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Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1450434
more of indy's ride-based adventure with a twist (hope you like train's.)
the train moved along the bumpy track in the plains of peru. indy and his freinds were captured and being taken to the temple of the forbiden eye, a place that hold's treasure's beyond anyones dreams...indy and his freinds (sallah, henry jones sr., sarah jewels, and short-round or wan-li.) sat across the floor, staring at the nazi gaurd across from them. "so whats your plan?" indy asked shorty "we should be in peru by now, so whatever you plan to do, do it!" "okay, look, my hands are tied in front of me." "so?" short round scooted forward towards the gaurd. and kicked his foot against his throat, and pressed. the gaurd struggled and choked and tried to unbutton his gun holister, and he got it!-he pointed the gun at shorty...but then dropped it, and fell to the floor "not dead dr. jones, but passed out!" indy was impressed "okay now what?" "see the knife on his belt?" "shorty, your a genius, now get it quick!" shorty reached and got it off the belt, and started to cut his ropes "sarah!" indy nudged "sarah, wake up!" indy said as shorty broke free "are we there yet?" sarah murmured then she saw they were escaping "oh, my, you dont plan to escape now do you? were on a moving train!" "i know, perfect time to do it too." shorty cut indy loose and indy told him "alright, get everyone else, i'm going to stop this thing!" the nazi started to wake up, and saw indy waving at him "hello" *ssok* and the guard was out...cold. indy opened the door and heard shorty get out on the other side "geuss he got them free" indy thought. indy thought it would be easy to get to the roof, but when he stuck his head up *budda budda budda budda* "the machine gun turret!" indy remembered, "i'll have to shoot back!" he thought "sallah! get my things!" indy shouted. sallah got them and indy loaded his gun and armed himself, then stuck his head up and aimed...to see shorty throwing the nazi off "great work shorty. now stay in the back of the train, just in case." "yes sir!" "and shorty!" "yes?" "i'm proud of ya'." "thank you indy." shorty replied. indy saw the nazis get out, about three went for him, and two for short round. "here goe's" indy thought-the brawl began!...indy took those nazis out easily, but then a huge nazi, in a outfit to tight for him, jumped out
"look out dr. jones!" shorty yelled. the boxer ripped of his shirt and started to swing at indy, who ducked and covered, but then got socked, and fell to the ground. he kicked the nazi in the nutt's, the nazi fell. they got up and indy started to punch him square across the face, to wich the german hit back-hard! "whatever happened to turn the other cheek?" indy joked, the nazi chuckled and indy swung again "dr. jones, are you busy? i'm getting more nazis than i need!" "sorry shorty, bigfoot here needs some cleanin'." the nazi kept swinging, and indy kept hurting and swinging back. then, indy was knocked off! "indy!" shorty yelled. the huge german looked over the side to see if the american was dead, nothing was down there. but then, indy popped up on the other side and kicked the german off the train, but the german grabbed the handle bar, and started to climb to the front of the car. "indy!" shorty yelled, but was then knocked on the head by a nazi...to wich indy knocked the nazi off. indy and shorty fought side by side, punching, kicking, and ducking...but the huge nazi started to climb up the ladder on the front of the car. but shorty just hit a nazi, who flew back, and hit the nazi on the front end of the car! to wich they both fell off, screaming as they went...there was a bump and a sound of slicing, and indy and shorty looked over the side...blood was on the tracks! "uh, don't look back." "don't hafta' tell me twice." shorty exclaimed. indy started to move to the front of the train-thing. but the nazi's who shot at him in the turrets (most didn't go up there so indy only had to take out about three) tried to stop him! they werent successful. indy then decided to clean a box car out, so he jumped in one. shorty saw this and was silent, only the sounds of punching and guns could be heard...then...one by one, nazis poured out of the car, and indy jumped up with a grenade in his hand. shorty laughed and saw sallah get out "who wants some?" shorty looked and saw nazi's running up the train "them!, take care sallah, i'm going were indy just was." indy was almost at the engine, when a nazi popped up and shot at him! "shoot, more trouble!" indy ducked down and jumped inside the car. he looked up and saw a room filled with bombs and guns and bullets. "the ammo car!" indy started to rig up a bomb. and then wired his watch to it and did a little here and there, and than hit a switch.
"i've got five minutes." indy thought, and then went up to the roof. when he got up there indy saw the gunner and punched him in the face and threw him off. shorty was trying to make a door in a car open, and when it opened, he saw the chinese assasin's...and nulan! "nulan!" shorty cried. the 150 year old answered "look out, wan-li!" the ladies hit shorty and tried to cut off his head, but short round ducked and struck back at one, and then hit the other one! one lady fell out and cried curses at shorty as she went, and the other one jump kicked at shorty and short round ducked and flipped her once she was over him and threw her back in the wall. back to indy, he was hiding behind a gun turret and shooting at nazis, when he shot up and fired the gun turret. success! but then! a flame thrower guy came up to scorch indy and he saw this too, he waited for an oppurtunity...and saw one! the nazi turned around to say something and indy shot!-and sent the nazis to a firey doom. but then the gun fight continued. the assassin ,who shorty knocked off, got back on the train and started to walk towards the american-who ducked-and a shot suddenly hit her she stared a minute at indy and then fell off...for good! as for shorty, he has had a hard time with the other assassin, she never got tired, but shorty fought on-and eventually knocked her out! quickly he untied nulan and said "quick, to the back of the train!" nulan and shorty ran to the top and started to run towards the back, but a nazi shot at them. nulan spun around and clapped his hands-and the bullet shot back at the nazi and killed him "very old move, i'll teach you when we have time." nulan said, short round, who was amazed, pulled him to keep running.
indy was at the front of the car-but to find general black, waiting for him. "oh' shoot, c'mon!" black punched him and indy punched back, but black swung again and indy ducked and punched again! knocking black to his feet. at the rear of the car sallah had been waiting for shorty or indy. just then, shorty appeared "wan-li, wan-li my good man!" "is jones alright?" sarah asked. shorty looked at her and said "yes he-" "were the heck did you find him?" sarah asked "well, uh,-" "never mind, now what?"sarah interupted. sallah grinned and said "we need a ride out of here, shorty remember that jeep back there?" "yes i see! you and henry get it off, i'll clean out the cars with the gun turrets!". back to indiana, he was still fighting black, his nose was bloody and black was no different. they fought and fought untill they stopped for a breath. "you, (pant) fight well, (pant) foolish american!" "you too (pant, pant) black, you son of a (pant) dog!" they kept on swinging at each other and then indy thought "uh-oh, the bomb! iv'e got about two minutes!" indy threw a punch, and black recieved it! as for sallah and henry, they could hear shorty and nulan doing there work in the gun-cars, "okay now!" henry shouted "push!" they knocked the ramp down and sallah got in, and henry sat next to him, and then turned on the jeep "here we go!" sallah yelled, and backed of the train-bump-they looked up and saw the train pulling away from them "quick, sallah, go!" they sped off and pulled next to sarah "jump in!" "ooohhh, i'm scared!" "just aim, and fly off!" henry yelled back. "fine!" she cried as she leaped off, and landed in the back seat-safely. then sallah pulled up and shorty and nulan jumped in "now for indy! yaaah!" sallah shouted as they sped forward. as for indy, he was punching and punching. black had enough and swung back. and indy threw another in return. then indy thought "thirty seconds and boom!" so he punched and black ducked, so indy elbowed his face, and black threw a blow at indy. "gotta' do something!" indy thought. then he started to push black back, and then threw him on the ammo car, and black got up. "is this it, american?" "oh' yes!" and indy wrapped the whip around his leg and tripped him. and sallah pulled up, and indy jumped in. "quick! pull away from the train!" sallah did as he was told, and black, realized what would happen "nnnoooooooooo-" the box car exploded, taking black with it. the train stopped. "wow!, jr., you really did it now!" "thanks dad...but call me indiana!" "now listen son i-" shorty got between them and asked "can we go now? the map say the temple is 16 miles northeast from here." "yes lets!"
sallah sped off as indy and henry argued over a nickname.
and they were off, again. to the temple...of the forbiden eye.

back at the train kao kan got out and examined the damage
"that it dr. jones, next time you see him...KILL HIM!"
and he stormed off into his jeep
but indy had aired out the tires
"nyaaah!" kao cried in anger.

-end part 4
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