Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1449292-Depths
Rated: E · Poetry · Nature · #1449292
Heroic crown of sonnets about the faces of the sea. Feedback needed!
1. Logical
Horizons straight speak peace into my mind,
A mind that looks for patterns everywhere.
They show the order that's so hard to find
Within our world. Yet strongly I declare

That here the world is full of certainty.
The tides are governed always by the moon:
That they ebb and flow is a guarantee.
Puzzles only lie in how soon, how soon.
These rules are soothing-that there is a plan,
To calculate the truths, to analyze,
To see the logic surface to the grand
Completeness hidden to my searching eyes.

The patterns preach dependability
And waves of hair remind me of the sea.

2. Artistic
The waves of hair remind me of the sea.
The waves, the sea, it rolls up to the shore
And engulfs my toes, tumbling to my feet
Then recedes. So I stand and wait for more.

The distant water winks its enchantments,
A million diamonds reflect the sun's rays,
So I wink back at the sun's bright glint
Joining with the sea in the game it plays.

The color palette is mixed carefully
To give the impression of breadth and depth
And rolling and foaming and rippling.
My hair and the water are windswept.

The brushstrokes of the waves are intertwined
While shades of blues and greens I try to find.

3. Beautiful
The shades of blues and greens I try to find
Come into focus on a tumbling wave,
While all patterns and voices unkind
Are caught by undertow and swept away.

The surface of the water breaks with life
As life itself is bubbled to the shore.
The surface bursts with sea creatures that thrive
Beneath the depths, the ocean's quiet floor.

Yet everywhere the ocean does depart,
Does tease, as if to all meet on the land.
It lingers on the sand, then off it starts,
As if it's done its job. It cleanses and

Refreshes, so the ruin and debris
are lost, or just invisible to me.

4. Fallen
It's lost, or just invisible to me-
This calmness, smoothness people blather on,
This happiness that should accompany
The sea, the beach, the sand to lie upon.

The depths thunder their anger to the sky,
They threaten, argue, shatter on the coast,
Like a vase thrown in a fit, and thereby
Pierce through flesh, and thus do injure most.

Below the surface, all is brought to silence.
It suffocates the voices as it stills.
The wild water overwhelms with vengeance
And drowns all out like overgrown anthills.

The figures struggle through their tortured mime,
And I speak to fill the emptiness in time.

5. Vocal
I speak to fill the emptiness in time
And break the silences that agitate.
I loosen up the company of mine
And story-tell to mollify the weight.

The sea's attention is unwavering.
My voice traipses across the broad expanse
And seems to cure the weather of its sting,
Carrying the words across the distance.

No answer back, so I continue on
With words, some empty, some that drip with soul.
Both get tangled up in the horizon,
Now forever undistinguishable.

I'll try again, perhaps, some other day,
Though I do like to hear what others say.

6. Silent
How I do like to hear what others say:
The views and moods that I have never known
Wash over me, they drench me in a wave;
So soaked in thoughts that never were my own.

I sit as still and quiet as I can
To listen to the language of the sea,
To what it says to sky and shore and sand,
And understand its messages for me.

The solitude engulfs the inner depths
Of this whole scene. Does the sea get lonely
When there is no one who hears its breaths?
The exhaled rush of water answering

The gasping winds ring in these bones of mine.
This ocean breeze could occupy all downtime.

7. Lazy
This ocean breeze could occupy all downtime,
So that every heartbeat every day will
Tick in the rhythm and sound in the rhyme
Of lulling songs that hum with gentle skill.

I bury my feet in the scorching sand
To feel the textured heat work through my toes.
I spread my arms to lean back on my hands,
And look to freeing sky with blue eyes closed.

The trees lean back in leisure and in rest,
Joining me in my great admiration.
The time slows down, sun lingers in its quest
To night, drenching me in relaxation.

I look across the land and wish to stay,
But obligation beckons me away.

8. Hardworking
My obligations beckon me away.
I hear their voices in the trees, whispering
Cruel reminders I wish to betray,
But I know I must answer their stirrings.

The light hangs slightly to the western sky,
Weighted down by massive unseen loads
Of burdens, piled on bricks; and, though still high,
The sun looks tired and weary on its road.

The ocean goes about its tasks as well.
As if it had wasted its afternoon,
It hastens tides and activates the swells
To beat the night's unveiling of the moon.

Instead of now attending to routine,
I care to sit and contemplate this scene.

9. Serious
I care to sit and contemplate this scene
And let deep thoughts ride to me on a wave.
I fall into them and am lost between
Myself and somewhere deep and dark and safe.

I look past water's surface to the deep
Of murky waters, silencing the din
Of meaninglessness, freeing those beneath
To the place where liberation seeps within.

The brilliant blue expanse that lies ahead
Holds many secrets yet to be unlocked
And meanings trapped beneath things still unsaid,
Under millions of grains of sand and rock.

Into this grainy darkness I could sink.
On second thought, I gallop to the drink.

10. Free-wheeling
On second thought, I gallop to the drink
To splash through water's effervescent chill
And let the foam propel me to the brink
Of rapture which in me it is instilled.

The surface of the water bobs with fish
Who spend all day in ocean's sun-bathed cheer.
Those sprightly creatures basking in the rich
Worth of the unrestraint and freedom here.

The water churns and bubbles in its dance,
Adorned with soft whitecapped embellishments.
It calls me in its rhythm and romance
To dismiss time and let down my defense.

I have become a friend of this marine
And do prefer to stick to this routine.

11. Traditional
I much prefer to stick to the routine
And hope my neighbors feel the same way too.
The comfort of the place where we've convened
Compels us to prolong the night's curfew.

The sun attempts to stay among the clouds,
To fight with nature's cycles to remain
Forever with me in this moment's shroud,
With safety, all predictably the same.

The grains of sand scream pain at each new foot
That takes a step upon its untouched shore.
No change, no shift, no difference may put
A finger onto what has been before.

The site is perfect just this way, I think,
Though novelty can happen in a blink.

12. Progressive
The novelty can happen in a blink
To change the things I've thought of as the norm.
I welcome the new clouds that drift in sync
With the ocean's rolling varying form.

As tides recede, I say goodbye to sea
But find the little treasures it has brought
From ocean's floor. Departure may be
Displeasing, but what's left behind is not.

The fiery sky tells of the end of day
And ushers in the cool of evening.
The shadows stretch longer and shapes are changed
As novel perspectives are emerging.

What to do with these changes and welcomes
When angst and indecision is my anthem?

13. Doubtful
This angst and indecision is my anthem
As day becomes night and blue becomes black.
The ocean is churning, mad and lonesome
But I can't approach it, can't see it, can't go back.

Trees fidget in the wind-so cold and mean:
It chills, unsettles, unnerves in a gust.
The sand is picked up to form a ravine.
I can't make a move, though I know that I must.

I stand in a trap, one foot on each side.
A glance to the sea, a gaze to the land.
Each is inviting but I must decide;
Both seem too dark from the place where I stand.

To this obscurity I could succumb,
But I hold to hope for lovely outcomes.

14. Hopeful
I will hold to hope for lovely outcomes
For even in night, the light is not gone;
Stars' glimpses of light send down a soft hum
And hours of darkness do not last past dawn.

Maybe tomorrow the trees will bear fruit
And will not labor in standing upright.
Its fruit will be sweet right down to the root
And ooze wholesome juices with every new bite.

Tomorrow will bring new tasks to be done,
A challenge, a trial, and maybe despair.
But I will not fret for I know it will come
When the birds first start their morning fanfare:

The sun will rise triumphant from behind
Horizons straight, speaking peace to my mind.

15. Culmination
Horizons straight speak peace into my mind
While waves of hair remind me of the sea.
Deep shades of blues and greens I try to find-
They're lost, or just invisible to me.

I speak to fill the emptiness in time
Though I would rather hear what others say.
This ocean breeze could occupy all downtime
But obligation beckons me away.

I care to sit and contemplate this scene...
On second thought, I gallop to the drink.
I much prefer to stick to the routine;
Still, novelty can happen in a blink.

Though angst and indecision are my anthems,
I always hold to hope for lovely outcomes.
© Copyright 2008 olivia12 (emdygirl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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