conversation.
    "Bring the boys to the station. I'll question them there," the Officer said.
    Danny and Michael Sanders met up with Kyle. They were discussing exactly how far they were going to take their plan.
    "It's been four days Danny. Maybe we sh ould just leave an anonymous note telling the Police where they are," Michael said nervously.
    "Stop your whining Michael. An anonymous note? What are you, ten?" Danny snapped.
    "If we wait too long, they'll figure it out," Michael said.
    "If we leave an anonymous note, they're recognize the writing," Danny said.
    "Are you going to let them die?" Michael asked quietly.
    "Uh! No, Michael that wouldn't be punishing them. That'd be relieving them," Danny said.
    "What do you think Kyle? You haven't said anything," Michael said.
    "I don't care if my brother lives or dies. I'm ready to let the Police know how and when you want me to," Kyle said.
    "Ok. We should let them know anytime now, but I don't know how," Danny said.
    "Do you hear that? Sirens," Michael said nervously.
    "It's a bad neighborhood. Poor kids," Danny laughed and Kyle and Michael joined in.
    "Police! Put your hands in the air!" they heard a voice shout.
    Danny obeyed and Kyle and Michael followed.
    "Danny Nickols, Kyle Benson, and Michael Sanders, you are all under arrest for the kidnapping of Jessica Nickols, David Benson, Alex Thompson, Nick Sanders, and Shawn Rider. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the Court of Law," the Officer said.
    The cuffing and then the ride to the station went by in a kind of blur. Time didn't seem to slow down until the arrived at the station.
    "Danny, I'd like you to tell us about the kidnapping," the Officer said.
    Danny put his hands behind his head, leaned back in his chair, and said, "I don't know what you're talking about."
                                                Chapter 13

    The water was almost gone, Shawn's glasses were broken, and Jessica was so sick that she could barely stand. David had Nick put her on his back after she passed out. Nick kept stumbling around because he wasn't made for the heat. Shawn kept tripping because he wasn't meant to walk around without glasses. Alex was carrying the backpack because he wasn't made to carry other people and someone had to carry the backpack. David was carrying Jessica because he was meant to carry heavy things, not that Jessica was heavy. Jessica was sick because it was just meant.
    The sun shone high above them laughing and taunting them as they struggled for survival.
    "Do you know what I'd be eating right now if I were home?" Nick said.
    "I don't care Nick," Shawn snapped.
    "Pizza covered with cheese and loaded with pepperoni and sausage. The grease dribbling down my chin as I take each bit," Nick said.
    "Shut up Nick," David demanded.
    "Nice, greasy french fried right out of the deep fryer and covered with salt. To drink I'd have a coke. The fizz would be so powerful that it would burn my throat," Nick said, licking his lips.
    "Shut up Nick!" Alex yelled.
    "I would have chocolate cake for dessert. Rick, dark chocolate so moist. Thick, creamy chocolate icing that was so deliciously wonderful that I went back for seconds," Nick continued.
    "Shut up Nick! Now!" David yelled.
    "I'd have ice cream too just because I could," Nick said, not seeming to hear.
    "Nick! I said shut up now! You're making me hungry," Shawn yelled.
    "I'm making you hungry Shawn? You are not the one who needs to eat every three hours in order to sleep at night," Nick shouted.
    "No, and you can tell by the fact that I don't weigh 300 pounds," Shawn retorted.
    "I don't weigh 300 pounds!" Nick shouted back.
    "Stop it! Both of you just stop it! We have made it this far and I'm not gonna let you two tear each other apart! Understand?" David yelled.
    "Ok, David. Sorry," Nick whispered.
    "Why are you always the boss?! We don't have to listen to you!" Shawn yelled.
    "Listen, Shawn. Calm down ok," David said calmly.
    "Calm down?! Calm down?! There you go again making up all the rules and calling all the plays! I'm sick of it! Just sick of it! From now on, I do what I want when I want, and you can't stop me!" Shawn yelled, in a rage now.
    "Ok, Shawn, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I have tried my hardest to help us survive! I'm sorry that I put all of your needs before mine! I'm sorry that I have taken charge in every situation because I want to make sure we get out of everything alive!" David yelled back.
    "See David? All you think about is yourself! If it weren't for you, David the Great Almighty, we would all be dead right now! Am I right David? Did I cover everything David?" Shawn yelled, his face red.
    "That's not what I meant!" David roared.
    "Stop it both of you! Stop it right now!" Alex surprisingly took a stand against Shawn and David's heated arguement.
    "Yeah, whatever," that was all they heard out of Shawn until the sun went down over the horizon.

                                              Chapter 14

    "Mr. Nickols, are you ready to talk yet?"
    "There's nothing to talk about Officer," Danny said slyly.
    "Your mom found this notebook," the Officer said, pulling out the notebook from his bag, "in your room. It has all of your brilliant plans in it."
    "That's invasion of privacy. That's illegal," Danny said angrily.
    "Not in your mother's own house it's not. We know that you took them. We know how you did it. All we want you to tell us is where they are," the Officer practically pleaded with him.
    "You can't prove that's mine," Danny said smugly.
    "Listen," the Officer jumped out of his chair with his rage reaching the highest point. "You need to tell us where you took those children to!"
    "They're not children anymore," Danny said calmly.
    "It doesn't matter! Don't you understand? They will die out there with no food or water! How much did you give them?" the Officer asked, hopeful.
    "I didn't give them anything. One of them had a stupid backpack. Maybe there was something in there," Danny said shrugging.
    "Get! It! Through! Your! Thick! Skull!" he said through clenched teeth. "They will die out there with nothing to drink! Where are they?"
    "Am I going to Jail?"
    "Yes, you are."
    "Even if I don't tell you?"
    "Then, you'll definately go."
    "Fine. I took them in a plane. You have no idea how much money thos tickets cost. That's a crime right there. I put them iwth the luggage. It was a brilliant plan really it was," Danny started talking.
    "Where are they?" the Officer asked impatiently.
    "I took them to California. They're in one of those places that rarely has temperatures lower than 87 degrees. No plants at all. Only sand for miles. It never rains," Danny explained. The Officer pulled out his walkie-talkie and told the other officers to get a plane ready.
    "You're coming with me, son. I need you to point out the place. Don't worry. We don't have to pay for a ticket," the Officer said happily.
    "Yeah, whatever," Danny said angrily.
    "Even if you don't tell us where the spot is, we have your buddy Kyle in another plane to tell us too," the Officer explained.
    Danny got on the plane with handcuffs still around his wrists. His plan came to an ending where he least expected it. He as about ready to tell soon anyway, but going to jail was not part of the plan.
    "Which city is it in?" the Officer asked.
    "Do I look like a guy who memorizes cities?" Danny snapped.
    "Just tell us if anything looks familiar. Don't be surprised when you see what shape they're in," the Officer cautioned.
    "Why would that surprise me? It should make me happy," Danny said.
    "Just keep your eyes glued on the window," the Officer said.
    Kyle was in the other plane staring out the window.
    "Do you mind telling me the reason for all this?"
    "It was Danny's idea. It was his plan. He's the leader you know," Kyle explained.
    "The leader of what?"
    "Man, you really are stupid. The leader of a gang. Our gang. It took you quite a long time to get us. We put up a big chase," Kyle said smugly.
    "Yes, and you're sure they're in California," the other Officer said.
    "Yes, I'm sure. I'm not that stupid. Do you think they're still alive?" Kyle asked.
    "I couldn't tell you," the Officer replied honestly.

                                  Chapter 15

    "I see something in the distance," Shawn's voice seemed to come from someone they just met. It startled them after not hearing it all day, considering the fact that he was always coming up with a smart comment to everything people say.
    "I can't tell what it is," Alex said squinting.
    "Maybe it's water!" Nick said.
    "Nah. It's way too tall. It looks like it might be a boulder," Alex said.
    As they got closer, they saw that Alex was right. It was a giant boulder that had a large shadow that kept them from the sun. David layed Jessica down on the sand. Shawn walked right into the boulder and gave them all a look that threatened anyone who laughed.
    "If looks could kill," Jessica said sleepily. She gave a weak smile and didn't even attempt to laugh.
    "Hey, you're still alive," Shawn teased.
    "I'm not giving up that easily," Jessica warned.
    Nick collapsed on the ground, gasping for air in the thick, humid air around them.
    "Where are we?" Jessica asked, propping herself up on her elbows. Her eyes were out of focus as if she were dizzy but trying desperately to hold it back.
    "Still in the same place. Day four on this piece of crap," David replied.
    "Day four? David, how long do you think Danny's gonna leave us here?" Jessica asked worriedly.
    "I don't know Jess," David answered honestly.
    "I told you!" Nick burst out. "I told you not to do it! I told you they'd get back at us! I told you that you shouldn't!"
    "Nick, please. We all regret what we did just as much as you do. You're right. You did warn us. What we did landed us here," David replied.
    "Why didn't you listen to me?" Nick asked quietly.
    "I don't know Nick. I try to forget that day," David replied.
    The sun was going down below the horizon. They were all settled behind the rock unaware of how long they were going to stay there. Nick was in such a deep sleep that David thought they could hear him at home. Shawn's even, heavy breathing was louder than normal, also showing a deep sleep. Alex was sleeping in a sleep full of dreams because they could hear him moan every now and then.
    "David, are you awake?" Jessica asked, startling David. The night was so quiet that Jessica's whisper seemed like a yell.
    "Yeah, can't sleep," David replied.
    "David, I have to tell you something," Jessica said quietly.
    "Yeah?" David asked, receiving silence, except for everyone's heavy breathing. "Jessica?" David thougth she fell asleep.
    "I-um-I-I-I don't think I'm gonna make it," Jessica said, tearing up.
    "Jessica, I won't let anything happen to you, like I told you before," David promised.
    The plane flew into the state of California. Danny stared out the window of the plane while Kyle stared out the window of the other.
    "It's in the one town in the middle of the state," Kyle said glumly, never taking his eyes off the window.
    "Ok, we know where that is. How far are they away from town?"
    "They wouldn't have been able to walk to the town even if they walked day and night," Kyle replied.
    "Ok, we'll land at the airport, transfer over to a helicopter, and search for them that way," the Officer replied.
    "Fine," Kyle replied.
    The first plane landed and Danny and the Police Officer got into one of the helicopters which flew away almost immediately. The second plane landed and Kyle and the other Officer did the same.
    "Now I want you to tell me if anything looks the least bit familiar," the Officer said.
    "Yeah, that looks like the place," Kyle replied.
    "You sure?" the Officer asked.
    "This looks like the place," Danny said from the other helicopter.
    "There's no one there," the Officer observed.
    "This is the place. I swear it is," Danny said.
    "Maybe they decided to walk. Let's circle around for awhile. Maybe we'll see them."
    Shawn and Alex were the only people awake although neither of them sat up. They felt comfortable, but they couldn't understand why.
    "How much longer do you think it'll be 'till our bodies give out?" Shawn asked curiously.
    "I dunno," Alex replied.
    "Who do you think'll go first?" Shawn asked.
    "What do you mean?" Alex asked.
    "You know, croak, keel over, die. Put in your favorite word," Shawn said.
    "I don't know Shawn. Why?" Alex said.
    "I think it'll be Nick. Jessica's not in good shape, but she's strong. She once played a softball game with a broken ankle. Nick whines over one little scrape. He can't even take a bike wreck," Shawn said.
    "Shawn, why-"
    "We don't need water. We're gonna die anyway," Shawn said, picking up the bottle of water, unscrewing the top, and pouring the last remaining water onto the sand.
    "Shawn! What are you thinking?" Alex's scream woke David, Nick, and Jessica up.
    "I'd rather die sooner than later," Shawn replied.
    "Shawn you're cray!" David watched the sand eagerly suck up their last remaining water.
    "It gets it over with quicker," Shawn said.
    "Shawn, we're not gonna die. I-"
    "Don't say you're gonna get us out of this David! You can't! It's impossible! Danny put us here so we can suffer! We're gonna die here! You may be David the Almighty, but you're not a super hero! You can't do everything you want to!" Shawn yelled.
    Shawn stood up and David stood after him and replied, "I can try." After that, everything went by too fast. Shawn ran at David; Nick, Alex, and Jessica stood up; Nick tried tried to grab Shawn before he plowed into David; Alex pushed David out of the way; Shawn ended up on top of Alex; Jessica and Nick tried to pull Shawn off of Alex.
    "Hey! There's a helicopter!" Shawn yelled. He ended up throwing Jessica against the rock and knocking her out and punching Alex into unconsciousness. Nick had a black eye and David managed to get away without a scratch since Alex pushed him out of the way.
    David ran over and picked up Jessica, running to the helicopter as it landed.

                                              Chapter 16

    The ride home was a happy one. David, Jessica, and Shawn were in the helicopter with Kyle. Alex and Nick were in the other one. They transferred from the helicopters to the planes and still stayed separated since the planes were small. Jessica woke up while the plane was in the air.
    "Where are we?" she asked groggily.
    "We're going home!" David said happily. Jessica smiled at David and threw her arms around him.
    "Sorry for knocking you out Jess. Really sorry," Shawn said.
    "It's ok Shawn," Jessica said and noticed for the first time that Kyle was sitting on the other side of Shawn, squashed against the window.
    He noticed her staring at him so he said, "Your mom'll be happy you're alive."
    "Why?" Jessica asked, continuing to stare at him, shaking her head slowly back and forth.
    "You really ticked Danny off," Kyle said simply.
    "We figured that much out for ourselves," David snapped at him. "You left us to our deaths out there."
    "Danny told us to. We do whatever he tells us to. As you can see, you're not dead," Kyle said shrugging his shoulders.
    "I know that Kyle!" David said icily. Jessica laid her head against the window and fell back asleep, David and Kyle's voices echoing in her ears as she drifted off.
    Alice waited anxiously at the Police station for a call from one of the Officers saying that they found them. Amy walked continuously from one side of the room to the other. Her hands were shaking as she kept looking at the door as if she expected her son to burst through it any second. Rachel was drumming her fingers on the table. She kept standing up, then she seemed to have forgotten what she stood up for, so she sat back down. Molly had a dreamy look on her face and her mouth had formed into a thin smile like she already knew what was going to happen. Jen was asleep. She had asked someone for a few blankets and a pillow. Then, she just curled up and fell asleep right there.
    There was a Police Officer sitting in the corner of the room watching them all. His cell phone rang and everything in the room, including him, stood straight up.
    "You found them! Ok, we'll be there," he said into the phone, then turned to the women. "Ladies, we're going to the hospital. They're all badly dehydrated and will need an IV immediately."
    The room turned to chaos. All of the women jumped up and fought each other out the door.
    The plane landed at the airport and they were all rushed to an ambulence. Five ambulences left the airport with a trail of reporters following them. Jessica didn't wake up since he fell asleep on the plane.
    They were each given a separate room and Nick screamed when they shoved the IV into his arm. The mothers fought with the lady at the front desk who would not let them in to see their children. After a half hour, the lady agreed to let them, saying the doctors were finished.
    Amy walked into Alex's room. Her son was laying on the bed asleep. When she sat down on the corner of his bed, he woke up.
    "Hey sweetie. How are you feeling?" Amy asked, smoothing back his hair.
    "I'm fine. Just tired. How's everyone else?" Alex replied.
    "I don't know."
    "Is Jess awake? Last time I saw her, Shawn had thrown her against the rock and knocked her out."
    "Threw her?" Amy said raising an eyebrow.
    "Long story," Alex replied.
    "Danny and his gang were caught."
    "I kinda figured that."
    "Listen, you get some sleep, ok. Make sure you do what the doctors tell you," Amy said to her son.
    Rachel walked into her son's room and saw him sitting up in bed.
    "How are you doing?" she asked.
    "I'm hungry. Who won the game?" Nick replied.
    "I don't know. I was more worried about you than the score of some stupid baseball game."
    "I missed you," Nick said.
    "I misssed you too hunny," his mother replied.
    Molly walked into Shawn's room and found him flipping through tv channels.
    "Hey mom," Shawn said casually.
    "Hey, I knew you were gonna be just fine," Molly said.
    "Uh-huh," Shawn said distractedly.
    "I'm really worried about the girl though."
    "Jessica? Why?"
    "You can't change destiny Shawn."
    "Is something gonna happen to her?"
    "I cannot say. Sometimes the inner eye doesn't tell everything."
    "Ok, sure Mom. Umm... I'm kinda tired soooo...."
    "Yeah, I'll leave you alone. I love you," Molly said and kissed her son's forehead.
    Jen sulked into her son's room. The doctors kept questioning her about why she wouldn't come in to see him. She walked in, hoping that he was asleep. Then, she wouldn't have to talk to him. He wasn't. He was sitting up watching tv. He glanced over at Jen then looked back at the screen.
    "Hi, um, so, um, you're ok then?" Jen said uncomfortably.
    "Yep," David said.
    "And, um, you, um, you think it all went ok?"
    "What all went ok?"
    "Oh, um, just the arrest and the, um, you know, everyone being in the hospital."
    "I guess so."
    "Good, um-"
    "You don't have to do this," David said.
    "Do what?"
    "Act like you care. It's fine really."
    "No, I-"
    "Seriously, it's ok. Just tell me if something big happens."
    "Ok, David, ok fine. Bye then." She walked out, passing Alice who had just walked out of the bathroom.
    "Hey, how's Jess?"
    "She's not awake yet. What about David?"
    "Oh, he's fine. Yeah, just fine," Jen replied.
    "Listen, I'm gonna go back to Jess."
    "Ok, Alice." Alice walked into Jessica's room and looked down into her face which was ghostly white. She sat down beside her bed and stroked her hair off of her forehead.
    "I missed you," she whispered softly. "I didn't think your brother was capable of doing something so rash. The doctors said that you have a concussion from a severe blow to your head. They don't know what the effects will be. You're strong. I know you'll be ok. I can't tell you how many times I've brought you to the stupid ER over broken bones. You've gotten through that and I know you'll make it through this. I love you Jessica." 

                                                  Chapter 17

    They released David, Alex, Nick, and Shawn a week and a half later. Jessica was still unconscious.
    "Why isn't my daughter awake yet?" Alice demanded.
    "We think that the combination of dehydration and a concussion could have put her into a coma," the doctor explained.
    "A coma! When will she come out of it?"
    "We don't know." At these words, Alice began crying. Amy put her arm around Alice's shoulders.
    David, Alex, Nick, and Shawn went to the treehouse while their parents were still at the hospital with Alice.
    "So how long do you guys think it'll be?" Shawn asked, observing each of their faces as if he was trying to get a hint of what they were thinking.
    "How long do we think it'll be till what?" Alex asked.
    "Until we get Jessica back," Shawn explained.
    "Probably not long," David said.
    "It's my fault," Shawn said.
    "No, it's not Shawn," Alex said.
    "You don't believe that Alex. It's true. If I hadn't of thrown her against the rock then she wouldn't have a concussion and she'd be here right now," Shawn said.
    "She was sick before that happened. It was an accident," Alex said and cocked his head to the side while he gazed at Shawn.
    "I know, but that's still no excuse. I flipped out on David and she payed for it. It is my fault," Shawn said guiltily.
    David snuck out of the treehouse while Alex and Shawn argued. He hadn't talked to Shawn since they had that fight. He didn't forgive Shawn for giving Jessica that concussion.
    "David, where are you goin?" Nick's voice rang out through the treehouse door, draining out Alex and Shawn's voices.
    "Nowhere. Just walking," David replied.
    "I'll come with you," Nick said, coming out after him.
    "They still going at it?" David asked.
    "Yep. It's weird having Shawn argue with Alex. He's normally arguing with you or me," Nick said.
    "Yeah, I know," David said, looking down at the ground.
    "You're still mad at him?" Nick asked.
    "Did you find out who won that game?" David asked, changing the subject.
    "Yeah, we did win. I guess Jessica was right. The team doesn't need me to win," Nick said, laughing a little.
    "Yeah, that's cool," David said.
    "You seem very distracted," Nick observed.
    "Listen, Nick. Leave me alone, please. Just leave me alone," David begged.
    "Ok, yeah, sorry," Nick said. He ran back to the treehouse. David continued walking unaware of where he was going. He seemed to be walking in a daze. Suddenly everything started spinning and slowly began to go black. The image of the desert popped into his head. They just got there and realized they weren't home. Jessica collapsed in the sand. David was arguing with Shawn. Shawn punched Alex.
    David's vision came back and he found himself leaning against a tree gasping for air.
    "What's wrong with me?" he asked himself.
    The ride home was terrible. That Police Officer put him in a plane with Kyle and then added Shawn with him. Jessica slept the whole way and only woke up for about five minutes, so he didn't have her to talk to. Kyle tried to blame the whole thing on Danny, but it was his fault too since he let it happen. Shawn didn't need to flip out like he did. He could have given Jessica permanent brain damage for throwing her. He lost control.
    David decided that he should probably turn back since he'd been walking for a long time. He headed back through the trees slowly not really wanting to be with other people, but at the same time, wanting to talk to somebody. He couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. He was home, so he should be happy. Right?
    He arrived at the treehouse and climbed the ladder to see Shawn, Nick, and Alex staring at him very quietly.
    "What's up?" David asked uncertainly.
    "Oh, nothing," Nick said.
    "Have a nice walk?" Alex asked.
    "Yeah, I guess. Really what's wrong? Did something happen?" David asked, suddenly worried.
    "No, we just decided that we should be happy," Shawn replied.
    "You know, forget everything that happened," Nick said.
    "After Jess gets back of course," Alex added.
    "She's not on vacation, Alex! She's in a coma!" David yelled.
    "I know that," Alex said quietly.
    "Why don't we play some cards? What do you say David?" Nick asked.
    "No, I've gotta go do something," David replied.
    "Oh, please," Nick begged.
    "Yeah, it'll be just like before," Alex said.
    "Yeah, just like before, David, come on," Nick said.
    "Fine, if it'll get you off my back," David replied.
    "Ok, great," Alex said happily.
    "Shawn, you deal," Nick said.

                                    Chapter 18

    After about an hour of card playing, they all decided that they would go back to the hospital and visit Jessica since they didn't get in to see her before.
    Alice was in visitin her daughter. She couldn't stand to see her this way. She never has before. She was so weak looking. No matter how sick Jessica ever got she never acted weak.
    Shawn went in to visit Jessica when Alice came out. He walked over to her bedand sat down in the cair beside it. He looked around awkwardly.
    "Hey, Jess. Um, the doctor told us that sometimes people in comas can hear what's going on around them. So, I'm guessing you can hear me cuz you're too stubborn to close yourself away from the world. Look, I guess you can't, but, um, I'm really extremely sorry for what I did. I know it's my fault. I didn't mean to hurt you, I just lost it. I know that's no excuse. You know, I expect you'll be in the treehouse with us in four days, laughing like nothing happened.
    "I've never seen anyone in a coma before. Do they all look so pale? Kind of like a clown with it's face painted. I've got to go. Again, I'm really sorry."
    Shawn walked out of the room and back into the waiting room where Alex stood up and walked paast Shawn to go see Jessica.
    Alex walked into the room and stopped very suddenly. He could not believe that he was looking at Jessica. She looked so different. This could not be the same Jessica that he had hung out with for these past years. Her hair was even down and was stringy around her face. He was so taken aback that he almost asked the doctor if he had the right room. He sat down beside the bed and opened and closed his mouth a few times not really knowing what to say.
    "Hey Jessie. You, um, look really different. I think you got the bad end of our return. I ran a ew copies off of that book we did. Remember? David said we should try and sell it. I decided to try it, just for something to do. You know, writing that book was the only time we had together withough Shawn, Nick, or David. It didn't last long. David's acting really different. He's being really weird. I've never known David to walk out and leave an arguement going behind him. I'm sure he'll be back to normal when you get back though. I'll have to talk to you later. I think David wants to see you."
    Alex walked out and nodded at David who took a big breath and walked into Jessica's room.
    "Hey Jessie. I can't believe you're like this. The doctors don't know when you're gonna wake up. It'll be soon." David took a seat beside Jessica's bed. "You've gotta get through this Jessie. You just have to. I'm really scared. I hate to admit it, but I am. I think that's what's been wrong with me. I'm scared for you. You're going to make it through this. You have to. It is all up to you. I know you're strong and you'll make it. I just know it."

                                              Chapter 19

    Nick was riding home with his mother and was getting ready to see his father for the first time since he was taken. His father was on a business trip that he couldn't get out of. When they arrived at his house, Nick ran from the car to the house and ran right into Michael.
    "Hey, what are you doin here?" Nick demanded.
    "I live here Nick. The sun must have scorched your brain more than we thought," Michael said, smirking.
    "You should be in jail," Nick accused.
    "For Danny's crime?" Michael asked skeptically.
    "You helped."
    "Who says?"
    "You're in his gang. Why wouldn't you have helped?"
    "Cuz I don't do that kind of stuff," Michael said shrugging.
    "You lied?" Nick said astonished.
    "You're surprised?" Michael said, looking amused.
    "I'm surprised they believed you."
    "How's David?" Michael suddenly changed the subject.
    "Why?" Nick asked suspiciously.
    "He hasn't faced the worst of it yet."
    "What do you mean?"
    "Danny still has more planned for him. He-"
    "Hey boys. What are you guys talking about?" Nick and Michael's dad said, walking into the kitchen, making Michael stop what he was going to say.
    "Hey, Dad!" Nick started talking to his dad for the first time in almost a month.
    Shawn's mom drove him straight to the sanitarium from the hospital so Shawn could see his dad. They pulled into the parking lot and walked up to the front desk. One of the nurses walked them back to Shawn's dad's room.
    "Hi Carl Sweetie," Molly said and nudged Shawn.
    "Hey Dad," Shawn said and looked around the room nervously.
    "Hi, so they found you?" Carl said, not looking at Shawn directly.
    "Yeah, um, they did," Shawn was nervously bouncing on his heels.
    "You were right Sweetie. When you said about Daniel, how'd you know?" Molly said, speaking up.
    "What?" Carl asked confused.
    "Remember last time I was here," Molly said desperately.
    "Yeah, kinda. It was right after they gave me my medicine."
    "Oh," Molly looked really confused.
    "How've you been, Dad?" Shawn said, changing the subject.
    "Fine, son. How about you?"
    "Same, um-"
    "Hello Mrs. Rider," one of the nurses walked into the room. "We need to give Mr. Rider some of his meds."
    "Ok, we'll be on our way. Bye Sweetie. I love you," Molly said, kissing her husband on the cheek.
    "Bye Dad," Shawn said shyly.
    "Bye. Come back soon," Carl said cheerily.
    Alex walked home from the hospital. His mom offered to come and pick him up, but he said that he'd be fine. His house wasn't that far away and he hadn't had time alone since he came home. He walked through the door of his house and saw his mom.
    "Hey, how's she doin?" she asked.
    "I'm not really sure," Alex said, shuffling his feet.
    "How have you been doin?" she asked, looking at her son.
    "Fine, I guess. It feels kind of weird knowing that it won't be the same anymore."
    "It'll get better. Pretty soon you'll feel back to normal."
    "How do you know?"
    "It's just a guess."
    "Where's Dad?"
    "He's in the living room. He just got home from work."
    "Ok." Alex ran into the living room and saw his dad sitting on the cough watching tv.
    "Hey Dad, can I talk to you?"
    "Sure, Alex. What is it?" his father said, looking away from the tv.
    "What do you know about comas?"
    "What do you want to know about them?"
    "Ok. I'll tell you the truth. They're a scary thing. You don't know when, or if, the person will wake up. Some people die in comas and others pull through ok. There have been cases where people lose parts of their memory. You can never predict what will happen to the person in one."
    "That's not really a lot of help."
    "I'm sorry. Comas are a very complicated subject."
    David walked home from the hospital. He walked really slow so he didn't have to get home too soon. Everyone else left the hospital so he had no choice but to go home. Going home was always the downside to every day. He paused at the front door before walking in.
    "Where have you been?!" his dad yelled.
    "I was at the hospital," David replied innocently.
    "What were you doing there?!"
    "Visiting someone."
    "It was Alice's daughter," Jen said, walking into the room after hearing her husband yelling.
    "Why?!" he roared angry again.
    "Because-" Jen started.
    "Not you, him!"
    "I want to see how she's doing."
    "Because she's sick."
    "I'm not stupid!"
    "David, go to your room! I don't know why you always have to set him off like that," Jen said. David ran up the stairs to his room.
                                  Chapter 20
    Alice was sitting in the waiting room. She practically lived at the hospital now. Everyone else had left the hospital already. David was the last one to go. One of the doctors walked over to her.
    "Hello Mrs. Nickols. How are you doing?"
    "I had my daughter kidnapped by my son and then brought home in a coma. How do you think I'm feeling?" Alice snapped.
    "We need to ask you something that you probably don't want to hear," the doctor said, ignoring her rude remark.
    "Go on."
    "If it comes down to it, Mrs. Nickols, if your daughter doesn't pull through, do you want her on life support?"
    "It won't come down to that."
    "It's standard hospital procedure for me to ask you."
    "Is there a chance that if we put her on life support now, that she'll be able to get off it in the future?"
    "Not a very big one. If we put her on it now, there's a very large chance that she'll be on it for the rest of her life."
    "I don't want my daughter living off a machine for the rest of her life."
    "What's your answer?"
    "Are you sure that there's no one we can call?"
    "I guess you can call my mother, Tanya Davidson."
    "Ok, I'll do that for you right now." Alice rarely talked to her mother, but she knew that she'd come running if she knew that something was wrong with Jessica. Tanya came into the waiting room with total panic all over her face.
    "What's happened? What's wrong with Jess?" Tanya said hurriedly.
    "She's in a coma, Mom. They don't know if she'll be ok."
    "I want to see her."
    "Ok, she's in that room," Alice said and pointed to her daughter's room. Tanya walked into Jessica's room slowly and sat down beside her bed.
    She burst into tears and said," I'm so sorry I haven't been there for you, Sweetie." About twenty minutes later, Tanya came back out.
    "I've never seen her like that Alice. You didn't even tell me she was found."
    "Danny did it, Mom. My own son did it. They said that she got a concussion and that with dehydration put her in a coma."
    "How'd she get the concussion?"
    "I don't know. I didn't ask."
    "It's gonna be ok, Alice. Jessica's strong. She'll pull through."
    "I'm still so scared."
    "I know, Sweetie. Me too."
    David and Alex walked into the waiting room, and then Jen came in a little while later.
    "Any news?" David asked Alice anxiously.
    "No, they're still all so clueless," Alice said bitterly.
    "Did they give you an estimate?" Alex asked with his head cocked to one side.
    "Alice, how much sleep have you got?" Jen asked suddenly.
    "That doesn't matter Jen," Alice replied.
    "You look exhausted," Jen observed.
    "It's hard to sleep in these chairs," Alice said shrugging.
    "You haven't been home?" Jen said.
    "Just for a real quick shower and change," Alice replied.
    "Alice, I think you should go home and take a nap," Jen said, full of concern.
    "No, they might find something new out," Alice replied stubbornly.
    "I'll call you." Tanya said, surprisingly siding with Jen. "I'll wait here and I own't leave. I promise."
    "I'll feel like I'm deserting her," Alice said.
    "You're not Alice. You need sleep," Jen said.
    "I'll go home tonight. I promise," Alice said, giving in.
    "I'll stay here tonight," David volunteered.
    "You're going to school in the morning," Jen snapped at him.
    "I don't mind staying here," David argued back.
    "You've missed enough school," Jen said. They heard a kind of alarm and all these doctors rushed into a room.
    "What's that?" Alice asked, terrified.
    "It's the alarm that goes off when a patient gets a flat line," Jen replied not at all worried.
    "Which room did they go in?" Alice asked.
    "I didn't see," Tanya said.
    About fifteen minutes later, a doctor walked up to Alice.
    "Anything new?" Alice asked.
    "I'm so sorry Mrs. Nickols," the doctor said, not looking Alice directly in the face.
    "What? No! No, no, no, no, no, no!" Alice burried her face in her hands and sobbed uncontrollably.
    Tanya did the same, but she didn't scream. David and Alex's faces went chalk-white.
    Jessica Nickols was dead.
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