Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1450386-Different-Cookies
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #1450386
Lynn has to decide whether to stay with her first love or move on.
  Sighing, she rested her hands on the balcony rail and closed her eyes. Inhaling deeply, she absorbed the summer's warm night, the breeze tickling her bare arms. Two hands covered her waist, a nose nuzzling the nape of her neck.
" I've been looking for you, Lynn," her lover said.
" I know you have. I just wanted to see how summer was doing tonight, Raina. "
Raina closed her eyes and pressed her lips against Lynn's neck.
" You know, Lynn, summer night will be here tomorrow. Tonight I want us to be together. "
Lynn moved her hands from the rail to Raina's warm hands. Interlocking their fingers, she leaned her head back on Raina's shoulder, smelling the sweet smell of strawberries in her long, curly blond hair. She turned around and kissed her lover's lips softly, her hands on her back moving lower by the minute. Raina kissed Lynn, the same movement, but faster,
" Let's go to bed, " Raina whispered, " I can't wait to get these clothes off you baby. "
Lynn smiled against Raina's neck and walked through the double doors leading to the bedroom. Raina pushed Lynn on the bed, gently untying the sash from her silk robe, she smiled at Lynn as her naked, creme colored body unraveled from
the robe.
Looking at Raina, she pulled her towards her naked body.
" What's wrong, forgot what to do? "
" No...you're just beautiful. I never thought I would be with someone  like you. I love you. "
Lynn gasped at the words and her eyes mirrored suddenly .
" Don't cry baby, here, let me make it better. "

  Slowly, Raina kissed Lynn, her tongue prying her mouth open making them wrestle endlessly  as they moved hands along each other's bodies. Raina caressed Lynn's thigh up and down slowly, moving it upwards toward her right breast . She then moved her lips down to Lynn's collar bone, her other hand slowly massaging her delicate waist.
" Ooh, Raina...Y-you're making me... "
Raina didn't let her finish by connecting their lips together, one hand caressing her triangle of curls. Lynn moved her hands on top of Raina's head, gently stroking her hair. Pushing her head down, Lynn lifted her pelvis up towards Raina's face as she kissed her way down to Lynn's war, moist fleshy wound. Raina teased her clit with the tip of her tongue, circling slowly then fast. She put her hands under Lynn's thigh, spreading her legs wider as she moved her mouth in further.
    At the feel of Raina's mouth, Lynn pumped her vagina up to her mouth almost to a climax, her hands clenching the sheets. Raina bit the tip of her clit, sucking hard, but passionately.
" Oh, God..oh my ---- ahhh! " Lynn thrust her hips and lowered her body  towards Raina as she orgasmed and let go. Raina kissed up to Lynn's neck leaving love marks all over. Lynn wrapped her arms around her neck, burying her face in her hair, her legs around her waist.
" You were sooo good. I tried to keep it up, but it was so..so heavenly. "
Lynn breathed in her girlfriend's scent, engraving it in her head.
" About what you said earlier. When you said you loved me....I love you, too baby. I don't ever want to leave you. " Raina kissed Lynn's swollen lips," Shh, don't say anything. "
" No, no. I want to say it To let you know," Lynn replied, shaking her head, her brown hair spilled all over the pillows. " I always dreamed of this when I was single and first became a lesbian. Then you came into my life and it came true. Stuff like that usually happens in fairy tales, not reality. "
Raina smiled and brushed a stranded hair out of Lynn's face. She cupped her face and lowered it toward her own, opened her mouth slightly, her legs spreading. As soon as their tongues came together, the phone rang.

      Raina sighed and stretched her arm over to grab the phone. She smiled as Lynn kissed her.
" Hello? " She said sleepily and closed her eyes as she listened. " Uh-uh, yeah. Yeah I called, okay I will. Bye-bye now. Okay, love you, too."
Lynn arched an eyebrow as she heard I love you and sat up. All of her family had died, at least that's what Raina said when they first met each other. " So, umm Raina who was that? " Raina smiled and kissed Lynn on the forehead and rolled over on her back.
" One of my best best friends that you haven't met yet. " She closed her eyes and fell asleep.
  Lynn looked at Raina for a long time as she slept silently, her chest rising as well as her stomach. She stretched her arm over and brushed Raina's hair, kissing her lips softly. She decided not to blow it out of proportion.
" Goodnight, baby. " Lynn whispered as she laid back on the pillow and fell into a dreamy sleep.

Claire hung up the phone and smiled to herself. She just talking to her girlfriend Raina and set up a date with her Saturday afternoon. Claire knew that Raina was with Lynn who she never liked even in high school. Lynn didn't know Claire and Raina still remembered each other. She and Raina broke up after an incident and ran into each other at an expo for rainbow pride. They sat down, brought each other up to date, then later slept together at her house even though she was with kissup Lynn. This would be the best revenge for that little bitch, she thought to herself. She smiled evily and walked downstairs to her three door garage, ready to go clubbing and celebrate.
  Opening the car door to her Escelade, she pressed the automatic button for the garage and drove out satisfied to herself.

As the alarm rang, Lynn stretched and yawned as she switched the off button on the clock. She swung her legs around until they reached level ground and stumbled into the kitchen to make coffee. Before sipping the piping hot beverage, she inhaled the scent catching a small breeze from the window she accidentally left open last night. At the thought of the night before, she smiled to herself almost feeling a shiver.
" Raina, please.. " Lynn begged as she spread her legs under. She guided Raina's hand down to the middle of her thighs, grinding against it. She moved her lips down to her neck circling her tongue on the already red bruise she created the night before. Her lips made a curve against her warm, scented skin as she kissed over and over again. As Raina slid down Lynn's thing, a loud, ringing noise came from across the kitchen. Lynn reluctantly came out of her comfort zone and walked to the phone. " I'll get that...who would call so early in the morning? " Raina  ran passed Lynn almost knocking her down, " No,no I'll get it. Hey, go get ready for work. Wouldn't want you to be late, babe. " Lynn, who felt confused smiled and walked to the bedroom bathroom to get ready for a shower. As she walked past the phone on the nightstand, a small surge of electricity ran through her hands. As she closed the door and walked to the phone, she felt a ping of guilt, but she'd get over it she thought to herself.
She picked up the phone and covered the bottom and listened.
" Hey baby, why call so early? I'm going to there. Here, 11:45. Yeah, she doesn't think a thing, I told her I was gonna meet a friend. "
" Okay, Raina, I'm gonna wear that outfit you like so much when we were in highschool. I can't wait, I had to hear your voice. "
" I can't wait either honey. Listen, Claire, I'll call you when I'm on my way. I love you. "
" I love you, too Raina. See ya later. "

Lynn covered a gasp with her hand and set the phone back on the receiver. Claire, she thought. The name sounded familiar, but it was vague in her mind. She said something about high school. " I'm gonna wear that outfit you liked so much in high school. "  Lynn now knew that Raina was cheating on her. I knew this was too good to be true, she thought. Claire. Now she knew who she was. Raina's high school sweetheart before her. She walked to the bathroom stunned and shocked. Cutting on the shower, she called her boss and told him she was sick and couldn't come to work. Lynn had to think. Had to make a plan of what she would do. After thinking in the shower and scrubbing herself three times, she decided not to say anything yetand pretend she didn't know anything. Maybe Raina would change her mind. Lynn dried her hair, put on her terry cloth robe, and laid down on her side of the bed trying to ignore the scent of Raina. How could she do this to her, she swore that they were hitting it off excellent. Maybe she wasn't giving enough up. She rubbed her temples and closed her eyes. All this thinking was making her feel sick for real. After silencing her mind, she fell asleep.

Raina hung up the phone and leaned against the doorway of the kitchen. Running her fingers through her hair, she walked to the bedroom bathroom hoping for a quickie and stopped. She watched Lynn sleeping on the bed, her face covered in the pillow. Out of instinct, she silently crept over to the bedside and turned Lynn's head over. She stroked her wet hair and kissed her forehead. Then she remembered her job. Shaking her softly, she tried to wake her up.
" Honey...Lynn wake up. You're thirty minutes late for work. " Lynn mumbled something and put the pillow over her head.
" What did you say? Baby I can't understand you. "
" I said I called in sick, I'm not feeling to well. Let me sleep," she snapped.
Raina sat up and looked at Lynn. She then got in the shower and let the water run all over her body. Maybe I shouldn't do this. Lynn is so good to me, Raina thought, but dismissed it. Finally she got out of the shower and put on some faded jeans and a Punk tank top. It was 11:30, almost time to go see Claire.

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