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Rated: GC · Other · Supernatural · #1451058
Can Rese prove to Vero that shes just like everybody else, or will she prove to be better?
VerĂ³nica ran fast but knew it wasn’t fast enough- at least not fast enough to out run him. Others, she knew she could out run without breaking a sweat, but him, she didn’t think she could bet without going all out.
It wasn’t that she didn’t like him, that wasn’t it at all; it was that she didn’t like losing, or not winning. Maybe it was the competitive gene in her blood, or just her childhood fascination with champions, but Vero just couldn’t stand losing to anyone or anything, especially a mixed breed. It wasn’t like she didn’t like mixes, most of her best friends were just that- mixes, she just didn’t want to lose to one, being a full blooded werewolf it would just be embarrassing if she lost.
Knowing that it would be a mistake but, doing it anyway, Vero looked over her shoulder trying to judge the distance between them before returning to the path ahead, she hadn’t lost before, and she didn’t plan on losing now.

Rese was finally catching up to her, she had got the best of him in the beginning, when he was surprised by the challenge, but he didn’t want to lose to Vero. Rese didn’t mind losing to a girl, as is fair is fair, but it better be a cold day in hell before he lost to a snotty princess like her. So what, Rese grew up poor, he didn’t have anything against people that weren’t, but with Vero he just couldn’t help himself, she was a spoiled brat and she flaunted it around, like she better than everybody else. That was one thing Rese couldn’t stand, nobody could be above the worth of another, no matter what, and if Rese could help it Vero was going to learn that.
Rounding the bend he seen the outline of the abandoned house up ahead, growing in size with every step he took; his heart raced, as though trying to keep pace with his steps, pumping what seemed like fire throughout his body. But he paid no attention to it as he picked up his pace, his breath struggling to come out in the even breaths he sought after.
Only a few meters away from the old house, Rese breathed in and sprinted faster than he ever did before. He was going to win; he felt it with everything he was.

Vero stared in shock as she looked at Rese’s hand appear out of nowhere and reached under her hand, to land on the door knob. She didn’t win, and to Vero that had meant a lot, it meant that she wasn’t the best. It also meant that she owed him a favor, and that was something she didn’t like.
This was not what she had in mind when she challenged him to a race; she fully expected to win, without any problems. Not lose to some pre-trans vampire, so what if he had a little werewolf blood in his family tree, that shouldn’t have meant anything since she was a pure blood.
“Looks like I won, Princess” Rese said, his voice, dripping with cockiness, penetrated the fog she was in. Looking up Vero saw that he had a smile to match his tone, his gray eyes practically sparked as he beamed down at her.
Barely resisting the urge to growl at him, Vero settled biting her lip and glaring at him, she knew that whatever he decided to do it would be something utterly humiliating and she just wanted to get everything over with.
“What do you want, Rese?” Vero snapped, only half succeeding in keeping the hostility out of her voice.
“Let’s see.., what could i possible want?"

Rese was never going to forget the expression on her face.

Vero gasped at the last moment and it took her a second to remember that she’d bitten her lip, and when dealing with a half-vampire that was something she shouldn’t have forgotten, but it was to late and she’d done the worst thing she thing that could have ever been done- opened her mouth.
Rese couldn’t stop himself from trying to get more.
Vero felt like she was being flooded by Rese. She felt him all around her, smelled only him (and for a full blooded werewolf that was saying something) but the thing that got her most was that it felt like he was in her, under her skin. But that wasn’t all, Vero also felt that she was in him, in his skin, she could feel both of their bodies react; his fangs barely sliding out to graze her lips, her heart beat and his starting to beat together in a fast paced rhythm. And suddenly Vero got a thought in her head, weather it was his or hers it didn’t matter because she was sure that it was going through both of their heads echoing a conclusion of both of theirs: Holy hell.

© Copyright 2008 blue miyuki (bluemiyuki at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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