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by JOY
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Young Adult · #1453054
Victoria lives in the pre-Revolutionary times. She is trying to hide her brothers secrete
"Oh no", I moaned as Iza kept on chattering away trying to get me out of bed. Iza is a servant. She and I grew up together. Ever since my Mother was murdered, Iza has been my confidant. Iza has mocha skin, ebony hair, and flashing brown eyes.
I crawled out of the bed and walked over to the window. It was a beautiful spring day. We live on a plantation and own a few slaves or at least that is what people think. My older brother, Thomas, is a merchant, and all the men who work for him are well paid. the reason for this deception is because my brother trades with several different countries, which is against the vile Emabargo Act, restricting trade only to Britain. His ship is called the Morning Bird after our Mother. Plus, to make sure we are not discovered, Thomas uses his Cherokee name, Black Bear.

I'll never forget when Mother was murdered three years ago by a British captain. After they killed her, Thomas followed the captain, killed him and blew up his boat. That made him wanted by many. Ever since that day, Thomas has done everything to defy Brities law. Our poor father, William Summers, has been forgetting things more often and drinks himself into a stupor every night. I have tried to keep the family together and appearing as normal as possible. Sometimes, when I need a break or an adventure, Iza and I sneak aboard Thomas's ship. That's where I learned how to fence, and now I rival my brother, who is an expert.

"Vickie, hurry and get dress. Thomas should be coming home today", said Iza as she came back into the room.
"Of course, I will be down in a few moments. Could you help me with my dress."
Iza nodded and helped me don a beautiful dark blue satin dress.
When she was done I asked, " Would you ask Patrick if he wouldn't mind saddling Earl Gray and Storm for us?"
"He better not mind, that lazy man. He was supposed to go with Thomas on this voyage.His is the firstmate, you know. He has responsiblities."
"He was terrible ill, Iza, and you know that. You spent many a sleepless night by his side cooling his brow."
Iza turned and left the room mummbling on how lazy that man was. I giggled after she left the room, knowing she was just hard on him because she had feelings for him. Poor Patrick, still has caught on yet. But, Iza will not admite it, yet.
I grabbed a black chocker and placed around my neck as I looked in the mirror and studied my reflection. My long bleack hair usually flowed down to my narrow waist, but today, I quickly swept it up in a fashionable bun. Since I was half Indian my features were little unusual. Dark black eyebrows curved over slanted shaped eyes. My pale green eyes shine mischievoulsy behind long black lashes. High cheekbones curved into an aritstocratic nose, below was lushes pink lips that I painted red today, and to finish my face is a strong chin.
I quickly donned my shoes; then went to the stables. As I arrived Iza was already on Storm waiting for me. I scratched Earl Gray's ear, then smiled at Patrick as he helped me up on Earl Gray.
When we arrived to the port we decided to look at the ships.
"Look", Iza said as she pinted to the British soldiers filing out of a ship.
"What are they doing here?"
I let out a scream when two arms seized me form behind, but I soon relaxed when I recognized my brother's laughter. I whirled around and gave him a hug; then pushed him for scaring the life out of me. I haven't seen my brother in over a month. His dark brown hair was longer, and he had a scar on his left cheek.
"Where did you get that?" I asked.
He touched his scar and his big blue eyes started to sparkle. "Well, some very rude gentlemen were trying to take our cargo, but the crew and I quickly rectified the situation."
"Why are the British here", interrupted Iza, her voice trembling.
Thomas's laughing face turned serious in an instance. He scanned the crowd until he saw the men clad in red.
"I have to go back to the ship and get my log. Plus, I need to make sure all the cargo gets off safetly and my crew does not get captured. Vickie, please go and find out why they're here."
"Of course."
Thomas smiled, patted me on the shoulder and gave Iza a hug, then left. I sighed, dreading what I had to do.
"Iza, you probably should stay here. Wish me luck."
"Good luck."
I made my way through the crowd to the General. When I got there, I approached him with a smile on my face.
"Hello sir. It is nice to see you and your men here. I welcome you to Charleston."
"Well, it is nice to see a friendly face. I'm General Hienbeck and you are?"
"Victoria Summers. How long will you be staying?"
"Just as soon as we catch Captain Black Bear."
"What a dreadful man! But General Hienbeck, do you think that dreadful pirate resides in Charleston?"
"We have some reports that his ship may be here."
"How will you be able to catch him? I've heard he is extremely crafty."
"Have no fear Miss Summers. That's why we are impounding all the ships."
"General Hienbeck, I believe that dreadful pirate has met his match in you."
"Thank you. If he is here , we should catch him within a fortnight."
"I believe you will. If you'll excuse me, I must get home. My father worries."
"Of, course."
I calmly turned around and walked straight back to Iza, who look at me, puzzled at my calmness.
"They are impounding the ships!"
"Oh no! They are going to catch him!"
"Not if we warn him first. Come on. We must appear normal. General Hienbeck might still be watching us."
Iza nodded. We mounted our horsed and cautiously made our way to the Morning Bird.
"I'm glad you came", cried Thomas as he blocked a blow.
There were six redcoats and all with swords. Iza and I quickly dismounted and raced up to the deck. Once there we suprised two soldiers by unsheatheing their swords. As soon as the duels were over, we disposed of our foes. Then we searched the ship, making sure nothing was left on board. After this was done we left the ship. Thomas disappering in the crowd and us going home.
"Did we have to....to..."
"Yes, Iza. Dead men tell no tales."
"I know, but I hate it!"
"I do too. But if we were to let them go, our deaths would not be so quick. At least they died with honor in battle. We, on the other hand, would not have gotten the same courtesy."
We were silent most of the way home. When we arrived, Iza took the horses in the stable and I went to find father. I checked the study first, and sadly, I was right. The study was locked, meaning he has started his drinking early today. Not tonight! Tonight, he will be sober, and all of us will eat dinner together. I ran to my father's room, grabbed the spare key, hurried down to the study, unlocked the door, and walked inside with my hands on my hips.
"Thomas is home."
He just grunted in acknowledgement, then took another sip of Brandy.
"I won't have it! Thomas is finally home, and I want all of us to have dinner together."
"So, I don't want you to drink yourself into a stupor. So, clean yoursefl up and wear your blue suit for dinner."
My father put down the bottle and climbed the stairs. I took a deep breath, then turned and went to the kichen to help Iza and Rebecca, our cook. prepare the meal.
After the food was all placed on the table, I asked Iza to tell father dinner was ready. I heard banging on the door, thinking it was just Thomas and Patrick, I quickly ran into the hall and swung opent the door with a big smile on my face. The smile faded a bit when I realized who it was.
General Hienbeck, how nice to see you."
He smiled and just walked right in with his captain.
"I hope we won't be a burden on you Miss Summers?"
"My captain and I shall be living in your house, temporally, of course. Don't worry Miss Summers, you and your family will still be able to live here."
"What an honor! Please gentlemen, we have just placed dinner on the table."
I led them to the table. Then I heard some more banging at the door. I excused myself and went tho the hall and opened the door, and this time it was Patrick and Thomas.
"General Hienbeck and a captain are at the dinner table, plus they are going to be staying with us for a while!"
"What! I won't have it Vickie", yelled Thomas.
"Shh! We have to Thomas, unles you want us to say, 'No General Hienbeck, you can't stay in our house, because we hate the British!' Then, he will throw us in the stocks and sell us as slaves, but if he finds out your Captain Black Bear, he'll probably just hang all of us! So, behave yourself and be quiet. I'll take care of the General and his captian."
They nodded and I led them to the table.
"General Hienbeck, this is my bother, Thomas. Patrick, would you make sure Rebecca doesn't need any help in the kitchen. And if you'll excuse me, General, I must go and fetch my father."
When I got to his room Iza was just putting on the finishing touches to his suit.
"Iza, you better stay up here. A British general and a captain will be living with us for a while. We are going to have to be careful. Father, please drink responsively", I said as I yanked down the the top part of my dress. Then I went to my room to reaply more red on my lips and to gave one more pat to my hair. Then I walked out of my room, took my father's arm and went downstairs. "How am I going to pull this off", I thought aloud. We entered the dinning room with fake smiles on our faces.
"General, this is my father, William Summers."
"It is nice to meet you, William. This is my best captain", he said as the captain stood and smiled at me, "Captain Livingston."
"You can just call me Andrew, Miss Summers."
What! He doesn't have a Britiesh accent, in fact he sounds like he is from he colonies.
"Andrew you don't sound British. Where are you from?"
After dinner I made sure that Andrew and the General called me Victoria. Andrew was a nice man. Why would he side with the British? Thomas and father remained quiet through most of dinner. Then we all retired.
A month went by and it seemed they believed us, until......
"Victoria", said Andrew with a sad face, " I have some bad news."
"What is it?"
"Your father and Thomas have been put in the stocks. Tomorrow, they will be executed."
"What!? No!"
"Thomas is Captain Black Bear, and your father funded him. At dawn, they will be hanged. Did you know", he asked in a serious tone.
Tears ran down my face. I felt like my mother was being killed all over again, and I couldn't do anything. Well, not this time! This time, I'm going to do something!
Andrew asked again, but in a softer tone, placing his arm around me trying to comfort me. I pushed him away.
"Don't you touch me! I hate the British and anyone who sides with them. Of course, I knew. I helped as well!"
Andrew stood in shock as I raced up to my room. A few moments later the door swung open.
"Victoria, what in the world are you doing", cried Andrew as he stared at me.
I wore a black shirt, pants, and boots that came up to my knees. I quickly tied a black silk mask over my face and put my belt on. Then I turned around, picked up my sword and pointed it at him. All of a sudden, he was hit on the head by a vase and fell to the floor. Stunned, I looked up to see wo the attacker was.
She was dressed identical to me!
"Do you think you can pull this off all on your own? Plus, they are holding Patrick, too."
"Iza are you admitting you have feelings for Patrick?"
"If I didn't love him, who would? Besides, I'm the only one who can get the lazy man working."
Can we do this, Iza?"
"Of course! All we need is a little gun powder for a distraction."
"How did you get that?"
"I have my ways."
"We can do this! We have been in worse situations several times."
"Let's go!"
We ran ou of the house, mounted our horses and raced into the town confidant in our abilities.
© Copyright 2008 JOY (joys at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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