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Rated: E · Article · Community · #1446773
Talks about why we hurt each other and what we can do about it
Why are people so eager to hurt others when a nice word would do? Do we even know when we’re hurting someone else? Is our pride more important to us than our friends and family’s feelings? What is so wrong with the world that we allow people to hurt us whether they’re aware of it or not?

These questions need to be addressed and a thought-out answer provided. Because no-one wants to live their lives being hurt or live it hurting others it’s not a nice existence for anyone if we’re all hurting.

We have to work together to make sure everyone is happy, whether it be by a nice word, gesture, or act of kindness. The world is too full of anguish and despair and we don’t have to live that way, it is up to us to choose a life where we’re aware of other people’s feelings rather than worrying about ourselves. Life doesn’t always revolve around us, it involves other people too, whether we want it to or not, that is the harsh reality. We can’t all live together if we’re fighting against each other and we can’t live together if we keep saying the wrong things, we need to find a balance, to find a way to live in peace and harmony.

We need to be open and honest about our thoughts, dreams, hopes, fears, loves, hates, but most importantly we need to put other people ahead of ourselves. We live in a world that is so self-centered and in need of repair. We need to fix this problem and we can do that by opening our hearts to others, and saying nice things to each other every chance we get but that’s not to say we should live in fear of doing or saying the wrong thing, because that is bound to happen, none of us are perfect, we just have to accept that fact, and own up to our mistakes. We can’t continue to let things slide as we have done because we’ll lose more than we’ll gain.

We need to open our minds and hearts to a better future, and to love one another, hurting each other with words, or violence isn’t the answer. We need to realize that. Love is the largest emotion we can ever hope to feel and when we feel it we can feel its full power, it is a very strong emotion on its own, if we learn to love, to talk nicer to each other; we can behave in a friendlier manner to each other. By saying hurtful things to someone whether we mean to or not can have a lasting effect on that person’s psyche. We have to let go of our bitterness, our need to always be right and listen to the other person with new ears, because everyone’s point of view counts, not just our own.

We need to understand that thinking before we act is vital to whether we say or do something hurtful or something kind. As the old saying goes, if you don’t have anything constructive to say, don’t say anything.

If we all work together we can achieve this goal – the goal to live a happier life, one that isn’t full of hurt and bitterness but is instead full of love and hope for the future and in mankind.
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