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by zijjh
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1449332
The second part of my story about the after affects of time travelling in Chrono Trigger
Chapter 10: The Prophecy

Crono and Frog arrived back at the library where Magus had been researching the Kronos Stone. Apparently they had been the first to return. Crono hoped that everyone was safe, especially Marle and Lucca. Magus barely acknowledged their presence before explaining what he had learned about the Kronos Stone. It turned out that the Kronos Stone was not a stone, but a jewel. It was comprised of tiny particles called Kronites. They apparently had the power to reverse time and to quicken it. As far as Magus understood there was only one known to ever exist, in the year 1999. It supposedly existed in a place known as the Altar of the Mystic’s Heroes. Magus continued to explain that the Altar was in fact a large temple that was home to the graves of the Mystics, the magical beings who had fought for control of Guardia in the 600, the same ones that Magus himself had once ruled over.
Magus turned towards the two warriors, his gaze as cold as ever, and told them that the Altar was supposed to exist in the deepest section of a thick jungle that plagued the southern continent. The three warriors looked at one another, they had two choices wait for the return of the others or to go on ahead and leave a messenger behind. Not wanting to waste any time, the three decided to split up. Magus insisted that he would go, as the mystics were once his army. Glenn also volunteered; his Masamune was the most powerful weapon the group had against such magical beings. Crono looked at Glenn, asking if he was sure he could handle working alone with Magus, Magus simply snickered at this remark. Crono gave the two warriors a potion known as a Mega-Elixer; it would recover their wounds and mental focus completely if they were in danger. Glenn thanked Crono and promised to stay safe. Crono responded by saying that he would join them as soon as possible. With that the two heroes set off for the southern continent.
Glenn and Magus did not speak a single word to one another the entire trip. Glenn still had a hard time talking with Magus; despite the help he had given them during the battle against Lavos. He could not help but feel uneasy around his best friends killer. Magus sat quietly piloting the ship. He had only one thing on his mind, something that he had though about ever since the day he had been banished to the middle ages, he had to find his sister Schala. It was a thought the tormented him endlessly. He thought of nothing else. He felt in his heart, as closed as it had become, that the Goddess of Time was Schala, it had to be.
When the two arrived at the southern continent, they used the Epoch 3 to scan the dense jungle for any large buildings. To their amazement there were two different buildings. They set the Epoch 3 down in a small clearing, just north of the building and headed off towards it. To there surprise, they found that the first temple was in fact a Shrine to the Nu, a bizarre creature that had existed since before time and would continue to exist afterwards. The Nu was a strange creature that closely resembled a blue tomato with two small legs and two thin arms. The two warriors approached the shrine and found two treasures sitting on a platform, on a magnificent golden sword and the other a pitch-black scythe. The two heroes approached the altar and were amazed to be greeted by a Nu. It spoke of an ancient legend. The belief of the Nu was that two bitter enemies would join forces and rid the jungle of the evils that plagued it using the weapons of the Nu. These two heroes would save the world. Glenn and Magus took a long breath. They could not believe what they had just heard. Was it possible? Were they these ancient warriors? They slowly picked up the weapons. A ray of light shot from the sword paralleled by a black beam from the scythe. The two warriors looked at each other. What was the meaning of this? The Nu told them that they alone could defeat the evil and that they must go to the Altar of the Mystic’s Heroes. Without warning they were surrounded by a heavy fog and when it lifted they found themselves standing in front of the Altar of the Mystic’s Heroes. Glenn took a deep breath, while Magus simply walked ahead. They slowly entered the temple.

Chapter 11: The First Trial

The temple was dark and dimly lit. Aside from the entrance, there was no light coming in anywhere. Magus had a look of annoyance on his face, as he summoned forth a small fireball, which he used to light two torches on the wall. They were in a large room. They could see pictures of the various mystics that existed throughout history. Then they came upon a small stone tablet, no bigger then a hand. On it was written a story that explained that anyone seeking the Mystical Stone of Kronos would face many hardships and would have to endure three challenging trials. Magus scoffed at this, what could possibly be that difficult. Without a second thought the dark wizard proceeded deeper into the darkness.
The two warriors continued for some time, until they entered a room that held the tomb of a Mystic by the name of Heckran. The heroes proceeded slowly through the room, but suddenly, a circle of blue flames surrounded the tomb. The two heroes drew their weapons, but quickly remembered that the undead were only vulnerable to magic. Glenn cursed, while Magus simply stood there. Heckran slowly rose from the tomb. He was a large blue beast with ugly yellow spikes rolling down his back. He had two pairs of large yellow claws as well as two ugly yellow glowing eyes. It appeared, as the two heroes had no choice but to fight.
Glenn began to chant a spell. Without warning a huge tidal wave swept through the room. Heckran was swept into the wall. Heckran regained his composure and countered by summoning two large bubbles, which imprisoned the heroes. He followed up by charging into them, sending the heroes flying across the room. Glenn landed dangerously close to a sharp pike imbedded in the wall, so close in fact that blood slowly trickled out of his side. Glenn began to chant once again, but this time a warm aura enveloped him and his wound was magically healed. The room went black. Glenn looked around in confusion, when suddenly the middle of the room split apart and a large area of space could be seen. Glenn recognized this attack; Magus was casting Dark Matter, a powerful spell that called upon the powers of space and time. Without warning the room returned to normal and Heckran had disappeared. Glenn looked over at Magus, a tinge of anger in his eye. Glenn knew he could have handled Heckran.
The two heroes headed for the door, but stopped when they heard an odd noise. Clapping, someone was clapping. The two slowly turned around. Before them stood a tall, thin man with an odd blue tint in his skin. He was dressed in a long white overcoat and carried with him a long, sharp sword. Magus and Glenn both knew this man, albeit in different ways. The man’s name was Slash and he had been a powerful general in Magus’ army. Glenn had fought him several times before and knew that he was an extremely skilled swordsman. Slash greeted Glenn and Magus. He told Magus and Glenn that although he was the same being they had fought before, he now worked to protect the temple from those seeking the Kronos Stone. He was the first test that the two would have to pass to reach the Kronos Stone. He continued by saying that he was ashamed to have worked for a traitor like Magus and that Glenn was even more pitiful as a human then as a frog. Slash then lifted his sword and indicated that Magus and Glenn should do the same.
Slash came forward with a powerful thrust, just missing Magus, but piercing his cape. Apparently he was much faster then he used to be. Magus smirked. Glenn attacked Slash with all his might. While Glenn kept Slash busy, Magus began to cast Dark Matter. Slash looked at Magus and vocalized his pity; Magus was still using the same techniques he always had. Suddenly, a second Slash appeared behind Magus, who dove out of the way, narrowly escaping a fatal blow. Slash had not been able to do that back in the 600’s. The two heroes looked at one another, they were fighting a losing battle. Glenn heard a cry from down the dark corridor. He recognized the voice, but was unsure from where. A flying blur burst into the room delivering a powerful sidekick to Slash’s head. Then a fist came flying into the room and hit the other slash in the head. He disappeared. Slash reeled from the kick. Glenn and Magus looked around. Robo and Ayla had burst into the scene to help the two heroes. The cavewoman yell at Glenn to keep moving deeper into the temple, she and Robo could handle Slash. Glenn protested but was lifted into the air. Magus had not wasted anytime to get moving and was now carrying Glenn with him. The two heroes ran for the exit, which slammed shut, not a second after they had passed through.

Chapter 12: The Second Trial

Glenn was furious, why had Magus forced them to leave, they could have helped their companions. Magus turned to Glenn and reminded him of the prophecy, only they could get the Kronos Stone. Glenn nearly lost it; he couldn’t afford to lose another friend like he had lost Cyrus, especially not because of Magus. Magus reminded him that time was running out and that they had to keep moving. Glenn was just barely able to stop himself from slicing the Dark Wizard in half. He begrudgingly continued onward into the dark temple.
Magus and Glenn continued deeper into the temple. Glenn was in awe of how large the temple was. They finally arrived in a small room. It was plainly decorated, but Glenn took note of the images on the wall. Each wall was dedicated to one of the four elements of magic; lightning, water, fire, and shadow. In the middle of the room sat a small coffin. The two heroes prepared themselves for another battle, but nothing happened. The two continued to walk forward, proceeding slowly, with their weapons drawn the whole time.
When the reached the exit, they heard two voices telling them to stop. They turned around and saw Cyrus and Schala standing there in front of them. Cyrus walked over to Glenn and told him that he had been a terrible friend. Not only was he a lousy knight, but also he had allowed him to die at the hands of the very man he was working with. Glenn hung his head in shame. Schala had walked over to Magus and was scolding him for not protecting her. She was his sister and he had let her die. Magus too, looked away in shame. Cyrus and Schala told the two warriors that they were better off dead and that they could join them in the afterlife. The two warriors walked towards them ready to face death.
The walls began to shake. Dust fell from the ceiling when suddenly there was a large crash. Glenn looked to the wall that had just fallen in, there stood Crono, Marle, and Lucca. They had apparently crashed the Epoch right into the side of the temple. Lucca yelled at them to keep moving but Glenn refused. Lucca explained that they were in fact in the tomb of a powerful wizard by the name of Flea. Glenn realized that this must have been the second test, one of their inner strength. Suddenly, the whole room became enveloped in a purple mist and a strange woman appeared, this was the sorcerer Flea. Glenn looked at Lucca once more, she yelled at him to go, Glenn and Magus headed for the entrance leaving Crono, Marle, and Lucca to face off against Flea.
Flea was a strange creature. The three warriors had fought him once before. He seemed to believe that dressing and looking like a woman would help to confuse his enemies. He was small figure, with pink skin, a long red ponytail, and always wearing a sorceresses dress. The three knew that despite the awkward beliefs about cross-dressing that he held, Flea was in fact a powerful magician, with power that could rival Magus’. They prepared for a difficult battle.
Flea welcomed the heroes by sending a large whirlwind to chase them down. Crono rushed up to Flea and slashed with his sword, the Rainbow, which left brilliant streaks of colour behind with every swing. Marle and Lucca began to cast Antipod 3. Two large chunks of ice fell on Flea, followed by a searing flare that hit Flea hard. Flea shot back by casting a love spell on Crono, who then turned and attacked both Marle and Lucca. He came to, and realizing what had happened, and used a Mega-Elixer that he had in his pouch.
The battle was much tougher then the last time they had fought Flea. Then Crono had an idea, he instructed Marle and Lucca to keep Flea busy, while he summoned forth his most powerful spell. Marle and Lucca attacked Flea with fire and ice. Crono ran to the side and began to chant his spell. Fire and ice were being shot back between the powerful magician and the two heroines. Then a bright light emanated from underneath Flea. Marle turned to see Crono floating in midair. A large ball of electricity suddenly overtook Flea who was vaporized almost instantly. The three warriors took a moment to catch their breath, Flea was much more powerful that time. The three ran towards the door, but it was too late is shut just as they reached it. They decided to go back and rescue Ayla and Robo.
Chapter 13: The Kronos Stone

Glenn and Magus moved slowly throughout the rest of the temple. They didn’t even speak, although they had barely spoken prior to this. Glenn couldn’t help but worry about his friends. Had they won their battles, were they even alive? He knew he had to focus. There would be no help during the final trial; he would have to rely on himself. Magus turned, and almost as if he had read his mind, told Glenn that his friends were all right. He told Glenn that he would die if he did not focus on what was surely a tough battle ahead. Glenn stopped, how dare Magus lecture him on what he should or shouldn’t do. Glenn could take it no longer; he drew his sword and attacked Magus, knocking him over. Magus laughed, he asked Glenn if he believed killing him would bring back Cyrus. Glenn stopped as he realized the futility of his actions; he knew it wouldn’t bring Glenn back. He sheathed his sword and continued onward, before Magus had even gotten up.
Glenn arrived at a large room that was completely decorated in gold. In the middle stood an altar. On that altar was a small green stone. It was suspended in midair; this must have been the Kronos Stone. Glenn stopped for a moment he could tell that Magus had caught up. He turned to Magus and told him that they would have to fight together. Magus said nothing. Glenn approached the Altar. The stone was triangular with the symbol for infinity carved into it. Magus told Glenn that when he touched it the final trial would begin. Glenn wondered how Magus had known this, but then saw the inscription on the south wall. Glenn drew his golden sword, braced himself and lifted the stone from the altar.
The stone began to shine with all the colours of the rainbow. Glenn turned around and saw Magus charging towards him. Glenn pocketed the stone and dodged Magus’s attack. What had happened? He turned around and saw Magus simply standing to one side, his weapon concealed beneath his cloak. Glenn leaped forward and attempted to pierce Magus, who quickly dodged and asked what Glenn was doing. He shot back furiously by attacking Magus. Glenn asked why he had attacked him. Magus claimed he didn’t. Frog continued his barrage of attacks. Magus jumped back and began to chant a spell. A large black dome suddenly enveloped Glenn. Magus looked around the room, his blood-red eyes scanning every single nook and cranny. Glenn watched as Magus shot a fireball towards the top-left corner of the room. It revealed a large green creature floating in mid-air, wearing a long white robe.
Glenn recognized this creature as Ozzie; he was the second in command in Magus’ army. Ozzie laughed at Glenn’s incompetence. He had played him like a violin. His hatred towards Magus had allowed Ozzie to control him, and almost cost Magus his life. Magus removed the barrier from around Glenn. The three exchanged glances, then Magus let loose with a storm of lightning which hit Ozzie, sending him plummeting to the ground. Glenn followed by summoning forth a massive tidal wave, which swept Ozzie away. Magus and Glenn knew that Ozzie was a coward as they searched the room for any sign of him. Suddenly, both heroes were hit in the back with two fireballs. The two warriors were sent flying across the room, stopping only when they hit the wall. Apparently, this would be harder then they thought.
Glenn ran at Ozzie and slashed him with his sword. He cringed in pain, but shot back by summoning a large thunderbolt. Glenn took the full force of the blast and was knocked unconscious. Ozzie then turned his attention toward Magus. It was teacher vs. student. Ozzie had been the one to raise Magus and unlock his magical potential. He sent three large fireballs after Magus, who managed to dodge them, although they singed his cape. Magus began chanting his spell. A heavy fog settled in the room. Magus could hear the sound of Ozzie choking in the mist. Ozzie summoned a large twister, which quickly cleared the room. Ozzie was shocked, Magus had apparently learned some new magic, but it was no match for his. Ozzie shot a crystalline beam directly at Magus. Magus quickly summoned forth the same dome that held Glenn. The beam was reflected into the corner, knocking a large amount of rubble onto Magus.
Magus could hear nothing but Ozzie’s maniacal laughter. Ozzie slowly approached Magus, laughing. He told Magus what a disappointment he had been. He could have been the most powerful wizard of all time, but he had to side with the humans. Ozzie stepped back as a small fireball formed in his palm. Magus could only think of his sister, Schala. He would be with her once again. Death, after all, was the only place he had left to look for his sister. Magus could feel an intense heat. Was this death? Suddenly, Magus heard a piercing scream. He opened his eyes and could see Glenn. He had stabbed Ozzie straight through the heart. Ozzie screamed out once again. Had Glenn killed him? Magus then felt the rubble being lifted off of him. Glenn had saved him. Why? Magus had destroyed his only friend, why then, did Glenn help.
As the last pieces of rubble were lifted Magus was lifted to his feet. He and Glenn searched for a healing ointment and found a Mega-Elixer. The both took a drink and their wounds were instantly healed. The two looked around the dark room, until a door at the opposite end opened up and revealed sunlight. The two warriors stepped outside.
Magus looked around and saw a familiar person running though the trees. She was wearing a long purple robe and had long purple hair. Magus called his sister’s name and chased her. He turned a corner around a tree and was disappointed to find that she was gone. He wondered if it had been a mirage. He rejoined Glenn who had remained in front of the temple. The two suddenly heard a group of voices that the recognized. It was Crono, Lucca, Marle, Ayla, and Robo. Glenn reached into his pocket and revealed the Kronos Stone. The group cheered. They would finally be able to reach the Nexus of Time and put an end to the time vortexes. The group boarded the remaining Epochs and headed for the library to find out how to open the portal to the Nexus.

Chapter 14: The Nexus of Time

The seven warriors arrived back at the library without a problem. They opened the file that contained the information regarding the Nexus of Time. The legend said that once the pathway to the Nexus was opened, the only way back would be by the hands of the Goddess. The heroes looked at each other. The legend also said that in order to reach the Nexus the four treasures needed to be placed in a circle, with the oldest at the top a proceeding counter-clockwise. The heroes decided that it would be best to restock on supplies before proceeding to the Nexus. Crono, Marle, and Magus took off in the Epoch, while the other remained to study more about the Nexus.
Marle looked quietly out the window. She still hadn’t told Crono about his mother. He looked over at her and asked her what was wrong. She knew she had to tell him. She sighed heavily and began to tell Crono what had happened. He said nothing. He had lost his mother once before, and was determined to find her. Marle then turned to Magus. She told him about seeing Schala in the Forest Maze near the Reptite lair. He remained speechless. The three warriors completed the trip with nary a word.
By the time the three returned, darkness was beginning to settle. The seven warriors began their preparations for the trip to the Nexus. They knew it would be dangerous. Lucca placed the Chrono Trigger and the top of the circle. Working counter-clockwise, the heroes placed the Rainbow Shell, followed by the Kronos Stone, and finally the Sun Stone. The heroes looked at the four treasures for a moment. Then, to their amazement, a wide whole opened up in the floor. It resembled a wormhole, but was a mix of dark purples and blues. The heroes looked at one another. Ayla spoke up saying that she was not afraid and that they would stop the time vortexes. The cave woman then jumped into the hole in the floor. Robo, who had grown to respect the woman, quickly followed. Glenn went over to Marle and vowed to protect her always, with that they jumped in. Crono looked at Magus, who merely scoffed before heading down the wormhole. Lucca walked over to Crono and assured him that they would find his mother. Crono took comfort in this as he and Lucca jumped in the spiraling wormhole on the floor.
Crono felt as though his stomach was about to come out of his mouth, the same feeling one feels during a plummet on a roller coaster. All of a sudden he felt this numbness running up his leg. Apparently he had landed, hard. It took him a second to regain the feeling in his legs. He looked around. They were definitely in a different time and place. The sky was covered in dark purple clouds. They were on a small platform with a single door. All around them was a strange green and gold liquid. The seven warriors gathered close together. Ahead of them stood a lone figure. It was cloaked in a light purple cloak. It slowly drew back its hood and revealed the face of a young girl. The heroes gasped, the hooded figure was none other then Schala. She told the heroes that to reach her they would not only have to face their inner demons, but they would have to face themselves. The single door disappeared and was replaced by seven others, each with the name of one of the travelers. Then Schala disappeared.
The seven friends gathered in the middle. It seemed that they had no choice but to face their demons. Schala voice boomed, explaining that they would each have to face a person from their past. Then they would regroup for a final test. She also explained that only the person whose name was on the door could enter it. The seven heroes looked at one another. They decided it would be best to follow these twisted rules. They divided up all the healing tonics and headed for their respective rooms.

Chapter 15: Marle

Marle was the first to enter her room. She looked around. She was back at Guardia castle. She wondered what was going on. Suddenly, she saw her father before her. She ran to give him a hug; her and her father had never truly gotten along, but deep down she loved him. As she approached him he slapped her across the face. Marle began to weep. Finally her father spoke, he told her how worthless she was. He claimed that she was responsible for her mother’s death. The kingdom would die because of Marle’s lack of responsibility. Marle began to cry. Why? Why was her father saying these things? How could she have been responsible for her mother’s death? Marle bent over and cried even harder. Her father looked at her and told her how pathetic she was. He told her that she could never lead a country in this manner. She was worthless.
He withdrew a sword from his side. Marle looked at him and asked what he was doing. He claimed that she should die for her actions. Marle stood up. She didn’t want to die. She could only think of Crono. She remembered what it was like losing him. She never wanted to be separated from him ever again. She screamed out. Her father stopped. She walked towards him and told him that she loved Crono. She loved life. She loved her mother. She even loved her kingdom. She wouldn’t allow her guilt to control her any longer. The lights flickered violently, the walls shook, and then, as suddenly as he had appeared, the king disappeared. The whole castle disappeared around them. All that was left was a small room with a single door. Marle composed herself. It had all been a mirage. She slowly walked through the door though the door into a large arena. She looked deep within herself, deep down she knew that she had spoke the truth. She would no longer feel the guilt for her mother’s death.

Chapter 16: Lucca

Lucca slowly opened the door. On the inside she was amazed to see her mother’s room. It was different however; the walls were burnt and charred. She looked around and saw her mother sitting there. Her father walked in and asked Lara how she was feeling. Lara turned to Lucca. Her faced was scarred and badly burned. Lucca didn’t understand, this had never happened, in fact she had gone back in time and prevented the only accident ever, one that had cost Lara her legs. Taban continued by saying that the execution was taking place today. Lara looked down. She asked Taban how she could have let this happen to her only daughter. She had come in late one night and had got into an argument with her mother. Lucca had apparently set the house on fire with her power. Lucca fell back upon hearing this. She couldn’t have done this she loved her mother. Deep down however, Lucca felt an anger. Why had Spekkio given her the power of fire? Why the most destructive of all elements?
Tara turned to Lucca. She told her that she knew Lucca had always hated her. That was why she hadn’t freed her. Now look what she had done. She had almost killed her mother. Lucca couldn’t take it. Why? Was this true? Lucca looked deep inside her self. She knew she loved her mother. All she could think to do was hug her. She approached the burnt Lara and hugged her tightly. Lucca looked around; the walls began to liquefy around her. Her mother also disappeared, and Lucca was left standing in an empty room with only one exit. She proceeded to walk through the door and took a deep breath. She had changed the past, and although she could not predict the future, she knew she would always have her family by her side. With that thought she entered into the next test ready to face it no matter what.

Chapter 17: Magus

Magus opened the door with his name on it. He walked into a pitch-black room. Even living in a dark castle, his eyes were not used to such darkness. Magus scoffed, darkness didn’t bother him. But he then heard a voice in the darkness and quick withdrew his scythe. The voice was familiar. It spoke of how Magus had let himself to be enveloped by the darkness. He put up this façade of being the all-powerful dark wizard, but deep down he was still Schala’s helpless brother Janus. Magus scoffed at this comment. The voice continued, he spoke of how Magus had allowed the darkness control him. He wasn’t even able to control his own emotions. He was a shallow soulless being that had simply succumbed to the darkness. He was weak. Magus could feel the anger grow within him. Then before him stood someone he had not expected to be on this side of the door, himself.
Magus looked at this copy of himself. He lunged forward and cut his doppelganger in half. It was of no use; another twin simply took his place. Magus continued the attack and cut through himself three more times. Magus began to grow tired. He had not allowed the darkness to control him; nothing could control him. Then he began to think of his sister. He heard her tell him that he must always be true to himself, not to let others dictate his life. Magus then realized that his doppelganger was right; the darkness had consumed him. He felt a warm aura sweep over him. He closed his eyes and became enveloped in the warmth. When he reopened his eyes he saw a mirror. He was shocked. For years his skin had been a pale white. His eyes used to be blood red, his hair long and blue. It was what the powers of darkness had transformed him into. He used to look very similar to a vampire, but now he looked into the mirror and was a man of no more then 25. He had long flowing purple hair, his eyes were a brilliant shade of blue, and he was dressed in brilliant silver armor. He still carried his scythe, but it was now glowing a bright gold. Behind the mirror was a door. He headed through it. He felt such strength. His inner demons no longer tormented him.

Chapter 18: Ayla

Ayla charged into her room. It was cold and windy. This shocked the cavewoman, how could it have gotten so cold. She looked around. She was standing on the bridge, which lead to Ioka village. Everything was coated in a brilliant white snow. I was a magnificent site, but the cavewomen couldn’t help but feel sorry for her people. She had caused this tragedy to befall them. If only she had been stronger or faster she could have stopped Azala from causing this never-ending winter. On the other end of the bridge was a single blonde haired man. He was dressed in several furs. His face was well defined and he was clearly in good shape. Ayla loved this man. He was her husband after all.
Kino slowly walked forward. Ayla smiled, Kino had always made her feel good. Kino blamed her for the death of the Larubans, if she hadn’t gone to their village the reptites wouldn’t have burnt down their village. He also blamed her for the winter that plagued the villagers. If she had only killed Azala sooner, she wouldn’t have been able to summon Lavos from the sky. Ayla felt the guilty for the trouble faced by her people. She asked herself if they had truly been her fault. Then she remembered what Robo had said to her. He had told her that she had done what she needed to do. She had done what was needed to save the lives of all the people of both villages. Ayla walked over to Kino and said that she was sorry, but would not give up on her people. Suddenly, the wind howled and the snow flew around her. Then the whole world vanished. She proceeded towards the door that had been left in its place. She knew now that she would be able to provide all the villagers, both Ioka and Laruban to live long happy lives.

Chapter 19: Robo

Robo paused before going into his room. He wondered who would greet him on the other side. This was Robo’s nature, always analyzing every situation, however he had only one goal in mind, to make it through to help her friends. As he walked into the door he was amazed to see his home, or rather the factory he was created in. Geno Dome was a cold and heartless place. Everything was metal. Robo could remember coming here before and having to face Mother Brain. He slowly walked deeper into the factory. He looked around the factory. His memory banks had been damaged and he had forgotten how miserable a place the factory was. He continued to wander deeper into the factory, until he heard a voice.
Robo looked around. Before him stood a bright pink Robot. She wore an aqua-green ribbon. Robo knew who this was, it was his love, if a robot could love, Atropos. Atropos walked towards Robo lovingly. She told him that he really should end the charade. He should join his robot brethren and help them to rid the world of the inferior humans. Robo was stunned; he knew that Atropos would never have wanted this from him. Was this really what Atropos wanted? Could she really want him to kill his friends? Robo turned to Atropos and embraced her. He would do anything for her. Robo turned to Atropos and slammed her into the wall. This was not Atropos, but a cheap illusion. He looked at the mangled robot in front of him. He knew she wasn’t his love. An illusion couldn’t be used to confuse a robot, even one with human emotions. The factory began to spark and exploded around Robo. When Robo stood up, a door appeared in front of him. He walked through empowered by his loyalty to his friends.

Chapter 20: Glenn

Glenn knew who would be on the other side. It would be Magus, the man he hated. It was the only man that could be there. Glenn opened the door and found himself at the top of a mountain range. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining brightly, the birds were chirping, a pristine waterfall flowed beside him. However, the beauty of this scene was lost on him. He focused squarely at the four figures in front of him. Before him stood Magus, Ozzie, a much younger version of himself, and a well-armored knight. The knight wore a purple cape and shining black armor. He carried a large golden sword and had a small scar under his right eye. This was Cyrus, at the prime of his life and in full glory. Glenn watched the scene, which had played over in his mind many times. This was when Magus had killed Cyrus. Magus shot a single bolt from his finger and Cyrus died instantly. The whole room went black. All that was left was the corpse of Cyrus and Glenn.
The corpse slowly lifted itself off of the floor. Cyrus looked straight at Glenn. He asked him if he had gotten over his death. Glenn couldn’t look at Cyrus. Cyrus, asked Glenn if he had the strength to accept his death. Would he be able to kill his friend? Cyrus charged and Glenn. Glenn dodged the attack. Why was Cyrus attacking? Cyrus laughed and ordered Glenn to kill him. Cyrus attacked again, this time cutting Glenn in the arm. Glenn continued to dodge Cyrus’ attacks for what seemed like hours. Cyrus laughed at his friend’s weakness. How could he expect to save the world if he couldn’t even face his friend? How could he protect the Queen? Glenn charged towards Cyrus, his sword drawn. The two fought intesnly for what seemed like hours, but was in fact, fewer the thirty seconds. Finally, Glenn struck. Cyrus cringed in pain and fell to the floor barely alive. A single tear rolled down his cheek as Glenn hit Cyrus with a fatal blow, through the stomach. A single drop of blood fell on the floor. It transformed into a medal, a medal engraved with Cyrus’ final words to Glenn, “Never be afraid to do what is hard.” Glenn picked up the medal and walked towards the single door that had taken his friends place. He walked through ready to face any challenge he had to.

Chapter 21: Crono

Crono was the last to enter his room. He had waited to make sure all his friends had been safe as they entered. Crono took a deep breath. He had a secret. It was how he had learned his skill with the Katana. It was the reason his father had died. It was why he protected his mother so dearly. He could only hope it was not waiting for him on the other side of the door. He walked in slowly.
He was in Guardia Forest. He cringed, why, why now, why this. He looked around. He could see himself, at age 7. He was looking for mushrooms with his father. His father was a strong man with bright red hair. He exuded confidence in every move. Crono knew that he would have to watch the horrifying scene again. One of the bushes rustled, Crono went over to investigate. His father screamed at him to stay back, but it was too late, a Naga-ette had jumped out was headed straight towards Crono. His father jumped at the monster and attacked it ferociously. His father had managed to kill the Naga, but fell to the floor.
Crono ran over to his father. In his arm was a single Naga fang. Crono cried out. Blood was flowing from the wound and was slowly covering the young Crono. He began to cry. His father looked at him and told him how much he loved him. Crono continued to cry. Naga poison was a terrible thing. Crono’s father screamed in agony. His body became covered in boils. One by one, they exploded and blood poured out from them, covering the young Crono. His father died in young Crono’s arms. Crono stood up, covered in blood and walked out of the forest. Older Crono knew what happened next. He went home and told his mother the events. He swore to her there and then that he would protect her no matter what. That was why he had taken up the Katana.
Crono felt a tap on his shoulder. He drew his sword and turned around. He quickly replaced his sword and hugged the person behind them. It was his father, standing there in front of him. Crono cried quietly. It was a complete turn around from the usual gung ho attitude of the warrior. Crono smiled, but suddenly felt an agonizing pain. He looked down; a knife was stuck in his lower abdomen. Crono stumbled back. He fell to the floor and gasped for breath. He looked at his father and fell to the floor barely alive. Crono heard Marle, Lucca, Glenn, Magus, Robo, and Ayla call for him. With his last ounce of strength he began to chant a spell. He looked at his father before succumbing to the pain.
Crono’s father stood over his dead son. He laughed at how pathetic his son was, but suddenly, a warm light fell upon Crono. A single angel came down and began to weep over the body of the fallen hero. The wound in his stomach began to heal. Crono slowly stirred and opened his eyes. His father was still standing there in front of him. Crono slowly got to his feet and withdrew his sword. Crono looked at the man before him. It was not his father. His father would never have hurt him. Crono used all of his energy to thrust his sword forward into the body in front of him. Blood slowly poured out. Crono’s father looked at him. He asked why. Crono turned struck his father. His father disappeared. The forest disappeared behind him. A single tear rolled from Crono’s eye. His father loved him and would never have harmed him. Crono slowly walked towards the single door within the room. He loved his father and would protect his mother with even more determination then ever before. Crono swore on his father’s grave, he would find his mother. With that Crono walked through the door, into an arena, when all his friends awaited them.
© Copyright 2008 zijjh (zijjh at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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