Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1445104-the-cullens-baby
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Family · #1445104
Bella's pregnant the voturi are watching her.the cullens are in for surprises
Bella's POV

I couldn't stop looking at it… it wasn't possible. Even Carlisle said it wasn't possible.

I heard a knock on the door. "Bella, love..whats wrong?" it was my god like husband Edward.

" im fine." I knew I was a horrible liar. "Bella please come out of there and tell me what's' going on" As I walked out the door he grabbed my waist. "tell me" Edward whispered in my ear.

"Edward if you really want to know…hmm lets go sit down" I said with a sigh. He followed close behind. As we got to the living room Alice lunged at me.

" Im so happy for you and Edward!" I smiled and looked at Edward. He had the most puzzled look on his face.” Bella tell me right now!" Edward said in the most calm voice he could managed at this time.

"Edward im…." I got out in a whisper. That I don't even think a vampire could hear. "she's pregnant!" Alice practically screamed. Edward looked stunned.

Edward POV

I was stunned. If I had to breath I sure as hell wouldn't be. I think I was out in my own world thinking about our baby Until I heard crying. Shit it was Bella…what did I do?

"Bella..shh..I didn't mean.." was all I got out.

" you hate me!" she practically screamed at me. "Bella, love I would never ever hate you"

"promise me that Edward." it was more of a statement then a question. But I quickly answered. "yes of course Bella"

Bella's POV

Before I knew what happened I was being picked up by Edward and at vampire speed we were running up the stairs into our room. "its time for all humans to go to bed" and with that Edward started to sing me my lullaby. I slowly drifted to sleep.

Edward POV

As soon as Bella was asleep I went down stairs to find Carlisle. "Carlisle I need to talk to you, its important."

" yes Edward?" he was always so damn calm. " its Bella. She's pregnant."

" yes I did heard the scream from Alice and of course we cant miss her jumping around."

No and of course she see the future and knew it was coming before any one of us did. "my concern is what will happen..to the baby.?”

“ah I see your worried about the baby” he said it like it wasn’t a big deal that our baby was going to be half vampire. I thought to myself. “well yes of course Carlisle.

“ he thought for a moment then answer me “ill see her tomorrow” with that I turned to go back to the love of my life.

Bella POV

As I got up all I knew was I didn’t feel good. I rushed to to the bathroom.

Edward was by my side in less then a second holding my hair back. “you okay?” he asked with concern.

“Edward im fine…it just morning sickness”

“is this normal Bella?” I laughed to myself. “ yes Edward it’s normal”

He sighed with relief which made me laugh out loud.

“what are you laughing about Bella cullen?” he gave me my favorite crooked smile.

“on nothing Edward Cullen”

“It’s time to go see Carlisle” Edward sounded so excited.

I smiled and got up to go to the bathroom to take a shower. But before I could get there Edward grabbed me hand. “Bella I want you to know what ever happens I will always be there”

I nodded my head and went for the bath room. I closed the door and started taking my shirt off. I gasped when I looked in the mirror.

Edward came running in. “what happened!?”

“look!!” as I pointed to my rather large baby bump. Oh dear how far along am I? I wondered to myself.

“We’ll ask Carlisle.” as if Edward read my thoughts.

So with that I pushed him out of the bathroom so I could finally take my damn shower.

I took a rather quick shower so I could see why my baby bump was so large.

As I cam out I saw Edward waiting “lets go” he said as he grabbed my hard and lead me to his Volvo. “ I want to come…please..” I heard Alice and rose beg.

“no” Edward said sharply.

“Edward stop it” I started crying. I didn’t know why ether.

“shh Bella please stop crying. I didn’t mean to”

“Edward relax she’s just having one of those emotionally times” esme reminded him

“im sorry” I managed to get out in a whisper.

“so can we go or what?” Alice asked.

I laughed and said sure

We all piled in the Volvo and started to drive. We were pretty close to the hospital when Edward turned to me and asked if we were going to tell Charlie?

Damn I didn’t even think of Charlie.

“well are we?”

“not yet..” then we were at the hospital were we meet Carlisle. We go into a room with bunny covered wall paper.

Carlisle made me sit on a bed and he rolled up my shirt. Then started to put on this warm jell on my large baby bump. Then he rolled a machine over the baby. I gasped. And I heard Alice and Rose scream.

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