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Rated: · Draft · Sci-fi · #1447149
Story of humanity's first space travel to an extrasolar planet
I do not know how to explain this better (perhaps someone with nuclear physics degree could explain of such possibilities - note that this is not science - this is only a creative thought on "what could be possible" - No one on earth is going to base his/her nuclear physics thesis on this one - so do not scrutinize me)

The year is 2020AD, after years of joint-research, a group of nuclear scientists come upon a discovery - a discovery that will jolt the science - they discover that when matter collided with anti-matter, it does not convert immediately to energy particles, but the kiss lasts for eternity (in order of nano-seconds). During that twilight zone of matter to energy conversion, they find out that the transition from particles/sub-particles is so sudden - as if someone beamed up the particles to energy almost instantaneously in 10 power -100 seconds.

Then the research proceeded, until at 2030AD, they find out that given the same velocity of a group of matter, anti-matter collided (in the collision lab setup in space in the gigantic space station), they find one more strange phenomenon - that not all matter gets converted to energy simulatenously (even after near simultaneous impact). They find that matter (of same mass, momentum) - some get converted, some don't. This baffles the scientists. They discover one more particle called composition particle.

The composition particle is like a soap bubble drop - which gets expanded into a bubble. It subsumes and surrounds all matter and it is a field which covers matter as well as anti-matter and during the "kiss-of-death", the composition bubble expands at different proportions for same matter/anti-matter impact.

Then in 2035 AD, the composition field is well understood. They discover that this composition field/bubble determines the moment of conversion of matter to energy and surrounds the energy particles until they get consumed by surroundings. The composition field/bubble-particle is of varying sizes for matter of same exact mass.

Then in around 2040 AD, the space station is a mammoth particle reactor and laboratory in space, assembling space ships and sending people on interplantary expeditions. Space travel from earth happens in several steps - transfer from planes at 60000 feet to a floating dock and from there another take off to space station. The composition particles are understood enough to know that different sizes of composition bubbles are formed - their size, shape determine exactly when the matter gets converted to energy after anti-matter impact, how much of it is converted and into what form (heat, electro-magnetic, gravity) of energy it is converted and to what length the matter-energy quasi-state stayed (in order of pico-seconds).

Then in around 2050AD, there was another breakthrough, they discovered that using certain ways of acceleration of same-mass particles through the accelerator (using varying magnetic fields), they could set the composition fields of different sizes and hence "control" the conversion from matter to energy. That way,they can find out the optimal means of converting all matter into energy. They perfect this technique for maximum matter to energy conversion and create extremely efficient nuclear reactors for energy generation to space ships - which travel at almost 1/10 speed of light - but for extremely short distances (like between earth and mars) before need to recharge.

Then further research in 2055AD-2060AD, they figure out how to convert matter into a particular form of energy - electro magnetic, gravitational, heat radiation. But it will take another 20 years to figure out how to convert energy back to matter and pave the way for first form of teleportation..

Scientific advancements from 2060AD-2070AD, enabled scientists to understand the composition particle behavior from matter-energy quasi state to energy. They understand extremely well, how this quasi-state(twilight works), now that supercomputers can perform 10 power 100 operations per second where pico-second is one-life time of time for computer to observe and record.

The quasi-state matter behaved strangely, they find out that the decay of matter to energy takes places in 4 different steps. They observed that in this 4 states, 4 different forms of quasi-matter-energy particles do some sort of cosmic play around the matter and anti-matter. They discover a means to identify the "hybrid" quasi-energy-matter sub-particles. Then in 2070AD, that break through happened, scientists are able to seperate and contain these quasi-energy-matter sub-particles and seperate them. Now for first time in human history, they "controlled" the matter to energy conversion slowing down the matter-anti-matter kiss-of-death from picoseconds to microseconds. Though this initial control was brought out purely by accident, they figured out eventually on how to artificially simulate these 4 steps/phases for converting matter to energy.

Then in 2075AD,in an extraordinary demonstration, scientists converted 50 atoms to energy in a record 1second (slowing the conversion process form picosecodns to 1 second) duration - demonstrating all 4 phases of energy conversion. This caused a boom/explosion of knowledged, then in 2080AD, they could demonstrate conversion of an entire rock weighing 1kg into matter. However this needed extraordinary amount of anti-matter to be produced. Then in 2085AD, the anti-matter creation became easier as they discover that this quasi-energy-matter particles can be artificially created in large quanties using existing matter in a cheap form and converted and stored as anti-matter.

In around 2090AD, scientists are able to do one more "miracle", they tried to reverse convert an energy back into matter by reversing the 4 phases. It was a disaster with an explosion ripping out one of the 50 or so space stations orbiting earth. Then another discovery made, the converted energy actually carries these quasi-energy-matter particles with it and they for first time in history, extracted from an energy, the quasi-energy-matter particles. Then in next five years, using quasi-energy-matter extracted from energy, they could finally reverse a procedure to get some form of pseudo-matter.

When they applied this pseudo-matter on energy, it created "ghost-like" pseudo-matter forms inside the reactors (which freely floated like a ghost and permeated all matter inside the space station and outside it). Then in next 10 years, they harnessed energy blobs/bubbles of pseudo-matter and then finally they figured out purely by accident that this pseudomatter can be used to convert matter to energy and vice-versa.

But they realised that matter formed could be anybody's guess. Then they perfected means of formation of composition field around this pseudo matter to "program" the converted-energy to be formed of a given atom - hence for the first time, scientists could convert energy coming from a distant star into a "programmed/recreated" hydrogen atom. The year is 2105AD.

Then in next decade, scientists could convert matter to energy and back into another form of matter. They could convert compounds into a particular atom of choice - But they never figured on how to replicate the matter itself. Because that would mean "programming at sub-atomic levels".

From 2030AD onwards, the nuclear physicists have enabled optical super-computer revolution where computation is performed at photon level. With the invention of pseudo-matter, scientists create automatons i.e Field-programmable-hardware-grids at subatomic levels performing a given function(which in yester years done by nano-bots) at sub-atomic levels. These programmed pseudo-matter automatons (which we can call ghosts, witchcraft etc today) are now used to achieve an extraordinary feat which will enable teleportation. The pseudomatter automatons can perform trillions of matter-energy operations on trillions and trillions of subatomic particles simultaneously.

The scientists discover an extra ordinary property of this pseudo-matter, like a shell in an egg, it forms a protective shell around the composition bubble of all sub-particles and prevents any other composition bubble to interact with it (in other words, it imprisons all the matter+energy under it's protective shell). Scientists begin more research on this pseudo-matter and create various forms of it.

They create a form which has a hole while it forms this protective shell and they can use anti-matter to convert the matter to energy. To their surprise, the pseudomatter closes the hole (entrapping the converted energy inside it for ever). Then they do further research to open it up for converting the entrapped energy to it's original matter form. They for the first time have devised a way to teleport safely to a destination in space (rather than within their labs). The pseudomatter became invisible as it entrapped all forms of converted energy. One more property observed was that pseudo-matter wrapping matter/energy make them literally disappear and make those entrapped consume ZERO-mass,energy,time. In other words, all matter, energy can pass through a pseudomatter bubble - right through without realizing it being there. Scientists wonder if the blackholes are filled with such pseudomatter.

Then in 2110AD, an experiment takes place in which scientists create a sub-atomic-particle-automaton (automatons - nano(sub-atomic) computers where sub-atomic particles like a coiled spring can be programmed to perform matter-to-energy-to-matter transitions in stipulated time intervals determined by decay time of those particles. Automaton are loosely formed particle cloud which permeates the target object and performs those operations).
This sub-atomic-particle-automaton can be converted to a pseudomatter form and can piggyback on pseudomatter to perform operations on it - To tear apart the pseudomatter of stitch/close the pseudomatter hole/tear created.

This sub-atomic-matter-automaton piggybacks/rides pseudomatter enabling the pseudomatter to permeate and subsume all matter/energy at sub-particle levels. They not only enabeld scientists to control the pseudomatter and release control of it, this enabled the scientists to ensure that pseudo-matter released subsumes everything at sub-particle level without any exception. These automatons formed by a variant of pseudomatter itself..


I am supposed to write story/message on only this paragraph below - let me spread out my whole idea - then i will decide on what to write:

Then in 2115AD, scientists demonstrate, teleportation of around 1000 atoms from across one space station to another space station. Thats a start. That is a great achievement considering what earth has been through - recessions, natural disasters, currency wars, oil wars, water wars, wars for democracy version-3 and so much of mind programmings, propagandas, media controls and mind games.(And added to that was the strict knowledge control regimes of 2020-2060 in which the militaries routinely assassinated their own scientists to prevent transfer of knowledge from one country to aother, research control regimes in which superpowers stamped many cutting-edge technologies as "sensitive" preventing scientists from interacting or sharing ideas - their short-sighted governments thought that that would help protect intellectual property and create jobs - but that cause knowledge seggregation and isolation which decreased their competitiveness. Finally in around 2050 after a handful few countries literally killed out livelihoods of most of bright scientists around the world, sometimes literally kidnapping/renditioning them (or providing them bribe/monetary gains), they have a change of heart and let the researches proceed and scientists interact)


Then from 2115AD-2160AD, the sub-atomic-pseudo-matter-automatons (a.k.a paranormal subatomic engines) had been perfected to preserved all composition bubbles across compounds and in 2160, scientists could teleport one bottle of water in it's entireity from one space station to another space station - Though the water came out after teleportation as heavy water and hard plastic became flexible rubbery plastic. Then from 2130AD-2150AD, the art of teleportation had been perfected.

Then finally in 2160AD, they could teleport a monkey inside a ball shaped space craft from earth to one of mars colonies. The monkey arrived safely without any genetic mutations or defects. Now the pseudo-matter-automatons do trillions of trillions of sub-atomic operations in one second simultaneously to achieve this feat. The space stations create huge number of these pseudo-matter-automatons a.k.a parnormal robots a.k.a ghosts a.k.a witchcraft puppetry work (if those appear before our eyes today). So every operation on earth and space is done at sub-atomic level using these paranormal robotons. In order to teleport living things, they have to do in an order so as not to cause shock - but the pseudo matter permeates everything in order of several nano-seconds and it does not affect a living organism/cell as it rarely notices that it has come under the "spell" of pseudomatter.

Then around 2160 AD, the art of transporting anything along with these pseudo-matter automatons was perfected. So they convert everything into energy in it's entirety, and they package that along with pseudo-matter automatons and beam it up into space. the pseudo-matter automatons ensure that the energy beam is steered in proper direction (and not affected by gravity,radiation of stars, planet and black holes) and convers the entire energy into a composition bubble and prevent any energy from escape - when the final "programmed" When the destination is reached, the pseudo-matter automaton will unzip and run program to convert the energy back into matter. This way travel at speed of light became possible.

But that is not sufficient for space travel. By now the telescopes using analysis of quasi-enery-matter particles piggybacking the radiation from distant stars could recreate the matter from those stars. And way back in 2080AD, using powerful telescopes they found a red-star with suitable earth like world photgraphed (as a dot, the size of 2 square mm). Now in 2160AD, they found out a startling discovery that some of energy particles isolated to that particular red-star (As analysed by a pseudo-matter-automaton/robot) seemed to indicate lots of water-vapor emnating from a colder surface. Through telescopes they visually confirm this star (using a very high resolution) and a 5th planet named as IndraThor.

It is a star 20 light years from earth and it will take a space ship 20 years to be beamed across the vastness of space. Scientists decide to beam out an entire space station to Thor. They create a gigantic pseudo-matter-automation (a.k.a guardian mother) and wrap it around the space ship and bombard it with anti-matter from 10 different space stations. Inside this spaceship named "Hope", there are a 1000 member crew (representation from all continents/races)".

As the countdown began, all 1000 crew members were totally excited. Then the lauch-pad-station spewed out a giant pseudo matter automaton bubble, followed by pseudomatter bubble - it approached the space station like a swarm of bees. Then within several seconds, the whole spacestation was permeated with the pseudomatter particles and every atom/sub-atomic particle comes under its spell. Everything inside the space station comes into a stand-still (including time).The pseudomatter permeates every cell, every atom, every sub-atomic particle in the body and entraps/freezes the composition field.

Then the lauch-pad spews out another giant-bubble of anti-matter. The pseudo-matter is piggy backed by a programmed sub-atomic automaton particle, which decays and shrinks the pseudomatter to open up a hole for anti-matter absorption. Then at that exact instant where the signal was broadcast to the sub-atomic automatons (sub-atomic automatons allow entry of anti-matter of appropriate proportion to convert matter to energy - like a sperm entering ovum).

The anti-matter surround and permeate the space ship, they convert the outer shell of the spacestation shaped like a sphere (and the nano-bot skin, computers, navigation panels, life supports, plants, animals) get converted into entrapped light and finally all 1000 members get converted into entrapped light in an instant. The whole spaceship becomes entrapped inside a ball of light.

A pseudomatter membrane entraps all energy and the spacestation vanishes suddenly from sight. Then the subatomic automatons, "release the brakes" and cause the lightball frozen in that place to accelerate at speed of light (or even greater) to IndraThor. The subatomic/paranormal roboton surrounds the lightball like a membrane. The navigation path has been programmed to be a straight line to Indrathor from earth and pseudomatter automatons will lock onto gravity of Indrathor and guide the light-bubble to nearorbit. The subatomic automaton has a decay time programmed to 20 years after which it will convert the light back to matter.

It is supposed to be 40 years before earthlings could hear anything from them. When the invisible light ball, approaches the solar system of Indrathor in a clocked mode, a pseuod matter automaton gets woken up and it brings back to life only the navigation crew and all associated computers and panels which control the automaton. The navigation crew along with captain having converted back to matter, wink their eyes (after 20 years since they had been converted to energy near earth). The captain gets the status of field deployed around the space ship to deflect the solar flares. He presses a decompress button, a swarm of pseudomatter automaton blobs instantly convert all the energy back to their original form and extract the anti-matter back to anti-matter chamber.

When pseudo-matter-automaton recreates the spacehip on orbit of thor, the crew came back in their frozen condition (every grey-cell in their brains recreated), recreating the instant, they started, they saw the gigantic Thor - A deep bluish voilet planet surrounded by thick grey clouds all over. At that instant, a huge ball of solar flare headed their way, the paranormal roboton, immediately deploys the magnetic shield - a shielf created by billions of nano-bots on outer skin of spaceship which got recreated from energy to matter first.

The spaceship is surrounded by cocoon of protective field and the members of crew (including the animals) wake up as if they winked their eyeballs before they got energized near orbit earth. That planet is called Thor (named after God of rain and thunder) - because the planet is struck by thunder almost across the whole surface throughout. The magnetic readings of this planet is always haywire - the poles shifting every 24 hours.

The spacestation settles to orbit 5000km from Thor and from there they could see greying clouds and web of lightning flashes happen in outer atmosphere. They could see strange vertical cloud formations as if someone sucked the water vapor up 1000s of kms. They could see the atmosphere is full of water vapor. Their readings on surface show 80% humidity all through the surface.


Thor is 5th planet (about distance of Jupiter from our sun) of a star which is a red star which is 100 times size of sun. The sun is visible as a faint whitish ball, around 1/4 the size of sun as seen in equator. Thor's solar system is at edge of a giant stellar cloud. Like a thread spinning out of cotton yarn, or like the yarn of cotton candy spun into a stick, huge stellar clouds get attracted towards the sun of Thor and envelope the solar system frequently.

These stellar dust of hydrogen and helium, on acceleration towards thor's sun, fuse with outer core of that sun, creating gigantic solar flares - which travel at almost speed of light. These are hot gases (infact, they are space nuclear reactors in form of gas blobs spewed out as solar flares).

The stellar cloud also surrounds thor. Thor is 10 times the size of earth and it is also a blue planet with a 800km high atmosphere of oxygen, nitrogen, helium, hydrogen. Thor is covered 60% with deep watery oceans with depths of 100s of Kms - because of huge crater impacts on ocean floor. The stellar clouds surrounding thor and thor's volcanic activity, keep the temperature of thor (though distant from it's sun) to around 30c-40c throughout with 100% humidity.

The stellar clouds surround thor, they create enormous space lightnings/flares which travel all across the atmosphere of thor all across the planet. A web of lightning will cause supercharged upper atmosphere to heat up sucking up clouds all the way into 100s of kms up. As a result, thor is always cloudy with clouds 100s of kms up. But it does not rain too heavily - as giangantic/deafening thunders create enormous bolts of lightning in the clouds (even converting the clouds into superheated steams).

The spacestation dispatches a manned probe with 50 space astronauts. The manned probe descends the clouds with lightning of several billions of volts striking the panels causing blinding flashes. After 2 hours of slow descent, the probe finally clears the clouds and sees the surface. The surface is filled with somekind of browish-grey mold covering all the rocks. There is always a permanently drizzle of microscopic water droplets.

Sometimes balls of lightning compress water droplets into super-sized water drops (with a hot steam pocket in center) and these super size water drops (size of soccer balls to size of compact cars) fall on ground, break up and discharge the static on wherever they fall. Due to bolts of lightning striking - no place in open is ever safe. And anything comes out to open, gets super-charged with static. The static generated will be too much that it could literally cause electrocution from skin to tissues even further down in the body. There are strange forms of ball lightnings circulating in air and landing and electrocuting the mold below. But the molds appear to be resilient to these lightning strikes and do not burn out.

All rocks are supercharged with static electricity that even taking hand close to 10 feet could give anyone a static shock bolt. While thor had earth like atmosphere, its air is super charged with electricity/static and if we breathe it, our lungs could be fried. Though thor has twice the atmospheric pressure on earth with 80% oxygen (which a human with 10% lung capacity can breathe easy), since the air is super-charged, the lung tissues may fry up.

Even those exposed to it have extreme static current covered over all of their bodies, their brain freezes as the neural circuits are overloaded with such electro magnetic/xray/microwave radiation - despite protective cover. It is as if they are taken extreme MRI scans every second. All of the 50 explorers have their suits in place to protect them from harmful radiation. Also the solar flares causes fantastic colorful displays of lightning and fire and water vapor smoking from within the clouds.

The manned probe makes the landing on the planned spot. The humidity is 100% and the space suits of astronauts glow with miniature statics on their surface. They drive their hovercraft levitating over 10ft from surface. When they reach a plain, they read their decibel meter - what was earlier stormy noises suddenly became so defeaning silent.

It appears as if all the air had been sucked like a wave receding towards the ocean. On the horizon is the giant wall (a free fall of 20km deep) and beyond that is the blue ocean which is 100s of kms deep. Then they saw that terrifying image from the distance, they could see a bright flash of lightning (which danced like a web of light on surface of ocean) and literally creating billions of tonnes of water vapor in an instant, they could see (like a dust storm) a tsumani of freshly formed water vapor cloud travelling towards them at speeds of over 5000kmph. They have 2 minutes to leave that place, before they get burnt in superheated pressurized steam..

While they are trying to take off vertically straight into the clouds to escape the wrath of this steam storm, they could see a strange ball of lightning which surrounded their ship and within seconds, they got transported into a entirely different quieter place on the planet. They tried to read the phenomenon, but their instruments did not record any thing.

The place they had landed is the land of less thunder - It is the focal point of the web-of-lighted up solar flares which has engulfed the planet. The focal point heats up the clouds vertically up literally creating a thin layer of clouds which are only 20-30km thick. In this focal point (the eye of lightning storm, things were much quieter and humidity levels drop to just 50%). There is not much of static charges stored and the mold on the ground appear to grow into shrubs and trees. Then from across the clouds they could see a star-fished shaped floating ballon like creature with 6 hands/fingers having tentacles which spewed out sparks of electricity. This ballon floated like a sting-ray on the atmosphere, hovering up the shrubs and plucking out small snail like insects on the top of those shrubs.

Then they see another strange creature. A giant transparent millipede whose legs are like paddles in the boat. Only this millipede, floats in the air and paddles through the air. It appears to suck in air and consume the tiny plankton sort of insects from the air. These millipedes which are 30 feet in length and 2 feet in diameter with 1000s of 2 feet paddle legs on either side are so light, they hardly registered any mass in the meter used for studying them. On contact with water, they suddenly shrink to 1/10th of their original dimension. From the sky, the team sees 1000s of these millipedes circulating like birds. When the rain fell, these millipedes, curled up and fell on the ground like twisted ropes (rock solid) and slowly unfreeze back to 10 times their size.

Just when they are enjoying the relative peace, a flash of solar flare (a mass of hot gasses) ignite the sky above them. It instantly vaporizes 5km of cloud layer and the clouds surrounding them get sucked up - like a cone place on top of them. This sudden decrease in pressure, instantly forms a massive tornado of 2kms wide and rotating at 200kph. This giant storm suddenly formed out of nowhere with supercharged steam was approaching them fast - only that inside this tornado, lightnings occur - it is like a massively illuminated pillar of rotating thunderous steam approaching them. The expedition team, hurriedly got into their ships and engaged their gravity drives - instantly, the pseudo-matter stored in the underbelly of their probe creates a repulsion force and they create a running field of alternative gravity and repulsion around their probe which creates continuous levitation and movement. The probe speeds way up the clouds out into the space to dock with mother ship.

Meanwhile at mother ship, an unexpected event happens. What is supposedly to be gigantic solar flare containing plasma of highly charged particles, suddenly revealed itself as a mini-singularity and it was travelling at nearly speed of light. The space ship is twisted to the point that it tears apart.

The lives of around 1000 crew members hang in balance. Just when the anti-matter chamber is about to break away (permanently preventing the crew from travelling back to earth) and the pseudo-matter chamber feeding the super-computer which spawns out paranormal-pseudo-matter automatons to protect the outer membrane when ship is transformed into energy form also is about to break. Then miraculously, the mini-singularity, dies out. Then around that singularity, they could see energy beings formed of pseudo-matter floating/swimming in space and their giant space ship appears before them in visual.

Their giant space ship is actually an invisible satellite (moon) to indrathor. It is of pseudo-matter and it converts to visible form (but still retains it's ghostly form). The beings slowly pointed the crew to their space ship Hope. They could see that these beings were already on earth (we would have called them EBEs) - and they were already present with the crew all along their journey (in an invisible ghostly form).

They open up telephathic channels to minds of all of the crew, and the crew understands that all the scientific advancements on earth for past 200 years had beeen under "invisible" guidance of the alien council and the first contact and travel to Indrathor has been a part of their grand plan. The beings also revealed that it is their plan to create religions (angels/demons) and create superstitions to prepare humanity for the next step of merging of science and religion.

With that they (Who called themselves as "Thors" - beings of thunder and light) reveal their entire evolution history and welcomed earthlings officially to Indrathor. The history of their planet is as follows:

Around 6 billion years ago, in a star which is 20 light years from Thor (inside the stellar cloud), there was this yellow star - similar to our Sun in it's beginings. It had around 15 small earth like planets equally placed in the distance from our sun to saturn. The yellow star (like a giant ball of burning gas) is fed it's helium-hydrogen fuel from within the stellar cloud. Then for next billion years, earth-like conditions prevailed in outer planets - leading to plants and animals similar to earth. It was a dark-green planet full of oxygen, carbon-di-oxide and nitrogen. There were intelligent bipeds (similar to homosapiens) which hunted other insects on this insect-laden world.

Then there was this celestial event which occured out of nowhere, a hugely dense stellar cloud got into their system and formed a clump closer to their world. It is a new star being incubated and created right within their solar system. It consumes all the inner planets and started to consume it's yellow star. Now we have a twin/binary yellow stars consuming the stellar clouds and increasing in size. When the greenish-blue planet went towards the side of stellar storm blowing from outer of their solar system to their binary sun, their planet is engulfed with this stellar ionized gas particles, the magnetic fields of their planet went haywire and all clouds will dry up exposing them all to radiation.

For next million years as they evolved, they evolved to have protective shells to counter radiation. They developed elaborate technologies to absorb this stellar energies to be used during the next half of their year - where they would be (as part of elliptical orbit) pushed further out leading to cooler temperatures. They evolved to be able to travel to other planets within their system.

Then in next 10000 years, one event forced them to become stellar travellers - one of the binary sun starts collapsing into a moderate singularity pulling everything around it. It had been a slow and gradual process - It is a strange phenomenon - in that instead of becoming a single-point singularity, it becomes a irregular singularity which is like a black-hole cloud which started to cover / blanket their only sun. From their planet it appears as if one of their binary sun had vanished and trying to make their other sun vanish as well - It is a slow act over 100000s of years and it appeared as if their only sun left is being swallowed alive.

It forced them to understand the singularity and understood that it is actually a pseudo matter and they understood on matter/energy conversion and able to master the technology over the next million years. After a million years, their sun is finally shut out, as the faint red-dot is about to vanish, they fled and migrated to thor.

Now that they understood energy/matter and conversion, they chose to remain in pseudo-matter form and can manifest as energy/matter -whenever they wished.


The thors now welcomed earthlings and create a giant energy bubble about size of all continents of earth put together and had the storms, thunder contained outside of this bubble. They create earth like conditions inside that bubble, where the crew can take out their astraunaut suits and breathe the 80% oxygen in the atmosphere at ease. They also help humans implant earthly flora and fauna.

The End.
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