Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1453543-Verve
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1453543
Did that just come out of the woods and cross the road!?
18 years of my life has been spent in one forty by sixty foot block of a house, which has suited my living style just fine. With the occasional switching of rooms now and again just part of the normal growing up in a family home I never really had much to complain about. In the summer of my senior year of high school, my last stay in my house I recall sitting on little raised porch entering into the second floor of my garage, which was set parallel to the road but perpendicular to my house. My garage has two large doors in the front and is actually larger than my house, sitting on the far end away from my house I had a view of my side and far eastern back yard at dusk that I never really got to see before.
I was sitting on the edge of a railing with my good buddy Riley, and although we never really told ghost stories or seemed to be afraid of the wood, I suggested that for ten dollars he quest into the woods at least one hundred feet and then come back. A harmless suggestion but along with the darkening night, quickly sucking all the light away from the horizon, that seemed to be more daring than I thought.
"Dude! That's insane I'm not going in there! Would you!?" Laughed Riley, even though it was dark I could tell by the sound of his voice he was blushing because he had a certain laugh to his answer that he only does when he's making a nervous excuse.
"I don't know, probably not but that's weird because what's so scary about the woods now?" It's true, - we had been out there for almost an hour, part of that time it was daylight and the suggestion would've then been just a stupid thing to say and he probably would have said something like, why would I just go into your woods. However, because it was dark, lo and behold it's a different tune, everyone's afraid of the dark in some way or another. Believe it or not, even if someone says that they're not afraid of the dark, then impose the same situation onto them and it will clearly become evident even if that person does try to show how brave they are by going in the woods, just by watching a reaction, or the fact that it all the sudden becomes more of a big deal that the person has to prove themselves, would both be hints of that little fear that even the bravest of the brave "don't" , but really do, have.
So there I sat, with Riley, waiting for our ride which was extremely late and I bragged about how cool of a movie I could make.
"What are you talking about?" Riley knew what I was talking about but, of course, wanted to hear what I was really talking about... The movie idea that just came into my head of course!
"What if we were just sitting here and it was this dark anymore, just dusk time, and we were looking at the edge of the woods down there and something big, like ten feet tall, just walked out of the woods, walking faster than we can run, and looked right at us but kept walking right across the road?” Riley was silent for a few seconds, probably while he pictured that creepy scene in his head.
"Wow dude cut that out I really did just get scared where the hell is Phil!?"
I wasn't even trying to scare him I just thought that would be a good idea, we left eventually and nothing else was said of it. Another creepy movie idea popped into my head on a random Friday night during that same summer while I was in my room hanging out with Riley.
My room is on the second floor of my house and my window faces the front of the garage at a ninety degree angle so I can see just about the whole thing especially the roof. I was talking to Riley about something meaningless while we were watching an alien movie. I mentioned to Riley that sometimes I check out my window to make sure no one is watching me because I always get weird feelings that I'm being watching. He wanted to see just where I check when I look so I pointed to the roof of the garage and how the moon shines just right on it to make it bright enough to see a figure standing on it. I also told Riley that if I ever did see something on the roof looking at me I would be so terrified that I wouldn't even know how to react in a situation like that.
"Dude cut that out you're really scaring me!" Riley, again, got scared by my strange visions of unnatural improbable terrifying and of course hypothetical situations.
One year had passed by and I was returning home for the summer only this time my parents had dramatically changed living arrangements in the house and had, only two weeks prior to my arrival, finished a bedroom upstairs in the garage for me. Thankfully my room was close to the house so I wasn't too nervous. I know, nineteen years old, there isn't anything out there to be scared of but regardless of that calming thought and anecdote I still had those uneasy thoughts. I was also informed that my bathroom wasn't ready so I was forced to piss off of the back end of the garage facing my, one and only, woods.
I went out to go to the bathroom on the first evening at about quarter to nine and realized very quickly, it's dusk, - could this get any creepier? I finished peeing, alive and well, and went to the far end of the garage to my porch where I could see the woods, the road, and my east side of my back yard. It was still dusk I could still see everything so I figured I'm going to throw in a bomb of a chaw in right now. I grabbed my skoal tin, a habit I picked up at college and have since dropped, and was trying to peel off the wrapping paper that they put around the ridge of the tins before I can to the juicy fruity OR minty flavored nicotine explosion of cancer. I was so happy to be about to dipping in such a relaxing environment that I didn't care about anything in the world.
I heard some sticks breaking through the woods, a sound I've heard from the deer that run down the hill and over the road, it's also know as a "deer run", so naturally I wasn't even scared or alarmed. I looked up to see the pretty whitetail deer and instead I saw something that would not only ruin the rest of my life, but would inevitably and ostensibly ruin my dip, that was even in yet. It was walking on two legs and from where I was; maybe 100 yards away those legs were probably longer than my entire body, at least seven foot long leg length, at least. I noticed no clothing and no hair it but a dark brown even black coat of skin. The legs were skinny yet at the same time very muscular and cut. The torso of this thing was at least another four feet long and wider than I can describe and very disproportional to its legs. The arms of the beast hung down to its knees and moved rapid with its leg movement on each step. Seeing the head was probably the worst and most life changing experience out of this whole unreal terror. It was staring at me from the point that it speed walked out of the woods until the point where it walked across the street into the grape vineyard, out of my sight. My tin of skoal was no more, all over the ground is where I had put it while shaking so violently in fear for my life.
There's no way that something like that has ever been seen by man before and if what ever that thing is has been here for a while it should have been discovered being that reckless. I tried to tell my parents about it but they just kind of laughed at me and told me to stop making things up, typical story that I would only expect in a movie but, it really does happen like that. They wouldn't believe me even with tears of fear and a random bloody nose they said I was probably having an anxiety attack. I disagreed and called the cops they came and let me tell my story but did nothing. After a couple hours I had calmed down, still very sure of what I saw I sat in my nervous and eventually started to think I was going crazy. I didn't pee that night instead I just laid down and tried to go to sleep.
I did eventually manage to fall asleep but I woke up to something and checked my bedside computer for the time, it was two in the morning and I just went back to sleep. Before I could even fall back asleep I heard noises on the roof. I knew, or at least had a pretty good idea of, what was going on as soon as i recognized foot steps. The fear that went through my body, the feeling in my heart that I have never experience before, a piercing and uncontrollable, take your breath right out of you feeling, the fear was enough to give me a heart attack. The feeling hurt so much that I wish I would've just had one and died right there. The noise came closer and I just stood in my room like a sitting duck waiting for something to happen. I grabbed an old football helmet and walked over to the window and that's when it happened. I peered out the window and heard the steps again, as if whatever it was waiting to hear me move to make sure of the room I was in, and feet first it came tearing through my screen, knocking over my fan and tearing the corner of my couch up, and got right on top of me. It looked at me with it's yellow banana shaped eyes, completely hunched over me and barely fitting into my room, and put its hands over my mouth so I couldn't even breath, I think it really was to keep my quiet though but I really couldn't breath. With verve, it blew some warm, sugary tasting gas right at me and not knowing what to do, I didn't breath it in I just pretended to pass out. I didn't know what was supposed to happen, regardless, I laid there motionless for about three seconds until it picked me up, laid me down on my bed and hit me right in the head and knocked me out.
I woke up the next morning with a goose egg and a serious head ache. I thought to myself about the crazy dream of seeing an alien and then getting attacked by one later that night. First thing I wanted to do was tell everyone about my vivid dream but something happened, again. I got up and found a ripped screen and couch, tipped over fan, and for some reason my old football helmet was laying on the floor. The dream that was so vividly real did not really seem like such a dream anymore. The fear was slowly starting to come back but I tried to think logically. That thing would've killed me if it wanted to; instead it tried to give me some gas which wasn't supposed to knock me out because I'm almost positive the hard blow to the head was meant for that purpose.
I have slept in my bed for over two months now and had no problems, never seen anything again, I just recently, only after coming up with a rational solution, started peeing off of my roof again. I believe that whatever it was probably doesn't come out very much but when it does it probably gets seen but gets away with it because usually makes sure whoever sees it, myself in this case, doesn't remember it. With the use of that sweet gas that I didn't inhale, and a bluntly not so swift blow to the head, it successfully remains an unknown creature, undiscovered, unremembered. This thing, however, in my case, was unsuccessful.
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