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Rated: XGC · Other · Erotica · #1450192
Serial sexual adventures
Jennifer's Obsession

Andrew's Home

© 2004 Kayleigh Combstock

Anthony waved as he, and a rather upset Dave, headed up the garden.  Jennifer closed the door on them and headed straight for the sixteenth Century bureau that sat against the wall to the right of the fireplace.  She lifted its partially open cover and removed a cassette from a camcorder that had been sitting within.
“Wait till you see what I’ve been up to, you bastard!” she said to herself, her pleasure quickly giving way to anger.  She made her way over to the sofa and flopped onto it, holding the tape in one hand and her head in the other.  Her face wrinkled up whilst a couple of tears escaped from her eyes and ran for it down her cheeks.
A few hours passed.  Jennifer had tidied up the living room, cleaned the 'spattering' off the door to the study, returned her outfit to the closet, and had cleaned herself up.  Her time in the shower was spent playing out in her mind what was going to happen when she saw Andrew but it kept making her feel sick, so she settled for 'taking it as it comes' - at least this way she didn't feel quite so ill, and her mind didn't seem so fragile.  This way she could hold on to how it all was, because as yet nothing has happened.  Nothing's definite, she thought, although the intermittent stomach churning that just wouldn't go away no matter what, was suggesting otherwise. 
Back in the living room, Jennifer sat upright on the sofa.  She was holding the cassette in one hand and tapping her lips with the fingers of the other, staring at the cassette all-the-while. 
I think I’ll hide it for now, just in case.  There might be an explanation.  In fact, in all likelihood, there probably is.  Where’s this tape going to get me then?  I’ll end up going through all this fucking turmoil again, only it’ll be my fault, and I just can’t.  Jennifer started to tap her lips a little faster.  I really just can’t, she thought, as she stopped tapping her lips.  Jennifer’s eyes began to wrinkle up and that horrible, sick, weak feeling started to overcome her again.  She jumped to her feet, throwing the cassette down hard at the floor as she did so.  She furiously stamped at the cassette until several bits of plastic cracked off to expose the tape it concealed.  She snatched what was left of the cassette up from the floor and frantically pulled at the tape, repeatedly.  Within seconds Jennifer collapsed onto the sofa.  She looked rather flustered and was holding a broken, but empty, plastic box.  The tape was strewn all about her like a bird’s nest.  She felt better for it.  It was as if destroying the tape made Andrew innocent and that was why she’d destroyed it, because there wasn’t any need for revenge.  And to sit there and watch Andrew, watching her, getting fucked by another man was just too much, she’d decided, even if he has been having an affair.
Jennifer jumped to her feet again and quickly gathered up the tape and pieces of broken plastic.  She hurried to the outside bin and stuffed it all underneath a bag of waste as best she could.  As she returned to the living room, shrugging her shoulders as if a huge and weighty rucksack had just been lifted from her, she glimpsed Andrew’s Saab convertible rolling up onto the drive.  Jennifer rushed up to the window and looked out; just to make sure it was him.  She already knew it was but she just couldn’t stop herself.  She watched him step out of the car, and then reach back in to grab his travel-bag.  She tottered about the living room, not sure as to where to put herself.  The churning in her stomach had escalated now, and she could feel her breathing getting shallower and faster.  She heard his key in the door.  She jammed her hand down the side of the sofa and hurriedly retrieved part of the incriminating evidence – the letter (the Paris tickets were still in his jacket pocket upstairs).  The sound of his footsteps coming through the hallway made her heart thump almost as loud.  She quickly stuffed the letter down her joggers (she couldn’t put it down her knickers because she wasn’t wearing any). 
“Jennifer,” he rumbled, opening his large arms out as he did so whilst at the same time dropping his bag down with a dull thump onto the floor.  Jennifer rushed toward the athletic build that stood some six foot three inches and wrapped her arms tightly around his trim waist.  As his muscular arms closed firmly but gently around her body as if it were one of a child’s, she pressed her face into his broad chest.  His scent, even though he wore deodorant and aftershave, was the scent of a man, and it made her feel…safe, secure, loved, wanted, and more…all the things she ever wanted to feel when a man held her close.  She found it odd how a scent could change so much just by wearing it.  “Are you alright, Jen?” he whispered into her ear and breaking her chain of thought. 
“Mmmmm, I am now you’re home,” she replied, nuzzling deeper into his chest and losing her self in the warmth and security that Andrew’s hug offered.  The ill feelings she’d been experiencing just seemed to melt away, as if by magic.
“I know exactly what you mean…I’ve missed you too,” he said softly and deeply as he cupped her head in his one hand while the other slid down her body and onto one of her buttocks, squeezing it playfully.  Jennifer looked up at him adoringly, finding it impossible to even consider the prospect of his being involved in some sordid betrayal in the form of an affair.  And for him to be taking his supposed mistress to Paris of all places; it wouldn’t happen, she’d decided.
“Let me pour you a drink while you take the weight off your feet - then we can snuggle up and do whatever you want,” Jennifer whispered, winking her left eye.
“Some wine and a good woman sounds like an offer I just can’t refuse,” he replied as he released her from his clutch.  The words penetrated her like a knife-blade.  They went deep inside and caused her to momentarily stiffen with the pain.  She noticed Andrew notice.  “I’ve had some terrible cramps lately, I think I’ll go easy on the training for a few days,” she said, thinking on her feet as she headed out to the kitchen.  She gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes in anticipation, until she heard Andrew slump onto the sofa that is.  She breathed a sigh of relief the second she was in the kitchen and out of ear-shot.
“You’ll never believe what that bloody Edward’s gone and done,” Andrew said as Jennifer returned carrying two generous-sized glasses of white wine.
“Won the lottery,” Jennifer suggested enthusiastically as she handed one of the brimming glasses of wine to Andrew and sat next to him, being careful not to spill hers in the process.
Andrew looked her straight in the eye.  “No,” he said tersely before continuing “he talked some girl into bed the last time he was in Paris… and told her he was me.”
The cogs started to turn in Jennifer’s head whilst Andrew broke eye contact and took a greedy sip of his wine.  His head nodded in agreement with the wine.  “Oh, that’s perfect,” he said, before tidying his lips with his fingers.  “That’s not all either,” he continued whilst restoring eye contact with Jennifer who was now starting to experience some sort of a high, and she hadn’t even tasted the wine yet. 
“The bastard booked some tickets to Paris for himself and his new mistress in my name and had them sent here, for fear of his wife finding out… and only decided to tell me about it after he’d done it… I’ll murder him one day, I swear,” Andrew said, before turning his attention back to his wine; he consumed another healthy ‘sip’.
Jennifer was momentarily dumbfounded; how could I have been so stupid? she thought, I feel terrible now for thinking the worst.  She didn’t feel terrible really; that was just something she’d thought to herself.  Deep inside, she was flying, flying so high actually it had started to make her head spin.  Andrew turned to her and waited for a reaction.  Jennifer quickly regained the power of speech and said “He’s a sod that Edward…” as she shook her head in disapproval, trying hard not to give away her sense of relief.  She continued “…Anyway, let’s not talk about that, I’ve missed you so much I want to do something very special for you…”
Andrew interrupted with raised eyebrows “very special, you say”.
Jennifer sipped her wine before answering.  “You name it, we’ll do it, no matter what it is,” she said, as she snuggled in close to Andrew, putting her free hand over his crotch.
Andrew’s eyebrows rose even higher.  “No matter what it is,” he said, more or less to himself rather than at Jennifer.  He took a sip of his wine and then rubbed his clean-shaven, broad chin in contemplation.  Jennifer watched him stifle a smile and felt her hand suddenly start to fill with his swelling genitalia.  “What is it?” Jennifer bleated, excitedly.  “What is it?” she said again as she took her hand away from his crotch to watch his trousers fill. 
“Ah, it’s nothing, don’t worry about it; I’ll think of something,” he said, now clearly smiling to himself, but in a rather embarrassed sort of way.  Jennifer like it when he looked like this; it wasn’t often she got to see him looking out of his depth and she thought it looked quite cute, it gave him a certain sort of vulnerability which she liked. 
Jennifer jumped in before Andrew could say anything else.  “No, I want to do whatever it is you’re thinking,” she demanded, looking at his crotch again.  She touched it in almost disbelief as to how quickly his cock had risen to full strength. 
Andrew turned away from her as if looking out of the window so she couldn’t see his face.  “I’ve always, always fantasised about watching you…” (The tape Jennifer had made earlier sprang to mind and she cursed herself for having destroyed it.)  “…with another woman,” he whispered, before quickly taking a gulp of wine – he’d almost finished the glass already.
A smile started to break on Jennifer’s face and quickly became a beaming grin.  A simultaneous stirring deep in her nether regions forced her to squirm a little.  “Anything for you, my love,” she said, quite convincingly – she was as equally, if not more, excited at the prospect of Andrew watching her with another woman as he was.  Jennifer climbed up him and kissed the side of his head (she couldn’t kiss his face because he was still too embarrassed to look at her).  Andrew gulped down the little bit of wine that remained in his glass as Jennifer stroked his full head of mousey-coloured hair, tenderly.
“I’ll book an escort for tonight,” she said, imagining what the woman might look like.  Andrew still couldn’t look at her. 
“Shall we get a blonde,” he whispered, as if he were a child swearing.  He dared to sneak a look at her while awaiting the response. 
“We can get whatever you want darling; I’m easy, you know…”  Bang!  Bang!  Jennifer was interrupted by a pounding noise coming from the front door.  They both looked at each other, wondering who it could be; they weren’t expecting anyone.  Jennifer glanced at Andrew’s erection, put her wine down on the floor, and sprang up, bounding towards the door; she couldn’t let Andrew go, not in his ‘condition’.
Andrew recognised the voice he could hear resounding off the walls of the hallway and floating into the living-room; it was Cheryl, a friend of Jennifer’s.  Andrew snatched Jennifer’s wine and took several sips before placing it back in its original position and headed off for a shower, loosening his favourite silk tie as he went.
About a half-hour later, all fresh-faced and cloaked in nothing but a white-towelling gown and an aroma of soap, Andrew made his way back down to the kitchen.  Stood on the light-oak worktop were two empty bottles of wine and one half–full.  He immediately reached into the wall-cupboard for a clean glass.  His head nodded to the music he could hear playing in the living-room as he poured the wine; it was Elton John’s ‘I want love’.  His head stopped moving just as his glass filled.  He’d heard a woman’s giggle, and it wasn’t Jennifer’s.  Fuck, he thought, that fucking Cheryl’s still here.  He shook his head in disappointment before consoling himself with a sip of alcohol - he had hoped she’d be gone by now so he and Jen could ‘get in the mood’ for tonight’s special treat, but things rarely work out the way you want them to, he thought to himself as he simultaneously decided to retire to his den until she’d gone.  He sought alternative satisfaction by taking another sip of wine and savouring its taste before leaving the kitchen.  He’d reached the bottom of the stairs when he heard a sharp gasp followed by a strange silence, except for the music playing in the background that is.  His curiosity forced him to quietly tip-toe up to the slightly ajar living-room door; he took another sip of wine as he went.  He cautiously peered through the gap, smelling the oak of the door as he did so; it seemed to make his wine taste better for some reason, he thought, before turning his attention back to the matter in hand.  He could see Jennifer and Cheryl stood in front of the fireplace facing each other, a couple of feet apart.
“Do it to me,” Cheryl said, looking a little anxious but clearly excited.  Andrew’s face was one of puzzlement and he continued to spy.  Jennifer slowly reached out her right hand with her forefinger extended as if pointing to something.  Andrew’s perplexity deepened. 
Jennifer’s hand came to rest in front of Cheryl’s chest, her finger still extended.  Cheryl’s gaze was firmly fixed on Jennifer’s finger and she looked as if she were holding her breath.  Andrew watched closely as Jennifer’s forefinger went ever closer to Cheryl’s body.  He could see a shadow forming on Cheryl’s chest, in the right breast area – the shadow depicted her hardening nipple.  Cheryl exhaled sharply as Jennifer’s finger at last made contact; it was the same sort of sound Andrew had heard moments previously.  He almost dropped his glass but recovered it just in time, leaving only a few drops of wine to hit the floor.  He continued to stare, but in disbelief now as Jennifer’s finger circled Cheryl’s right nipple.
“I told you, it’s different, isn’t it?”  Jennifer said, moving her finger over to Cheryl’s other nipple.  Cheryl remained silent, her gaze transfixed upon Jennifer’s finger, as was Andrew’s. 
“There’s nothing quite like a woman’s touch,” Jennifer said quietly, staring deep into Cheryl’s eyes. 
Cheryl looked at Jennifer and then back at her busy finger.  Andrew couldn’t believe what he was seeing but it made some magic happen beneath his robe nonetheless.  Jennifer suddenly stopped what she was doing, but continued to look deep into Cheryl’s eyes.  Andrew ached for more, before noticing two almost empty glasses of wine down on the floor, near the sofa - You little fox, Andrew thought, as everything started to fall into place. 
Jennifer peeled her tight, black vest-top up from her tiny waist and over her breasts, leaving it come to rest close to her collar-bone.  The way her tight top cut into the flesh high on the breasts had the effect of making them seem all-the-more voluptuous.  Needless to say, she wasn’t wearing a bra.
Cheryl looked at Jennifer, looked at the two swollen globes pointing out at her, and then looked back at Jennifer, as if awaiting instruction like a pupil to a teacher.  Andrew sneaked a quick gulp of wine, spilling a little more in the process. 
“Now touch them; skin on skin,” Jennifer said.  “Trust me, you’ll love it,” she continued, noticing Cheryl’s hesitancy.  Cheryl reached her hand out, leaving it hanging there in mid-air between them both.  Cheryl’s mouth had opened slightly with a look on her face that said she was out of her depth.  Andrew quickly stole another sip of wine and then tried desperately to send a telepathic message to Cheryl.  ‘Go on, touch them, go on,’ it said. 
Jennifer reached out and took Cheryl’s hand, gently guiding it to her left breast as if it were some sort of ritual.  Andrew couldn’t see her left breast, only her right – they were almost standing side-on.  He ever so slowly pulled the door open a few more inches, poking his head out dangerously far in the process.  Then it suddenly struck him to look in the mirror.  He gradually retreated, like a tortoise into his shell, as his eyes met with a full-on view of Jennifer’s naked breasts.  As Jennifer’s left breast disappeared behind Cheryl’s right hand, Andrew had to grab a hold of his cock and give it a squeeze, his face scrunching up in the process.  For a moment Cheryl’s hand just lay there, motionless.  Andrew and Jennifer held their breath.  Then it happened – Cheryl’s hand started to knead the bulbous piece of flesh that she held, stopping occasionally to stroke it with her fingers.  It was Andrew’s and Jennifer’s turn to have their mouths agape now.  Cheryl did her double-take routine again, looking at Jennifer’s face then back at her breast, then back again.  She did this several times before she started to concentrate on Jennifer’s nipple, as did her fingers. 
“Mmmm… now it’s your turn,” Jennifer groaned, looking all-the-more devilish with each passing moment.  Cheryl slowly withdrew her hand and almost trance-like, began to pull her vest-top up.  (Jennifer actually felt a little like the devil, having won over Cheryl’s soul.)  Cheryl hesitated for a moment as if she was going to leave her top to rest as Jennifer’s did, but then decided to pull it right up over her head and cast it down on the floor beside her (it was different to Jennifer’s; it was white and a little more loosely fitting).  Jennifer smiled softly and her eyes narrowed a little as she took in the view of two heavily built breasts that were vigorously contained within a well-engineered, white bra.  Andrew could see one of her breasts but only a bit of the other; it was obscured by Jennifer’s body.  Jennifer slowly raised her hands to Cheryl’s shoulders and slipped her fingers underneath the bra straps that were straining against her flesh.  As she lifted her fingers clear of Cheryl’s shoulders she could feel the ample weight of the flesh that the attached cups contained, and it was some weight.  Cheryl stood there, still as a statue with her arms down at her sides.  Jennifer licked her lips and pulled the straps outwards, and then gradually downwards.  As the strain vanished from the straps it seemed as if Cheryl’s breasts sighed with relief as they slipped into their natural position.  The cups of her bra began to peel back, slowly revealing more and more and more of her huge breasts.  Jennifer felt like a kid unwrapping a Christmas present and couldn’t wait a moment longer.  She suddenly snatched her hands downwards, taking the bra-straps with her.  Two enormous, rounded masses of flesh jumped out at her, with perfectly formed nipples attached.  The bra remained around Cheryl’s torso but was sufficiently pulled down so as not to spoil the view.  Cheryl still hadn’t moved; she just stood there, waiting to be handled.  Jennifer looked longingly at Cheryl’s breasts, then longingly at Cheryl.  Something moving in the background caught her eye, drawing her attention away from Cheryl.  Her eyes refocused on a point over Cheryl’s shoulder, and there was Andrew’s reflection staring back at her with an excitement in his eye she’d never, in all the time they’d been together, witnessed before.  His eyes were wide and his face animated - he looked as if this was one of those life moments you will never forget.  Andrew’s image quickly blurred out of focus as Jennifer turned back to the behemoth breasts that stood naked and proud before her.  Jennifer smiled, but it was in a way that it could only be likened to a wild and hungry animal that had just noticed its unwitting and undeserved quarry come within striking distance.  She reached out her hands, forefingers extended, and began circling Cheryl’s nipples.  The touch of a woman’s fingers on her made Cheryl appear as if she’d just been brutally subjected to several orgasms with no rest between them. 
Jennifer slowly edged closer to her, sticking her chest out in the process.  As she got within inches of her she gave Cheryl’s bowling ball-like play-things a firm squeeze before sliding her hands down Cheryl’s body and onto her hips.  Cheryl groaned in the process.  Jennifer looked down at her own nipples and slowly guided them in, and onto Cheryl’s.
“Oh, look Cheryl, my nipples are on yours,” Jennifer said playfully, as she made their nipples brush back and forth over and over. 
Cheryl looked down, watching her nipples gently twist up and fling free under the pressure of another woman’s nipples, and each collision she watched and felt caused her pussy to almost physically quiver.  Cheryl’s arms disappeared behind her back, fumbling with the bra that was still wrapped around her body.  As she unclipped it Jennifer continued to caress nipples, with nipples.  Cheryl slammed her bra down at the floor on the same side as her vest-top, making her giant bulbs of flesh shudder in the process.  The shuddering of nipples against nipples caused Jennifer to momentarily grit her teeth as she moved her hands up to Cheryl’s neck.  Cheryl placed her hands around Jennifer’s tiny waist and started to twist her upper body back and forth, joining in the ‘nipples game’.  Jennifer leaned forward and pressed her lips softly onto Cheryl’s, feeling their breasts squash up together as she did so.  Cheryl kissed her back, letting out a sort of ‘whimpering’ noise in the process.  As they kissed, Jennifer briefly glanced into the mirror, glimpsing Andrew and getting off on his voyeurism.
“Stop!” Jennifer shouted, as she quickly stepped back, letting go of Cheryl in the process.  Cheryl jumped a little in surprise, making those gargantuan tits of hers shudder again, much to Andrew’s delight.  He felt so bad at watching another woman get naked and intimate without her knowing about it, and it was turning him on something rotten.
“Put your hands behind your back,” Jennifer said.  Cheryl did – it was a new experience for her; she didn’t know how lesbians ‘did it’.  “Now suck my titties bitch,” Jennifer continued, smiling and holding her breasts in her hands, offering her nipples.  Cheryl leant forward, keeping her hands behind her back.  Jennifer aimed her right nipple at Cheryl’s face.  Her nipple visibly grew in size as Cheryl’s hungry, open mouth neared, and closed tightly over it.  She could feel Cheryl sucking at her teat like a new-born lamb.  She glanced at the mirror again and smiled, before looking down at the woman on her tit, obediently sucking. 
Andrew’s gaze was fixed on the colossal tits that were hanging down from Cheryl’s body – the view was fantastic seeing as her hands were behind her back.  He felt like running out there and nailing her from behind whilst she sucked at Jennifer but he couldn’t of course, because she didn’t even know he was there.
“Stop!” Jennifer shouted again.  Cheryl jumped bolt-upright, her massive, womanly breasts swinging wildly in the process; it was a good couple of seconds before they stopped moving.  Andrew took this moment as an opportunity to finish his wine, which disappeared from his glass as quickly as pouring it down a drain.  Jennifer stripped herself of her top, and then slowly slid her joggers down her toned and tanned legs, kicking off her sandals in the process.  She placed her hands on her hips and slowly turned around, as if displaying her wares to Cheryl.  As Cheryl got a view of her tight ass, Andrew got a view of her newly-shaven mound – he nearly gasped out aloud and quietly cursed himself for it. 
Cheryl started to stroke her own hips.
“Don’t move,” she ordered, as she came around full circle.  Cheryl placed her arms stiffly down at her sides, staring at Jennifer’s smooth and clean-looking genitalia.  Jennifer stepped up to her and unbuttoned Cheryl’s faded Levis, yanking them down a little as she did so.  Cheryl’s tits were momentarily bouncing again, catching Jennifer’s attention so she gave the right nipple a quick kiss as a result.  Cheryl’s legs nearly went from under her.  Jennifer shuffled backwards a little and their eyes locked onto each other.  She reached her open hand out, palm towards Cheryl, until it came to rest firmly on her crotch.  Cheryl broke eye-contact and looked downwards as if she were getting reprimanded whilst Jennifer touched her.  Jennifer slid her finger up and down the crease she could feel under Cheryl’s white knickers, and started to bite her lip at the prospect of getting her fingers into another woman’s pussy.  Cheryl was almost overwhelmed by how sensitive her pussy had become to someone else’s touch, she’d never known anything like it before and had unknowingly slid her feet apart.  Jennifer started to apply some pressure and had started to grate her hand against Cheryl’s crotch.  Cheryl responded with a rhythmical panting noise and a steady, repetitive movement of her pelvis.  Jennifer joined her, even though no-one was touching her pussy, yet. 
Andrew was leaning up against the wall with his head wedged in the gap that the slightly ajar door afforded, with his hand in his gown quietly masturbating.
Jennifer gradually eased her hand off Cheryl’s pussy and ran her fingers softly up Cheryl’s stomach, over her voluptuous breasts and back down again, but this time levering her fingers inside of Cheryl’s knickers.  Jennifer shivered a little as she felt the wiriness of another woman’s pubic hair against her fingers.  As her fingers reached the wet, fleshy lips, Cheryl’s hands shot up, grabbing tightly at Jennifer’s nipples using her thumbs and forefingers.  Jennifer reacted by shooting her index finger cleanly and firmly right up inside Cheryl’s gyrating pussy.  “Ahhhh,” Cheryl breathed as she felt, for the first time, another woman’s finger inside her.  Jennifer dropped to her knees, getting her nipples tugged hard as she did so – Cheryl didn’t want to let go.  Jennifer looked up at Cheryl, but could barely see her over the huge breasts that stood out at least six or seven inches from her body – Andrew could, though.  Jennifer made quick work of pulling Cheryl’s jeans down to her ankles whereby Cheryl, without being asked, slipped her feet out of her flip-flops and stepped out of her jeans.  As Jennifer began to work Cheryl’s knickers down Cheryl closed her eyes and started to play with her own nipples.  Within seconds Cheryl’s knickers were off and had landed close to the door Andrew was hiding behind.  Jennifer slid her hands up the backs of Cheryl’s legs and placed her palms firmly on Cheryl’s buttocks, and promptly buried her head between the open legs that stood before her.  “Oh, God,” Cheryl cried, looking at the ceiling, tugging at her nipples, and thrusting her pelvis forward onto Jennifer’s face. 
Andrew was angling his head all ways, trying to get a glimpse of Cheryl’s pussy; he wanted to see if her pussy matched the blonde hair of her head.  It was no good; no matter what position he was in, all he could see was the back of Jennifer’s head rapidly moving about.  He consoled himself with the fact he was getting a fantastic view of one of his neighbours standing naked in his living-room, fondling her gigantic breasts, and getting her pussy licked and tongue-fucked by his naked wife – a reasonable consolation, he thought, as he slowed his masturbation down to a slow, gentle pace.
“Ohhhhhh,” Cheryl screamed, as she pulled her breasts, by their nipples, up toward the ceiling.  Jennifer rammed her tongue in as far as was possible and did her best to open her pussy up with it whilst at the same time massaging the clitoris with her nose.  Cheryl tugged even harder at her nipples and thrust her pussy forcefully onto Jennifer.  “Ahhhhhhhh,” she screamed, as her whole body stiffened for a moment.  Jennifer worked even harder at her with her tongue.  There was a loud slapping noise as Cheryl’s released her gargantuan breasts, letting them boisterously succumb to the force of gravity, as the rest of her body flopped forwards.  She had to hold onto Jennifer’s shoulders to keep from falling over.  Jennifer withdrew her tongue and softly licked at the soaking wet crease before her, easing her friend gently back down from the dizzy heights of ecstasy. 
Andrew had stopped masturbating altogether – he had to or it was all going to be over for him and he was sure there was still more to come yet.  Seeing those massive mounds of flesh that were Cheryl’s tits hanging loosely over his wife’s head as she licked at her, would surely have blown it for him.
Cheryl slowly but steadily regained an upright posture, having her pussy gently licked all-the-while, and with his crisis having passed, Andrew began to fondle himself again before deciding to run to the kitchen where he refilled his glass.
On his return he could see Jennifer on all fours from a sort of rear to side-on view, with Cheryl on her knees alongside Jennifer, but upright.  Fucking hell, Andrew thought to himself; he still couldn’t see the colour of her muff. 
Cheryl started to caress Jennifer’s perfectly formed right buttock whilst her other hand milked Jennifer’s left udder.  Within seconds Cheryl’s hand had slipped between Jennifer’s legs, her fingers massaging Jennifer’s wet pussy lips and seeking entry.  Andrew imagined himself being out there, on his knees behind Jennifer with Cheryl holding his cock in readiness to guide it in to his wife.  He could see now by the movement of Cheryl’s hand that she’d got at least one finger into his wife because her hand was moving back and forth, rapidly.  Andrew started to masturbate again at the same speed as Cheryl’s hand was moving.  Jennifer’s back had arched and her body was moving back and forth, helping Cheryl to fuck Jen’s muff with her fingers. 
Jennifer suddenly rose upright while Cheryl stooped a little in an effort to keep her fingers in.  Andrew got a glimpse of one of Cheryl’s tits as it swung out to her side with the movement, causing him to harden a little more.  Cheryl knee-walked to the rear of Jennifer, got between her legs, and slipped her right hand down Jen’s front and placed the left over Jen’s left breast.  Andrew could see where Cheryl’s left hand was and had to guess where the other went, but he had a good idea.  Cheryl got a single finger into Jennifer and began fucking her with it again, rubbing her naked body up against Jen’s as she did so.  Jennifer slipped her right hand behind herself, squeezing it between the warm, soft skin of their bodies.  She felt for Cheryl’s triangle, found it, and immediately returned the favour; finger-fucking the pussy in her hand.  They started to move in unison as they finger-fucked each other’s pussies.  Andrew had to stop himself from running out there and giving them the ‘real thing’. 
“Let’s get on the sofa,” Jennifer whispered, leaning forward onto all fours again.  Cheryl leant with her and wildly fucked at Jen’s pussy with her fingers for a moment, before getting herself upright.  Just as Jennifer started to rise to her feet, Cheryl couldn’t resist a grab at Jen’s muff from the rear – she was starting to get into this woman-on-woman thing.
Jennifer positioned herself at one end of the sofa and such that her one thigh went up over the back of it with her shin hanging down the other side, whilst her other leg was positioned so that her one foot remained on the floor – her legs were spread wide open with her exposed, shaven mound glaring out dead-ahead in line with Andrew, who had temporarily disappeared through fear of Cheryl catching sight of him.  Jennifer’s rear was resting on the one arm of the sofa which had the effect of lifting her pussy high in the air, giving Cheryl easy access.  Andrew managed a swift peep at his wife’s smooth and vulnerable mound before retreating again as Cheryl moved into position, between Jen’s legs.  Andrew suddenly became aware at how loudly he was breathing and how close he was to the pair of them – he quickly rectified it.
Jen reached down for the glass containing her remaining wine and poured it between her legs, squashing the rim of the glass between her lips as she did so.  Cheryl smiled, bent over, and took a long, thirsty lick at Jen’s silky-smooth muff.  Jen groaned, loudly.  Andrew quickly returned to his voyeur position, adamant he wasn’t going to miss a thing.  Cheryl looked up at Jen through the blonde strands of hair hanging over eyes, licked her lips, and took another long, hard lick.  Jen felt her pussy lips separate as if a cock had just been slotted into her; Cheryl had licked that hard.  Andrew crouched down, trying to get a decent view of Cheryl’s muff from behind; there appeared to be a sort of straw-coloured frizz present.  Cheryl continued to work Jen’s pussy, only wrapping her arms under Jen’s thighs now to increase the pressure with which she could press her tongue onto and into the bald orifice that lay open to her.
“Does that shaven mutt feel good on your tongue, you pussy-licking bitch,” Jennifer growled as she took a tight grip of Cheryl’s blonde locks.  With her mouth full of pussy the best Cheryl could manage was an “mmm”.
“Lick it hard, fucking hard I said,” Jennifer shouted, almost pulling the pretty hair out of Cheryl’s head.  Jennifer’s pussy started to twist up vigorously on Cheryl’s face now as Jen began to thrust her pelvis back and forth ferociously.  Cheryl was getting worked up; she’d let go of Jen’s legs and was man-handling Jen’s breasts, angrily – all the tenderness of a ‘woman’s touch’ had vanished, completely. 
“Think about what you’re doing, you dirty, disgusting slut.  Is it making your cunt wet?”  Jen said, through gritted teeth. 
“Mm, mm” she groaned.  “Yes, yes!” she screamed as she fleetingly came up for air before diving straight back in. 
“What can you feel in your cunt?”  Jen shouted, as she pulled Cheryl’s head crazily over her wine-soaked lips.  The feel of Cheryl’s facial features crushing up against, and sometimes penetrating, her shaved crotch caused her to shriek.
Andrew couldn’t help himself and just had to get involved.  He slid out from the doorway on his knees and held his hand out and up, carefully, between Cheryl’s open legs.  The scent of sex hung heavily around him, and mingled sweetly with the aroma of floor polish.  He began to tickle her pussy lips from behind, ever so gently, and he could see now; she was a true blonde.
“My pussy’s….. twitching,” Cheryl managed, between slurps.  Jen dragged Cheryl’s head about her crotch again, but this time pulling her legs down hard over Cheryl’s back, trapping her.
“Think of a big, hard cock, fucking your pussy.  Do you like the thought of that,” Jen said, ragging Cheryl’s head some more.
“A cock…. fucking my cunt…. fucking it…. Yes,” Cheryl squealed at the moments her mouth wasn’t full of hairless, wet pussy.  All three were getting off on the dirty talk.
Andrew looked up at the pussy he was touching; he was sure it was begging him to fuck it.  He retreated into the doorway and took another gulp of wine.  Beady-eyed, he stared at the blonde crack that was hanging open before him; surely an offering, he concluded.  He rose to his feet, opened his gown, and tip-toed back out from behind his barricade and onto the battlefield.  He stopped behind Cheryl, standing firmly to attention, and watched for a moment as she energetically writhed about between his wife’s opened legs that were at the same time clasped firmly around her torso.  Cheryl was still heatedly man-handling Jennifer’s tits, and there were groans and shrieks all over the place.
Jennifer opened her eyes to see Andrew standing over her as she was having her body savagely ravaged by someone else.  “A fucking great cock fucking your tight, little cunt; that’s what you need, you dirty fucker,” Jennifer screamed as she closed her eyes again, tightly, and tightened her grip on Cheryl further.  The inability to move seemed to turn Cheryl on even more as she began to bite and lick, and lick and bite at the bald flesh sliding about at her famished mouth. 
Andrew felt a strange surge come over him and wasn’t sure if it was the wine, or the thought of taking Cheryl from behind whom was now locked in position and was being forced to mouth Jennifer’s freshly-shaved pussy.  He rubbed his hand over his head, from his forehead to the nape of his neck, in the hope it might somehow help him to cope with the strange feeling. 
“I want cock,” Cheryl bawled, wriggling strongly against Jennifer’s ever-tightening grip and getting all-the-more turned on by it.
Jennifer bit her lip and thrust her pelvis into Cheryl’s face.  “Imagine it, your pussy lips slowly separating, and the sense of a hot, swollen cock, slowly penetrating you, and you can’t stop it; can you feel it?” Jennifer said, holding Cheryl’s head steady for a moment.  Andrew took his cue and stepped up close to Cheryl, holding his cock downwards and making it slide across the underside of Cheryl’s blonde mound.
“I can feel it,” she gasped, surprised at what she could feel.  Jennifer tugged at the hair she was holding and forced Cheryl’s face to pleasure her some more.
Andrew bent his legs a little and used his cock as a hole-detector, a little like a snake uses its tongue.  Cheryl squirmed at the sensation of something between her legs and tried to pull herself upright.  Jennifer tightened her grip.  “Fuck my cunt with your tongue, you bitch.  Do as you’re fucking told,” Jennifer ordered, grabbing Cheryl by the skull now and holding her head hard at her pussy.  Cheryl obediently began tongue-fucking Jennifer.  “Do you want cock?” Jennifer bellowed, lifting Cheryl’s head clear of her pussy. 
“I want fucking cock, I want…” was all Cheryl could manage before her mouth was full of shaven lips again and her tongue had automatically lost itself into Jennifer’s wet cavern.
Andrew was on target and could feel the hole of the blonde muff at the tip of his straining cock.  He thrust forward.  Cheryl tried to raise her head and Jennifer let her.  Their eyes met and all went still for a moment, except for Andrew of course.  One inch, two inch, three; it went on for a good seven, with Cheryl’s eyes widening further every step of the way.  Andrew slotted home his full length and squashed up against her voluptuous buttocks.  Jennifer smiled wickedly at Cheryl, who was now round-eyed and mouth open, before ramming her stunned face back to work.  Andrew retreated and thrust, retreated and thrust, and retreated and thrust.  Cheryl, still shocked, squirmed and heaved and wriggled, but continued to probe Jennifer’s innards with her tongue nonetheless.  Andrew had grabbed tightly onto Cheryl’s hips now and was giving her a good, hard shagging.
Cheryl liked the sense of being completely restrained – her head was restrained, her upper body was restrained, and now she was being restrained from behind, and well and truly fucked from behind also, to add to her pleasure. 
Every time Andrew drove into her, Cheryl’s face ground hard up over Jen’s hairless crease, the sensation driving Jen closer and closer to the moment.  The thought of knowing she was resisting Cheryl’s attempts to escape from her vulnerable position seemed to help too, as did the sight of her husband ‘doing’ Cheryl from behind.  Cheryl doesn’t even know who’s fucking her cunt, it could be anybody’s cock, she thought to herself, as she took another step closer to that place she so admired, seventh heaven.
Cheryl had let go of Jennifer’s breasts now and her one hand was between her legs squeezing her clitoris while a cock ruthlessly plundered her sanctity, and the other was selfishly pinching at her own breast, the nipple to be precise.  Cheryl’s tongue continued to loyally attempt penetration, though – not that Jennifer needed it now; what was going on in her head, and the movement of Cheryl’s face was bringing her off quite agreeably.
Andrew’s pace became frantic.  He looked at his wife’s face; it was all screwed up and she was thrashing about wildly.  He looked at Cheryl; she was leant over his wife licking manically at her cunt.  He looked at himself, his cock to be more specific; it brought such pleasure watching and feeling it ram between Cheryl’s generous cheeks and penetrate deep into her blonde pussy.  He started to pull ferociously on the hips he was holding, determined to give all he had to offer.  The slapping and the slurping and the groaning; it was driving him insane with lust.
“Oooooo,” Cheryl cried, as her upper body started to rise as if her back was cramping.  Jennifer’s legs released her from the grip and Jennifer used her legs to thrust her clean, reddened mound high in the air.  Cheryl managed to retain enough awareness to ram her fingers hard into Jennifer as her mouth left its recent home.  Andrew pulled even harder at her hips, making her sort of sit down hard on his cock as her torso neared a forty-five degree angle.  Jennifer snatched at her own breasts as Cheryl’s fingers fucked her as fast as a bees wings flap.  Andrew, with gritted teeth, twisted his head to his right.  He watched in the large mirror the reflection of Cheryl’s titanic tits splash about as a result of his penile efforts, with the blonde hair of her head in a tangled mess. 
Ahhhh…” Andrew growled, as he pumped into Cheryl erratically, sending her flailing from side to side – the reflection was orgasmic.
“Ooooo…ooooo,” Cheryl cried as her pussy detonated a shocking surge of pleasure throughout her body.
“Fuckers, eeahhhh,” Jennifer cried as her body rose up, arched, at least another foot from the sofa.
Seconds later they all collapsed in a wet, fleshy heap.  Cheryl fell onto Jennifer, her huge breasts surrounding Jennifer’s face; and Andrew collapsed over Cheryl, his cock still tucked away and pulsing inside her.  The room was motionless and silent, except for some gasps of relief with Elton John’s ‘Can you feel the love tonight?’ playing in the background.
It was a good five minutes before Andrew summoned the strength to peel himself off from the mass of bare flesh that led beneath; he made a squelching sound as his softening cock slipped out of Cheryl.  Cheryl groaned, and then rotated her body a little so that her feet fell lazily to the floor.  Jennifer sat upright as those mammoth breasts rolled from her face.  As Cheryl stood upright, Andrew leant over to one side, getting the full frontal view he’d so wanted to see earlier.  He zoomed in on her neatly-trimmed blonde triangle and smiled.  Cheryl zoomed in on Andrew’s cock, and smiled.  They looked at each other, smiled, and Andrew zipped off through the doorway to pound up the stairs.
“We must do that again sometime,” Jennifer said, as she snatched her clothes up from the floor.  Cheryl nodded in agreement whilst Jennifer too, pounded upstairs leaving her to get dressed and leave, she supposed.
The next few days had been good; Jennifer kept her work to a minimum and Andrew had given himself a few days off.  They’d enjoyed sunset walks along the coastline, rambles, and romps, in the countryside, visits to art galleries, dining out; all the things couples would normally do when they’ve managed to steal a little time for themselves. 
On the Saturday morning, Jennifer was up first, as usual.  She’d just showered, and clothed in her gown went downstairs to check her email.  (She never used Andrew’s computer - he had all sorts of things on there, for his work, and she didn’t want to be responsible for buggering something up; plus it sat on Andrew’s holy ground, in his den.)  She quickly ran through several to do with her work; nothing interesting.  Then she noticed one from Cheryl.  It read “Not too sure about what happened the other day, felt awkward about coming over to visit.  Let me know your thoughts, wouldn’t want to lose your friendship over it.  Love Cheryl.”  Ahhh, Jennifer thought, not giving it much more thought than that but had decided to give her a ring later that afternoon.  The next was from a ‘Dave’.  She knew a few guys with the name ‘Dave’, but none were clients and she couldn’t recall any that would know her well enough to be emailing her.  Intrigued, she clicked on the message.  “Have a look at the attached file.  I think you and I got some things to discuss.”  It read.  Jennifer’s eyebrows lowered, causing a crease to appear vertically between them as her mind tried desperately to form some sort of link with the name ‘Dave’, and things she may need to discuss with him.  She drew a blank and was about to delete it when her curiosity got the better of her.  She moved her pointer and double-clicked on the file, her mind still puzzling.  As she waited for the file to open she slouched back in her chair, leaning to one side and with her left hand under her chin, supporting her head.  Something appeared on the screen and she sprang bolt-upright and wide-eyed, her mouth slowly falling open.  She sat dead-still for a second, before hurriedly closing the file down and fighting hard against the temptation to lose herself in her developing hysteria.  As the horror vanished from the screen, Jennifer’s shoulders began to slouch and her head fell forward whilst her body slumped back, heavily, into the chair.  She lifted her hand to her stooped head…


Next week - Justice
© 2004 Kayleigh Combstock
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