Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1446600-Cow-Girl-in-the-City--Chapter-one
Rated: E · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1446600
this is the first chapter called" It was only a kiss", enjoy!

Cowgirl in the city
I live on farm, a few miles from town, an hour bus ride to school, and I haven’t once traveled outside of British Columbia. As pathetic as it sounds, I haven’t really left Canyon Creek. I mean I’m seventeen going on eighteen! I know all the side roads, and we own 3 horses, 50 cows, and a dog. Sometimes I think I own the fields, the wide stretch to the mountains and hills. But out here I can let my imagination go wild. I don’t really have a part-time job, it’s more like a 24/7 job on this farm. It’s been passed down from my great great grandfather all the way to my father. And money runs deep in my dad’s family, so we have our fair share of help. I spend most of my time riding, reading, and of course working. Every morning I go to school with my best friend Casey, I’ve known her since bible camp when we were 4. And every night I feed the horses, curl up on my window seat and wonder what else could possibly out there. Sure we have T.V, but we only get local news. My new found passion is my camera, ever since last Christmas I can never be with out it. I don’t really see myself anywhere but here.
Chapter One: It was only a kiss
“Honey, I need you to go to the store in the morning and get me some milk.” My mother walked into my room with a fresh load of laundry.
“Umm we have cows.” I turn my laptop off and set it by my feet looking out the window, mom climbs onto my bed and lies on her stomach, playing with her wavy long brown hair.
“Okay what is it?” I climb onto my bed beside her.
“There are two weeks left of summer, and I haven’t seen you step outside of Homestead farm. What happened to Casey? You two used to go swimming in the lake every night…and stay up all hours talking.”
“She got a boyfriend that’s what happened. And I like working on the farm.” I slowly make my way to my bathroom; I pick up my brush and stroke my long brown hair.
“Okay okay, I just think that you should get out some more. When I was your age, I went to dances, and snuck out with my friends.” I turn the light off and climb into bed. “I’m not saying that you should, but have some fun.” I roll my eyes.
“Mom, I am having fun…I got friends and I’ll see them when I go to school in two weeks. This is my time to relax, and this is how I want to spend it.” She looks into my hazel brown eyes, and I look into her eyes. “Are you still seeing the barn boy, John?” Oh right, him.
“No…that was at the beginning of the summer, and then I caught him with another girl. And now we are just friends.” Lie…the last part, I bet he is waiting in the barn right now.
“Okay…just checking. But tomorrow promise me you will at least show your face at the fair.” She kissed my forehead. “Love you.” She turned off my lamp on my bedside table.
“Okay I will show up, but only for an hour. Love you too mom.” I then watched as she shut my door and walked down the hallway to say goodnight to the other critters in this household.
I lie in my bed facing the open window, waiting for the signal. So here’s the truth, I’ve been seeing John for all of July and August. And yes I caught him with a girl in my grade, and to this day haven’t let him forget it. But we hit it off from the day dad decided to hire a fourth worker, I don’t know what it is, maybe his fore arms, and tough torso. Well that’s what it was in the beginning, I would catch myself staring at him from time to time. And certainly a better catch then some of the guys at my high school. I then see a light reflect off of my chimes outside of my window and onto my wall. I quickly climb out of bed slip on a pair of jeans and a hoodie. I notice the lights again and I go to my window to shine my flashlight at the barn door. I turn mine off and wait for his signal that the house is dead. I see the barn door open and he shines the light in my face, so I make my way out of my room past my sisters and brother’s rooms as quiet as a mouse. I feel my way down the stairs and exit out the side door onto the porch. I see the door on the barn open a little more and I pick up the pace.
“It’s about time.” John whispered turning his flashlight on, I look into his emerald green eyes.
“Sorry for the hold up, I had a mom talk.” I walk over to the stairs, John catches up and we carefully climb the stairs. “So what’s up? I thought you didn’t want to hang out tonight…you said something about hanging out with some friends at the drive-in.”
“Yeah I went for a bit, but it’s not fun with out you.” I sit on the edge looking out to the open field. He sits beside me and we hang out legs off the side. “Besides I missed you today.” He then reaches behind us under a blanket for the oil lantern.
“You missed me today? That’s funny I find that hard to believe.” I cross my legs and lean back on my arms. He chuckled and wrapped the blanket around me. “We see each other everyday…unless you are thinking of quitting.” He clasps his hands together and looks over at me, I feel my heat drop. “The last time you looked at me like that was when I caught you with Michelle.” He turns his body towards me.
“I’m not seeing anyone, just you.” He sighs and hangs his head. “But yes I did quit.”
“Why? I thought you loved this place?” I asked him, he touched my arm and linked hands with mine.
“I love you, and I quit because I want to take the next step. I don’t want to sneak around; I want to get out of here.” I am speechless; there are no words that can express how I feel. “Umm say something…anything.” He tucks a strand of hair in front of my face behind my ear.
“All right, umm…so- what do you mean take the next step?” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a map. I hand it back to him shaking my head. “No…I know what you’re thinking…and I will not- run.away.with.you.”
“No,” he smiles and opens the map. “I want to take you to my cottage, just you and me like the time at the lake, and in the tree, and- did you get the part where I said I love you?”
“Yes, I got that…John-“
“- I’m going away to college, and I don’t want to spend every night with you for two wonderful weeks. I want to spend the whole day with you and just us no one else.” He leans in and pierces his lips against mine; I give in and kiss him back. He lays me down, his body pressed up against mine, and his hands respectively resting on my arm. And then my waist, so I’m freaking out a little. I stop his hand from visiting the bra market and our lips separate, he looks at me puzzled.
“John, don’t you think this is a little…too fast?” he sits up and looks out past the mountains. “If you want a relationship, then I’m sure we can work it out…it’s not going to be easy…but-“
“- I’m really sorry, I have to go.” He gets up swiftly and I follow him.
“John, wait…don’t go.”
“Its okay, your right this is moving a little too fast. I don’t know what I was thinking.” I grab onto his arm before he runs down the narrow path and out to his car parked somewhere in the bush. “Do you love me? Because if you do then no questions asked…you would want to go to my cottage with me. What’s so scary about that?” I look into his eyes and my hand drops to my side. “Come here.” He opens his arms and circles them around me. I feel a tear roll down my cheek, he knows as well as I do that I am not “relationship material”. Honestly, I don’t know the first thing of a relationship. I mean obviously, hence the quick hand.
“I am so sorry John, of course I like you. The timing is all wrong.” He gives me a little squeeze and we let go.” Before you go at least say good-bye at the fair.”
“I’ll try…are you kidding me! I would be a jerk if I didn’t swing by.” I smile and we slowly stroll up the narrow path and to the open road where his big ford pick up truck waits behind a bush. He opens the driver side door, and pokes his head through the window. “Sleep tight.” Just then I smell something burning.
“Yeah you too see ya later bye!” I run off towards the hay barn and see black smoke coming from the upstairs window. I’m dead…toast…fried chicken!!!!! I sprint into the house, and look for the fire extinguisher. I find it under the sink…and of course had to go through all the cupboards to get to it.
“Mommy! Mom! Look the barn is on fire!” I sprint out the door and into the smoke filled barn, I start to cough, but I make out where the fire started. I make my way to the stairs, but something pulled me back.
“What are doing?! Get back into the house this instant young lady!” I look into my father’s eyes fear cast upon them.
“Dad…-“He gives me a stern look and heads up the stairs, the fire is spreading. “DAD! It’s not safe!” I hear and see the white foam come out of the fire extinguisher.
The smoke fills my lungs and I escape to the porch were my brothers and sisters wait with their robes. They don’t look happy at all, so I don’t even bother trying to explain. I then see my mother leaning up against the threshold of our front door, disappointed. I lied to her. But she steps out of the way hearing a police car coming down the road.
“Go inside…and up to bed.” She swiftly makes her way to my dad coming around the back of the barn.
“ Mom-“ but I loose my train of thought as my siblings give me evil looks returning into the house, So I follow and do as I am told.
The next morning follows at the crack of dawn, but this Saturday is like no other. I lazily make my way out of the bathroom after a short warm shower, and search through my dresser drawers for an outfit. Not just any outfit, I’m getting my ride in today…and if I’m banned from that then I’ll go for a run. It’s a routine on the weekend, where I don’t eat with my family but with my horse Shiloh. I slip my jeans over my long legs and love handles then squeeze my riding boots onto my feet. I look in the mirror, oh yeah a shirt would help. I find the one I have been looking for weeks under my bed, and finally look into my floor length mirror. I can smell bacon through the vents and scurry out of my room.
“Mom, I’m going for a ride.” I make my way into the kitchen, and to the fridge. My ears perk up when dad comes through the side door and hangs up his coat.
“Talk to your father about it. JOY! CARTER! BRIDGETT! JACKSON! DANNY! Come get it!” I hear the army make their way to the kitchen table, where dad is reading the paper. I sit beside him; he peels back the page of his newspaper, sighs and sets it down.
“Mom! Tell Danny boy that his toothbrush is the red one not the pink one!” Bridgett is the first in line for a plate, and grub.
“Tell Bridgett to stop calling me Danny boy…its Danny. D-A-“Bridgette bumps him out of the line and he goes to the back pouting. Bridgett sits across from me.
“Dad…can I sleep over at Marisa’s tonight? She’s going to meet me at the fair, and her mom will drive me home.” Carter takes his place beside her and takes the syrup from her grip. He looks from Bridgette to me.
“You’re grounded and I have to visit the bank.”
“Dad…it was an accident.”
“So what were you doing alone, in the middle of the night, and with a map?” Dad pulls out the crisped map and places it in front of me. “You were alone, right?” he asked me again.
“I was with John and he was in such a rush to get into his truck that I forgot the lantern was on.” Dad gets up and grabs his coat.
“And that’s why you are grounded.” He steps out the door but I walk him to his pick-up truck.
“Why because I was with John?” I asked him, he climbed in and started the ignition.
“No, because my responsible daughter would blow out the lantern first.” I step back as he drives off around the corner and out of sight.
Great. My father thinks I’m irresponsible, I mean seriously? Me irresponsible. Who mucks out the stalls when every one claims that they did it last week? Who sweeps the barn and gets blisters? And who…ugh I can list the duties. Anyway, my dad and I have a close relationship, we do everything together. He signed me up for hockey and taught me how to skate. He taught me how to ride, ice fish, hike, swim, and roast a marshmallow. Although I’m still working on that. And on top of that I mess up once and I’m house bound. I drop my shovel since Shiloh is sniffing me for food.
“I know your hungry…and so am I.” I like to talk to my horses, because they listen and that’s all I need them to do. I fetch Shiloh a pal of water and dump it in his water basin, the spread his breakfast into the other basin, and watch her eat.
“So I messed up once, give me a break…the others get a way with murder. Psh, but no not me. I have to scoop up your poop.” Shiloh grunts. I then watch as a mouse scurries from underneath her, she gets scarred and jumps all over the place.
“Shiloh! Hey! Wow girl! Nice girl….beautiful girl.” She stops jumping up on her hind legs, but falls onto her side.
“I think you need some more water.” I get up and open the stall door, but that was a mistake. She gets up and as I try to close the gate she kicks it sending me into a near by hay stack, and bolts. So I take Max dad’s horse and put his harness on him, I jump on his bear back and we set off after Shiloh.
We scale the highest hill over looking our farm; the people down there are like ants. I then remember our favorite spot, so I dig my heal into Max a couple times and we head down the trail in a fast trout. When we get there I see Shiloh drinking the lake water by the tree, I slow Max down and tie him to a post.
“Hey girl, there you are.” I come around Shiloh my hands rubbing the side of her stomach and all the way up her mane. “I’m sorry I should of checked if you were all right first, can we go back home now?” She nods and I lead her over to Max. They have a big crush on each other, and there is a less chance that Shiloh would leave his side. I untie Max, and hop onto Shiloh. “Take me home girl.” And we headed back onto the main trail, my heart steadies and we pick up the pace. At home my family is loading into mom’s mini van to go to the town square fair. I wave them a good-bye before I put the two love birds back into their stalls.
It’s late, I’m not sure what time it is but I really enjoyed that second bowl of mac and cheese. But around this time Casey and I would be watching a movie, making a genius plan to scare our good old friends across the lake. It’s not a big lake, or a wide lake, but it sure is deep. And they aren’t just any old friends, more like a boy’s hockey camp. And this is why I don’t go to the fair because I would be missing out on…well watching Pirates of the Caribbean for the fourth time. And we always plan it on this night, because this is the last night the boys our age stay overnight before they head home. We do now the camp counselors, and my dad is very good friends with Gordon (the owner). But its way more fun and exciting sneaking off together. It just wouldn’t be the same if I went without her. Oh right…I forgot…she has a boyfriend. I press play and curl up on my coach. All of the sudden I hear something scratching at our back door, it startles me, but I know it’s just Buddy wanting in. I go to the sliding door, I smell camp fire, and quickly shut it behind him so the bugs won’t fly in. I pause my movie again at a good part, and get Buddy his food. And I should probably go to the washroom and get that over with so I don’t have to get up again. After I do my business and get a shiver up my back I curl up in my blanket one last time.
“ BOOO!” A voice jumps up from behind me; I get up in an instant and face my fears. The figure turns on the reading light, and a girl appears from the shadows giggling. “It’s me…Casey.” She jumps over the back of the coach and sits down beside me.
“ Hi Casey, you know normal people use the front door…or even knock.”
“ I know, but you know me…spontaneous.” She then grabs the clicker and presses play, I snatch it out of her hand and press pause.
“What are you doing here?” She turns and faces me, her copper red hair in pig tails, freckles, smile, and big brown eyes say it all.
“He dumped you didn’t he?” I asked her, she nodded.
“How did you know?”
“You gave me the “forgive me face”, and you never wear pig tails. Unless you’re looking for trouble and you wouldn’t be looking for trouble or here if you weren’t dating.”
“Oh come on, I’m the one who gets you out of trouble. And I’m sorry…I should have kept in touch…way more then just showing up at your house and scaring you silly.” I try to keep a straight face but we both end up laughing. “Best Friends.” She points her middle finger at me, I shake it with mine.
“Forever- so what happened with Freddie?”
“I don’t feel the same way about him as I did when we first started dating. And it was mutual…we both want to see other people.” I look her in the eye and she sighs. “ I broke it off, and drove down here too see you.” I smile and open my arms for a well needed hug. “ So what about you and John. The last time we spoke you wanted to stick needles in his eyes.”
“Well, I eventually forgave him. And we were seeing each other up to last night, when he told me he loves me, and I totally freaked out. Oh there’s more so clamp that jaw tight. I almost burned the hay barn down; I had to cut our good- bye short, he probably thinks I’m a jerk since I told him to say one last good- bye at the fair. But I’m grounded…and my dad thinks I’m irresponsible.”
“ A) You are not irresponsible; B) I love you? It’s been 3 months, and C) Did he try to get into your pants?”
“Casey! And no…my bra.” We both snicker and she gets a look on her face. “Oh no…your looking for trouble.” She smirks and looks out my sliding doors to the lake. “I can’t leave the house.” She looks back at me and pouts.
“Come on! One last time before we are “too cool” to carry on your older sisters cheesy traditions. And it could be fun; we can bring Buddy if you are scared.” Buddy looks over at us his head tilting from side to side. “Look at that adorable face…he’s saying “Please take me with you, pleaseeee!”
“Fine. But only on one condition.” She leans in. “We are home by 11 p.m. sharp.” She smiles and heads over to the stairs. “Umm you know where the washroom is.” She looks back at what I am wearing. I look down and shrug.
“You are not wearing that…come on I’ll pick you out something flirtatious because that’s exactly what you are going to do tonight.” We disappear into my room and Casey throws together my favorite pair of jeans, a shirt, and zip-up sweater. And it may not be much, but I trust her…we have the same taste.

About 20 minutes later we are out my back porch, led by Buddy to the dock. Usually when we are half way there or when we get there Casey comes up with a brilliant idea to get the guys jumpy. I climb into the canoe after Stephanie and help Buddy climb in as well; he rocks the boat a little bit trying to get comfortable on a couple life jackets. I push off the dock and we start to paddle slowly looking up to the stairs and the dead lake. It’s quite, abnormal for a Saturday night…but my neighbors are most likely recovering from last night. As we get closer I can hear someone playing the guitar, the fire crackling, and fire flies swarming around the swamped area. Casey and I hide our boat behind the tall grass trying to catch a peek of the guys.
“So do we have a plan?” I whisper as she helps me out of the canoe.
“No not yet.” Buddy then stumbles out of the canoe and the guys around the fire look around. But we are as still as night. Casey calls me over behind one of the cabins. “Okay, so we tell Buddy to play dead…wait oh my God look.” Then I spot Buddy starts sniffing in the open. Casey and I call for him once he did his business, he looks back at us. He hears a whistling noise and goes to check it out.
“Oh no…that’s not good.” Casey and I lean up against the cabin, she then peeks and nudges me. I look over at a tall guy, wearing a black ball cap, jeans, sweater, and amazing blue eyes. Casey pulls me back. “Go! Talk to him…he’s gorgeous. Did you see his arms?” I nod taking another peek as he plays with Buddy and a tick from around the fire. He is gorgeous, a great smile…oh wow he’s taking off his hat. Much…much better. I feel butterflies, and my hands get clammy.
“Okay I got a plan…just play along.” I try to stop her, but she steps out. “Buddy! Sorry guys…he’s got a wild mind.” That’s my cue but I can’t seem to get myself together.
“Is this your dog, he’s quite the jumper.” I hear the guy’s voice for the first time, and I get butterflies…Come on…pull yourself together.
“Yeah, actually he’s not my dog.”
“Is your friend shy? Because I see its shadow.” He says rather loudly. “Well come sit with us, I’m sure your friend will come around.”
“Okay, awesome.” I then hear Casey getting into a conversation with the guys, and I feel something land beside my feet, it’s a branch. Buddy dropped it, wagging this tail, and looking up at me with his brown eyes. But I ignore Buddy for the time being and peek around the corner as he sits down, pretending not to wonder who I am. So, I step out and pull the tree branch from Buddy’s mouth. He wags his tail, and I stop caring all of the sudden. Somehow I got this great courage.
“Well well well looks who decides to join us.” Casey announces.
“You fit right in don’t you Casey.” She smiles, and makes room for me on a log. “I’ll stand.” Just then Buddy grabs hold of the branch and yanks it out of my hand. I see him drop it beside mystery man, he smiles picks it up and throws it. But Buddy doesn’t play fetch; I have to run after it in order for him to beat me. Luckily I’m quick on my feet and grab it before Buddy has a chance to flinch. And as Buddy jumps up and down for it I’m secretly admiring the back of mystery man’s head. Maybe I should just talk to him; I mean I’m never going to see him again. And I certainly don’t want him to look back on his last night here remembering me as the shy girl. I walk over to him and tap his shoulder lightly with the stick, he looks up at me.
“Buddy doesn’t play fetch, he likes competition and rolling in dirt.” I glance over at Buddy rolling in the dirt and groaning. We both chuckle looking at the low fire.
“So what’s your name?” He makes room for me on the log, and my eyes are taken off his to the low fire. Wow he jumps right in…wasn’t expecting that at all. Most guys I know are arrogant and think they can have all the girls in town, as of me of course.
“I’m going to get fire wood.” I announce and knowingly walk in the direction where they are stacked. Smooth one…gah! He asks you one question and you walk in the other direction…he offers you a seat beside him and you scurry off. I find the stack of logs along the side of the nearest cabin. I start piling them in my arms and drop one, I kneel down and a hand picks it up and places it under my chin. I manage to smile in gratitude…it’s not really like me to trust guys right away, but I’ve never felt so comfortable…around any guy other then my dad.
“You must be around here because I got lost the first two weeks trying to find the stack of logs.” He continues as I pass by him getting a whiff of camp fire on his shirt. “And I heard you two whispering behind the garden shack.” He steps in front of me and grins like he cracked a case.
“Yeah I’m from around here, and you must be from town because the only people who know these fields and cattle are famers.” I set the logs on the ground beside a long, thick, tree trunk.
“So you’re a cow girl, the guys up here told me there was a family across the lake.” He looks across the lake to the lit path from my dock to my back porch. Yeah home…sweet home.
“Farmer…and city guy can you give me a hand?” I ask him politely, he puts some logs on the fire and we step back as one of the guys puts a little dose of gasoline. The flames get a little to close for comfort so I look away, so he pulls me aside to a safe distance from the flames and then they die down. But city boys arm is still around my shoulder, and the other holding onto my forearm. I look down from his eyes, we separate, and I cross my arms across my chest. He clears his throat and scratches his head making his way back to sit down by the fire. The guys more in with their lawn chairs, one of them puts his guitar away, and the other pulls out marshmallows.
“So cow girl, what kind of livestock do you have?” He sits back on his log and warms his hands.
“Cows.” I mumble.
“So that makes you a…” he trails off letting me finish his sentence.
“A cow girl I know…but you are defiantly a city guy.” I said looking at his shirt and jeans.
“I’m not from around here, actually far away from here…to be exact Ottawa. But since Ottawa is a city then yeah I’m a city guy.” I give up and sit beside him, and then stick my hand out.
“Riley.” He turns his body to mine and shakes my hand.
“Now I have never met a cow girl or a girl as pretty as you, or a name like yours. But I like it…it’s different.” He pauses looking me in the eyes again and I let go of his hand. “And the name is Zack.” He looks away at the fire. He gazed into my blue eyes like he saw something truly worth look deeper for.
“What do you mean different?” I ask him, he looks over to me all dreamy and what not.
“Unique, something I can’t find at home...everyone seems so…robot like.” He gets a shiver up my back and I giggle. He gets up reaches behind him and disappears behind a bush. “Come on…over here!” He calls to me, somewhere close to the water. I look over at Casey and she gives me encouraging looks. So I go around the bush, his shoes and socks are perched up on a rock. I take my shoes and socks off place them beside his. “Riley…over here.” I follow his voice over by the rocks near the shore, I start to walk over them carefully and he helps me onto the one he was standing on.
“What? What is it?” I sit beside him and he takes a deep breath.
“Fresh air.” I was about to say something but he puts his finger to my mouth. “If you listen closely you can hear wolves howling…it’s the coolest thing.” He takes his hand off my mouth and we listen to them.
“They aren’t wolves…more like coyotes.” I whisper in his ear.
“Oh. Well you have to admit…they are pretty cool.”
“Yeah, I know.” I look out to the water and then I lean back on my elbows. “Wanna play a game?” I ask him.
“What kind of game?” a grin appears, maybe he’s into other games. I can’t help but giggle.
“21 questions.” He looks over at me and smiles.
“Ladies first.” He says coolly, and I look up at the stars thinking of a question to ask him.
We start off with the favorites, like favorite ice cream and favorite pizza topping. But after awhile we got off on tangents talking about life and the craziness of two people from different places have so much in common. We forgot all about the questions, and he told me about the city. The way he describes it makes my heart flutter with excitement, the highways, buildings, parliament buildings, and busy market place. It all sounds so surreal, but heck it’s not like I’m going to be living this chicken coop anytime soon. And of course he wants to hear all about the farm, my horses, and the town. So I fill him in on every detail, forgetting that time goes by when one is having fun. We had lots of chuckles, flirting, and gazing out to the lake. And when he had to use the “boy’s washroom” I programmed my phone number into his address book. Since I don’t own a cell phone it took me longer to search for an address book icon then I thought. But I typed it in before Zack sat back down.
“What are you looking at?” He asked me, I quickly turned my head causing a sharp pain in the back of my neck. “Oohh I hate when that happens.” I rub the back of my neck and hand him his cell phone.
“I was looking for the time…and is it just me or did it suddenly get really late?” I ask myself.
“At least let me work out your neck with my hands, I swear it’s painless…and won’t take up too much time.” I sit cross legged my back facing him, he places his hands on the back of my neck and I feel relaxed almost immediately. “Is the kink gone yet?” he places his hands on my shoulder and I snap out of it.
“Yeah thanks, I think I should probably be going now.” I stand up and we come face to face. “I’ll walk you and Casey home.” He suggests.
“No, thank you…we took my canoe.” I walk past him, and he follows me back.
“It’s dark, the water could be unsafe.” I collect my shoes and socks. And I turn around again to Zack an inch away from touching my nose with his. He leans in and I kneel down to grab his shoes. “30 more minutes.” He speaks in a sexy tone, but I grab his shoes and push them into his stomach causing him to stand upright.
“I had a great time, I really did but-“
“We live too far away and long distance relationships hardily ever work out.” He sounds crushed.
“Exactly.” I put my socks and shoes on quickly; he helps me stand up straight.
“And you live out here…and I live way out there.” I nod wishing that I didn’t have to walk away from him; I walk around the bush, and find myself searching through a huge crowd of people looking for Casey. How did a few people around a small camp fire, become a bomb fire with maybe a hundred people? And out of this group of drinking and smoking young adults…there is Zack following me around like a lost puppy trying to talk to me, and most likely kiss me before I never see him again. He takes my arm and swings me into him; he wraps his arms around me. “When am I going to see you again?” He asks the most painful questions, the heart throbbing, tear jerking questions that I can’t answer. Like what came first the chicken or the egg, although it’s more mind boggling then painful. But I look him in the eyes and it seems to calm his heart down.
“I don’t know, but I need you to help me find Casey. How did this all happen?” I through my hands up in the air and look around at the people.
“I don’t know, parties like this always get out of hand, but I’ll ask around…she couldn’t have gone very far.” He brushes past me and I have a flash back to when she almost drowned, we were 5 and playing beach volleyball, when it rolled into the lake. We followed it to the dock, and it drifted farther beyond the dock, my parents were on the porch reading the newspaper together. So I suggested that we take a paddle, but my arms are shorter so Casey started swatting at it. She stepped in closer and leaned in a little more, causing her to fall in. Just then I feel my hand gripping Zack’s, and I hear his voice. “Riley…what’s wrong?” He has panic in his voice.
“She can’t swim.” I dart back towards the beach, looking high and low for her, my heart beating.
“Riley I found her.” Zack ran after me and grabbed a hold of my arm, we swerved in and out of people.
“Where are we going?” I finally asked him leading me up the hill to a cabin.
“When I feel light headed or had a bit to drink I like to sleep…” he opens the door to one of the cabins and I flick on the lights.
“Did you see her drinking?” I ask him quietly, just then a figure on one of the top bunks, which startled me into Zack’s arms again.
“I only had two…I am not drunk.” Casey takes the blanket off of her face. “What time is it? I gotta work tomorrow.” She climbs off the bunk bed and slips her shoes off.
Zack clears his throat. “It’s midnight.” My jaw drops and I take Casey’s hand leading her back out side.
“Wait you’re not going to say good-bye.” Casey breaths down my neck and I smell the cheap beer.
“We said good-bye.” I mumbled helping her down a couple steps towards our canoe.
“GOOD BYE!” Zack yelled, Casey looked back and tugged on my arm.
“I can’t look back, it’s like looking into a lost puppies eyes, and it’s like stealing candy from a baby. And he’s so…it’s so hard not to kiss him.” She tugs on my arm again and I look back at him walking towards us. “Okay time to go.” I grab her hand and she runs into the water as I un-tie the knot on the tree.
“He has my sweater, that’s a damn good sweater!” she hissed.
“I’ll get you a new one!” I say at a loud whisper.
“It’s creepy.” She climbs into the canoe, and I climb in after her.
“Buddy!! GAH!” I climb back out and Casey falls out. She starts laughing. “Okay you stay here, I’ll get the sweater and Buddy…don’t move.” I walk back up onto the grass and Buddy runs up to me and drops Casey’s sweater at my feet. I pick it up and hold onto Buddy’s bright blue collar. I look up and find Zack sitting on a log mesmerized by the fire.
“Come on!” Casey calls over to me, so I wave good-bye to Zack and head back to the canoe. My legs are already numb from walking into the water the first time, but I defiantly should have said a better memorable good-bye…then a wave. Ag God! I’m pathetic! “Get the paddle! Get the paddle!” Casey points at it floating back to the shore.
“It’s right there.” We both start reaching for it but the boat floats further out.
“I got it.” Zack walks into the water, and reaches the paddle out in front of him for me to grab onto. I reach a little further and he pulls me and the boat closer to him. We stop with a jolt on the sand. He let’s go of the paddle and I hand it over to Casey. “So you got everything…you’re good to go.” I smile and give him a simple nod, he turns back in.
“Riley, if you don’t kiss him I will.” And it was a good enough boost to get back out again and drag the canoe onto the shore so it won’t budge. I watch him walk down the beach a little ways.
“Zack! Wait!” I run after him, he turns around swiftly and I jump on him. He wraps his arms around me, and carefully sets me down on my feet. “I programmed my phone number into your cell phone…so you can call me whenever, and we can talk about whatever.” He smiles.
“Okay.” I look into his eyes one last time, place one hand on the back of his head, and the other on the side of his face. I lean in and he leans in the rest of the way. Our lips touch for a moment when I hear Buddy barking and Casey trying to shut him up. He pulls me back into a deeper passionate kiss; his lips are soft, and not too hard against mine. They separate. “I’ll call you.” I kiss him again.
“Good-bye.” He kisses me back.
“Riley your dad is going to kill you!!” Casey called to me, and our hands lose grip. I ran into the water and climbed into the boat. Zack ran into the water after me.
“I’ll come with you.” He holds onto the canoe, I look past him at flickering red and blue lights turning in, then the sirens. “Crap…” he lets go. And I blow him a kiss good-bye, then turn around with the widest smile and start to paddle feverishly.
“That’s my dad.” Casey whispers. “Shit…I gotta get home before his shift ends.” She says to herself.
“You can sleep over.” I state simply, she shakes her head.
“Can’t…mass tomorrow.”
“Come on you can skip it.”
“I can drive home, I slept most of it off…and I didn’t call or anything…so my mom is probably worried sick.” That is probably true; her mom is a little over protective.
“Are you sure, how much did you drink?” I asked her as we paddle up to my dock.
“Clearly not enough to knock me out so you and Zack could finish up that kissing.” She teased; I jumped out and tied the rope tight onto the dock post. I help her out and she holds onto me swaying a little from the water under the dock shakes. She snaps out of it and we walk together chatting about our night. Buddy runs into his dog house, probably scarred to death since we rocked the canoe almost flipping it a couple times.
“Are you sure you can drive home?” I ask her one last time before she gets into her pick-up.
“Yes, I’m fine.” She hops in and puts the key into the ignition. “Love ya sista, I want to hear all about the phone calls, in full detail.” I giggle and cross my hands across my chest as she backs out.
“Love ya! And Casey!” she puts the breaks on and looks out the window back at me. “Be careful all me when you get home, okay?”
“Okay…bye.” She waves and drives off almost forgetting to stop and look, but she does and turns down the road, around the bend and out of sight.
I make my way into the house, up the stairs, down the hall and into my bedroom. It won’t be another 3 hours until I get awaken by a phone call, but of course I can’t find the phone in my messy, pitch black room. So I see what all the commotion is downstairs, I watch my mom pouring coffee and my dad in the living room getting off the phone. Looking out of words, I sit down at the kitchen table confused. Mom sits beside me, and dad takes my hand.
“Riley…I am so so sorry.” Mom hugs me and I look at her like she’s gone nuts.
© Copyright 2008 Shanna-rama88 (canadagirl88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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