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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Relationship · #1449249
Emily struggles with the loss of love and fighting demons in her dreams for the last time.
Emily tossed and turned in her bed. The dreams came again tonight. When they did it was all she could do to survive the night. The past few had been worse than usual.
She was covered in a thin sheen of cold sweat. Her blonde hair was plastered to her face. Her eyes were open, her pupils dilated fully, although she was asleep.
Before, when she was young and the dreams had started coming to her, she didn’t know why they did. After school she would rush to the local metaphysics shop and talk to the ladies and read books. Once, she even scheduled an appointment with the palm reader who came in once a week. But she didn’t have the guts to actually go. What twelve year old gets a palm reading?
The Ladies had given her oils and instructions. Candles and instructions. Crystals and instructions.
When it never worked, they just said it must be a gift. Emily was furious.
The Dreams weren’t nice. She saw blood smeared on inner house walls, car accidents, and death during childbirth, murder weapons and men in ski masks running in the dark.
Now that she was older, 21 to date, and she had a steady job that paid well, a nice apartment and car the dreams were worse. They were deeper and harder to escape from now. She had tried drowning herself with liquor, smoking pot, and she even tried cocaine once. Cocain made them worse than ever, she never touched it again.
She saw a psychologist on a regular basis, but still hadn’t told him about the dreams.
So tonight, while the moon was on its slow way out and the sun was thinking about waking up, she wrestled unbeatable demons in her dreams.
Her demon tonight was Him.
The Him that had made her life perfect, and made the dreams bearable.
Him who had dropped her after years of companionship and vows of love forever.
Him who shared her life and the only one who really understood with what she struggled.
The house

Outside it was dark, the wind was blowing and the moon was full.
An owl made its presence known nearby but she didn’t hear it clearly.
She couldn’t take her eyes off the lighted window before her. She knew whose house it was, despite never seeing it. The ground was wet with cold dew, her feet still bare, still in the shirt and panties she had wore to bed.
Before her the figures were moving, unaware of her presence. She saw the figure of a man.
Him. She couldn’t see him clearly, but she knew it was Him.
That girl who had groveled at his feet for so long like all the others. All for a chance. A chance of what? To find out for themselves just how perfect his "boyfriend skills" are?
She scoffed at the idea of her begging him for a chance of "together".
She scoffed because she knew that no respectable young lady, let alone a woman would beg for anything but her life.
And she had begged and waited, watched, and wanted Him.
The wind blew suddenly and lifted her off her feet, everything went black around her.
She found herself inside the House, and inside the Room.
She shielded her eyes and whimpered as tears rose to her eyes at what she saw before her. The wall came up against her back and she slide down it and whimpered again helplessly.
The Horror of what she saw.
Before her was Them. Him. Her. Together
In the way she could never be with Him.
She could hear everything.
"I've never done this before."She said
Something yanked her hands away from her face and pulled them behind her back. She could feel something around her wrists and she struggled against it. She shut her eyes tightly, and then something pulled on her eyelids and forced them open. Her eyes didn’t dry, but she couldn’t blink them. What felt like forceps, was holding them open?
She saw Him caress Her face softly. His chest bare and Her before him in pants and a bra.
Tears streamed down her eyes as she watched Him peel away Her pants as He kissed Her.
"STOP! Just stop it, your not alone, I’m in here!" she screamed helplessly.
They didn’t stop or turn around. Her cries went unheard before Them.
"That’s ok, I will never hurt you." He whispered.
In her ears it was a scream. Her ear drums pounded inside her head and she screamed out in pain.
"I Love You." He whispered again.
Emily doubled over with sharp pain in her chest. She screamed.
This time she was heard, and They quickly turned around.
Emily’s hands flew to her chest. Blood flowed freely from a knifeless wound.
His words had stabbed.
"What is SHE doing here?"His girl yelled in disgust.
"Emily!" He yelled. He ran to her, but was stopped short as a barrier went up around her.
From behind it, with the blood spreading and soaking her shirt and the carpet below her, she reached out to him. Blood fell from her lips as she mouthed his name.
He banged against the invisible barrier that held her apart from him.
For the last time in her life His words, Jacobs’s words, killed her.
Emily didn’t wake up.
They say that true love kills.

© Copyright 2008 jessness (misfitsfan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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