Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1451785-When-God-Didnt-Understand
Rated: 13+ · Other · Emotional · #1451785
I little story I just thought up. It doesn't relate to me, or anyone I know personally.
Shara was always getting into trouble. No one quite understood her that well, no one talked to her that often, no one cared for her it seemed. Except whenever she was in trouble. Did she get in trouble to just be noticed? Or did she get in trouble just because she could? It was her sixth time to the office that month. The principal sat quietly just looking at Shara. Her hair was brown, curly but disheveled, as though it hadn't been washed in over a week. Her clothes were worn down, faded, and had holes everywhere. She wore grey fingerless gloves she had made herself. She seemed to purposely look poor. The principal took a deep breath. "Shara. This is your, what, fourth time this month?" Shara smirked. "Sixth actually." "That really isn't something to be proud of, Shara." replied the principal. They just sat there again, looking at each other, each thinking different things. "I understand if you're going though a hard time but that's no reason to - " "You don't understand shit! You don't know me, you don't know what I feel, what I do, you don't know nothing about me!" yelled Shara. She stood up and walked out. A little girl sitting outside the principal's office looked up as Shara exited. "What the hell you looking at?" grunted Shara. "Shara, get back here!" ordered the principal. Shara stopped and looked back. Glared the principal up and down and continued her walk away. "You know what Mr. Barks. Fuck you." she said calmly as she left the office. The principal stood there stunned. Shara went outside to the crowded school playground. She found a swing and just sat on it. Holding onto the metal holdings on the swing, her head to the ground, Shara began to cry. "That man doesn't understand anything. No one understands anything. God doesn't understand anything..." she told herself. Shara looked upped to the sky, the tears stinging her eyes, but she didn't care. She no longer cared...no longer felt, no longer lived. She was a dead corpse just coasting through life without a reason to be or not to be. Atleast that's what she thought. Looking at the kids around her, laughing, playing, living happily, she turned angry inside. She let out a loud scream of anguish and hurt. Many of the kids stopped what they were doing at looked at her. She just sat there, breathing heavily, her body was shaking. She got off the swing and pointed at them all. "One day you fuckers! I'll show you all one day!" She vowed through tight teeth, tears running down her face. She ran out of the playground, to some unknown place. Some of the kids stood still for awhile, and others went back to what thery were doing, figuring it was just Shara acting herself. Weeks went by, but Shara hadn't returned to school. But no one had noticed anyway. Then one day she came back again. She was still as disheveled, more so now, but something had changed. She seemed more....determined? Half way through the school day a gunshot was heard throughout the school. A strange, eerie silence echoed through the school. Then came the roar of screams. Kids ran out of classrooms, confused, screaming, crying. One kid tripped and was trampled by his classmates. The school was in a chaotic rampage when suddenly the floors shook violently and an even louder sound was made. A bomb had gone off in one of lower floor classrooms. Kids ran towards exits, teachers yelled for other teachers and kids to remain calm. A hallway on the second floor collapsed, sending classmates and teachers downwards onto other classmates and teachers. Sirens were heard in the distance. But the ringing of sudden bulletshots were louder, almost deafening. No one understood what was happening. No one understood anything. God didn't understand anything. Shara was out of bullets now. Bodies of kids were littered around her. She was gasping for air. Her guns dropped to the ground beside her and she fell to her knees. She gazed through the dust at the massacre she had created and began to vomit. "OH FUCK, OH FUCK!" she screamed! She had a massive headache now. She gripper her hair, pulling to stop the pain. Pieces of hair were torn out from her scalp. She let out a yelp of pain. Her hands were bloody, her clothes were bloody, everything was a disgusting dark red. She ran from the room she was in out to the hallway. More bodies lay in it, some almost hidden under the floor that had collapsed ontop of them. Kids screams were muffled in her ears. She could barely hear a thing. Shara stood there, her eyes were lifeless. Then like a rush she came back to her senses. She could hear more clearly, see everything. She laughed hysterically. Everything was beautiful, so so beautiful. But just as quickly as she gazed at her beautiful creation, she was on the ground. She gurgled up blood, turned her head to spit it out. She smiled a little smile, the only smile in over seven years. Her life flashed before her. Her first word, her first bicycle. Her smiling mother and father. The pet kitten. Sunny days in the park, and hiding in her parents bed during a thunderstorm. "Mom? Dad? Rose?" she whispered. She spat out more blood. "I'm sorry I wasn't a perfect daughter you always wanted. Please...please forgive me." and then all the screaming stopped and there was nothing. Shara had left the existance she felt she never had.
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