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by Virgil
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1447204
The starting of a new life and the end of another.
"Thank you for taking him Entienne. You don't know how much this means to me and Walter."
"I think I have a decent idea. You know Walter was like a brother to me, God rest his soul. You two were the only bits of light shining into my dusky world. I can only guess what the doctor told you."
"Entienne, is Fate over by his corner?"
"Looks like it. How a kid that young could teach himself to read the books he gets into is beyond any reasoning in this ol' head of mine. You never told me if it was you or Walter that got 'im into that habit."
"We were just as surprised when we first learned about it. We thought he was looking at picture books; you know the ones Walter kept in his study? When we saw him holding ‘Treasure Island’, we thought maybe he was skipping past the worded pages and looking at the few pictures that old copy had...then we heard him sounding out a few of the larger words."
"I wish my brain had that kind of capacity now."
"Stop joking Entienne, we both know you're smarter than you look."
"That cut me straight to the heart Lizzy."
"You know Walter would never call me Lizzy...always Liz darling, Elizabeth dear, my radiantly blinding angel whose heart I won by sheer luck."
"He knew how to sweet talk you ol' Walter he did. I prefer to keep names simple and the like. I never heard you object to Lizzy, and it worked well with me calling you that by Walter."
"You could have called me cumquat peaches baby, and Walter wouldn't have cared. You know he loved you dearly Entienne."
"Aye, I know Lizzy. Tis why I'm stalling to hear your news. This world is gonna be bleak for me if you leave too. So tell me how young Fate was able to make out the letters and sounds."
"Entienne...you know I have to tell you sooner..."
"Just humor me for a bit. Let an old friend know what he's going to be doing."
"Alright. Well you know Walter couldn't watch him at the office, far to much activity going on, and he never knew when his boss, oh what’s his name...Mr. Fletch, that was it, would send him on an assignment, so I would take Fate with me to class."
"You taught second graders Lizzy? Or was it third graders?"
"First graders Entienne. You sure you've been dusting in here? You know I think that stuff is starting to coalesce in your head."
"Alright miss cheeky, continue with your story."
"Well once past kindergarten the children knew the rudimentary basics to reading, so all I usually had to work on was their reading level and pronunciation. But there were always a few children who still needed help with the alphabet, and associating the sound with the letter. You know I never liked seeing a child left behind, so I would spend extra time with the ones who needed it after class, and during recesses. Like I told you before, Walter and I thought Fate was just looking at the pictures in ‘Treasure Island’ until we heard him sounding out larger words aloud. When we asked him how he knew what the words were, he replied in his meek little voice, 'you taught me mama'."
"Wait a minute now. Fate is five years of age right?"
"That’s right."
"And you've been bringin 'im in here for a few years now to grab books...so that would of made 'im two years of age when he learned to read?!"
"Yes, Fate told us that he learned the alphabet and how to sound out words just like my students. I had no idea he was paying attention to what I was teaching. He would just sit so sound and quiet in the corner till class ended."
"Sort of like what he does every time you bring 'im here. Guess it started then."

"He would go through one book after the other. Each one heavier in content than the previous. Soon it didn't matter to Fate what he read. Anything that he could enjoy and learn something from. He asked for a dictionary for his third birthday. A dictionary Entienne...what child asks for a dictionary for their birthday?"
"Your child it would seem Lizzy. So how long."
"How long?"
"I've braced myself for it so give it to me straight. What did the doctor say?"
"It’s been hereditary in the women in my family for generations now. It’s a rare disease called Malagolintomontorosis. It does something to the heart to make it work twice is hard pumping blood throughout the body. It slowly weakens the heart till it altogether stops. No ones found a cure for it yet. It usually isn't contracted till much later on in life, but I guess luck wasn't on my side. It must be the price I pay for Fate."
"Don't even think that Lizzy. Fate was a miracle to begin with and he's already turning into a brilliant child. Only God knows what the future holds for your boy."
"Oh Entienne...I can't describe...please love him as you would your own."
"You know I will."
"Yes honey? What is it?"
"I found the books I wanna borrow."
"Hoy there little man, lets see what books you got 'ere."
"Hiya Uncle Tin! They’re really good ones!"
"Fate dear, his proper name is Entienne. En...tea...en."
"Oh I don't mind Lizzy. Let’s see 'ere, we got ‘Gulliver's Travels’, by Jonathan Swift and ‘The City of God’, by Saint Augustine. My, my, little one, those are quite the reads you've chosen."
"Ones about a big man who travels all over the place and gets trapped by little people, and the other is about the city where God is!"
"I 'ave a feeling they'll be a tad more complicated than that little one."
"It’s okay. I'll be able to understand them Uncle Tin. Are you ready to go mama?"
"Honey...your going to be staying with Uncle Entienne for a while. Mama is going to go find papa."
"Lizzy...don't tell me you never..."
"Hush Entienne. Now Fate, you be a good boy and mind your Uncle while I'm away alright?"
"I will mama. When will you be back mama?"
"When I find your papa dear."
"When will that be?"
"Soon honey...soon."
© Copyright 2008 Virgil (cartaphilus at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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