Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1451684-July-4th
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Nonsense · #1451684
most memorable
The day started out with a bang.Literally speaking.Uncle Tom and his crowd came pulling up in their big green station wagon.I couldn't believe that the world's professional couch potato had come.The doors opened and out came a whole crowd of rugrats,and that was just out of the back seat.I wondered how they all could fit in that car.
I asked my mom why did she invite them and she said that they were family.She got real quiet and I asked her what was wrong.
She was twisting her apron ties when she said,"Your dad invited one of your old flames." I turned around not sure I heard her right.Noone could understand what our relationship had been like.I was spitting mad and went to look for my dad.I thought if Mike showed up he would be toast.I wondered why my dad went off half-baked and extended an invitation to Mike of all people.
I saw my dad speaking to none other than that weasel,Mike.When he saw me he threw his arms open and with a smile asked,"Are you gonna come over and give me sugar,honey?"His velvety voice grated on my last nerve.I shot him a glance that I hope conveyed my thoughts,Hell No!.I heard my dad tell him,"Don't worry, she may be boiling mad now but she will cool off."
After we had all eaten,we all piled around into the living room,of course Uncle Tom took up the whole couch.
Mike stood up and announced he had something to say to me.I was frozen with fear,wondering what he could possibly have to say to me.
Knowing how Mike operated,he was only doing this in front of the family to help thaw them out a bit.He was probably also banking on the idea of family pressure to keep me in check.
He began by saying he loved me and wanted me back.He reached into his pocket and took out a box.He turned to me,got down on one knee and asked,"Layla,will you marry me?"My whole family was clapping while I just stood there dumbfounded.I pretended to mull it over for a few seconds to enhance anticipation.
I stood up and with a smile on my face started talking."Mike I am going to give you some food for thought,even off my own plate." At first it may be hard to swallow,even harder to digest but I'm sure you can do it."
My answer is,"Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp!." With that I turned around and left the room.I'm sure my performance would rival any fireworks that would have been lit that night.

Word Count: 443

© Copyright 2008 kattwoman (katriona at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1451684-July-4th