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Rated: ASR · Serial · Comedy · #144663
The Second Episode
As the opening credits come to an end, the camera moves through some thick underbrush, pushing its way deep into the heart of one of the island's jungles. Suddenly, it emerges in a lovely clearing... with hostile sounding words coming from the left.

As we look, we see B. Wolf and a production assistant.

"You call this an espresso? What did you use? Motor oil?" he bellows at the young PA.

The cameraman sends a "psst" to B. Wolf, who suddenly realizes that he's on camera. Tossing his coffee off screen, and into the young intern (who screams), B. Wolf flashes his best smile for the viewers watching at home.

"Eh-heh, welcome all back to our secluded island in the South Pacific. It's now been a week since we marooned ten complete strangers on this deserted island," he says, walking to his left.

Coming back to the meeting place where the contestants had been introduced, he continues.

"They've been working together for a week, struggling to overcome the forces of nature... and each other. Here, let's take a look to see how they're doing," he says, clicking a button on a remote control.

"Welcome back to Romance Movie Afternoon! Today's selection is..."

"Eh! Wrong button!" B. Wolf says, with the cameraman snickering.

With the press of another button, the scene changes to a beautiful beach on the West side of the island. Panning around, a primitive campsite comes into view. Zooming in, the faces of the contestants can be made out.

There are four makeshift tents. Three of them house three of the male contestants each. They are thatched together from palm fronds and branches. All in all, they look quite crowded and run down. Looking, the camera picks up Buster, gnawing on one of the support poles of the tents.

The fourth houses the young Doac. It appears to be quite well constructed, complete with a door... and a doorbell?!

As the scene changes, we see Sgt. Ragnarok wading through the water, with Alagar, Mitchell, and Jack standing on the beach behind him.

"He's never gonna catch any fish, the lunkhead," Jack says with a snicker.

Hearing that Ragnarok growls, lowering his head into the water and rearing it back up in less then a few seconds. The group stares on dumbfounded as four fish lay skewered on the dragon's horns.

Alagar and Mitchell applaud, while Jack rolls his eyes.

Walking back to the beach, the Sarge removes the fish from his horns. Alagar and Mitchell approach him.

"Wow, thanks Sarge, you're the best at fishing. We'll store those away for the group," Alagar says, extending his arms.

Looking down at them, Sgt. Ragnarok shoots a look of contempt.

"Get yer own fish, maggots!" he barks, in true drill-sargeant fashion.

As he walks, he jams his finger into Mitchell's large, black stomach.

"You could stand to skip a meal anyway fatboy!"

With stunned looks on the two's faces, the Sarge stomps away. Jack merely falls to the ground, braying hysterically.

The scene changes, suddenly it is a one-on-one with Alagar. The alligator looks pensive.

"I just don't think that the Sarge likes us very much."

The scene shifts to an interview with Sgt. Ragnarok.

"I don't like them very much," he says dryly.

Returning to the beach, we join 'Quicksilver', Cardal, and Garth, apparently gathering coconuts from some nearby palm trees. The fox is looking up at some nice coconuts at the top of a tall palm tree, while Cardal is busy trying to climb up the tree. Garth is sitting under a palm tree, and appears to be making up some rap lyrics.

"Are you going to help us or are you just going to sit there all day?" Joseph asks, perturbedly tapping his foot, his arms crossed.

Looking up from behind his black shades, Garth laughs.

"What's the matter, dancer boy can't do it? Fine then, I'll help the little..." Garth begins, starting to stand up.

Turning back to the tree, Joseph strikes a peculiar pose. With a slight "HEEYA!" he sends a thunderous kick into the tree's trunk. Like something out of a comic book, the tree flies off, and to the ground. Cardal, sent flying to the ground, lifts his head and spits out a mouthful of sand.

"Oh! Sorry there, Cardal!" Jospeh says with a slight bow.

Rubbing his head, the dolphin signals that he is fine.

Walking over to pick up the coconuts, Joseph shoots a sly look back at Garth, who is frozen in place, his shades slipping off his face.

"Dancing strengthens the legs, boy-ee" he says, walking away with the large coconuts.

Once more, the scene changes. We see the young Doac stalking through the jungle. In her hand is a makeshift spear. Using her keen senses, the lioness is tracking a young boar for the group's dinner.

Turning over a branch, her quarry comes into view. Raising the spear quietly, Doac prepares to strike.

Suddenly, Juke leaps out from behind her, brandishing a large club. Swinging like mad, he attempts to strike the boar, who is frightened off by his wild motions.

"What did you do?!" Doac bellows at him.

"I tried to get him for you, Doac my sweet!" he says, leaning towards her with his eyes closed and his lips puckered.

It was a shame that his eyes were closed, or else he would have seen Doac's fist fly towards his jaw, and knock him back twenty yards.

Landing in a lagoon, the alligator's mouth is above water.

"I think she likes me..." he utters, with the young boar from earlier chuckling to his right.

The final scene is that of the survivors gathering back together with their spoils. Joseph proudly brandishes his coconuts, until Buster grabs one of them out of his hand and starts running. Doac begins to ration out the accumulated food as Joseph chases the tubby wolf around, and the Sarge cooks his own fish.

All of a sudden, the screen turns to static, and then the camera pans away, revealing a TV with static on the screen next to B. Wolf, who is talking on his cell phone.

"What are you wearing? Ooohhh, that sounds so..." he says, turning to notice the camera. His eyes bug out, and he blushes severly as he shuts his phone.

"Well! Wasn't that exciting? One week, conflict and survival. Which brings us up to today. We secretly polled the contestants as to who should be voted off first. The results surprised us, and we are about to reveal them. Now all we need, is the victi....er, the contestants!"

In a single file line, the contestants enter the meeting place, each carrying a lit torch. Buster is gnawing on his, apparently still hungry.

Sitting, B. Wolf moves in front of the group.

"Survivors, it's been a hard week for all," he begins.

"Except you, mister I have three personal assistants," Jack mutters.

Shooting the donkey a look, B. Wolf continues.

"But now, we have tallied your votes, and are now ready to reveal the results, and to begin the inflation."

The camera pans close to each of the contestant's faces, and unfortunately bumps into Sgt. Ragnarok's snout. With a growl, he punches the camera (and the cameraman) ten feet away.

B. Wolf blinks, a sweatdrop on the back of his head.

"Well! Let's just get to it!" B. Wolf says, holding up an envelope.

"In here is the answer," he says, opening the envelope to reveal two pieces of paper.

The contestants now begin to sweat. Each wonders who will be the first two to go.

Reading the papers, B. Wolf prepares to speak.

"Sgt. Ragnarok, atten-SHUN!" he barks.

Sgt. Ragnarok's jaw drops, and the dragon slams his mighty fist into the ground, causing cracks in the stone ground of the meeting place.

Jack stifles his laughter upon seeing what became of the stone. Slowly, yet proudly, the Sgt. walks over to B. Wolf.

"Sorry, Sarge, but, you've been voted off."

Two PA's wheel out a cart, covered in a cloth. B. Wolf throws back the tarp, revealing many tanks. Some indicate air, others water, and some have peculiar symbols that are illegible.

"Well, Sgt. you must now leave the island..." B. Wolf says, fishing out one of the air hoses, twisting the dial on the tanks.

"But first! Present mouth!" he barks.

Nervously, Ragnarok opens his mouth, and places the hissing hose into his mouth. Closing his mouth, B. Wolf twists the dial more.

Ragnarok's eyes widen as his cheeks puff out from the air. He feels the air filling his mouth, and starting to move down his throat, into his torso. Looking down, his ash black stomach begins to poke out between his cammo pants and his gray tank top.

He reaches his right arm over, poking his inflating gut, as it stretches out his clothes.

At this point, the camera shifts back over to B. Wolf.

"Don't worry, all of our contestants clothes have been specially treated with a unique polymer which allows them to stretch along with our contestants, this show is rated PG after all!"

As the camera turns back to the growing Sarge, his torso has picked up speed in its inflation. His stomach, now the size of an overinflated beachball, continues to grow, with the tank top and waistband of his pants stretched against the growing girth. His chest has also began to grow, enhancing the appearance of his pecs.

The Sarge wobbles a bit as the air begins to fill his legs. His thighs push apart, as his stomach continues to grow. His tail straightens and grows as the airflow reaches it. Even his toes plump out a little!

His arms are the next to grow, rounding out slightly. As the air makes its way down his arms, his hands swell slightly, puffing out each finger.

After a few more seconds, the air flow stops. B. Wolf removes the hose, and the camera pans back to take in the Sarge.

His midsection is close to being perfectly round, though the division between the upper torso and the stomach are still visible. However, his stomach is quite large and round, with a waistline approaching 100"! Peculiarly, his ash black skin appears to have developed a slight shine from the inflation.

The Sarge rubs his new stomach, marvelling at the small squeaks it emits.

B. Wolf walks over, pushing his paw into the Sgt.'s balloon belly. Giving it a light squeeze, and a few pats, he continues.

"Not bad Sargeant. This is your reward," he says with a salute.

Bending a swollen arm up, Ragnarok manages to salute in return, despite his volleyball sized cheeks, and inflated arms.

Half walking/half waddling, the Sargeant moves over towards the exit.

"Ha! The old coot's gone!" Jack calls out.

"Good, fool was gettin on my nerves." Garth says, trying to sound tough.

"Oh not so fast, boys. There were two sheets of paper in here. Two names. Guess who's next?" B. Wolf says flatly.

Jack grimaces.

"No, not you Jack," he says, muttering 'though I wish it was' under his breath.

"Sorry Garth, but you're outta here too."

With a slight laugh from Joseph, Garth skulks over to B. Wolf.

"I don't wanna be some air balloon, Wolf!" he says, pointing a finger towards B. Wolf, who is fumbling with a different hose.

"Oh, don't worry, we know what you want," he says, holding up a hose connected to a tank with a picture of what appears to be a cookie on it.

Quizically, Garth sticks the hose in his mouth. As B. Wolf twists the nozzle, Garth emits a "mmph" of surprise. Suddenly, a smile appears on his face, as his cheeks widen slowly.

"What is that stuff?" Juke asked.

"A fattening agent we've developed... cookie dough flavored I think."

Garth's hands rub his stomach as it fattens outwards. Like the Sargeant before, his undershirt stretches as he grows. Gulping down the chemical, Garth appears to be enjoying every moment of the experience.

As his brown stomach balloons out, it begins to sag over his waistband. As a double chin begins to form on the bear, his sides grow outwards.

As the fattening spreads to other parts of his body, each of his pecs begin to sag down, creating folds in his undershirt. Garth's attention turns to his newly formed love handles, and how his arms seem heavier then before. Looking over, he sees them plumping up.

His thighs, likewise, swell with fat. His black slacks strech to contain the ballooning bear.

As his chest grows, his large gold chain begins to sink into it.

A few seconds later, the flow stops. B. Wolf removes the hose, and the camera pans back.

Garth's stomach has ballooned over his waistband, and his torso had begun to encompass his legs. He reachs his fat arms inwards, scratching and squeezing his squishy, fat body. Amazingly, he has developed two sets of love handles, and a mighty double chin. His appearance was that of a brown bear who had gone to an all-you-can-eat buffet, and finished it... and then went to the one down the street.

"Now I can go join Da Fat Bears! All I needed was to gain some weight!" he says, jiggling a few folds of his belly.

"Well, I'd say you constitute a group by yourself now, Garth. Congratulations!" B. Wolf says.

Patting his soft, squishy gut, B. Wolf motioned for Garth to join the Sarge.

Waddling slowly, his body squished with each step. His body looked like a flowing pool of fat as he joined the ballooned Ragnarok.

"Well contestants, there you have it. The first two of you are now gone. Eight remain."

Cardal raises his hand.

"Yes Cardal?"

"I thought you said that the first to be inflated wouldn't be blown up that big... but, that's how much the first ones will receive?" he says, his voice conveying both apprehension and a slight note of anticipation.

"Well, I hope that gives you an idea of what the final reward size will be like," he answers with a sly smile.

"Contestants, I wish you all luck. We shall reconvene in one week. Good luck," B. Wolf says.

One by one, each filed out, with Jack bringing up the rear.

As Jack passes him, B. Wolf mutters, "you'll need it, donkey boy!"

The camera turns back to Ragnarok and Garth, as they approach the exit. Ragnarok is still rubbing his firm air-filled stomach, while Garth is scratching his massive gut. As the two exit, into the sunset, they appear as two obese sumo-furs, walking away, their guts bouncing off each other.

The view now shifts back to a view of the whole island, as the logo appears on the screen, and the credits begin to roll.
© Copyright 2001 Blimp Wolf (blimpwolf at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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