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Rated: E · Other · Children's · #1447124
appliachian cinderella story
Cindersue part 4

Cindersue woke up to her cousins yelling and fussing over who got to get ready in the bathroom first. No one seemed to be thinking about eating breakfast this morning and she figured they was too excited to eat it being dogwood queen picking day. Still it was the first time Cindersue remembered they weren't a slobbering at the table like long necked geese awaiting fer her to set breakfast on it. Aunt Lucyball, Anna Loraine and Virginia Amy waddled in and out of the bathroom with curlers and hairspray and the thick smell of Paris toilet water trailing behind them. They said not one word to Cindersue and she watched quietly from her seat in the kitchen. To stay out of the way and keep her self busy she went out and swept the fall leaves off the front side walk. She was still out sweeping when the taxi came to pick up her relatives and take them to the skating rink.. Judging was in two hours and she was all shaky inside awondering how she would pull off getting her self to the judging on time. From what she had learned by listening to her cousins the skating rink was about two miles from the brick house next to the movie theater on Magnolia avenue. So it was within walking distance for Cindersue .
She walked farther than that agoing to see Aunt Granny Mae Shaffer in the low hollar, to trade her fresh eggs an to git mama her achin medicine.
Aunt Granny Mae Shaffer was nie over 80 years old but she still kept her shine cooker a runnin come wind rain or hail. Mamma only took a spoon or two to ease her aches and pains now and again.So Cindersue only made the trip ever month or so.It weren't a hard trail and she didn't mind walking at her own pace. But now Cindersue knew she still had to dress and get ready to go and walk the two miles.
In a flurry of fat and frills and curls, out of the front door came her cousins followed closely by a wild haired aunt Lucyball. Her pink dress was too tight and her red nails and lipstick made Cindersue think of a clown she once saw on a poster at the co-op when the fair came to the closest town to her and mamma, in Sevierville Tennessee. Her uncle pop took her down to the co-op to buy some Crowder peas to plant and she was almost hypnotized by the colorful poster.The memory of the clowns got stronger when she saw her cousins in all their frills tryin to cram their big butts into the taxi beside aunt Lucyball. She laughed out loud remembering the clowns on the poster falling out of a tiny car.
She was still laughing as the taxi drove up the street . Cindersue turned and hurried into the house to her porch room. She wondered to her self where Peanut had gotten to. She realized she hadn't seen him in awhile . In fact she had not seen hide nor hair of him since she woke up. "Peanut ,Peanut, where did ya git too honey pie " She hollered . Then as she walked into the porch room her heart stopped. Her cardboard suit case lay open on the floor and her things were scattered hither and yon. And her dress her beautiful dress was gone!! "OH LORDY OH LORDY " Cindersue cried what on earth , whare is my dress whas agoing on ?" Running back in the kitchen calling for Peanut,she saw a paper on the table. She grabbed it up and read....
So you thought you would make you ol self a dress did ya? Well don't think me and sister didn't know what you was up too all along and you aint a gonna go to no dogwood queen judgin lessin you go in you ol floppy bloomers!!
Cndersue sat down and started to bawl like a little baby.
"How can people be so mean?" She cried . Tears filed her green eyes and fell plop, plop onto the place mat. She thought she would never stop crying. She had worked so dang hard to make such a purddy dress and now it was gone!! "Mean ol nasty butter butt cousins of mine have ruined everything shorley they have!" Over her sobbing Cindersue started to hear faint barking. Squaring her shoulders and standing up, she forgot about herself and had to find Peanut. It was him abarking and he sounded like he was in big trouble to boot. She followed the frantic barking to the big door that led to the basement His barking was coming from there . But how? She thought. No one went down in the dark basement until winter when Cindersue had learned another one of her jobs was to fill the furnace with coal. A big coal truck came once a month and through an opening in the side of the house would put a chute in the hole and fill the coal bin to the top with coal for heating. Cindersue had to put eight shovels full in the furnace to fill it for one day.

Yelp yelp! Whined Peanut , Cindersue unlocked the big door and reached for the overhead light string. Down the steps she ran toward Peanuts call. At the bottom of the stairs she looked around and realized Peanut was locked in the coal bin. How mean can two gals be?? She thought.. To lock a poor puppy way down here. Quickly opening the door to the coal bin she gasp as Peanut jumped in her arms. "There there babydoll I'm here its ok" She petted the little dog and he licked at the almost dry tears on her face. He was covered in coal dust and looked a fright, but he was not hurt and she said a prayer of thanks for that. She wiped her eyes and was about to close the coal bin door when she saw her dress. It was tossed on top of the coal!! A mite dirty but not so bad she couldn't take a rag and wipe it off. Grabbing her dress in one hand and Peanut in the other she raced back up stairs and went to cleaning her dress. The coal dust came off easily and in less than one hour she was bathed wearing her dress of many colors and standing on the side walk ready to walk to the skating rink..
"Where you headed lookin all prettied up?" Startled Cindersue turned around and saw old man Vincent standing there in his blue and green flannel shirt , white trousers and his Sunday hat on his small head. She had met him early on walking to Cas walkers grocery getting food for her and her relitives.
He was nearing 80 and so was his plump wife Audrey. She soon found out that they had a small house not far from Aunt Lucyballs and so each time she walked to the store she would drop in and say hi to the nice old couple. They were her only friends. She liked to pretend they were her kin folk as they were from the mountains too. Mrs Vincent would always have a nice sweet treat set out on the kitchen cabnet and never failed to let Cindersue have a taste and most always wrapped her some to carry home and enjoy with Peanut after they went to bed. Mrs Vincents sad eyes told Cindersue she had come through some hard times in her younger years. Most mountain people had. But the thing Cindersue found most inviting was the big welcoming smiles and questions about her day the old couple gave her when ever she dropped in. They always seemed so glad to see her just like the friends her and mama had back home. Sometimes Cindersue wanted to tell them how unhappy she was in Knoxville . How sad she was and how she longed to go home. But being raised as she was she kept her troubles to her self . It wasnt polite to pile your misery on someone else after all. Her mama's words echoed in her head when ever she felt like she would bust open if she didnt tell the Vincents her woes. Mamas words kept her lips tight. Just getting to see them and feeling cared about for a short time made Cindersue breathe easier at least for the time she was with them. Standing on teh street in her rainbow dress looking at Mr Vincent made her smile, but right now she had no time to talk as much as she wanted to.
Hewas leaning on his walking cane looking at her .Cindersue knew if she started to tell him everything now he would start talking up a streak. She didn't want to be rude but right this minute getting to the skating rink was all she could think of.." I'm headed to the dogwood queen judgin Mr. Vincent " She said in a flush, "And I aint got much time. " Oh, you walking I recon" "Yes sir I'm a walking, seeins how I aint got no car. " The old man didn't seem to take offence at her curt words and the minute she said them she was sorry, " Oh I am sorry Mr. Vincent" She said to the slow talking fella. "But my nerves is all het up about gettin there on time . I only got about an hour and I don't wanna miss it. "Its kinda important to me".. " The old man eyed her silently. Looking her up and down. She wanted to turn and race off toward the skating rink but figured she had already been rude enough to him and he was old as Muathulossum. Mamma always told her to be polite to elders so she bit her lip, stood there all fidgety like and waited for him to start talking again. " Well now if your planning to walk all that way you just might get all sweaty and ruin that pretty dress don't ya think?" " Yes sir, I may do, but I aint got hardly no time and I really gotta get a move on" "Now you hang on a second girly" The old man said "I'll tell you what, you wait right on this here spot and ill be back in two shakes of a hounds tail" With that he turned around and hobbled back to his yard and disappeared behind his house. Cindersue could only look wide eyed as he did so and was in a quandary as to if she should take off running toward Magnolia avenue and the judging or stand a minute to be polite. Before she could decide she heard a loud rumbling from behind his house. All of a sudden here he came driving a big old 1942 step side red Chevrolet pick up truck. His grey head barely showed above the steering wheel and he did look a site. Grinding gears and shouting "woahhhhh nellieeeee!" He managed to get the truck out of the drive way and pointed toward Magnolia avenue. Leaning over and popping open the passenger door he hollered "Hop in girly i'll git ya there quicker than you can say Hallaloo Ya Praise the Lord! I aint drove this here truck in a few years but i recon this is an emergency." It didn't take Cindersue but half a second to jump in beside him and shut her door. "Why I don't know how to thank you" She said loudly over the old trucks engine noise , "But I surely do "
They took off down the street with smoke rolling out of the back of the Chevy and the engine making an awful clankety clank noise. All Cindersue could do from that point on was hold on for dear life. He swerved from side to side, ran the traffic lights and didn't stop shouting glory to God the whole way. Closing her eyes Cindersue said a quick prayer of her own and then the pickup slid to a stop . Opening her eyes to peek she saw he had pulled up right in front of the skating rink. He was grinning and looked happier than a pig in slop. "Here you go liddle lady with time to spare I recon" Cindersue leaned over and gave him a big kiss on his wrinkled old cheek " Oh thank you Mr. Vincent !.You saved the day you surely did" Hopping out of the truck and adjusting her dress she waved as he grinded gears and drove away smoke atrailing and still a hollerin Praise to Almighty God.
The crowd of people standing at the door of the skating rink turned and looked. Some smiled and some outright laughed. Cindersue paid em no mind and pushed her way into the door of the rink. Inside the skating rink had been decorated with tiny strings of lights that twinkled off and on. Small pink and white dogwood trees in big pots were on each side of a raised platform in the middle of the skating area. A spot light aimed at the stage showed lots of girls in fancy dresses of all kinds were gathering on the stage.She didn't see her aunt nor her cousins but she could hear aunt Lucyballs loud course voice above the din of people milling around..
She circled around to the far side of the platform hoping to not run into her relatives for she feared most of all, one of them seeing her and throwing a hissy fit. A nice looking old lady in a big white hat covered in false dogwood blooms caught her arm and started leading her to the steps of the stage. Cindersue figured there was over two hundred gals vieing to be parade queen and win the prizes.But she knew looked as good as they did in their store bought dresses, even if hers was homemade. She angled her self as far away from her aunts and cousins voices as she could. To her they sounded like chattering squirrels fighting over a pile of hickory nuts. "Stand up straight Virginia Amy! Ya look like a slouch gal. " She heard her aunt squall. " But mama I am standing up she heard her cousin whine. " Pull down your dress it's a riddin up Anna Loraine " Her aunts voice grated on Cindersue's hide like a blister on a sore foot. She stood still and tried to be invisible beside a girl in a fluffy feather covered purple dress with matching shoes. Some kind of paino music was playing in the background but it didnt drown out Aunt Lucyballs voice. A few of the girls looked so pretty Cindersue started to run out knowing she had no chance of ever winning but she knew this was her only hope to go home so she staied hoping to hide in the crowd so Lucyball and her cousins wouldnt see her. The lady in fake dogwood flower had hearded all the girls into a simi regular line just as a man in a blue suit walked out front and started talking in a microphone.. The paino music stopped as he spoke " Ok every one settle down its about time to start the judging for the annual miss dogwood queen . As you all know by now the winner of this contest will be awarded a one hundred dollar prize courtesy of radio station WWGRY, located on Chilhowie park hill. In addition she will ride on the queen of the dogwoods float in the parade and our mayor Mr.. parker and his son Devon will be taking her out to a big steak dinner following the parade tomorrow. Here to do the judging I'm proud to introduce .. our mayor Mr. parker and his son Devon". Right then a man , the mayor cindersue supposed and his son Devon took the stage, " Thank you all for having us here tonight." The older man said. The room erupted in applause and Cindersue felt a rush of excitement. Devon was so handsome. He looked about 18 and his smooth tanned face seemed to glow. "Goodness" Cindersue said to her self 'My oh my he is purdder than his picture I seen in the news paper. " Devon turned to look at the girls lined up on the stage pausing only a second or two and slightly smiling at each one." My son here will be the judge I'm just here for moral support " Laughed the mayor And she thought she saw Devon blush. Aw, and he's a shy one too. Thought Cindersue Being shy herself she thought it very becoming on this good looking young man. As he scanned the girls he caught sight of Cindersue in her many colored velvet dress. To him she looked like an angel. The spot light had caught her hair at just the right angle and it shinned like diamonds, Cindersue looked up and they locked eyes . She couldn't move. He was staring right at her and she was the one blushing now. Her gold locket caught the twinkle lights and Devon made up his mind that instant. He was going to pick the beautiful girl in the rainbow colored velvet dress. As Devon stood looking into her eyes the rest of the girls took notice. They careened their necks to see just who had made such an impression on him. After all he only looked at each one of them a second or two and now he was grinning from ear to ear looking at that long haired blond girl. The crowd was quiet and time seemed to stand still for Cindersue, Looking into his sparkling blue eyes she figured if he didn't look away soon she was a gonna fall in a dead faint from it.. All of a sudden a screech came from the other side of the line of girls. "Oh my God sister look!" Anna Loraine's voice echoed off the skating rink walls. Followed by another screech in the crowd.. " What in the devils name are you doing here gal?" It was her old aunt Lucyball and she looked fit to be tied. She was heading up the steps of the platform toward Cindersue with a look that would stop a runaway horse dead in its tracks. " You git offa that stage young lady and I mean this minute iffin you know whats good for you..". Hearing that and seein her aunts twisted face Cindersue panicked and rushed to the edge of the platform in a run. She stumbled as she jumped past Devon and his daddy and the chain on her locket snapped and the gold locket fell to the floor. She didn't even notice it she was so scared. She ran out the door of the rink and didn't stop running until she had got all the way back to her aunts brick house. Crying all the way .She went right to her porch room striped off her dress and fell on her cot in a heap. "Why do so many bad things have to happen to me?" she wailed. Beating her small fists into the hard knot of her pillow. Why me Lord? why always me?, Now ill never get back home!". Cindersue cried . What will I ever do now ?"
Back at the rink the crowd was in an uproar. Devon had tried to stop the blond girl from running away but she was too fast and he lost sight of her as soon as she jumped off the stage. He picked up her gold locket and slid it into his pocket. I'll find her and give this back he thought to his self. His daddy was trying to quiet the crowd with little success. Girls were whining and everyone was startled at what just happened. Devon tired to find the woman in the tight pink dress who had screamed at the blond girl but she was no where to be seen. The mayor told the crowd that in light of the events just now the judging was gonna be put off until in the morning . Yall go on home now and be back here at 9 am . We will try and figure this all out then. Cries of protest went up in the crowd but they still started filling out of the skating rink calling it a night... Old aunt Lucyball had gathered up her now sweaty squalling youngans and took out the door in a mad fit. Seeing her hillbilly sisters big nosed daughter getting the mayors sons attention like that had enraged her and she was already pushing her daughters in a cab headed home to give that Cindersue a good going over.! "After all I've had done for that child . Low down sneaky ridge runner she is! Never could trust mountain people" She wailed to her girls on the ride home . That's one reason I had to leave that dirty o'l place. They didn't understand how the real world workes."Out of breath and wheezing she couldnt stop screeching in the taxi. "This is sure some way to repay all my kindness! The down right gall of that sister of mines girl. I just never!! " By the time they got home Lucyball was horse from her ranting and the sisters were wore out. They went right to their rooms when they got inside still sniveling and crying but not wanting to face their mamma who was still madder than a wet hen...
When aunt Lucyball barreled in to the kitchen Cindersue jumped off her cot and thought about running out the back door. Lucyball was fast for a fat lady and her huge shape filled the door of the small cot room. Peanut skedaddled under the cot and Cindersue wished she could fit under there with him. Her aunts face was twisted up and, she was yelling all manner of horrible things at Cindersue. With spit aflying out of her red lipsticked smeared mouth she lowered the boom on Cindersue." Why you ungrateful old hillbilly! I bring you here to my home I feed you I board you and this is how you show me your grateful. You had no business , no business atall going to that judgin and embarrassing me in that ugly old homemade quilt dress. Why we will all be the laughing stock of all of Knoxville if folks find out you is my sisters gal. And on top of that here you was standing proud as a peacock in them silly o'l cloth shoes looking like a hobo if I don't mind sayin. I shoulda never tried to help you and your ma. No, Lord knows I shouldn't have. Trying to help uneducated hillbillies is like tryin to shoe a dead horse! Cant be done! Tryin to help you was my failin I tell you missy Cinder big nosed Sue! Tomorrow bright and eary mind you,Ima calling a taxi cab and theys ataking you right to the bus station. You can jest go back to that stupid old mountain and live off pig entails and polk salat like your mammy has all her life. So's you can marry some o'l big nose hillbilly moon shine runnin man and have a batch of youngans ya cant afforded to feed.. Won't never amount to a hill of beans anyway. Aunt Lucyball had lost all of her fake city accent and reverted back to her hillbilly roots way of talking she was so mad. When she heard her self it only mad her madder. " yes by damned your gittin outta here and better not let the door hit you in the behind your jest nutin but a worthless gnat just like the whole lot of them slop eatin hillbillys living on that stinking old mountain. Ima sending you home first light.! Cindersue couldn't believe what she had heard. Home! She is sending me home!. She opened her mouth to say something and her aunt yelled again. "Shut your pie hole girl!" Flies are a gonna get in your big ol mouth . Besides they ain't no use beggin me to stay here and you can kiss your city schooling good bye!" All you got saved up is about thirty dolars and that's jest enough to set your self up with a greyhound ticket. So you just pack your paper bags and be ready in the morning . I've had my say and I don't wanna look at you no more. Ungrateful child that you are!."" With that Lucyball threw up her chubby arms and stomped out toward her bed room...
Cindersue stooped down and reached for Peanut who was still hiding under the cot .He was shaking bad as she was,so she held him tight. " Oh, Peanut ain't it funny how God always works things out. Even after this awful night, Now I'm agoing home, I shorely am." She fell asleep with a happy smile on her face and Peanut beside her. They were both wore out from aunt Lucyballs hollering and slept all cozy, like two peas in a pod all night...........
The next morning aunt Lucyball beat Cindersue up. She could hear her aunt on the telephone calling for a taxi to come to the house. Cindersue got dressed and packed her few things in her cardboard suit case . Her dress and velvet moccasins,extra cotton dresses and bloomers and she also slid mammas pocket book in there as well. She sat waiting on the small cot holding the tiny dog Peanut in her lap. "Oh,Peanut can you fairly believe it ? We are going home! Mamma will be so happy to see us and honest to goodness I ain't never been happier about anything as long as I've lived." Peanut sensed her excitement and wiggled with joy as she petted his small furry head.
Aunt Lucyball came heavy footed back in to the kitchen and called for Cindersue.
." Ok gal, I've called a cab fer you and heres the thirty dollars fer your Greyhound. I aint never been so glad to rid my self of such an embarrassment in my whole life" Now you just put that o'l turd factory of a dog outside and you take your ungrateful tail to the front and you stand and wait fer that taxi!. I'm happy to be shed of you I am!"
A sadness like none other came over Cindersue. Leave Peanut? It was almost unthinkable. But being the kind of child she was she obeyed her mean old aunt and opened the back door . Setting her friend on the back steps she cried as she told him good bye. " I promise to come back for you honey baby, I shorley do, now you be a good boy and ill see you soon as I can" The little dog seemed to understand and sat sadly on the steps as she closed the back door. She looked back at the closed porch room door and sighed heavily. Her heart was a busting with sadness, but she knew she had to go leaving her best friend behind. With tears in her eyes she went to the front of the house and out the door to the side walk.She didn't even look back when she heard ol aunt Lucyball slam the door behind her . Standing in the morning sun waiting on the taxi she to take her to the bus station she squared her shoulders and tried to tell her self she would find a way to come back for Peanut. It almost worked too, until she heard him give three sharp yelps then howl long and low from his place in the backyard. Such a lonesome sound broke her heart into and she knew right then what she had to do. Putting her case on the side walk she untied the string and took her mammas pocket book out. Running to the back yard she called for the little dog quietly.. "Peanut, Peanut, come on liddle feller you is a going home with me! " Peanut ran to her happy as he could be. Tail awaggin and eyes bright, he jumped in to her arms and she slipped him into mammas pocket book." Now you has to be real quiet honey pie. We don't want no one knowing I'm sneaking you on the bus". It isn't really like I'm stealing him , its more like I'm rescuing him. Cindersue told her self as she ran back out front and hopped in to the waiting taxi cab. They made it to the bus station in record time.She bought her ticket and true to his self Peanut was quite as a mouse sleeping in her mamas pocketbook the whole bus ride back to the Smokey's..
The first person she saw when she stepped off the greyhound in front of the co-op was missy Becky Lou Hannah. Missy Becky Lou not only managed the co-op selling all manner of things mountain people needed she was the head post master at the small post office inside the co-op. " Why iffin it ain't Cindy sue Anne maryjane!! You been gone a coons age gal, and my ain't you growed into a fine looking young woman!! Does your mammy know you has come home? " No mama miss Hannah she don't know yet but soon as I can hitch a ride on somebody's wagon I'm gonna surprise her fer sure!" Cindersue was all smiles and when she took Peanut out of her pocket book miss Hannah let out a hoot. " That sorely is the ugliest liddle dog I ever did see.!!" Peanut jumped down from cindersues arms,ran around in a circle chasing his tail a few times then trotted tail in air to the nearest cedar tree and hiked his leg. " Yes mam, he may be ugly all right but his heart is good and kind and he loves me as much as I love him and I recon that's all that matters don't ya think? Smiling miss Hannah said she agreed with that then said. " It's a pure fact no matter how ugly some babies are when they come outta their mammy's belly, their mammy's love em even if theys ugly as a skunks butt or not ." This made Cindersue laugh till tears were coming out of her eyes. Your so right miss Hannah your so right." Still chuckling miss Hannah covered her mouth and whispered to Cindersue " Aint it the truth child , jest look at Lawrence and Liddy Bob's youngans. All eight of em ugly as sin with their cotton heads and bucked teeth. But I recon Liddy Bob and Lawrence would kill a panther with their bare hands iffin it tried bother any one of their babies" Yes mam" Cindersue said still giggling. "I know they would." It was sure good to be back on the mountain and see smiling faces thought Cindersue.At her aunts house smiles had been few and far between and when her relatives did smile it was because they was wolfin down plates of food and gallons of sweet tea Cindersue had prepared. She thought she had never seen any three people so happy to be a stuffing their bellies to the bustin point ..
About then Mammie Lee Willa Leighton, the Sunday school teacher and preacher Leighton's old maid sister came driven up in her wagon pulled by blue her old mule.
" Hey whooooo miss mammie! You member Cindersue don't ya? She's Polly Marie and Charlie Sharps only gal. She is agonna be needing a ride up the mountain iffin you don't mind. She just got off the Greyhound. Been gone nie on three years aliving in Knoxville. She is headed home to her mammy today. "Missy Hannah seemed as happy as Cindersue knew she was . But not as happy as her mamma was going to be soon as she could get to the cabin..
" Hidy Cindersue. If you ain't a sight for sore eyes I never seen one. I member you when you was knee high to a polecat, but your all grown now aint ya" Hop in the wagon yonder whilst I get some things and ill carry you far as old blue can take you. But I recon you got to walk the rest of the way wagon wont go up your steep hill." Thank you mam"Cindersue hollered. I can run the rest of the way iffin you can carry me a piece" She ran to the wagon calling Peanut who followed and jumped in the back with the sacks of mule feed miss Leighton had in the wagon. "Oh what a wonderful day Peanut! Not much farther now you hang on ok liddle feller?"
The wagon pulled off headed toward the mountain trail after miss Leighton had finished shopping and loading her few things. "Well here we go child" Miss Leighton told her. 'Don't you go lettin that dog of your jump out. " "I wont miss Leighton, ill hold him tight. " And that she did all the way to where old blue stopped when he couldn't turn up the hill towards her home. She jumped out thanking missy Leighton and wishing her well. Totting her suit case she happily made her way through the cedar trees and down to the creek then across the wild flower field and to home..Being fall of the year the leaves on the trees had turned. Lovely green, red, orange, gold russets and yellows covered the mountain and Cindersue realized her mountain was pretty as any picture in a book. It was getting dark out when she first saw her cabin. Mamma had built a fire to ward off the mountain chill and Cindersue could see and smell the wonderful fragrance of the cedar wood burning. She ran the last few hundred feet , Peanut close behind and bounded up the wooden steps of the cabin. Throwing open the door she saw her mama bending over her sewin as she sat by the coal oil lamp. "Mama, mama its me Cindersue I'm home" They fell into each others arms holding each other tight and cried with happiness..
Kissing Cinder sue all over her face, mamma praised Jesus for letting her see her only child again. "I been so worried sick bout you Cindersue. It's been over two months since you wrote. I didn't know iffin you was alive or dead babygirl" " Oh I'm alive mamma, and do I ever have a tale to tell you. Cindersue look down saddly. "But mamma I lost your beautiful locket! It musta fell off my neck and I didn't notice it till I was heading home. I didn't even git no chance to look for it. I'm so sorry mamma, Daddy gave it to you and and .." " Hush up baby., Hush now. Stop that bawling.Having you here to home with me again is worth more than a barn full of gold lockets . You pay it no mind. Material things don't mean a hoot iffin you got the ones you love beside you." Cindersue deep in her heart knew her mamma meant ever word she said and it made her feel better about losing the locket it shorely did..
Later that night after a big supper of beans and corn bread and stewed ramps, her and mamma sat on the porch awhile and once again listened to the tree frogs bark. Peanut was having a ball chasing the momma cat and some old speckled banny hens around the yard. Cindersue figured she was more happy now to be home beside her mamma than anytime in her young life. "Mamma" She said as they went inside the cabin to get ready for bed. " I promise you and cross my heart ill never leave this mountain again not long as I live . This is where I belong and I know that deep in my heart now"
" Yes baby girl, this here mountain is your home and home to me and my family fer now going on two hundred years. And its a fine place to be. " "Go on to sleep now gal, daylights a commin" With that, Cindersue did close her eyes and Peanut curled up in front of the fireplace and they all fell asleep peacefully in the cozy cabin on the mountain.
Back in Knoxville the dogwood queen was picked. The parade went with out a hitch and one lucky girl went on a dinner date with Devon. He tried over the next two weeks to locate the beautiful blonde girl and had no success. No one seemed to know who she was or where she had come from. As much as Lucyball wanted to believe she was high society in Knoxville, no one knew who her or her girls were either. At least no one Devon talked to. At his wits end to find his angel in the velvet dress, he had some posters printed. He offered a fifity dollar reward for the person who could call and tell him who she was and where he could find her. He told his self he could die happy if he could just to look into her lovely sea green eyes one more time and return her gold locket. He was puzzled at the tiny seed inside the locket and hoped when he did find the blond girl she would tell him what it was.
It didn't take long after Virginia Amy and Anna Loraine saw the posters and brought one home to Lucyball , When she was on the phone calling the mayors office to claim the reward. She told the mayors secretary the address of the co -op near Cindersue's home and hurried to the mayors office to collect then cash the check. her and her daughters celebrated by going to eat at a fancy restaurant and ordering oysters on the half shell and lobster. she had always heard rich people ate that, so that's what they ordered. full, fat and happy they put Cindersue out of their minds and not one of them even missed little Peanut..
Back home on the mountain, Cindersue her mamma and peanut spent their days getting ready for winter.Cindersue started on another quilt top. This one of cotton scraps her mamma had saved. One early morning as she was choppin kindling in the yard and watching the snow flakes twril and dance in the cold mountain air, she heard Peanut barking up a storm. Soon a figure on a big white mule came into her sight. Setting her axe in a stump she wiped her forehead with her hand to align the stray blond hairs that had gotten loose from her pony tail. When the man got off the mule she about fainted. It couldn't be .. But it was! It was the mayors son . That good looking boy called Devon and he was astanding in her yard!!. Devon thought this girl was a vision from heaven . In her blue shift dress and knitted sweater , barefooted and slightly flushed from her work she stunned him with her natural beauty. It was a minute or two before he could speak. Reaching in his pocket he held out her mammas gold locket and said " I think you dropped this awhile ago" Seeing the locket Cindersue smiled ear to ear. " Why yes, I think I did. You came all this way jest to give it back to me?" She asked the black haired boy. " Well yes, to give it back and uh,, also to see you again" They both blushed red and Cindersue invited the boy named Devon inside. He was polite and handsome as any man she had ever seen and her mamma liked him too. He listened to mamma tell the mustard seed story after much begging from him and Cindersue and he had never felt more comfortable in his life.
Devon never left that mountain after that night. Him and Cindersue got married the very next spring. Right down by the creek. Standing under a big pink Jesus died for me tree. Cindersue had black eyed Susan's in her hair and carried blue wild violets in her hand. She was wearing her velvet moccasins with yellow ribbons and her beautiful hand made rainbow dress of many colors, and they all lived happily ever after in a little cabin near her mamma on the peaceful blue smokey mountain...
the end
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