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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1450767
Chapter1 of my story. Pirate love and romance story. Not to mention action in some places.
Aidan didn't know why everything had to happen to her but it did. She was tossed again from her feet onto the floor. "Stupid pirates!" She mumbled under her breath. Stumbling forward, she managed to go outside form her cabin where it was chaos. "Amery! What's the damage so far?" She called to her first mate as she made her way to him.

Amery was her long time best friend and they had grew up together. He got up from the deck and faced her. "The Jewel is taking on water because of holes from the recent cannon- DUCK!" He managed to force her down as a cannon ball flew right above them.

The cannon ball ripped through the sails. Coming to their feet again, Amery and Aidan exchanged troubled glances.
"Aidan you should get down below where you'd be somewhat safer. Then I wouldn't have to worry about you as much."

She looked at him with a twinkle in her brown eyes, taking in the sight of the one she called brother. Amery was a year older than she, making him 23 though he looked older from the years of being in the sun. His blonde hair was nappy and hung well below his neck from the months without a hair cut, his blue eyes filled with concern for her. He stood his full height which was very imitading since he was well at six foot.

"Oh Amery, don't worry about me. You know I have always taken care of myself and this is no different matter." She gave him a convincing grin before he utter words of protest.

"Now seeing as to how my father's ship is going to go down to neptune's depths we need to get off of this boat immediately."

Amery looked at her as if she were crazy. "Aidan are you feeling well? The other boat is still firing at us and if we get in the long boats we are surely done for."

She went to the side and looked at the other ship that was beside hers to find they were coming aboard. "Change of plans Amery." She gave him a wicked grin and he knew exactly what she was thinking.

"Aidan you've lost your mind! These are pirates, captained by the most feard pirate of them all."

"Oh really? Wouldn't that be Captain Burke of Ireland?" She gave him a menicing look.


She shook her head. "I don't fear him none, he's just a man, no more no less."

Amery began to step back when she began speaking. "Amery, what on earth is wrong with you?"

That's when she felt hands grip her sides and hold her still. "Not afraid of Captain Burke are you? Well we'll see about that, little spitfire."

The hands that held her turned her around to face the man that held her at the waist.

"For now you are face to face with the dreaded pirate."

She gasped in horror as she came face to face with him. He still held her waist with one hand while the other was entangled in her wind blown brown waist length hair.

"Let me go you brute. I'm not some whore for your enjoyment." She broke away from his grasp for only a moment until she was seized by the wrist and her slender frame pulled tightly against his.

"Hmm. You're the heiress that i've heard so much about. Well you're head will fetch a price in the markets, but until then you'll be my captive little spitfire." He laughed deep and so did the few that came with him.

"I will not be your captive. You're going to take me and my crew to the nearest shore and leave us there. Now unhand me!"

"I think not." Before she could wriggle free from his grasp, he slung her over his shoulder and began issuing orders to his crew.

"Take them all abroad the Magic and lock them in the brig."
There was aye aye captains here and there as they began to herd her crew to the longboats to row to the pirate ship known as The Magic.

Aidan kept protesting and hitting his back with her small fists to get him to let her go but he just held her tighter as she continued to hit his back not at all affected by them.

Mustering up her courage her leaned up and got a shot at his face. Putting all her strength and weight into the punch she hit him in the jaw. He dropped her and let out a string of curses while rubbing his jaw as it stung from the blow of her fist.

"How- how did you? Ah, no matter. I'm tired of fighting you anyways."

She looked at him in disbelief as he brought out his pistol and brought the butt of it across her head.

Aidan should have saw it coming but couldn't move fast enough as the butt of his pistol contacted with her head knocking her unconcious. He picked her up bridal style and got in the longboat all the while holding her as the boat made it's way to his ship as hers sank.

"Next time, little spit fire you won't fight me."
© Copyright 2008 Elizabeth (elizabeth92 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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