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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Teen · #1454094
Just a story that was begun in the middle of 5th period when I should have been working.

It had to have been one of the greatest parties Cori had been to, yet alone ever thrown. The scene included a few live bands, all the alcohol a bunch of graduated eighteen year olds could consume and about half of Cori's three hundred and ninety six student graduating class. She was never really popular in high school, but that's not to say she wasn't now. Everyone she'd invited had shown up; even Stefani, who was busy with junior college finals, was able to make an appearance. She'd played onstage earlier that night with Riley's band Black Out. And, thanks to Riley, numerous bands, The Dying Democracy, On Being Abandoned, and Forever included, had made the night even better.
Cori, who was lost in the Forever crowd near the stairs, had managed to make it out with all clothing intact and an unbroken beer bottle in her hand. It was her first drink that night, and she was surprised. Even Copper, who moderately drank, had drunk more than she had. Cori found her way through the crowded living room towards the kitchen, where she spotted Riley blending margaritas. Why he was alone and not with the rest of everybody surprised Cori. He spotted Cori staring at him and mouthed to her pointing to the blender, "Want one?" Cori, who couldn't read lips very well, held a hand up to her ear and looked at him confused. He motioned for her to come closer and she complied.
"I asked if you wanted one," he said once she was within hearing distance. Cori shrugged in reply and drank the last little bit from the bottle she was holding. Setting it down, she asked him,
"So, why are you in here and not out there with us?" He shrugged and pulsed the blender.
"I dunno."He paused in thought. "I guess I'm just trying to avoid Michaela. You know she broke up with me right? She went back to Ace." He transferred the margarita into a glass and handed it to Cori. She felt a little guilty for asking and wanted nothing more but to run out on the awkwardness that she'd caused. If she knew it would make him feel better, she would mumble some sort of condolences and walk away, but this wasn't that easy. Instead, she kissed his cheek and patted him on the back.
"It'll be alright, Riles. You know I'm always here." In the living room, The Dying Democracy had transitioned on stage for a song and there were a number of screams of encouragement. Riley looked at Cori. She was scared that maybe she'd done something wrong, and, out of nervousness, took a sip of her really strong tequila margarita. Riley, who was about half a foot taller than Cori was, stooped slightly to match Cori's height and not taking his eyes off hers, kissed her. At that same moment, Copper spoke up from behind Cori.
"Whoa! Hey, Riles, could you do me a favor?" Riley looked up at Copper over Cori's head. Cori had never wanted to hit Copper so much. She turned around and shot her a look to kill. Copper hesitated. "Um, Riles, we're out of beer…and sodas. Could you go and get some? You're the one with the connections," she added.
"Yeah, whatever," he said and Copper skipped back off to the spot where Grey sat waiting on the couch. Riley sighed. "I'll be back." He found his keys amidst the others' in the bowl on the bar and Cori watched him leave. She was still slightly shocked at what had happened when she found herself back out in the living room with her drink.
The party had started at seven and it being a few hours later, it looked as though the crowd had multiplied. Cori scoured the crowd for someone else she could hang out with for a while, until Riley got back.  On the couch, Copper and Grey had engaged in a full on make out session, of which everyone knew was bound to happen; it made Cori smile. Lost within a mosh pit to Forever, who was currently on stage again, were Lily and Tony. And Cori glanced up just in time to see Joss disappear up the stairs with someone she didn't recognize. At the foot of those same stairs were Stefani and Melina. Finally she thought.
Cori somehow was able to push her way to them. When she had made it, she smiled at the girls. "Hi." Melina waved at her and Stefani answered,
"What's wrong?" Melina asked. Cori looked up from her drink, which she'd been stirring with her straw, and smiled.
"Nothing, what's wrong with you?" Cori asked, joking. Melina made a face at Cori and took a sip of her own mixed drink. Stefani just sat next to Melina and smiled up at Cori. When Cori asked What, Stefani only continued to smile. Melina set her drink aside, looking disgusted.
"I'm going to see if I can find something stronger," Melina announced, standing up. She pushed her way into the people and Cori wasn't able to see her anymore. She took Melina's spot next to Stefani.
"You two are going to get married," she said.
"You always say that and I always tell you it's not like that," Cori said, drinking from the glass she held in her hands.
"Yeah, I know," Stefani said. Melina was on her way back now, desperately trying to hide what looked like the outline of a bottle of vodka under her shirt.
"Someone's got something planned," Stefani joked with Cori. "I think I'll leave two to whatever it is that you're going to do." She hugged Cori and walked away before Melina had made it to the staircase.
"Where'd Stefani go?" Melina asked, still holding the bottle. Cori smiled at Melina.
"She went somewhere. Why are you still hiding that?" Cori asked, nodding towards her stomach.
"Oh." Melina laughed and pulled it out. "Do you wanna go somewhere else and drink this? Hailie keeps asking for some, and she's going to find me soon." Cori shrugged. Melina helped her up and the girls disappeared upstairs.
"Your room or mine?" Cori asked
"Yours," Melina answered.
They both went into the first bedroom on the right that belonged to Cori. It was a fairly big room, but looked smaller because of everything that lined the walls. One of the perks of having a real estate agent for a sister was getting a great deal on a house and getting to choose the biggest room for your own. Melina plopped down on the bed and unscrewed the bottle top. The smell wafted over to Cori, who was closing the door, and it made her nostrils burn. Melina took a big sip and coughed at its harsh taste.
"I'm leaving tomorrow, Cori," she said once Cori had taken the spot against the headboard next to her. Cori took the bottle from Melina and took a little sip.
"Yeah, I know. You told the world on your blog. You're 'going to California to broaden your horizons'" Cori recited. She didn't admit it, but she spent about as much time in her ex-girlfriend's blog as much as she did her own. She practically had everything on the page memorized, from the song that week, to every band in her music section.
"Don't say it like that. You make it sound bad…and permanent. It's not like that. I just need to get out." Cori didn't say anything, but drank another sip. She handed it back to Melina.
"Well…okay," Cori said finally. Melina drank a little more before handing it back.
"You should totally chug the rest of this," Melina said motioning toward the half full bottle of vodka. Cori looked at her cynically; Melina only smiled in encouragement. Cori sighed. It's the least I can do. Get drunk and be her entertainment for the night. She held the bottle up to her lips and glanced sideways at Melina again, who sat waiting patiently. Cori took in the smell of the alcohol, which nauseated her, then tilted her head back and let the liquid pour down her throat, burning all the way. The vodka not only cleared her nostrils, but set off her gag reflex. It took all Cori had to control her stomach once she finished drinking. Melina laughed at the face Cori made: A mix between "Fuck yeah!" and "What the hell did I just do?"
"I want to burp," Cori began before being interrupted by a hiccup, "but I'm scared if I do, I'll throw up." Melina patted Cori on the back for comfort. Cori loved the gentleness that her ex-girlfriend displayed when it was only the two of them; around everyone else, the two didn't really interact much.
"Are you okay?" Melina asked, concerned, with still a hint of the smile she'd had moments before. Cori hiccupped and smiled.
"Perfect," she assured Melina, although she knew she was going to feel it in the morning. "So, do you want to go back down to the party?" Cori asked, even though her pale face begged to differ. Melina shook her head.
"No. I think I want to spend the rest of the night with you." She leaned back on the headboard.
"I'm really sorry, but," Cori began. She ran into the bathroom, but missed the toilet and vomited, instead, in the bath tub. The vodka burned just as much coming up as it had going down. Melina came in to the bathroom and sat on the closed toilet seat next to Cori with a cool washrag.
"I'm sorry," Melina said shortly, dabbing at Cori's forehead with the rag. "This is my fault." Cori tried to protest, but, instead, proceeded to throw up the rest of the alcohol she'd consumed. This is what I get, she thought, for underage drinking.
"Do you need anything?" Cori looked up at her face. She saw love and concern beaming down at her.
"Just…help me back to my bed." Melina helped her to her feet and they walked back over to the bed.
"I'm sorry,' Melina apologized again when Cori began to unlace her boots. Cori turned to her and gave a smile.
"It's okay." She laid back and patted the pillow next to her for Melina. Melina lay down next to her and glanced over at her. "You're pretty," Cori said smiling as Melina smiled too.
"No, you're prettier." Melina challenged. Cori giggled and adjusted to get comfortable; she yawned.
"Don't stay too long in California. I'll kick your butt," Cori said with false aggressiveness.
"I won't." Cori closed her eyes.
The next morning, or afternoon to be exact, Cori woke up with the pounding hangover she knew she would have. She was alone in her room, as she had expected to be; Melina was flying out that morning. Cori went through her usual morning routine: brushing her teeth, then her hair, putting on eyeliner, and, when all that was over, standing in her closet for a good fifteen minutes debating on what she wanted to wear several times before deciding on her first choice; This morning was a simple black spaghetti strap shirt and the most ragged and ripped jeans she owned, with her classic grungy high top Chuck Taylors. She grabbed her keys and cell phone off the vanity table and, looking in the mirror, mumbled something along the lines of "Corina, you hung-over hoe."
Downstairs on the couch were Riley and Tony, playing a racer game on the PS2.
"Damn!" Tony yelled when Riley cut him off and won the race. Cori winced at the noise. Sensing she was there, he turned and greeted her. Riley did the same.
"Morning, Sunshine!" Riley yelled as loud as he could, even though he knew about her headache.
"Bite me," Cori mumbled, sauntering into the kitchen. Riley abandoned Tony and followed Cori like a lost child.
"Ooh. Sounds like someone woke up with a pair of big, hairy-"
"If you want to live to see five o'clock, Riley, you won't finish that sentence." Cori pulled a bottle of water out of the refrigerator and twisted the cap off. Riley looked at her with fake hurt and then smiled.
"So, do you want to hang out today?" he asked after a moment. Cori shrugged.
"I was on my way to the library, but if you want to come, it's alright with me." Riley smiled and put his arm around her neck. He was already dressed, shoes and all. A thought made Cori smile: He was waiting for her.
Riley held the front door open for Cori. "Bye, Tony," She said before going outside.
For it to be two o'clock, the heat was still pretty extreme. Cori could see the heat waves rise up off of the driveway from inside the car. They put their seatbelts on and Cori backed out.
"So, why the library?" Riley asked.
"Because it's quiet," Cori said. Riley nodded. A question burned in Cori's head. Now that she had him alone she had to ask. "Riles," she began, "Remember that kiss last night? What did it mean?" She stopped at the stop sign at the end of their street and waited for the traffic to slow.
"What do you want it to mean?" He asked casually. Cori wasn't all too sure herself. She turned the radio up a little; Riley smile contently and stared out his window. Alarm spread through Cori: He was leaving it up to her; their well-being was completely in her hands. As he accelerated, she tapped nervously against the steering wheel.
Cori glanced over at Riley. He was singing softly to himself and staring at the blurring images flying past his window. Cori was having conflicting issues between her heart and mind: The age old battle where the heart says yes, but the mind says no. Cori decided not to listen to either at the moment and continued to drive in silence.
She pulled into a parking space near the front of the library and cut the engine off.
"Wait," Riley said, quickly before Cori could open the door. She looked at him quizzically as he hopped out of the car and ran around to her side. He opened the door for her and held out his hand. She laughed to herself and said to him in a doubtful tone,
"Riley, no. If ever there were a big and goofy nerd, I've found him. Him and his clichés."Riley laughed sarcastically and closed her door for her once she's stepped out. They walked up holding hands and Riley held the door open for Cori into the building.
"So have you decided, yet?" Riley asked out of the blue once they were inside looking at the fiction shelf.
"Decided what?" Cori asked, not really paying attention, and pulling out a plain book to read the back.
"What you want there to be," he stated simply. Cori held onto the book and walked further down the shelf. She smiled at him. "So you're not going to talk to me?" he asked after she was silent for a while.
"Yes," Cori said.
"Yes you're not going to talk to me or yes you are?"
"Yes, I want to go out with you," she replied in a quieter tone, more to herself than to him, pulling out, yet another book. He seemed a little taken aback at first to her answer, but it faded soon and he was happy. He pulled out a thick book and began to read the first page. Cori glanced at him sideways and smiled; he was looking at her too. "Are you even going to read that, or is it just a ruse so you can stare at me all you like?"
"I'm going to read it…maybe," he said defensively. "I love Roots," he said holding up the book. Cori laughed more loudly now, taking the book from him and putting it back onto the shelf.
"Here," she said handing him a thinner book. "This is more your thing. I think you'd prefer to read about juvenile delinquents than African slaves." He smiled and shrugged. They walked over to a tiny couch and sat comfortably together. Cori opened one of her books, while Riley sat next to her and played with her hair. He pulled his fingers through the green at the front and twirled pieces of black around his finger.
"So why green?" He asked shortly.
"The same reason Copper's is pink. It's our way of rebelling, I guess." Copper and Cori, on the morning of their graduation, decided to complete what they'd always said they would: Standing out. They streaked their hair the most vibrant shades of color and walked across stage with the biggest grins on their faces.
"Oh," he replied. "The green smells like green, and the black smells like flowers."
"What does green smell like?" Cori asked flipping to the next page in her book. She was so absorbed in her book that she jumped when Riley yelled, "Oh Shit!"
"What?" she asked, looking a little disgruntled.
"Nothing," He said smiling. Cori shoved his arm and closed the book.
"I guess I won't be reading anymore of this right now, so, come on, let's get out of here," she said standing up. They walked to the front of the building to the check out counter and Cori handed her card and the three books, two of her own and one of his, to the teenage girl standing there. She checked the cooks out to Cori and handed the back. Her eyes widened in surprise at Riley.
"Oh my gosh," she said giddily; her voice was a bit high pitched and annoying,"you're Riley from Black Out. I went and saw you guys last week at that coffee house. You were amazing! I loved that first song!" She took a breath and smiled; Riley looked at her with a fake smile and Cori looked at them with jealousy. Riley signed a piece of paper for her and she smiled even wider, showing a set of unnaturally white teeth. Cori and Riley walked out the door, but not in time to escape her frantic "Bye!"
"Riley…" Cori said looking at him annoyed.
"What? I can't help it if every girl in America wants me." Cori rolled her eyes at him and climbed into her car; Riley did the same. The second Riley's door closed Cori leaned over and kissed him hard on the lips. The force caught both of them by surprise and caused them to bump heads. "Ow!" They both said in unison.
"Sorry," Cori said rubbing the spot on her head where his had collided.
"Yeah, it's cool," he mumbled, rubbing his own head. "Hey, let's go get something to eat," he suggested. Cori shrugged and asked where he wanted to go. "How about Red Lobster?" Cori shrugged again and pulled out of the parking lot.
Cori drove with one hand on the steering wheel and the other in her lap. Noticing this, Riley reached over and cupped the hand in her lap. She looked down and smiled, then looked back up at the road. Cori realized that, for once in a long time, she was happy. She remembered how a few weeks ago she was still obsessing over Melina, but, now, she had a slightly healthier obsession.
The parking lot to Red Lobster wasn't all that crowded. Cori took a spot close to the front; she and Riley walked into the restaurant and waited to be seated.
"Did you see her face?" Cori whispered to Riley referring to the waitress whom they were following. "She looked at us like we were the couple from hell!" Cori took a seat across from the Cori and ordered her drink. Riley did the same, then replied once she'd walked off,
"We kinda look it; I mean your green hair and ripped jeans, and my shaggy hair and lip ring don't exactly show that we're the model rich couple." He reached across the table and held one of Cori's hands. The waitress came back with the drinks and informed them she'd be back to take their order. Riley and Cori looked through the menu and tried find something that appealed to them.
"I'm gonna get this," he said turning the menu and pointing to a fish and pilaf dish.
"Well, I'm getting the fettuccine." Riley nodded and closed his own menu. The waitress appeared once more and recorded their orders before disappearing again taking their menus with her. Cori looked around; she'd only been to Red Lobster once with her sister, and now with a guy she really liked. She caught the eye of an elderly couple who sat in a corner booth gawking at her. She looked away quickly and noticed that a couple more tables to her right were doing the same.
"Riley…everyone’s staring," she said quietly to him.
"So? Let them stare," he said back. Cori smiled a little at his valor. He'd always been the one person to make Cori realize that it didn't matter what everyone else thought, or said. He saw her smile and asked, "What?"
"What about me?" he asked defensively.
"You're silly," Cori said.
"Mmhmm," he said. He looked at Cori and smiled himself. He pulled out his cell phone and as soon as Cori turned her head, clicked a picture.
"Ri-ley! That's not funny!" she whined trying to grab the phone. He held it away from her, but turned it so she could see.
"I like it," he replied, amused. Cori sat back and released Riley's hand so she could cross her arms. Riley took a sip of his Coke, then mocked Cori. She stuck out her tongue.
The waitress walked up with the tray in her hands and began to set the plates of food in front of them.
"Do you need anything else?" she asked. Cori shook her head and she left them alone together. Cori uncrossed her arms to pick up her fork. She reached across the table and broke off a piece or the fish and dipped it in the sauce, then ate it. She smiled and said, "That's really good." Riley did the same and nodded, agreeing.
When they had both finished eating, they sat back and waited for the check.
"Cori, you have really awesome eyes. They're like a grey-blue right now." Cori nodded and brushed her thumb over the back of his hand. Finally, the waitress brought the check to them. Riley gave her three dollars as a tip and stood up; Cori did too, and slightly wished she hadn't; she was stuffed. Riley paid the bill and they walked outside to her car. He was going to drive this time, so Cori got in on the passenger's side and waited for him to start the ignition." What time is it," she asked him when he was inside.
"5:30," he answered, "So where do you want to go now?"
"How about we go home and just… I don't know, take a walk or something?" Riley nodded and pulled out onto the road.
It didn't take long to get home, only about fifteen minutes. When they arrived inside, they parted ways: Cori stayed in the living room and Riley went upstairs to change. Copper was sitting on the couch with her laptop in front of her. Cori sat next to her.
"What're you doing?" Cori asked.
"Trying to win Dir En Grey tickets," She said innocently. Cori nodded at the simplicity and looked around. Riley came down the stairs at that moment and Cori stood up.
"Where are you two going?" Copper asked looking up over her laptop. Cori smiled and Riley replied to her,
"We're going for a walk. We'll be back later." Copper gave him a thumbs-up and they walked out through the front door and started down the street.
"So do you wanna talk about anything or-"
"I'm just thinking," Cori said interrupting Riley.
"About what?" he asked.
"Things." They turned onto a street that would lead them to the park. Riley nodded as though he understood; they walked silently together. Cori had always loved the park at night; when she was sixteen, alot of her dates would end up there, her and the guy just swinging and staring up at the stars. Riley shuffled through the gravel to the swings, following closely behind Cori. She sat on one of the rubber seats and swayed slowly back and forth while Riley leaned against the pole to the set.
"Why me, Riley?" Cori asked.
"Why not?" he replied. "You're an awesome girl; you're smart and funny and deserve to be happy, not just chasing empty goals of what won't be anymore." Cori knew he was talking about Melina. He walked forward in front of Cori and leaned down to kiss her. Her lips willingly accepted his; the comfort of the warm summer night mixed with his tenderness was enough to make Cori forget all her troubles.

© Copyright 2008 Self Proclaimed Monster (rage_20031 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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