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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Emotional · #1448509
A girl who needs help after losing her best friend.
When Jayson's name was called out,he walked so proudly across the stage. We clapped for him cheerfully. I can't wait untill my day comes along to graduate. I bet it's the most wonderful feeling you can ever have, atleast that's what Jayson makes it out to be.
Jayson has been my best friend for a while. I'd say since I was fifteen years old. He's an older brother figure to me you can say. We met when he moved in my neighborhood. Since then he has always been there for me. I don't know how I would get through life without him. I owe alot to Jayson.
"Wow can life be any better?" Jayson said as he walked towards us and gave us a big hug. " I have my mom and Kestin here to congradulate me"
" Congrats J and happy birthday," I couldn't stop screaming and smiling for Jayson.
" Oh honey I'm so proud of you, my baby is all finally grown up now. My baby is a man now. He's off to college, he's going to move out, then get married, have babies, I'll be a grandma and"
"Mom! Mom! Mom!!, calm down I only just graduated. Slow down mom. Geeze get a grip." Shaking his head laughing.
"I'm sorry J I know I'm getting ahead of myself." She smiled and hugged him.
" Woaaaa hooo!!!!" Jayson's friend Andy came over screaming at the top of his lungs. " Yes, we did it! We did it J." Andy and Jayson did their guy hand shake hug thing.
" Ready to get out of here?" Jayson asked Andy.
" Sure let's be gone up outta here,"
As they were leaving Tracy, Jayson's mom grabbed Andy's arm and wispered to him," Don't forget eight o' clock Andy."
" Sure thing, don't worry, I'll have him there," Andy smiled and the two of them walked out the auditorium screaming like some proud idiots.
" Boys," I shook my head in disbelief and laughed.
" Hey how about you and me get a bite to eat before everything?" Tracy asked me. " Mabey some hot wings or somthing?"
" My stomach couldn't agree anymore. I'm with you on this." We laughed.
" Come on Kes let's get outta here." Tracy loved me like I was her own. My own parents didn't pay much attention to me execpt when they rememberd I was around. Well "parent" my dad left a long time ago, this guy is my "step dad". I'd rather use the word asshole.
It seemed they pay more attention to my little sister who is turning three. It's because it's their child together. I'm not anything to him but a girl who lives in his house.
It's okay though I loved Jayson and Tracy, they were my family. I basicly almost live there. I even have a key to their house. I think of their house as my get away house. I don't know what I would do without them. God brought us together for a reason I think. God works in mysterious ways I say.
"Kestin, if I would had ever had a daughter, I imagine she'd be just like you." Tracey explained to me.
" I think you better take that back, you wouldn't dare have a girl like me."
" I mean the now you. This Kestin right in front of me. You know I'f you ever think aout moving in i'll be glad to take you. Always keep that in mind." Tracey grabbed my hand.
" Thanks. Thank you."
" So what do you say? Let's go get the party started!"
" I'll have to agree and say yes. Let's get the party started." I got up out of my seat and started dancing. Tracey followed behind me as we. ran out to the car.

"Okay so we have an hour untill Andy brings Jayson home. All the food is prepared, decorations are up, people are arriving. Hey we're right on time girlio." Tracey high fived me.
" Everything is great, just great. Jayson is going to love it." I replied. More people began to arrive. It was almost time for Jayson to come home. Everyone soon seemed excited.
" It's almost seven I better call Andy and get a heads up on where there at." Tracey picked up the phone and dialed Andy's number but no answer. "Hmmmm he must not hear his phone. They should be close now though."
Eight o' clock then came. " Okay it's eight where are these boys?" I asked.
" Oh you know these boys always late. Andy probably is'nt paying attention to the time. I'll call him again. " Andy didn't pick up." Andy it's me Tracey, I hope you're on your way with my son. The time is ten after eight. Hurry up." She left a message.
The time soon was now almost nine. The guets were starting to get restless waiting for the guest of honor. Tracey and I were getting frustrated.
" I'll call Andy this time." I said. Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring and more ringing. No answer. " Andy why the hell arn't you answering our calls? Call us right now. You're really pissing me and tracey off. It's after nine." I couldn't have been more mad and frustrated. I looked out the window. Andy's car no where in sight to be seen. " Ughhh."
" No answer Kes?" Tracey asked. "Hmmmm I don't understand." She looked out the window, nothing once again.

About twenty more minutes gone by. Head lights appeared outside the house. Everyone gasped and placed their self to hide. "There here!" Somebody had shouted.
" About time," Tracey said. She looked out the window. Tracey then double looked. The car outside wasn't Andy's car or Andy and Jayson walking to the door. The door bell than rang. She opened the door. Her look was very puzzeld.
" Hello mam are you Jayson Ollie's mother?" The officer asked.
" Yes I am, I'm Tracey."

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