Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1444369-Gravity
Rated: E · Chapter · Crime/Gangster · #1444369
This is a clip from a screenplay i am working on. Enjoy!
Harry takes a deep breath and turns the corner of the usually busy New York avenue as his pace increases with each step. He makes last minute adjustments to his beard as he steps closer to the base of the white marble building. Harry approaches closer as he pulls his tinted oversized glasses over his eyes and presses the timer on his stopwatch. Continuing his pace, Harry looks up at the sign above the white building and glances towards the two security cameras overlooking the entrance while making mental notes. He stops in his tracks and takes another deep breath and begins his journey up the steps towards the revolving doors. The security cameras facing the doors wobble with each step. With his final step the cameras give way and crash as Harry makes his way inside.

As Harry pushes the revolving door The sign above the white marble building reveal that it is 'First State Bank' begins to shake as it plummets toward the floor blocking any chance of escape.

Harry walks inside, takes a look around for any security cameras and sends them crashing to the floor. The patrons run to see what crashed outside as Harry walks up to the big busted teller.
"May I -", she is cut off by Harry who interupts by waving his hand at her. Her expression is curious. She looks over at the her manager who is disrupted by the crashed sign.
"I have two bags and I want you to fill them up with fifties and twenties," Harry says in a fake southern accent.
The cashier gives a skeptic smile,"are you being fun- is this a joke"? She looks at Harry who doesn't compromise his expression.
"You're being serious? You are being serious." Her expression changes to panic as she slowly takes the bags off the counter. She bends down to open her drawer.
"You don't want to press that, sweety".
It's too late, it's already been pressed. Harry lets out a sigh. Off in the corner a security guard approaches slowly.
"Here we go", Harry says with slight excitement. At this point everyone is focused on Harry and the cashier. The manager begins to approach them and Harry looks in her direction."Don't come any closer, ma'am".
Its too late. She stops in her tracks.
"I-I can't move", she says as she looks down at her feet.
"I told you not to move, sweetheart", Harry motions for the cashier to keep on packing the bags. She begins all too quickly.
"Good", says Harry. Harry looks down at his stopwatch and lets out a sigh. He begins tapping on the counter. Next to him, in the reflection of the brass vase he can see the security guard creeping closer. Harry ignores this and looks over at the manager who is trying to free her feet. The security guard takes another step closer and Harry turns towards him.
"That's close enough, partner" Harry says with no struggle. The guard looks at his feet which are stuck on the ground leaving his gun pointed towards Harry.
"What did you do"? The guard tries with all of his might to free himself. The marble floor beneath him begins to crack and the guard panics and fires his gun. The bullet makes its way towards Harry as his face grows from panic to anger. The bullet falls inches from Harry and doesn't stop there. It continues its path through the marble and creates a hole as it penetrates. Harry looks over at the guard as he begins to shake. The marble floor beneath the guard begins to crack and he instantly falls through the floor creating a hole. Harry peers in and shakes his head dissappointingly. Harry walks towards the counter and motions for her to proceed.
"The-the bags are full, sir", the cashier says in fear.
"You were wonderful", says Harry. He takes out a twenty and puts it in her blouse. She watches his hands and doesn't flinch. "Now, the rest of you, have a wonderful day, it's been great". Harry dissappears into the floor in an instant, leaving a hole the size of a chair.
Harry glides through the ground and lands in the sewers. A few dollars escape the bag and he picks them up with a smile. Harry begins to leave as he looks down at the guard who is struggling for his gun. Harry looks at the ceiling of the sewer and sees some loose bricks. The blow knocks the guard out cold. Harry shakes his head and walks away.
"That was easy". Harry walks towards the light at the end of the sewer.
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