Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1452872-Life-of-Service
by Des804
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1452872
Just a short story I wrote. Don't really know how to describe it.
Life of Service

  The small confined room is silent as I sit waiting in the chair for my end to come. My mind is open and free to all things that have brought me to this moment in my life. I guess maybe I should start at the beginning, to the first time I killed and the first time I met him, the man in the black suit, standing there looking at me with a grin on his face. Perhaps you will find some interest in my story and you’ll learn to accept me and accept what I had to do, what I was destined to do.

  Some people would and have called me mentally disturbed and there were others who have even tried to commit me for my own well being. But I am here to tell you that I am of sane mind and body as I recall to you the events leading up to know to help prove that I am of right mind. You will have the pleasure of being one of the few to know the truth behind whole story of Randal Seethins.

  Let me first tell you a little bit about my life. My parents were your average typical everyday parents at least they were when I was younger as I got older problems occurred but I will never blame them for how I turned out.

  I was eight years old, at the time, and my mother had taken me to the park. She had set up a play date with her friend at the time that had a young daughter, I think her name was Lily or Lizy, but I forget such trivial things at this time.

  We were off in the wooded area playing hide and seek. It was my turn to find where she had hidden herself off in the wooded area. Sounds of her walking around could easily be heard. As children we weren’t the stealthiest and I could easily tell where she was.

  I started walking towards the area where I was sure she was hiding. It was then, as I was walking around a tree, that I saw him for the first time. He was gentleman, with a thin body which reminded me of a scarecrow. His hair was silver and not just the grayness but the shine as if his hair was metallic and seemed to flow on its own accord. The eyes were something I could never forget they were black so deep it felt like looking into a pit and a hidden fire burned inside. Another thing I would never forget was the smile which was always a cold closed smile.

  A surge shot through my body and instructions were being put into my head. I can’t say that I heard voices because it wasn’t as much as voices but feelings inside and it felt right to me. Knowing what I was to do now I continued my game of hide and seek.

  She was hiding behind a log and jumped out at me shouting boo. We both started to laugh and that’s when I grabbed a rock from the ground and slammed it into the side of her head. She fell quickly to the ground. She was breathing slowly and small sounds were coming from her mouth. There was blood pooling from her head and I knew that it would only be a matter of time before she would stop breathing and would die from blood lose. I put my hand over her mouth and nose and watched as her body moved around trying to breath.

  The next thing I knew I had started screaming and running to my mother mixing my words together stuttering out that something terrible had happened. My mother didn’t understand what I was saying so I pointed towards the woods. My Mother’s friend seemed to get it and started running into the woods. In a few moments a loud scream could be heard coming from the woods.

  The police arrived along with an ambulance and I watched as they brought her body out with a sheet over her. The police questioned me and I let the story of how she fell while we were playing and her head on a rock and how I had ran out of the woods when I saw the blood. My story wasn’t even considered to be untrue they never even thought a child could have done such a thing. In their eyes I was traumatized after seeing a hideous sight. They were right about that but for different reasons I loved the feel of her heart stopping, loved to see her blood pooling around her head and wanted to get that feeling again and it was all thanks to the gentleman I saw in the woods that day.

  Oh those memories brought back to me even today bring a tear to my eyes and that wasn’t the only time I had ever killed but it would be years later until I saw the man again. I lived my life the ways a regular kid would live I played with other kids not feeling the need to kill them. School went normally for me I was a good student with average grades and I was happy.

  It was eight years later that I saw the man again. At sixteen I was like most guys and at the moment was in a small relationship with a girl named Alison Mclain. Alison was a rebellious type of girl who would run away for days at a time and her parents weren’t really the type to really care about her whereabouts. She had gotten in trouble in the past and now went to a school for troubled teenage girls.
  I had met her on one of her adventures away from home at a fishing pond I would go to every now and again that she used as a hideout. There was a small ditch like cave that followed around one end of the pond that was covered by bush and as far as I knew no one ever found about it apart from Alison and me.

  Well this was another one of those days and we were swimming in the pond clothing on the nearby rocks near the ditch. After a while I got out slowly walking towards my clothing when I saw the gentleman again. He was standing there looking at me holding out his hand; in it was a small knife with a bone white handle. My mind raced with thoughts and decisions already made for me and I took the knife waiting for Alison to get back.

  She came walking up and we went into the cave. It was the size of a small bedroom and she had already placed down a few blankets and pillows along with her backpack full of extra clothing. She came towards me and in a quick motion I slashed the knife across her throat. The line of blood across her throat was lovely as she started to choke and slumped down to the ground.

  The scene reminded me of the first time I killed the little girl in the park as the blood pooled on the ground. My Mind raced I knew what to do I took her backpack outside and started filling it with rocks I then dragged her still bleeding limp body. Putting the backpack on her I pulled her into the pond. Having to swim most of the way I let the body sink her gaze looking at me and I knew she was still faintly alive as she sunk into the water. I swam back got dressed all of her stuff in the ditch and drove home.

  It was three weeks before they started searching for Alison and not once did they come to think he had anything to do with it. Our relationship wasn’t known by a lot of people and rumor was that she was with a lot of different guys and that she had left with another man to somewhere far off and that was the end of that nothing was ever found. Once again I got away with it and I felt more alive than I had ever felt.

  I can’t say I got away with all of my murders without ever being talked to by the police. Two years after the event with Alison brought me promise and a good relationship with a girl named Susan who showed me many great joys in life. Her parents were well off and took vacations to exotic places all around the world most of the time leaving her alone to take care of the house. She was a heavy drinker and seemed to always be smoking which was the only thing about her that I didn’t like.

  We had just finished making love to each other for the fourth time that night when I walked to the bathroom and saw the man in the mirror turning around I saw he was nowhere to be seen but glancing back I saw him still in the mirror smiling. Those lovely images shot into my head and my mind felt the bliss of what I was to do next. I went back to the bed and grabbed a few of her silk leggings. Eying me in a slightly drunken stir she started to laugh a little as I tied her hands and legs to the bedpost. I didn’t have to worry about gagging her since her nearest neighbors couldn’t hear her even if they wanted to.

  I looked through her closets and drawers until I found the items I was looking for. I took a small flask of alcohol that she kept in her drawer and a lighter that was near her pack of cigarettes. I covered her in alcohol and lit the lighter throwing it on her. The flames shot up quickly and it took a while for her to realize what was going on and to feel the heat, then she started to scream. I watched until I could no longer take the heat of the room and I drove off.

  It was the day after that I woke to my doorbell. I opened it to see two officers. I don’t recall the officers names just one officer whose face I could never forget. He had a glass eye and scar tissue that looked like a star around the glass eye; I think his name was Officer Stedman.

  They questioned me for hours and I told them basically the truth. I was at her house till about midnight, which was actually two hours earlier then when I had left, and that she was sleeping when I left the house and came straight home. My father a year dead any my mother working nights they couldn’t check my validity but they couldn’t find evidence against me. I went through the emotions I should have gone through during the questioning and in the end it was ruled as an accident.

  The next two years were great for me I graduated with honors and went out with two more girls both were great and I saw no signs of the gentleman anywhere. I was in my second year of college working on a business degree. I was heading towards one of my classes when I saw the gentleman he was in the middle of rushing kids all seeming to pass him by without giving him a glance. His smile was just as I remembered it the last time I had seen him.

  That remarkable sensation hit me again as images, that were like sugar melting into my brain, slammed into my head and this time I was ready. There was a break between the classes and most of the classrooms were left open and I found the classroom I was looking for. No one was around as I stepped into the chemistry lab and flipped the burners on feeding the classroom with gas I took one of those timers and got to work. I walked out and closed the door feeling my body heat up in anticipation.

  There was no one around the hallway since most of the labs weren’t occupied for at least another half an hour and the teachers barely ever showed up before the students did. I walked back up the stairs and merged with the students again and went to my classes. Two hours later there was a huge explosion that rattled the rooms. The College was evacuated and word of mouth got around about the explosion and the five students and one teacher in an adjacent room being fried alive by the explosion, which also caused intense damage as the main gas tank took out half of the wall around it.

  Sadly we are getting to the final chapter of my life and to the events that brought me here to tell my story to you. It was fifteen years later I had graduated from college and had my own business. I even got married and had two wonderful children Robert and Clarice with my wife Laura. Robert was five years old and Clarice was eight and both bunked in the same until I could get around to getting an extension on our house.

  It was late at night and we were preparing to bed down for the night. I walked downstairs to get a final glass of water from the fridge when I saw him smiling at me from the living room sitting in my arm chair. The voices were back and I could do nothing to stop them nor did I even want to stop them.

  Going to the garage I grabbed a hammer and went back upstairs. I opened the door to my children’s room both sound asleep and went up to Roberts bed. I grabbed one of the pillows and put it to his face making sure to keep it there tightly. He mumbled and started pressing up against the pillow but with no power he soon became limp beneath the pillow.
  I moved the pillow and looked over to my daughter. Her eyes were wide open looking over at me and at her brother who I had just killed. She started to scream and I brought the hammer across her face claw side out and watched as it sank into her cheek and ripped through splashing blood across the room and on me. I heard Laura shout from down the hall as to what the matter was. I pulled the rest of the hammer out of my daughters impaled cheek.

  Walking out into the hallway I saw my wife just outside our bedroom door. The look of horror on her face made a smile come to my lips she screamed and ran back into the bedroom closing the door behind her. The door was locked so I kept slamming into it until the door lock broke. I stepped into the room. Three sharp cracks rang out and heat rang through my body and I remembered the small 9mm we kept in the bedroom door. She shot me and now I was bleeding out and the darkness was falling around my eyes.

  Long story short I was convicted of the murder of my two children and the attempted murder of my wife. As for the other murders I felt obligated against my lawyer’s wishes to inform them of all of my accomplishments. I was convicted and given multiple death sentences and was to be imprisoned for six months until I would go under the gas and have the word be rid of me.

  So here I sit waiting for the end my story is told and I hope you have learned something and gained knowledge in my experiences and as they drop the bag and the room fills with gas I see the man and he smiles at me and opens his mouth. Jagged bones where teeth should be line his mouth and a deep blackness pulled me forth and I felt myself being pulled into that darkness being ingested by him and therefore becoming one with him.  Eternity in darkness fell before me and I knew my job was finally done...
© Copyright 2008 Des804 (des804 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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