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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1451381
Todd and Denver
Denver’s Eyes
By: T.W. Scarlette

Todd shuffled across his messy apartment, kicking a few dirty shirts out of the way and sat down at his vanity. He gazed at his reflection in the dim dawn light coming through the gap in his bedroom curtains. His bleached blonde hair was succumbing to his natural dark brown and his roots were beginning to show. He ran his fingers through his slightly greasy hair and sighed. As he reached for the cosmetics he caught his eyes wondering over to the bed. Todd felt a pang of guilt as his eyes slid over Denver’s sleeping form.
His bare chest was visible under the sheet. His long hair was tangled around his face and his feet hung off the end of the bed. Todd smiled mischievously as he remembered last night.
Denver had come to him with a problem; he had just broken it off with Natalie and was feeling confused. Todd leaned against his bent arm as he let their conversation replay in his thoughts.
Denver had sat nervously in the back booth of the New Leaf fiddling with the menu in the middle of the table. Nicholas was waiting the tables today and as Todd slowly walked in, he saw him leave a mug on the table in front of Denver and smile weakly. Denver caught Todd’s eye. Todd smiled and walked over.
“Hey,” Todd said, sliding in across from him, “What’s up?”
Denver looked dreadful, Todd remembered, but he found his disheveled appearance attractive. His hair hung limply around his shoulders, looking as if he had just rolled out of bed and his old t-shirt was crumpled under his scuffed leather jacket. “I’m a complete idiot,” he muttered.
Todd raised an eyebrow. “And just why is that,” he asked silkily.
Denver looked up at him with his amber and green eyes; they reminded Todd of a tiger. “I just broke up with Natalie in front of everyone.”
At this Todd smirked slightly, “Not the best of choices, but I’m sure it can be fixed. Why’d you break it off?” Denver paled at his question and Todd leaned back against the back of the booth, “Take your time.”
Denver noticed the tea in front of him for the first time and took a careful sip, then added some honey and stirring the hot drink he muttered, “I ah, asked Adam out.”
Todd arched his eyebrow in surprise, wondering why he hadn’t caught on earlier he said, “Denver, I didn’t know you swung that way.”
Denver smiled weakly, “Neither did I.”
“Now, you know Adam’s as straight, right?” Todd asked, keeping his voice comforting. Todd smiled to himself as he recalled the rejection that reflected in Denver’s eyes, he was even more attractive when he was upset.
“Yeah, I dunno what I was thinking,” he looked down into his tea, the dark brown liquid reflected in his eyes, “Well, I guess I do know, I was thinking he might say yes. I mean you always flirt with him, so maybe . . .”
Todd couldn’t help buy smile, “I flirt with Adam because he hates it,” he said patting Denver’s hand. When Denver didn’t pull away at his touch, Todd openly held his hand. “So,” he asked looking up into his amber-green eyes, “Why’d you decide to tell me this?”
Denver pulled his hand out of Todd’s and looked down at the table, then muttered, “Well, I thought you and Adam went together and I, um, didn’t want you to, um, come after me I guess.”
Todd looked at him and said bluntly, “That’s a load of shit, I’m the only one you know who has been openly gay.”
Denver looked nervously up at him in agreement. Todd remembered how expressive Denver’s eyes really are and another smile stretched his lips. “It’s cool,” Todd said, moving his hand from the middle of the table to Denver’s check. He gently caressed his face before returning his hand to his lap. “I think you’re here for more than just talk, though,” Todd said catching his eye, “I’m letting you know right now, I might be a raving Queen but that doesn’t mean I’m a whore.”
Denver dropped his gaze for a moment, composing himself, Todd thought. But when he looked up again he asked, “You’re not seeing anyone, then?”
Todd laughed and whispered, “No, I’m not.” Then casting a look around the café he got up and slid in the booth next to Denver. As Todd fixed his skirt he caught Denver eyeing him nervously. “So, I’m sure you have some questions?”
Denver looked over at him with confusion, and Todd remembered the deepness of his puzzlement through the subtle change in his eyes.
Todd slid his arm around Denver’s shoulder and said, “It’s cute how new you are to this.”
Denver smiled, his nervousness finally melting away, “I only just came out like two hours ago, give me a break. Shit, I was straight this morning.”
Todd smiled and whispered, “I can fix that,” as he pulled Denver closer to him and pressed his lips against Denver’s. Todd shivered as he remembered Denver’s kiss. At first he held back, but then when it became apparent he was enjoying the experience he dove in. He did magical this things with his tongue, Todd recalled. He also remembered the growing lump in Denver’s jeans when he broke away.
Todd glanced down and said, “I don’t mean to ruin this for you, but I can’t help myself from asking, are you doing anything later?”
Denver smiled and his eyes lit up, “Nah, if Adam doesn’t kill me I’m free.” As he said this his eyes darkened.
“Adam and I have been friends for a long time, he’ll get over it,” Todd said putting his arm back around him. “So what do you wanna do?”
They ended up eating cheap Italian food at D’Amico’s Cafeteria and then walking down to the Eighth Avenue Theatre and catching the seven o’clock double feature of Pretty Woman and Never Been Kissed. Todd remembered looking into Denver’s eyes as the movie flashed in front of them and pulling him close into a passionate kiss.

The double feature let out at about one o’clock in the morning and as the lights came up Todd slunk his arm around Denver’s waist. Denver didn’t protest as they walked out into the lobby and out onto the dark streets. Todd remembered mentioning that his flat was only a few blocks away as Denver pulled him into a forceful embrace. He pinned Todd to the wall of an alley as his hands explored his body. Todd remembered the plaid mini skirt he was wearing over tight leggings and as his body complied with Denver’s touches he regretted the tight clothing. Denver’s hips were pressed up against his and he felt the heat coming off him as they continued to kiss. Todd moved his hands over Denver’s body as excitedly as Denver explored his. As Denver’s hands traveled south, Todd looked into his amber and green pupils and asked, “Is this the first time you’ve done this?”
In answer Denver’s hands continued on their travel south, causing Todd to moan in pleasure, “How’m I doin’ so far?” Denver gasped as Todd returned his favor.
“Just fine,” Todd moaned, forcing himself away from Denver, “But lets continue this at my place.”
Denver smiled as Todd took his hand and pulled him further down the alley and out onto Walken Drive. They paused for another make-out session in the dark doorway next door to Todd’s flat before going inside. Todd smirked to himself as he remembered that session.
Denver looked up at him, his eyes clouded with pleasure as Todd slipped his fingers inside the waist of his jeans and ran his fingers around the waistband of his boxers. Then he gently stroked the fine hair on Denver's stomach and continued south. Denver rolled his eyes as Todd's fingers tickled him.
I guess I did seduce you, Todd thought as he applied his costmary make up. As he reached for his cover up he smiled, each passionate kiss coming back to him as he covered the hikkies.
Denver rolled over, exposing more of his naked body and Todd felt himself hardening. Todd looked over at his lover's sleeping form and recalled the passion that reflected in the glowing pools of his eyes as Todd gently stripped him.
As Todd unlocked the door Denver gave him a nervous look, “You sure you wanna go this far?” Todd asked him with the door still closed, “I won’t be angry, it’s completely your choice.”
This seemed to reassure him, giving Denver the control aspect seemed to be the right choice because he pushed the door open and walked inside. Todd smiled as he followed and tossed the keys on a table near the door. Denver seemed unsure if he should sit on the couch or proceed straight to the bedroom. Todd just smiled to himself and sat on the couch.
“Join me?” he asked as Denver continued to look around the place.
“Where’s your flat mate?” He asked nervously noticing the extra room.
Todd smiled and said, “Don’t have one,” and patted the couch next to him.
“Good,” Denver whispered as he sat next to him, “Where’d we leave off?” he asked leaning into Todd’s kiss.
Todd pushed the leather jacket off Denver’s shoulder and kissed down his neck, in between kissed he said, “Right about here,” he moved his hand down Denver’s side and let it rest on his thigh.
Denver caught on and moved Todd’s hand to the left and he began to unbutton his jeans. As Todd slowly unzipped Denver's fly he felt his own dick begin to pulse. Todd looked up into Denver's eyes and asked him one more time, "You're sure you want to do this?"
"Yes," Denver said and Todd unzipped the rest of his fly. Todd bent down and gently kissed the head of Denver's rapidly swelling cock. Todd smiled as he consumed Denver and Denver instinctually thrust into him. The heat and precum made Todd's mouth water as he caressed Denver with his tongue. To Todd's amusement Denver came relatively quickly and laid back, his body rippling with pleasure.
Todd lay down with Denver, brushing his hair out of his face as he recovered. "Wow," Denver panted, "I've never experienced something like that before."
"You're not a virgin, are you?" Todd asked.
"Nah," Denver said, kissing him, "Girls don't do it quite like you," he said wrapping his arms around Todd's waist and fiddling with the elastic of his skirt, "How does this come off?" Denver asked pulling at the fabric.
Todd felt his dick jump as Denver ran his hands over the backs of his thighs and began to roll down his leggings. "Ah, that's how," Denver whispered as he pulled the plaid fabric down and began to roll down his leggings. As Todd stood erect Denver looked up at his face, as if wondering if this was okay, then he engulfed Todd as he had done to him.
As pleasure rippled through his body at the amazing things Denver did with his mouth Todd realized, although new to this whole experience was open to anything. Denver explored his body in more ways than Todd thought was possible, and much before his liking Todd came. As the orgasm rolled through his muscles Denver laid down with him, they lay entangled panting on the crisp sheets.
When Todd was able to speak Denver asked, "Well, did I do alright?"
"Shit, Denver, shit," Todd said, rolling over to face him, "You sure that was your first time?"
Denver blushed and said, "Yeah."
"Well, shit, I guess you're a natural. Man, kid you thought you were straight?" Todd asked, cracking a smile and pulling him even closer. Denver smiled and the two of the fell asleep in each other's arms.

Todd reached for his red wine colored lipstick as he remembered the pleasure that reflected in Denver's eyes as he slowly caressed his body. Todd finished his lips and reached for his favorite green eye shadow. He carefully applied a bottom layer of the green and then he reached for a small golden shadow and made his eyelids resemble Denver's eyes

© Copyright 2008 Olivier (olivier_sirus at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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