Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1449011-Bloody-Axe
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Death · #1449011
This is inspired by Edgar Allan Poe. Enjoy!

Some say I am crazy. Some mortals say I am. But, I have thoughts that no mortal would ever dream to think! No man, no woman, no child! For who am I you ask? I am the man who has helped the world, and cleaned it of it's miserble people, cleansed the world of it's evil! For I am....

Chapter 1: The Begining.

March 15th, 2008.

I am sitting alone on my sofa, watching telivision. My wife and kids have gone out to the store to get some groceries, and I am sick with a cold, so I stay behind and rest. It's been 3 hours since they left, which is more then the usual time it takes to get groceries. The average time is about forty-five minutes, an hour, or maybe even an hour and a half. "Maybe they just had car problems, maybe the car just broke down!" I said silently outloud to myself. However, my wife's cellphone was fully charged when they left. They would call me if that happened, and they would also call me if they knew they were going to be late. I just simply thought to myself "Maybe she lost her cellphone, or maybe they just haven't noticed how long they have been out."
I highly doubted that, although I kept on thinking it just to confort myself. My family is everything to me. If they died, then my soul slowly dies on the inside. For, once, I have been told: 'Death is a great loss, but death is not the greatest loss in life, the greatest loss in life is what dies inside of you while you live.' For my skin turns ghost pale. I have worried about my family ever since my uncle died from getting shot in the head with a shotgun, which he was gunned down right in front of me.
Me and my uncle, who's name was Erric Benjerman, were at the graveyard, looking at old 'historic' tombstones from over 100 years ago. After about, what seemed to be an hour of looking at old tombstones, we decided it was time to head back home. We were just slowly walking back to the car, while there was a small, cool, relaxing breeze in the air, and red flowers blooming around a path of stone, which the stone had been carved out, it was natural rock, and some of the stones were grey, redish-black, and so on. We were about 10 feet away from the car, when some crazy lunitic drives in the 'parking lot' like area.
He drove extremly fast, and he slightly crashed into the back of our car. He jumped out of the car, and told us to stay down. We thought it would be wise to listen to him, for this man looked phsyco, like a mad man. He reached into a car, and grabbed out something, it looked like a long stick at first, but then I took a closer look. It was a shotgun, but I am no professional when it comes to the 'gun category' so I could not tell you what kind of gun.
"Give me all your money! Or i'll kil both of you!"
We did not bring any money, and my uncle told him that, The criminal said "I am seriouse! Give me the money or i'll kill both of you right now! I got my hand on the trigger!"
We tried to tell him the truth, but he would not listen. He said "That's it I'm killing you both!"
Gently, he squeezed the trigger. Slowly, very slowly, he squeezed the trigger. He was just about to finally pull it all the way, but then something saved us.
The sound of loud gunshots came out of, what seemed like nowhere. At first, I thought it was the shotgun that the criminal was holding us hostige with. But as I looked at him, it was not that. There was a cop chase, that was coming into the ancient graveyard. There was a white van with a broken window, with a gunman in the back, taking advantage of the broken window by shooting through it. He was shooting at the, oh, what seemed like thousands of police cars which were all chasing him.
© Copyright 2008 Leonidas (medivalrocks at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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