Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1448602-another-tuesday
Rated: XGC · Other · Adult · #1448602
a sadistic sexually motivated killer finds new toys. Story incomplete Need reveiws
It has been a long hard day, he's finally off work. After pulling a double shift he can barely stay awake. The heater fan is buzzing the windsheild wipers are slapping out a steady beat and his favorite radio station is half static with the storm blowing in. As Ghost Riders on the Storm comes on the radio he thinks he sees something just past his head lights. He drives on looking toward a shape in the shadows, it's a person.

He pulls up next to a young woman walking along a busy road, it's after three in the morning and she looks like she is in a hurry. As he comes to a stop he rolls down the passenger window and asks if she'd like a ride, a little concerned she convinces herself he is harmless and agrees to get in. As they drive the rain begins getting harder and harder.

Breaking the akward scilence she says "It looks like you picked me up just in time. Thanks for the ride."

"No problem." He replies as he begins to look her over, "where ya headed?" he asks with a southern drawl,

"I live in the dorms just another mile up the road, I had to work late and missed the bus."

"Where ya work?" he asks.

"Well, it's a gentlemen's club up the way, I'm a dancer." she proclames rather proudly.

He kinda grins as he hits the heater and says "well that beats making a living on your back."

Mildly offended she says "I'll have you know I'm still a virgin!"

"Really?" he says intriuged. "I've never had a virgin before, I may keep you for awhile."

Begining to realize the trouble she's in, she says "let me out here I'll walk the rest of the way."

Laughing an evil laugh he says "no, you'll be going nowhere. You belong to me, hell I may even let you live if you learn fast."

Frantically trying to get out she first tries the door, it's locked. As it turns out the lock lever is missing and so is the interior handle of the door, she tries the seat belt. It's been broken and won't come undone. As she fights to get out of the car he grins,

"My dear you are only wasting your time, as entertaining as this is I must insist you stop your flailing around, it's very distracting."

"Go to hell!" She screams as she tries to escape again. "I don't know what you are planning but you'll never get away with it." she cries thru her tears.

"My dear, what I was planning for you has now changed, your fight is going to be fun. As for getting away with it... I've been at this for years, you will be no different. You can see I don't seem to concerned about getting caught." he replies. As an after thought he adds with a grin

"you are safe for now, you'd better rest. You'll need it."

They pass her dorms and the campus she attends and her heart sinks in her chest because she knows she's helpless and nobody knows. He looks over at her and sees the look of dispair on her face.

He breaks the scilence by saying "I've been waiting for that."

"For what?" she asks almost uncaringly.

"For your spirit to break. It usually takes longer and much more work on my part."

"Fuck it, you're gonna kill me and who knows what else. Why give you the fight you're looking for?" She replies.

Laughing to himself he says "I'm sure you'll change your mind when the fun begins."

As he drives on her thoughts race.
“What is he going to do to me? How can I escape? Maybe this is some sorority initiation. Maybe this is for real, what if it is? Who is going to tell my mom I’m missing? What if no one notices?”

Her thoughts are interrupted by his voice. “You hungry?”

“Are you fucking kidding me?!” she asks, obviously pissed off.

“No, I’m serious. Are you hungry or not?”

Her thoughts are shifting to a college prank, so she goes with it. “Yeah, a little.” She says now finding comfort in his, almost comforting, concern for her.

“What would you like?” He asks as if nothing was out of the norm.

“A burger sounds good.”

“Fries and a coke?” he asks.


“Yeah what?”

Some what confused she says “Yeah please.”

“That’s better, you will use your manners if you expect to get any where with me, understood?”

Now feeling like a child she looks at her feet and mumbles “yes”.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, sir.” She says sarcastically.

With out a second's pause he smacked her face and with out looking at her he says, “If you are having a hard time with your manners I will beat them into you. If you still have a problem controlling your tongue I will control it for you. Do you understand me?”

“Yes sir.” she says holding her cheek and running her tongue over the split he left on her lip.

Not a word is spoken as they drive on. She concentrates on the scenery and listens to the hum of the tires. With the heater blowing full boar she takes off her jacket and puts it on her lap. He looks over at her and notices her chest then returns his eyes to the road with a look of disappointment on his face. Seeing his expression she looks down at herself and looking out the window she wonders what is wrong with her tits.

A fast food restaurant has a light on in the distance. As they approach the drive thru he turns to her and says “If you are quiet this will be pleasant, if not…” with a grin he adds “ well, I’ll enjoy it.” Putting her hands in her lap she says nothing. He orders and pulls to the window to pay.

Looking across the car the cashier asks “Hey don’t you work at the titty bar up the road?”

Before she can say a word he replies “she’s a home maker. You must have her confused for some one else. Have a good night.” Taking their food he drives away.

“Very good.” He says to her as he hands her, her food.

“Thank you sir.” She replies as she dives into her food.

As they drive on she studies him. His strong hands firm on the wheel, his square jaw is set, his eyes are locked on the road, his shoulders square and his posture resembles a statue.

She found herself getting turned on to think he was going to take her.
“I’m going to fight like hell, if he wants it he is going to have to earn it.” she tells herself.

“You’ve been mighty quiet” he says. “You’re not planning an escape are you?” He asks almost like a joke.

“No, I’m wishing I’d have told my boss to piss off when he said I had to work late
tonight.” she replies.

“You’ve got a foul mouth on you. I know I told you to control your tongue I‘d hate to be forced to cut it out. You will watch your language and your manners, understood?”

“Yes sir, sorry.” she says with her head down.

He drives on for at least ten more minutes before he looks at her and says “I may regret this eventually…” As his words trail off her heart tries to jump from her chest. She wonders “regret what?”

He pulls over, turns off the car, gets out, takes the keys and locks his door. She watches him very closely, unsure of what he is going to do. He stops at her door and unlocks it, still not sure if he should open it. She can almost see his thoughts on his face. With a grunt he decides to open her door and says “get out”.

Not knowing how to respond she hesitates. Put off by her speed he grabs a handful of hair and pulls her out of the car. Shocked and scared she follows along. Once out of the car he shuts the door and throws her against the car. Any ideas that this was a prank are now gone.

He lets go of her to get a good look, as he backs up she tries to run for it. She got a step or two in before he had her by the arm. She begins to cry not knowing what else to do.

“That’s enough” he says very sternly.
She tries to stop but has a hard time.

“Are you quite done?” He asks if her whimpers are about to end. “Good, now if I am going to allow you to live you’ll have some rules to learn and live by."

“Yes sir” she responds with a shiver. The freezing rain is pouring down and her thin t shirt is soaked.

“Pay close attention, I don’t want to repeat myself” he says. She crosses her arms to hide her hardening nipples. He looks her up and down and says “Number one, you belong to me! Your thoughts, your feelings, your body are all mine! Number two, basic needs like food, water and air, I will not deny you completely. Clothes, shoes and comfort are at my discretion. Number three, I will not be questioned. What I say, goes. Number four, you will do as you are told without hesitation, regardless of pain, discomfort or humiliation. Do you have any questions?”

“Yes sir, one. What happens if I disobey?”

“You will be punished, if it’s continual you’ll be tortured, killed and fed to the pigs. Any other questions?”

“No sir” she answers timidly.

“Now then, the reason for this stop. I want to inspect my new toy. Put your hands on top of your head and leave them there.”
As she lifts her arms her shirt rises a little. Her B cup tits are firm and her nipples are showing hard thru her t-shirt. Her jeans are low cut and her red thong is barley showing over the top.

“Turn around.”
She turns slowly and as she does he squeezes her ass. Taking her by surprise she acts on instinct and smacks his hand away and turns around before she thinks of the position she is in.

“My dear, you have broken the rules.”

“I’m sorry sir.” she sobs “I didn’t mean to…I forgot where I was and…”

“Then this will help you remember” he interrupted. “Take off your pants, now!”
She stands there as if she didn’t know what to do. SMACK! A right hand lands on her cheek.

“I said NOW!”
Without a second thought she drops her pants and puts her hands back on her head.

“Turn around and put your hands on the hood.”

“Yes sir” she says as he is undoing his belt.

“Well, as long as you understand that this part of your training” he says as he draws back and with out warning lands his leather belt on her ass. With the first strike she jumps a bit and he grabs her hair. He lands a second, much harder then the first.

“Now stand up” he demands.
She turns around, puts her hands back on her head. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction she refuses to let the tears in her eyes fall. With her hands on her head, her pants on the ground and reddened face and ass she looks at him. With his left hand he pinches her nipple, with his right he pulls out a hunting knife that was holstered on his hip. Showing her the eight inch blade he rests it on her throat. With one fast swipe he cuts her shirt, going right between her tits, leaving only a scratch from her throat to her belly button.

“Take off the shirt, pick up your clothes and put them in the back seat.”
He opens the door as she quietly does as she is told. She sits down and he closes the door behind her. He goes around, gets back in, starts the car and drives on as if nothing had happened.

He turns off the main road and says “my dear, we are almost home”.

She says nothing and looks at the scratch on her chest. Unsure of what to make of her situation she can only cry.

“Dry your eyes. As long as you listen and learn, you’ll live” he says in an almost scolding manner.

“Yes sir” she replied wiping her eyes.

He pulls into the drive way, gets out and opens her door.
“Leave your shoes in the car.” he says as he opens the garage door.
She slips out of her shoes and gets out of the car. He leads her into the garage and as she walks in she sees a closet full of woman’s clothes.

“Who’s are those sir?”

“They’ll be yours when you are allowed clothes.”
He leads her to a tool chest in the corner of the room. As he is doing something in the tool box she has an idea to run.

“Don’t do it. You’ll regret it.” he says as if he knows what she is thinking.

“I wont sir” she says knowing he knewwhat she was thinking. Looking around she asks “Sir, what is the jewelry box for?”

Looking at it he smiles and says, “my dear those will also be your when I think you should have them”.

Nodding she turns away.

“Look at me.” he says

She turns around to face him and he slips a gold collar with a lock around her neck.
“I have been waiting a long time to use this one” he adds with an almost warm smile.

She touches it and with out knowing what else to say she says “thank you”.

He puts a leash on the collar and starts walking thru the door. Following close behind she is taking in everything as best she can.
“You will be cleaning the house while I’m gone and I hope you can cook.”

“Yes sir, I’m a good cook” she replies.

“Good! Take off your thong” he says out of the blue.

Taken back she pauses and asks “what?”.

He turns as she realizes what she’s done and says “SHIT! I‘m sorry sir I forgot, I‘m sorry”.

“I’m glad you caught your mistake. You do know you’ll be punished for it, right?”

Handing over her thong she says “yes Sir” and hangs her head.

Looking her up and down he says “your punishment will be both functional and a reminder”.

Walking her into the back room she notices the layout and asks “sir why are the walls concrete?”

“Well, my dear, so no one can hear you scream” he replies.
“Hands!” he demanded.

She offers them up with out hesitation. He pushes her up against a table and lays her out on it.
“Do not move! You’ll be losing the landing strip now” he says. He proceeded to wax her pussy and ass hole. “Feel yourself.”

She shyly puts her hand between her legs.

“You will maintain this for me understand?”

“Yes sir” she replies.

“It’s time for your shower” he says showing her to the bathroom.
He is patiently waiting for her as she ends her shower and comes out. He shows her around the house and explains there is no way out with out him. The doors, windows and garage are all set to send an alarm to his phone and she wont make it to the main road if she tries to run. Through out the house there are eye bolts set in the walls with up to six foot chains attached to them. After the tour is over he explains what her duties will be.

“Now then, I’m going to take a shower, you will join me.”

“Yes sir.”
She follows him into the shower and stands there waiting for instruction.

“You know, I’d have to say you’ve got a nice ass.”

“Thank you sir.”

“I’m not ready to pop your cherry but I will be getting off tonight, understand?”

A bit confused she replies “no sir”.

“Let me explain it then. Get over here and grab your ankles.”
Realizing that she has only one chance she jumps out of the shower and grabs his keys and runs for the door. He runs after her and it doesn’t take much to catch her.
“Bad idea dear, I was going to take your cherry in a romantic, sweet way. It was going to be nice. A silk dress, diamonds, wine, expensive food” he says with a handful of her hair. “Now you’ve tied my hands, you have one option.”

“What?” she asks through her tears and struggling to get loose.

“Fight back!” is all he replies.

With that she turns and bites his arm. He lets go and she runs thru the house, half crazed, throwing every thing she can get her hands on. He corners her in the kitchen.
Grabbing a knife she says “FUCK YOU, you want me? Come get me ass hole!”

In a calm and even tone he says with a grin “my dear, I’ve told you about your language, haven’t I?”

“Fuck you ass hole! I’m not your ‘dear’!” she screamed.

He looks at his arm where she bit him , it’s starting to bleed. He then looks at the knife in her hands.

“You never used a knife like that before, have you?” he asks, distracting her enough to let him disarm her. He lunges, grabs her hand, tosses the knife and drops her to the hard wood floor. He lands on her and with a grin says, “you know what the best part of your job is?”

She spits in his face and smacks him. He grabs an ankle and forces it behind her head while she is screaming and says “your flexible” as he grins. Pinning her other leg with his, he back hands her and forces his swollen member into her. He feels her innocents break as he buries himself in her. Her fighting stops momentarily giving him enough time to pin both of her hands above her head.
With her all but tied in a knot, he pulls hard on her nipples. She cries out in pain begging him to stop but it only turns him on more. Out of no where he stops.

“Get up now, bitch.” he demands.

Crying and confused she slowly gets up. Once standing he grabs her collar and takes her to the back room once more.
In a calm manner he says “You have managed to piss me off my dear.”
Scared to talk she says nothing.
“Now then, you tried to escape, you bit me, you were swearing and you didn’t call me sir” he says as he attaches her to a table in the center of the room. The table is unlike any thing she’d seen before. It’s shaped like an X and the whole thing looks like it can move in any direction.
Once she is strapped in he says, “now I can’t be mad at you for fighting back being that I told you to. However the rest you did on your own. You will be punished and I will still have your ass. In fact I will have all of your holes.” Standing the table up, he chokes her and says, “if I feel a tooth, even on accident, I will rip them all out, understood?”
“Yes sir” she says terrified.
“Good” he replied as he picked up a small whip. He examines her and cracks the whip on her side. She lets out a yelp and he grins as he walks around her. He stands out of sight for a few seconds, her eyes are closed tight in anticipation. He waits for her to begin looking around and ‘CRACK’ the noise of the whip landing on her pussy from behind sends her reeling and howling in pain.
“My dear, this will hurt you far more then me, after all it is your punishment.”
She says nothing in return.
Turning away he says, “you need to know the rules are there for a reason and if you break them, the punishment will be severe.”
As he turns around he has a crop in his hand. Slowly he walks up to her and runs it up her thighs and with out warning hit her thighs at random. With each strike he gets closer to her pussy. She holds her breath and closes her eyes. Nothing. Then he hits her nipples hard with it. She fights in her restraints to get loose. She looks down realizing he is only beginning and notices his cock is standing as tall as it can and an off urge crosses her mind. “I wish he would choke me with that. What? Wait, where did that come from?” Before her thought could be finished he hit her with a flogger over and over from her thighs to her chest. She notices with every cry she makes his dick gets seems to swell. Turning away, almost laughing, he says, “red looks good on you.”
She looks down to see she is covered in welts from her tits to her knees. As he turns back he has something in his hand that she can’t make out.
“Now for a handle” he says.
Tugging on her bruised nipples.
“What?” She thinks to herself. She winces every time he pulls on them.
“OH FUCK” she yells as he pierces one then the other.
Attaching a chain from one to the other he says, “my dear, your language.”
“Sorry sir, that hurt.” she cried.
“Good.” he says as he pulls on the chain.

She let go of a sigh of what seems to be relief when he takes her off the table. He takes her to the corner of the room and orders her to grab her ankles. Without hesitation she does as she is told. He puts her hands and feet in cuffs and puts a sling around her waist to hold her up.
“Stay” he says as he walks out. With him not around she is free to look around. On all walls every 4 feet there are 2 foot mirrors and all over the room there are different means of torture. He walks in silently as she is looking around, with out a word he lubes up his cock and pushes it up her ass. Her body convulses and she screams.
Grabbing her hair he says “look at my little slut, taking it in the ass on her first date.” Looking in the mirror she begins to cry. He releases her hair and with every thrust he whips her ass and back. Once again this stops with out warning and he walks away. She quietly tries to regain her composer.
He returns with a few ice packs and a bottle of water. He unties her and puts her on her knees. Hands her the ice packs and water .
Nursing her wounds she asks “sir?”
“Yes my dear?”
“Why are you giving me this, sir?”
“ I told you I wont deny you basic needs, the ice is a privilege. Would you like me to put it away?”
No sir, thank you sir.” she says in a hurry.

“Now my dear, I hope all of this has taught you a lesson.” he says as he wipes himself off with a towel. Sitting on the floor she says nothing. “I will protect, teach and train you. I promise it will happen, it’s up to you if it’s painful or not” he says with a grin. He walks over and takes her hand and lifts her off the floor, she stands up and looks at him and asks “Why me? What made you pick me?” “Aren’t you forgetting something?” he asks expectantly. “Oh yeah, sir” she says sarcastically. Grabbing her arm he pulls her into him and says “Because I like you, you’re a hot tempered bitch. You’re sheltered and still have a lot to learn. You are sweet and naïve and I will make you into the perfect slave.” Turning her toward the mirror he wipes her tears away and says “Your training began when I picked up and will continue indefinitely”

Holding her arm he walks to the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed he says "on your knees right here." pointing to the floor at his feet. She slowly walks over and kneels at his feet. His dick is only inches rom her face he reaches past her to the floor and picks up a chain that is locked tothe floor at one end and an open lock on the other. Pointing tothe foot of the ed he says "you will sleep there tonight" as he locks the chain to her collar. She looks at the pillow andblanket on the floor and begins to fall towards it, grabbing her hair he says "not yet,you're not donewith your daily duties." "Sir?" she asks almost afraid to hear the answer. With out a word he puts his dick in her mouth and reminds her of his warning of dragging her teeth. "This will be a nightly happening unless I say other wise."

She tries to fight back for a second or two, slapping her face with his dick he says "open" without delay she opens her mouth but delivers little efort in trying to please him, he tells her how to improve and she does nothing different, after the second time telling her he grabs the back of her headand forces his swollen member down her throat making it almost impossible to breath. After gagging her for a full minute he asks " Are you going to pay attention to what I tell you now?" Loking up at him she nods and begins doing everythinge has told her to do. After only a few minutes he can feel the climax rising up and as he finishes he pinches her nose frocing her to swallow if she wants to breath. When he pulls away she wipes her mouth and eyes and he says "Sleep now my dear, the alarm will be going off in a few hours" and with that he kisses her forehead and lies down in bed, with nothing else to do she tries to get comortable and cries herself to sleep
at the foot of his bed.

The alarm scares her out of a peaceful dream, she rises and remembers she is being treated like a common house pet, collared and chained to the bed. She fights her restraints for asecond and then gives up

begining of chapter two
second girl

"Another wasted day," she says with a disgusted look on her face. Out of the corner of the room a man asks "why do you say that?" "Oh shit!" she yells as she jumps backward away from the voice. "I didn't know you were there, sorry." she says as she picks up her clothes and walks off the stage.

"I make it a point not to be seen." he says with a bit of a grin. "It's a wasted night because all I got was a hundred men grabbing my ass and pinching my nipples and making obscene comments and all I got for it was a few bruises and three hundred dollars." As an after thought she asks "Why don't you like to be seen?"

He watches her get dressed and ignores the question, after her stage clothes are off and her blue jeans are on he stands up and offers her an escort to her car. Looking around and seeing a room full of pervs and horny middle aged, balding men who probably still live at home. Looking back at him she says "Come here. Let me get a good look at you." he steps a little closer and asks "is this better?" She looks him up and down. New work boots, old blue jeans, a half button t shirt with a well worn carhart jacket in his hand. His face clearly hasn't seen a razor in the past few days, his hair is well kept and clean, his eyes almost seem to laugh when he smiles at her. At 5' 11" 190 pounds and his soft southern charms she thinks "hell,I may take this one home."

"So? Would ya like me to walk you to your car or have you got it under control?" With little thought she says " I'll let you walk me out but I don't have a car." "Well alrighty then. Are you ready?"

"Which way from here?" he asks when they get to the parking lot.

"Which way from here?" he asks when they get to the parking lot. She looks around and says "Well, I'm actually walking home, care to join me?" she asks in a playful tone. "Are you asking me to go home with you?" he asks with a grin. "No, I was aksing if you'd like to walk me home." she replies. "Well, I could walk you home or if you'd prefer I can give you a ride. My car is right there." he says pointing to the car. "I haven't been in one of those cars in years, yeah I'll take a ride." she says as she heads for his car. Opening the door he asks her name. "Jessica, but if you come back they call me Jenny." with a smile he says "I'll be sure to keep that in mind."

"Well you know what I do for a living, what do you do?" she asks as she sits down and he closes the door. As he gets in she asks about the door "What's wrong with the window and the door lock? They seem to be broken." Looking over at the door he says "sorry about that, I haven't had time to fix that yet. Do you want the window down some? I'll get it for you." as he cracks the window for her. "Thanks I've been dying for a smoke, do you mind?" she asks as she lights up. "No, by all means, go for it," he replies. "Hang a left up here" she says. "I didn't check on my dog after work do you mind if we run by my place to let him out or do want to be alone tonight?" he asks as he passes her turn. Giving him her best bed room eyes she says "Well, lets go meet this puppy of yours. Hey, you never did answer me when I asked what you do for a living. So what do you do?" She asks. "Well, I do a lot of things, I raise pigs, I do behavior modifacation, and I get paid to do remodles and concrete." he said with a smile. "Pigs? Why pigs?" she asks. "Why not? Anything they don't eat I burn I never have to pay for garbage and they produce fertilizer. It's a hell of a deal."

"I see. What about the behavior stuff?" she asks. "It 's just a little project I've started, I'm not sure where it will go yet, don't want to jynx it ya know." he says with a wink and a grin. Smiling at him she says "well, I guess you'll just have to tell me how it ends." "I'll be sure to do that" he says as he turns his attention to the road.

After twenty minutes or so of silence she asks "just how far out do you really live?" "Just about there." he says as he pulls off the main road.

© Copyright 2008 handy man (thehandymancan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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