Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1451738-MOTHER-EARTH--double-winner
Rated: E · Poetry · Nature · #1451738
Mother Earth’s reproach to man.

First of all there was a void
And then I gave you birth.
That’s why you call me fondly,
O man, as Mother Earth.

You were once ignorant of
My secrets, I taught you
How to explore my entrails
For food, and water, too.

You now think you know too much
And are wiser than me.
Following the Nature is,
For you, ignominy.

You have fouled the purest air
And polluted water.
While consuming energy,
You seem not to falter.

You have cut down forests for
Newsprint you do not read.
You destroy ecology
By each and every deed.

As if this was not enough,
You fissioned the atom.
Dangers you can’t fathom.

When will you learn to respect,
O man, your Mother Earth?
Ignoring warnings of doom,
You rejoice in vile mirth.

Come, my child, there is yet time;
Better late than never.
I will pardon all your sins;
Just stop being clever!

• Written in abcb, 7-6-7-6 format
• Awarded second place in the “ One World Writing Contest”, "Invalid Item, hosted by Douglas returning , July-August 2008
• *Awarded First Prize in "The Elementalist Contest, The Elementalist Contest, Second round, December 2008, organised by LdyPhoenix .

M C Gupta
17 July 2008
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